* Initial sketches of rflink component. * Add requirement. * Properly load configuration. * Bump rflink for graceful parse errors and protocol callback. * Cleanup, documentation and linting. * More documentation, first sensor implementation (temp & hum). * Add brightness/dim support for newkaku protocol. * Use separate class for dimmables. * Make sure non-dimmable newkaku devices are turned on. * Move some code around, add switches. Support loading from config. * Fix bug in ignoring devices. * Fix initial state assumption. * Improve reliability on invalid conditions. * Allow configuration of group for new devices. * Sensor icons. * Fix parsing negative numbers. * Correct icon. * Allow sending commands serial. * Pluralize. * Allow adding sensors from config. * Fix ignoring devices and bugs in previous commit. * Share know devices so devices from configuration don't get added as lights. * Lookup unit from value_key. * Remove debug. * Start implementing event protocol in place of packet protocol. - Added first test suite for sensors. - This currently breaks light and switch. * Refactor switch component to fit new rflink changes. Add test suite. * Fix style. * Refactor and test lights. Bring coverage to 100%. * Use non-broken and production tested rflink module. * Update requirements. * Bump for logging. * Improve readability. * Do not use global variable but keep known device state in intended place. * Improve docs. * Make icon support generic. * Disable overriding icons in config, as it belongs in customization. Only keep custom icon for entities that are able to detect a icon based on the thing they represent (sensors in this case). * Implement configuration schema, overall refactor of magic values. * Fix bug in config/test wait_for_ack. * Small refactors. * Move command logic into separate class. * Convert command sending logic to class based pattern instead of using the event bus. * Start not using bus for rflink event propagation to platforms. * Do not use event bus for all entity types. * Fire an event on the bus for every switch incoming rflink command. * Resolve lint errors, remove some old code. * Known devices no longer need to be registered separately. * Log bus events. * Event callback is a..... callback. * Use full entity id for events. * Move event sending to entity. * Log incoming events. * Make firing events optional inline with rfxtrx. * Add foundation for signal repetition. * Add signal repetition config and tests. * Make plain switchable type explicitly configurable. * Enable default entity settings for automatically added entities as well. * Prevent default configuration leaking accross entities. * Make sure device defaults don't get overwritten by defaults further down. * Don't let fast state switching and repetitions turn your house into a disco. * Make repetitions more responsive. * Disable on/off fallback on dimmables as it currently doesn't play nice with repetitions. * Use rflink that allows send_command_ack to be safely cancelled. * Reduce duplication and make repeat work for non-ack. * Implement reconnection logic. * Improve reconnection logic. * Also cancel repetitions when entity state is changed due to external command. * Update requirements. * Fix linting. * Fix spelling. * Don't lie. * Fix lint. * Support for automatically creating protocol translation (fixes spaces in device names). * Returned support for dimmable and on/off entity. * Duplicate code to fix linting issues with inheritance. * Allow overriding unit of measurement from config.
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"""Support for Rflink components.
For more details about this component, please refer to the documentation at
Technical overview:
The Rflink gateway is a USB serial device (Arduino with Rflink firwmare)
connected to a 433Mhz transceiver module.
The the `rflink` Python module a asyncio transport/protocol is setup that
fires an callback for every (valid/supported) packet received by the Rflink
This component uses this callback to distribute 'rflink packet events' over
the HASS bus which can be subscribed to by entities/platform implementations.
The platform implementions take care of creating new devices (if enabled) for
unsees incoming packet id's.
Device Entities take care of matching to the packet id, interpreting and
performing actions based on the packet contents. Common entitiy logic is
maintained in this file.
import asyncio
from collections import defaultdict
import functools as ft
import logging
from homeassistant.const import (
from homeassistant.core import CoreState, callback
import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv
from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity
import voluptuous as vol
REQUIREMENTS = ['rflink==0.0.24']
DOMAIN = 'rflink'
CONF_ALIASSES = 'aliasses'
CONF_DEVICES = 'devices'
CONF_DEVICE_DEFAULTS = 'device_defaults'
CONF_FIRE_EVENT = 'fire_event'
CONF_IGNORE_DEVICES = 'ignore_devices'
CONF_NEW_DEVICES_GROUP = 'new_devices_group'
CONF_RECONNECT_INTERVAL = 'reconnect_interval'
CONF_SIGNAL_REPETITIONS = 'signal_repetitions'
CONF_WAIT_FOR_ACK = 'wait_for_ack'
CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({
DOMAIN: vol.Schema({
vol.Required(CONF_PORT): vol.Any(cv.port, cv.string),
vol.Optional(CONF_HOST, default=None): cv.string,
vol.Optional(CONF_WAIT_FOR_ACK, default=True): cv.boolean,
vol.Optional(CONF_IGNORE_DEVICES, default=[]):
vol.All(cv.ensure_list, [cv.string]),
}, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA)
ATTR_EVENT = 'event'
ATTR_STATE = 'state'
DATA_DEVICE_REGISTER = 'rflink_device_register'
DATA_ENTITY_LOOKUP = 'rflink_entity_lookup'
EVENT_BUTTON_PRESSED = 'button_pressed'
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def identify_event_type(event):
"""Look at event to determine type of device.
Async friendly.
if EVENT_KEY_COMMAND in event:
elif EVENT_KEY_SENSOR in event:
return 'unknown'
def async_setup(hass, config):
"""Setup the Rflink component."""
from rflink.protocol import create_rflink_connection
import serial
# allow entities to register themselves by device_id to be looked up when
# new rflink events arrive to be handled
hass.data[DATA_ENTITY_LOOKUP] = {
EVENT_KEY_COMMAND: defaultdict(list),
EVENT_KEY_SENSOR: defaultdict(list),
# allow platform to specify function to register new unknown devices
hass.data[DATA_DEVICE_REGISTER] = {}
def event_callback(event):
"""Handle incoming rflink events.
Rflink events arrive as dictionaries of varying content
depending on their type. Identify the events and distribute
event_type = identify_event_type(event)
_LOGGER.debug('event of type %s: %s', event_type, event)
# don't propagate non entity events (eg: version string, ack response)
if event_type not in hass.data[DATA_ENTITY_LOOKUP]:
_LOGGER.debug('unhandled event of type: %s', event_type)
# lookup entities who registered this device id as device id or alias
event_id = event.get('id', None)
entities = hass.data[DATA_ENTITY_LOOKUP][event_type][event_id]
if entities:
# propagate event to every entity matching the device id
for entity in entities:
_LOGGER.debug('passing event to %s', entities)
_LOGGER.debug('device_id not known, adding new device')
# if device is not yet known, register with platform (if loaded)
if event_type in hass.data[DATA_DEVICE_REGISTER]:
hass.data[DATA_DEVICE_REGISTER][event_type], event)
# when connecting to tcp host instead of serial port (optional)
host = config[DOMAIN][CONF_HOST]
# tcp port when host configured, otherwise serial port
port = config[DOMAIN][CONF_PORT]
def reconnect(exc=None):
"""Schedule reconnect after connection has been unexpectedly lost."""
# reset protocol binding before starting reconnect
# if HA is not stopping, initiate new connection
if hass.state != CoreState.stopping:
_LOGGER.warning('disconnected from Rflink, reconnecting')
def connect():
"""Setup connection and hook it into HA for reconnect/shutdown."""
_LOGGER.info('initiating Rflink connection')
# rflink create_rflink_connection decides based on the value of host
# (string or None) if serial or tcp mode should be used
# initiate serial/tcp connection to Rflink gateway
connection = create_rflink_connection(
transport, protocol = yield from connection
except (serial.serialutil.SerialException, ConnectionRefusedError,
TimeoutError) as exc:
reconnect_interval = config[DOMAIN][CONF_RECONNECT_INTERVAL]
'error connecting to Rflink, reconnecting in %s',
hass.loop.call_later(reconnect_interval, reconnect, exc)
# bind protocol to command class to allow entities to send commands
protocol, config[DOMAIN][CONF_WAIT_FOR_ACK])
# handle shutdown of rflink asyncio transport
lambda x: transport.close())
_LOGGER.info('connected to Rflink')
# make initial connection
yield from connect()
# whoo
return True
class RflinkDevice(Entity):
"""Represents a Rflink device.
Contains the common logic for Rflink entities.
# should be set by component implementation
platform = None
# default state
def __init__(self, device_id, hass, name=None,
aliasses=None, fire_event=False,
"""Initialize the device."""
self.hass = hass
# rflink specific attributes for every component type
self._device_id = device_id
if name:
self._name = name
self._name = device_id
# generate list of device_ids to match against
if aliasses:
self._aliasses = aliasses
self._aliasses = []
self._should_fire_event = fire_event
self._signal_repetitions = signal_repetitions
def handle_event(self, event):
"""Handle incoming event for device type."""
# call platform specific event handler
# propagate changes through ha
# put command onto bus for user to subscribe to
if self._should_fire_event and identify_event_type(
self.hass.bus.fire(EVENT_BUTTON_PRESSED, {
ATTR_ENTITY_ID: self.entity_id,
'fired bus event for %s: %s',
def _handle_event(self, event):
"""Platform specific event handler."""
raise NotImplementedError()
def should_poll(self):
"""No polling needed."""
return False
def name(self):
"""Return a name for the device."""
return self._name
def is_on(self):
"""Return true if device is on."""
if self.assumed_state:
return False
return self._state
def assumed_state(self):
"""Assume device state until first device event sets state."""
return self._state is STATE_UNKNOWN
class RflinkCommand(RflinkDevice):
"""Singleton class to make Rflink command interface available to entities.
This class is to be inherited by every Entity class that is actionable
(switches/lights). It exposes the Rflink command interface for these
The Rflink interface is managed as a class level and set during setup (and
reset on reconnect).
# keep repetition tasks to cancel if state is changed before repetitions
# are sent
_repetition_task = None
def set_rflink_protocol(cls, protocol, wait_ack=None):
"""Set the Rflink asyncio protocol as a class variable."""
cls._protocol = protocol
if wait_ack is not None:
cls._wait_ack = wait_ack
def _async_handle_command(self, command, *args):
"""Do bookkeeping for command, send it to rflink and update state."""
if command == "turn_on":
cmd = 'on'
self._state = True
elif command == 'turn_off':
cmd = 'off'
self._state = False
elif command == 'dim':
# convert brightness to rflink dim level
cmd = str(int(args[0] / 17))
self._state = True
# send initial command and queue repetitions
# this allows the entity state to be updated quickly and not having to
# wait for all repetitions to be sent
yield from self._async_send_command(cmd, self._signal_repetitions)
# Update state of entity
yield from self.async_update_ha_state()
def cancel_queued_send_commands(self):
"""Cancel queued signal repetition commands.
For example when user changed state while repetitions are still
queued for broadcast. Or when a incoming Rflink command (remote
switch) changes the state.
# cancel any outstanding tasks from the previous state change
if self._repetition_task:
def _async_send_command(self, cmd, repetitions):
"""Send a command for device to Rflink gateway."""
_LOGGER.debug('sending command: %s to rflink device: %s',
cmd, self._device_id)
if self._wait_ack:
# Puts command on outgoing buffer then waits for Rflink to confirm
# the command has been send out in the ether.
yield from self._protocol.send_command_ack(self._device_id, cmd)
# Puts command on outgoing buffer and returns straight away.
# Rflink protocol/transport handles asynchronous writing of buffer
# to serial/tcp device. Does not wait for command send
# confirmation.
self.hass.loop.run_in_executor(None, ft.partial(
self._protocol.send_command, self._device_id, cmd))
if repetitions > 1:
self._repetition_task = self.hass.loop.create_task(
self._async_send_command(cmd, repetitions - 1))
class SwitchableRflinkDevice(RflinkCommand):
"""Rflink entity which can switch on/off (eg: light, switch)."""
def _handle_event(self, event):
"""Adjust state if Rflink picks up a remote command for this device."""
command = event['command']
if command == 'on':
self._state = True
elif command == 'off':
self._state = False
def async_turn_on(self, **kwargs):
"""Turn the device on."""
yield from self._async_handle_command("turn_on")
def async_turn_off(self, **kwargs):
"""Turn the device off."""
yield from self._async_handle_command("turn_off")