🏡 Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first.
* Initial sketches of rflink component. * Add requirement. * Properly load configuration. * Bump rflink for graceful parse errors and protocol callback. * Cleanup, documentation and linting. * More documentation, first sensor implementation (temp & hum). * Add brightness/dim support for newkaku protocol. * Use separate class for dimmables. * Make sure non-dimmable newkaku devices are turned on. * Move some code around, add switches. Support loading from config. * Fix bug in ignoring devices. * Fix initial state assumption. * Improve reliability on invalid conditions. * Allow configuration of group for new devices. * Sensor icons. * Fix parsing negative numbers. * Correct icon. * Allow sending commands serial. * Pluralize. * Allow adding sensors from config. * Fix ignoring devices and bugs in previous commit. * Share know devices so devices from configuration don't get added as lights. * Lookup unit from value_key. * Remove debug. * Start implementing event protocol in place of packet protocol. - Added first test suite for sensors. - This currently breaks light and switch. * Refactor switch component to fit new rflink changes. Add test suite. * Fix style. * Refactor and test lights. Bring coverage to 100%. * Use non-broken and production tested rflink module. * Update requirements. * Bump for logging. * Improve readability. * Do not use global variable but keep known device state in intended place. * Improve docs. * Make icon support generic. * Disable overriding icons in config, as it belongs in customization. Only keep custom icon for entities that are able to detect a icon based on the thing they represent (sensors in this case). * Implement configuration schema, overall refactor of magic values. * Fix bug in config/test wait_for_ack. * Small refactors. * Move command logic into separate class. * Convert command sending logic to class based pattern instead of using the event bus. * Start not using bus for rflink event propagation to platforms. * Do not use event bus for all entity types. * Fire an event on the bus for every switch incoming rflink command. * Resolve lint errors, remove some old code. * Known devices no longer need to be registered separately. * Log bus events. * Event callback is a..... callback. * Use full entity id for events. * Move event sending to entity. * Log incoming events. * Make firing events optional inline with rfxtrx. * Add foundation for signal repetition. * Add signal repetition config and tests. * Make plain switchable type explicitly configurable. * Enable default entity settings for automatically added entities as well. * Prevent default configuration leaking accross entities. * Make sure device defaults don't get overwritten by defaults further down. * Don't let fast state switching and repetitions turn your house into a disco. * Make repetitions more responsive. * Disable on/off fallback on dimmables as it currently doesn't play nice with repetitions. * Use rflink that allows send_command_ack to be safely cancelled. * Reduce duplication and make repeat work for non-ack. * Implement reconnection logic. * Improve reconnection logic. * Also cancel repetitions when entity state is changed due to external command. * Update requirements. * Fix linting. * Fix spelling. * Don't lie. * Fix lint. * Support for automatically creating protocol translation (fixes spaces in device names). * Returned support for dimmable and on/off entity. * Duplicate code to fix linting issues with inheritance. * Allow overriding unit of measurement from config. |
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Home Assistant |Build Status| |Coverage Status| |Join the chat at https://gitter.im/home-assistant/home-assistant| |Join the dev chat at https://gitter.im/home-assistant/home-assistant/devs| ============================================================================================================================================================================================== Home Assistant is a home automation platform running on Python 3. The goal of Home Assistant is to be able to track and control all devices at home and offer a platform for automating control. To get started: .. code:: bash python3 -m pip install homeassistant hass --open-ui Check out `the website <https://home-assistant.io>`__ for `a demo <https://home-assistant.io/demo/>`__, installation instructions, tutorials and documentation. |screenshot-states| Examples of devices Home Assistant can interface with: - Monitoring connected devices to a wireless router: `OpenWrt <https://openwrt.org/>`__, `Tomato <http://www.polarcloud.com/tomato>`__, `Netgear <http://netgear.com>`__, `DD-WRT <http://www.dd-wrt.com/site/index>`__, `TPLink <http://www.tp-link.us/>`__, `ASUSWRT <http://event.asus.com/2013/nw/ASUSWRT/>`__, `Xiaomi <http://miwifi.com/>`__ and any SNMP capable Linksys WAP/WRT - `Philips Hue <http://meethue.com>`__ lights, `WeMo <http://www.belkin.com/us/Products/home-automation/c/wemo-home-automation/>`__ switches, `Edimax <http://www.edimax.com/>`__ switches, `Efergy <https://efergy.com>`__ energy monitoring, and `Tellstick <http://www.telldus.se/products/tellstick>`__ devices and sensors - `Google Chromecasts <http://www.google.com/intl/en/chrome/devices/chromecast>`__, `Music Player Daemon <http://www.musicpd.org/>`__, `Logitech Squeezebox <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Squeezebox_%28network_music_player%29>`__, `Plex <https://plex.tv/>`__, `Kodi (XBMC) <http://kodi.tv/>`__, iTunes (by way of `itunes-api <https://github.com/maddox/itunes-api>`__), and Amazon Fire TV (by way of `python-firetv <https://github.com/happyleavesaoc/python-firetv>`__) - Support for `ISY994 <https://www.universal-devices.com/residential/isy994i-series/>`__ (Insteon and X10 devices), `Z-Wave <http://www.z-wave.com/>`__, `Nest Thermostats <https://nest.com/>`__, `RFXtrx <http://www.rfxcom.com/>`__, `Arduino <https://www.arduino.cc/>`__, `Raspberry Pi <https://www.raspberrypi.org/>`__, and `Modbus <http://www.modbus.org/>`__ - Interaction with `IFTTT <https://ifttt.com/>`__ - Integrate data from the `Bitcoin <https://bitcoin.org>`__ network, meteorological data from `OpenWeatherMap <http://openweathermap.org/>`__ and `Forecast.io <https://forecast.io/>`__, `Transmission <http://www.transmissionbt.com/>`__, or `SABnzbd <http://sabnzbd.org>`__. - `See full list of supported devices <https://home-assistant.io/components/>`__ Build home automation on top of your devices: - Keep a precise history of every change to the state of your house - Turn on the lights when people get home after sunset - Turn on lights slowly during sunset to compensate for less light - Turn off all lights and devices when everybody leaves the house - Offers a `REST API <https://home-assistant.io/developers/rest_api/>`__ and can interface with MQTT for easy integration with other projects like `OwnTracks <http://owntracks.org/>`__ - Allow sending notifications using `Instapush <https://instapush.im>`__, `Notify My Android (NMA) <http://www.notifymyandroid.com/>`__, `PushBullet <https://www.pushbullet.com/>`__, `PushOver <https://pushover.net/>`__, `Slack <https://slack.com/>`__, `Telegram <https://telegram.org/>`__, `Join <http://joaoapps.com/join/>`__, and `Jabber (XMPP) <http://xmpp.org>`__ The system is built using a modular approach so support for other devices or actions can be implemented easily. See also the `section on architecture <https://home-assistant.io/developers/architecture/>`__ and the `section on creating your own components <https://home-assistant.io/developers/creating_components/>`__. If you run into issues while using Home Assistant or during development of a component, check the `Home Assistant help section <https://home-assistant.io/help/>`__ of our website for further help and information. .. |Build Status| image:: https://travis-ci.org/home-assistant/home-assistant.svg?branch=master :target: https://travis-ci.org/home-assistant/home-assistant .. |Coverage Status| image:: https://img.shields.io/coveralls/home-assistant/home-assistant.svg :target: https://coveralls.io/r/home-assistant/home-assistant?branch=master .. |Join the chat at https://gitter.im/home-assistant/home-assistant| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/gitter-general-blue.svg :target: https://gitter.im/home-assistant/home-assistant?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge .. |Join the dev chat at https://gitter.im/home-assistant/home-assistant/devs| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/gitter-development-yellowgreen.svg :target: https://gitter.im/home-assistant/home-assistant/devs?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge .. |screenshot-states| image:: https://raw.github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/master/docs/screenshots.png :target: https://home-assistant.io/demo/