Paulus Schoutsen 3fd61d8f45 Update voluputous (#12463)
* Update voluputous

* Fix http config

* Fix optional with default=None

* Optional, default=none

* Fix defaults in voluptuous schemas

* Fix tests

* Fix update error

* Lint
2018-02-17 10:29:14 +01:00

140 lines
4.2 KiB

Support for Sense HAT sensors.
For more details about this component, please refer to the documentation at
import os
import logging
from datetime import timedelta
import voluptuous as vol
from homeassistant.components.sensor import PLATFORM_SCHEMA
from homeassistant.const import (TEMP_CELSIUS, CONF_DISPLAY_OPTIONS, CONF_NAME)
import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv
from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity
from homeassistant.util import Throttle
REQUIREMENTS = ['sense-hat==2.2.0']
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
DEFAULT_NAME = 'sensehat'
CONF_IS_HAT_ATTACHED = 'is_hat_attached'
MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_UPDATES = timedelta(seconds=60)
'temperature': ['temperature', TEMP_CELSIUS],
'humidity': ['humidity', '%'],
'pressure': ['pressure', 'mb'],
vol.Required(CONF_DISPLAY_OPTIONS, default=list(SENSOR_TYPES)):
vol.Optional(CONF_NAME, default=DEFAULT_NAME): cv.string,
vol.Optional(CONF_IS_HAT_ATTACHED, default=True): cv.boolean
def get_cpu_temp():
"""Get CPU temperature."""
res = os.popen("vcgencmd measure_temp").readline()
t_cpu = float(res.replace("temp=", "").replace("'C\n", ""))
return t_cpu
def get_average(temp_base):
"""Use moving average to get better readings."""
if not hasattr(get_average, "temp"):
get_average.temp = [temp_base, temp_base, temp_base]
get_average.temp[2] = get_average.temp[1]
get_average.temp[1] = get_average.temp[0]
get_average.temp[0] = temp_base
temp_avg = (get_average.temp[0] + get_average.temp[1]
+ get_average.temp[2]) / 3
return temp_avg
def setup_platform(hass, config, add_devices, discovery_info=None):
"""Set up the Sense HAT sensor platform."""
data = SenseHatData(config.get(CONF_IS_HAT_ATTACHED))
dev = []
for variable in config[CONF_DISPLAY_OPTIONS]:
dev.append(SenseHatSensor(data, variable))
add_devices(dev, True)
class SenseHatSensor(Entity):
"""Representation of a Sense HAT sensor."""
def __init__(self, data, sensor_types):
"""Initialize the sensor."""
self.data = data
self._name = SENSOR_TYPES[sensor_types][0]
self._unit_of_measurement = SENSOR_TYPES[sensor_types][1]
self.type = sensor_types
self._state = None
def name(self):
"""Return the name of the sensor."""
return self._name
def state(self):
"""Return the state of the sensor."""
return self._state
def unit_of_measurement(self):
"""Return the unit the value is expressed in."""
return self._unit_of_measurement
def update(self):
"""Get the latest data and updates the states."""
if not self.data.humidity:
_LOGGER.error("Don't receive data")
if self.type == 'temperature':
self._state = self.data.temperature
if self.type == 'humidity':
self._state = self.data.humidity
if self.type == 'pressure':
self._state = self.data.pressure
class SenseHatData(object):
"""Get the latest data and update."""
def __init__(self, is_hat_attached):
"""Initialize the data object."""
self.temperature = None
self.humidity = None
self.pressure = None
self.is_hat_attached = is_hat_attached
def update(self):
"""Get the latest data from Sense HAT."""
from sense_hat import SenseHat
sense = SenseHat()
temp_from_h = sense.get_temperature_from_humidity()
temp_from_p = sense.get_temperature_from_pressure()
t_total = (temp_from_h + temp_from_p) / 2
if self.is_hat_attached:
t_cpu = get_cpu_temp()
t_correct = t_total - ((t_cpu - t_total) / 1.5)
t_correct = get_average(t_correct)
t_correct = get_average(t_total)
self.temperature = t_correct
self.humidity = sense.get_humidity()
self.pressure = sense.get_pressure()