- If the user had previously duplicated data we could end up
picking the next metadata_id and there could be stale rows
in the database that have that metadata_id. This can only happen
from bad manual migrations (which is what this is function
is validating in the first place). To solve this we now insert
data with a future date and look at the latest inserted row
instead of the first.
defaultdict(<class 'list'>,
{'recorder.db_test_schema': [{'end': 948589200.0,
'last_reset': None,
'max': None,
'mean': 2021.0,
'min': None,
'start': 948585600.0,
'state': None,
'sum': 394.5068},
{'end': 1601946000.000001,
'last_reset': 1601942400.000001,
'max': 1.000000000000001,
'mean': 1.000000000000001,
'min': 1.000000000000001,
'start': 1601942400.000001,
'state': 1.000000000000001,
'sum': 1.000000000000001}]})]