214 lines
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214 lines
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Provides functionality to group devices that can be turned on or off.
import logging
import homeassistant as ha
import homeassistant.util as util
from homeassistant.const import (
DOMAIN = "group"
ATTR_AUTO = "auto"
# List of ON/OFF state tuples for groupable states
_GROUPS = {}
def _get_group_on_off(state):
""" Determine the group on/off states based on a state. """
for states in _GROUP_TYPES:
if state in states:
return states
return None, None
def is_on(hass, entity_id):
""" Returns if the group state is in its ON-state. """
state = hass.states.get(entity_id)
if state:
group_on, _ = _get_group_on_off(state.state)
# If we found a group_type, compare to ON-state
return group_on is not None and state.state == group_on
return False
def expand_entity_ids(hass, entity_ids):
""" Returns the given list of entity ids and expands group ids into
the entity ids it represents if found. """
found_ids = []
for entity_id in entity_ids:
# If entity_id points at a group, expand it
domain, _ = util.split_entity_id(entity_id)
if domain == DOMAIN:
ent_id for ent_id
in get_entity_ids(hass, entity_id)
if ent_id not in found_ids)
if entity_id not in found_ids:
except AttributeError:
# Raised by util.split_entity_id if entity_id is not a string
return found_ids
def get_entity_ids(hass, entity_id, domain_filter=None):
""" Get the entity ids that make up this group. """
entity_ids = hass.states.get(entity_id).attributes[ATTR_ENTITY_ID]
if domain_filter:
return [ent_id for ent_id in entity_ids
if ent_id.startswith(domain_filter)]
return entity_ids
except (AttributeError, KeyError):
# AttributeError if state did not exist
# KeyError if key did not exist in attributes
return []
def setup(hass, config):
""" Sets up all groups found definded in the configuration. """
for name, entity_ids in config.get(DOMAIN, {}).items():
entity_ids = entity_ids.split(",")
setup_group(hass, name, entity_ids)
return True
def setup_group(hass, name, entity_ids, user_defined=True):
""" Sets up a group state that is the combined state of
several states. Supports ON/OFF and DEVICE_HOME/DEVICE_NOT_HOME. """
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# In case an iterable is passed in
entity_ids = list(entity_ids)
if not entity_ids:
'Error setting up group %s: no entities passed in to track', name)
return False
# Loop over the given entities to:
# - determine which group type this is (on_off, device_home)
# - determine which states exist and have groupable states
# - determine the current state of the group
warnings = []
group_ids = []
group_on, group_off = None, None
group_state = False
for entity_id in entity_ids:
state = hass.states.get(entity_id)
# Try to determine group type if we didn't yet
if group_on is None and state:
group_on, group_off = _get_group_on_off(state.state)
if group_on is None:
# We did not find a matching group_type
"Entity {} has ungroupable state '{}'".format(
name, state.state))
# Check if entity exists
if not state:
warnings.append("Entity {} does not exist".format(entity_id))
# Check if entity is invalid state
elif state.state != group_off and state.state != group_on:
warnings.append("State of {} is {} (expected: {} or {})".format(
entity_id, state.state, group_off, group_on))
# We have a valid group state
# Keep track of the group state to init later on
group_state = group_state or state.state == group_on
# If none of the entities could be found during setup
if not group_ids:
logger.error('Unable to find any entities to track for group %s', name)
return False
elif warnings:
'Warnings during setting up group %s: %s',
name, ", ".join(warnings))
group_entity_id = ENTITY_ID_FORMAT.format(util.slugify(name))
state = group_on if group_state else group_off
state_attr = {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: entity_ids, ATTR_AUTO: not user_defined}
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
def update_group_state(entity_id, old_state, new_state):
""" Updates the group state based on a state change by
a tracked entity. """
cur_gr_state = hass.states.get(group_entity_id).state
# if cur_gr_state = OFF and new_state = ON: set ON
# if cur_gr_state = ON and new_state = OFF: research
# else: ignore
if cur_gr_state == group_off and new_state.state == group_on:
hass.states.set(group_entity_id, group_on, state_attr)
elif cur_gr_state == group_on and new_state.state == group_off:
# Check if any of the other states is still on
if not any([hass.states.is_state(ent_id, group_on)
for ent_id in group_ids
if entity_id != ent_id]):
hass.states.set(group_entity_id, group_off, state_attr)
_GROUPS[group_entity_id] = hass.states.track_change(
group_ids, update_group_state)
hass.states.set(group_entity_id, state, state_attr)
return True
def remove_group(hass, name):
""" Remove a group and its state listener from Home Assistant. """
group_entity_id = ENTITY_ID_FORMAT.format(util.slugify(name))
if hass.states.get(group_entity_id) is not None:
if group_entity_id in _GROUPS:
ha.EVENT_STATE_CHANGED, _GROUPS.pop(group_entity_id))