244 lines
6.8 KiB
244 lines
6.8 KiB
"""Test Home Assistant util methods."""
from unittest.mock import patch, MagicMock
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import pytest
from homeassistant import util
import homeassistant.util.dt as dt_util
def test_sanitize_filename():
"""Test sanitize_filename."""
assert util.sanitize_filename("test") == 'test'
assert util.sanitize_filename("/test") == 'test'
assert util.sanitize_filename("..test") == 'test'
assert util.sanitize_filename("\\test") == 'test'
assert util.sanitize_filename("\\../test") == 'test'
def test_sanitize_path():
"""Test sanitize_path."""
assert util.sanitize_path("test/path") == 'test/path'
assert util.sanitize_path("~test/path") == 'test/path'
assert util.sanitize_path("~/../test/path") == '//test/path'
def test_slugify():
"""Test slugify."""
assert util.slugify("T-!@#$!#@$!$est") == 't_est'
assert util.slugify("Test More") == 'test_more'
assert util.slugify("Test_(More)") == 'test_more'
assert util.slugify("Tèst_Mörê") == 'test_more'
assert util.slugify("B8:27:EB:00:00:00") == 'b8_27_eb_00_00_00'
assert util.slugify("test.com") == 'test_com'
assert util.slugify("greg_phone - exp_wayp1") == 'greg_phone_exp_wayp1'
assert util.slugify("We are, we are, a... Test Calendar") == \
assert util.slugify("Tèst_äöüß_ÄÖÜ") == 'test_aouss_aou'
assert util.slugify("影師嗎") == 'ying_shi_ma'
assert util.slugify("けいふぉんと") == 'keihuonto'
def test_repr_helper():
"""Test repr_helper."""
assert util.repr_helper("A") == 'A'
assert util.repr_helper(5) == '5'
assert util.repr_helper(True) == 'True'
assert util.repr_helper({"test": 1}) == 'test=1'
assert util.repr_helper(datetime(1986, 7, 9, 12, 0, 0)) == \
def test_convert():
"""Test convert."""
assert util.convert("5", int) == 5
assert util.convert("5", float) == 5.0
assert util.convert("True", bool) is True
assert util.convert("NOT A NUMBER", int, 1) == 1
assert util.convert(None, int, 1) == 1
assert util.convert(object, int, 1) == 1
def test_ensure_unique_string():
"""Test ensure_unique_string."""
assert util.ensure_unique_string("Beer", ["Beer", "Beer_2"]) == 'Beer_3'
assert util.ensure_unique_string("Beer", ["Wine", "Soda"]) == 'Beer'
def test_ordered_enum():
"""Test the ordered enum class."""
class TestEnum(util.OrderedEnum):
"""Test enum that can be ordered."""
assert TestEnum.SECOND >= TestEnum.FIRST
assert TestEnum.SECOND >= TestEnum.SECOND
assert TestEnum.SECOND < TestEnum.THIRD
assert TestEnum.SECOND > TestEnum.FIRST
assert TestEnum.SECOND <= TestEnum.SECOND
assert TestEnum.SECOND <= TestEnum.THIRD
assert TestEnum.SECOND > TestEnum.FIRST
assert TestEnum.SECOND <= TestEnum.SECOND
assert TestEnum.SECOND <= TestEnum.THIRD
assert TestEnum.SECOND >= TestEnum.FIRST
assert TestEnum.SECOND >= TestEnum.SECOND
assert TestEnum.SECOND < TestEnum.THIRD
# Python will raise a TypeError if the <, <=, >, >= methods
# raise a NotImplemented error.
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
TestEnum.FIRST < 1
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
TestEnum.FIRST <= 1
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
TestEnum.FIRST > 1
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
TestEnum.FIRST >= 1
def test_throttle():
"""Test the add cooldown decorator."""
calls1 = []
calls2 = []
def test_throttle1():
@util.Throttle(timedelta(seconds=4), timedelta(seconds=2))
def test_throttle2():
now = dt_util.utcnow()
plus3 = now + timedelta(seconds=3)
plus5 = plus3 + timedelta(seconds=2)
# Call first time and ensure methods got called
assert len(calls1) == 1
assert len(calls2) == 1
# Call second time. Methods should not get called
assert len(calls1) == 1
assert len(calls2) == 1
# Call again, overriding throttle, only first one should fire
assert len(calls1) == 2
assert len(calls2) == 1
with patch('homeassistant.util.utcnow', return_value=plus3):
assert len(calls1) == 2
assert len(calls2) == 1
with patch('homeassistant.util.utcnow', return_value=plus5):
assert len(calls1) == 3
assert len(calls2) == 2
def test_throttle_per_instance():
"""Test that the throttle method is done per instance of a class."""
class Tester:
"""A tester class for the throttle."""
def hello(self):
"""Test the throttle."""
return True
assert Tester().hello()
assert Tester().hello()
def test_throttle_on_method():
"""Test that throttle works when wrapping a method."""
class Tester:
"""A tester class for the throttle."""
def hello(self):
"""Test the throttle."""
return True
tester = Tester()
throttled = util.Throttle(timedelta(seconds=1))(tester.hello)
assert throttled()
assert throttled() is None
def test_throttle_on_two_method():
"""Test that throttle works when wrapping two methods."""
class Tester:
"""A test class for the throttle."""
def hello(self):
"""Test the throttle."""
return True
def goodbye(self):
"""Test the throttle."""
return True
tester = Tester()
assert tester.hello()
assert tester.goodbye()
@patch.object(util, 'random')
def test_get_random_string(mock_random):
"""Test get random string."""
results = ['A', 'B', 'C']
def mock_choice(choices):
return results.pop(0)
generator = MagicMock()
generator.choice.side_effect = mock_choice
mock_random.SystemRandom.return_value = generator
assert util.get_random_string(length=3) == 'ABC'
async def test_throttle_async():
"""Test Throttle decorator with async method."""
async def test_method():
"""Only first call should return a value."""
return True
assert (await test_method()) is True
assert (await test_method()) is None
@util.Throttle(timedelta(seconds=2), timedelta(seconds=0.1))
async def test_method2():
"""Only first call should return a value."""
return True
assert (await test_method2()) is True
assert (await test_method2()) is None