2016-04-16 01:46:50 -07:00

143 lines
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"""Provides helper methods to handle the time in HA."""
import datetime as dt
import re
import pytz
DATE_STR_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%d"
# Copyright (c) Django Software Foundation and individual contributors.
# All rights reserved.
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DATETIME_RE = re.compile(
r'[T ](?P<hour>\d{1,2}):(?P<minute>\d{1,2})'
def set_default_time_zone(time_zone):
"""Set a default time zone to be used when none is specified."""
global DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE # pylint: disable=global-statement
assert isinstance(time_zone, dt.tzinfo)
def get_time_zone(time_zone_str):
"""Get time zone from string. Return None if unable to determine."""
return pytz.timezone(time_zone_str)
except pytz.exceptions.UnknownTimeZoneError:
return None
def utcnow():
"""Get now in UTC time."""
return dt.datetime.now(UTC)
def now(time_zone=None):
"""Get now in specified time zone."""
return dt.datetime.now(time_zone or DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE)
def as_utc(dattim):
"""Return a datetime as UTC time.
Assumes datetime without tzinfo to be in the DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE.
if dattim.tzinfo == UTC:
return dattim
elif dattim.tzinfo is None:
dattim = DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE.localize(dattim)
return dattim.astimezone(UTC)
def as_local(dattim):
"""Convert a UTC datetime object to local time zone."""
if dattim.tzinfo == DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE:
return dattim
elif dattim.tzinfo is None:
dattim = UTC.localize(dattim)
return dattim.astimezone(DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE)
def utc_from_timestamp(timestamp):
"""Return a UTC time from a timestamp."""
return dt.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp).replace(tzinfo=UTC)
def start_of_local_day(dt_or_d=None):
"""Return local datetime object of start of day from date or datetime."""
if dt_or_d is None:
dt_or_d = now().date()
elif isinstance(dt_or_d, dt.datetime):
dt_or_d = dt_or_d.date()
return dt.datetime.combine(dt_or_d, dt.time()).replace(
# Copyright (c) Django Software Foundation and individual contributors.
# All rights reserved.
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def parse_datetime(dt_str):
"""Parse a string and return a datetime.datetime.
This function supports time zone offsets. When the input contains one,
the output uses a timezone with a fixed offset from UTC.
Raises ValueError if the input is well formatted but not a valid datetime.
Returns None if the input isn't well formatted.
match = DATETIME_RE.match(dt_str)
if not match:
return None
kws = match.groupdict()
if kws['microsecond']:
kws['microsecond'] = kws['microsecond'].ljust(6, '0')
tzinfo = kws.pop('tzinfo')
if tzinfo == 'Z':
tzinfo = UTC
elif tzinfo is not None:
offset_mins = int(tzinfo[-2:]) if len(tzinfo) > 3 else 0
offset_hours = int(tzinfo[1:3])
offset = dt.timedelta(hours=offset_hours, minutes=offset_mins)
if tzinfo[0] == '-':
offset = -offset
tzinfo = dt.timezone(offset)
kws = {k: int(v) for k, v in kws.items() if v is not None}
kws['tzinfo'] = tzinfo
return dt.datetime(**kws)
def parse_date(dt_str):
"""Convert a date string to a date object."""
return dt.datetime.strptime(dt_str, DATE_STR_FORMAT).date()
except ValueError: # If dt_str did not match our format
return None
def parse_time(time_str):
"""Parse a time string (00:20:00) into Time object.
Return None if invalid.
parts = str(time_str).split(':')
if len(parts) < 2:
return None
hour = int(parts[0])
minute = int(parts[1])
second = int(parts[2]) if len(parts) > 2 else 0
return dt.time(hour, minute, second)
except ValueError:
# ValueError if value cannot be converted to an int or not in range
return None