2019-06-18 17:41:45 +02:00

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"""Runtime entry data for ESPHome stored in hass.data."""
import asyncio
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Set
from aioesphomeapi import (
COMPONENT_TYPE_TO_INFO, DeviceInfo, EntityInfo, EntityState, UserService,
CameraInfo, ClimateInfo, CoverInfo, FanInfo, LightInfo, SensorInfo,
SwitchInfo, TextSensorInfo)
import attr
from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry
from homeassistant.helpers.dispatcher import async_dispatcher_send
from homeassistant.helpers.storage import Store
from homeassistant.helpers.typing import HomeAssistantType
DATA_KEY = 'esphome'
DISPATCHER_UPDATE_ENTITY = 'esphome_{entry_id}_update_{component_key}_{key}'
DISPATCHER_REMOVE_ENTITY = 'esphome_{entry_id}_remove_{component_key}_{key}'
DISPATCHER_ON_LIST = 'esphome_{entry_id}_on_list'
DISPATCHER_ON_DEVICE_UPDATE = 'esphome_{entry_id}_on_device_update'
DISPATCHER_ON_STATE = 'esphome_{entry_id}_on_state'
# Mapping from ESPHome info type to HA platform
BinarySensorInfo: 'binary_sensor',
CameraInfo: 'camera',
ClimateInfo: 'climate',
CoverInfo: 'cover',
FanInfo: 'fan',
LightInfo: 'light',
SensorInfo: 'sensor',
SwitchInfo: 'switch',
TextSensorInfo: 'sensor',
class RuntimeEntryData:
"""Store runtime data for esphome config entries."""
entry_id = attr.ib(type=str)
client = attr.ib(type='APIClient')
store = attr.ib(type=Store)
reconnect_task = attr.ib(type=Optional[asyncio.Task], default=None)
state = attr.ib(type=Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]], factory=dict)
info = attr.ib(type=Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]], factory=dict)
services = attr.ib(type=Dict[int, 'UserService'], factory=dict)
available = attr.ib(type=bool, default=False)
device_info = attr.ib(type=DeviceInfo, default=None)
cleanup_callbacks = attr.ib(type=List[Callable[[], None]], factory=list)
disconnect_callbacks = attr.ib(type=List[Callable[[], None]], factory=list)
loaded_platforms = attr.ib(type=Set[str], factory=set)
platform_load_lock = attr.ib(type=asyncio.Lock, factory=asyncio.Lock)
def async_update_entity(self, hass: HomeAssistantType, component_key: str,
key: int) -> None:
"""Schedule the update of an entity."""
entry_id=self.entry_id, component_key=component_key, key=key)
async_dispatcher_send(hass, signal)
def async_remove_entity(self, hass: HomeAssistantType, component_key: str,
key: int) -> None:
"""Schedule the removal of an entity."""
entry_id=self.entry_id, component_key=component_key, key=key)
async_dispatcher_send(hass, signal)
async def _ensure_platforms_loaded(self, hass: HomeAssistantType,
entry: ConfigEntry,
platforms: Set[str]):
async with self.platform_load_lock:
needed = platforms - self.loaded_platforms
tasks = []
for platform in needed:
entry, platform))
if tasks:
await asyncio.wait(tasks)
self.loaded_platforms |= needed
async def async_update_static_infos(
self, hass: HomeAssistantType, entry: ConfigEntry,
infos: List[EntityInfo]) -> None:
"""Distribute an update of static infos to all platforms."""
# First, load all platforms
needed_platforms = set()
for info in infos:
for info_type, platform in INFO_TYPE_TO_PLATFORM.items():
if isinstance(info, info_type):
await self._ensure_platforms_loaded(hass, entry, needed_platforms)
# Then send dispatcher event
signal = DISPATCHER_ON_LIST.format(entry_id=self.entry_id)
async_dispatcher_send(hass, signal, infos)
def async_update_state(self, hass: HomeAssistantType,
state: EntityState) -> None:
"""Distribute an update of state information to all platforms."""
signal = DISPATCHER_ON_STATE.format(entry_id=self.entry_id)
async_dispatcher_send(hass, signal, state)
def async_update_device_state(self, hass: HomeAssistantType) -> None:
"""Distribute an update of a core device state like availability."""
signal = DISPATCHER_ON_DEVICE_UPDATE.format(entry_id=self.entry_id)
async_dispatcher_send(hass, signal)
async def async_load_from_store(self) -> Tuple[List[EntityInfo],
"""Load the retained data from store and return de-serialized data."""
restored = await self.store.async_load()
if restored is None:
return [], []
self.device_info = _attr_obj_from_dict(DeviceInfo,
infos = []
for comp_type, restored_infos in restored.items():
if comp_type not in COMPONENT_TYPE_TO_INFO:
for info in restored_infos:
cls = COMPONENT_TYPE_TO_INFO[comp_type]
infos.append(_attr_obj_from_dict(cls, **info))
services = []
for service in restored.get('services', []):
return infos, services
async def async_save_to_store(self) -> None:
"""Generate dynamic data to store and save it to the filesystem."""
store_data = {
'device_info': attr.asdict(self.device_info),
'services': []
for comp_type, infos in self.info.items():
store_data[comp_type] = [attr.asdict(info)
for info in infos.values()]
for service in self.services.values():
await self.store.async_save(store_data)
def _attr_obj_from_dict(cls, **kwargs):
return cls(**{key: kwargs[key] for key in attr.fields_dict(cls)
if key in kwargs})