* Added Recollect Waste Curbside Collection sensor for tracking next collection date and for which types of waste. * Added missing schema attributes. * Adding requirements and coverage entries for Recollect Waste platform. * Added exception handling, some other fixes and suggestions from code review. * Fixed reference to incorrect exception type. * Updated requirements_all.txt with new version of recollect-waste. * Added true to add_entities. Created constant for default time interval. Used different pylint exclusion comment. * Using HA's CONF_SCAN_INTERVAL now. Unique_id is now set in @property. * Changed parameter of timedelta from seconds to days. * Added test run of recollect client during setup_platform. Using built in SCAN_INTERVAL now. * Return nothing in setup_platform if there is an exception.
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Support for Recollect Waste curbside collection pickup.
For more details about this platform, please refer to the documentation at
import logging
import voluptuous as vol
import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv
from homeassistant.components.sensor import PLATFORM_SCHEMA
from homeassistant.const import (CONF_NAME)
from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity
REQUIREMENTS = ['recollect-waste==1.0.1']
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
ATTR_PICKUP_TYPES = 'pickup_types'
ATTR_AREA_NAME = 'area_name'
CONF_PLACE_ID = 'place_id'
CONF_SERVICE_ID = 'service_id'
DEFAULT_NAME = 'recollect_waste'
ICON = 'mdi:trash-can-outline'
vol.Required(CONF_PLACE_ID): cv.string,
vol.Required(CONF_SERVICE_ID): cv.string,
vol.Optional(CONF_NAME, default=DEFAULT_NAME): cv.string
def setup_platform(hass, config, add_entities, discovery_info=None):
"""Set up the Recollect Waste platform."""
import recollect_waste
# pylint: disable=no-member
client = recollect_waste.RecollectWasteClient(config[CONF_PLACE_ID],
# Ensure the client can connect to the API successfully
# with given place_id and service_id.
# pylint: disable=no-member
except recollect_waste.RecollectWasteException as ex:
_LOGGER.error('Recollect Waste platform error. %s', ex)
client)], True)
class RecollectWasteSensor(Entity):
"""Recollect Waste Sensor."""
def __init__(self, name, client):
"""Initialize the sensor."""
self._attributes = {}
self._name = name
self._state = None
self.client = client
def name(self):
"""Return the name of the sensor."""
return self._name
def unique_id(self) -> str:
"""Return a unique ID."""
return "{}{}".format(self.client.place_id, self.client.service_id)
def state(self):
"""Return the state of the sensor."""
return self._state
def device_state_attributes(self):
"""Return the state attributes."""
return self._attributes
def icon(self):
"""Icon to use in the frontend."""
return ICON
def update(self):
"""Update device state."""
import recollect_waste
pickup_event = self.client.get_next_pickup()
self._state = pickup_event.event_date
ATTR_PICKUP_TYPES: pickup_event.pickup_types,
ATTR_AREA_NAME: pickup_event.area_name
# pylint: disable=no-member
except recollect_waste.RecollectWasteException as ex:
_LOGGER.error('Recollect Waste platform error. %s', ex)