Otto Winter 678f284015 Upgrade pylint to 1.8.2 (#12274)
* Upgrade pylint to 1.8.1

* Fix no-else-return

* Fix bad-whitespace

* Fix too-many-nested-blocks

* Fix raising-format-tuple

See https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/blob/master/doc/whatsnew/1.8.rst

* Fix len-as-condition

* Fix logging-not-lazy

Not sure about that TEMP_CELSIUS though, but internally it's probably just like if you concatenated any other (variable) string

* Fix stop-iteration-return

* Fix useless-super-delegation

* Fix trailing-comma-tuple

Both of these seem to simply be bugs:
 * Nest: The value of self._humidity never seems to be used anywhere
 * Dovado: The called API method seems to expect a "normal" number

* Fix redefined-argument-from-local

* Fix consider-using-enumerate

* Fix wrong-import-order

* Fix arguments-differ

* Fix missed no-else-return

* Fix no-member and related

* Fix signatures-differ

* Revert "Upgrade pylint to 1.8.1"

This reverts commit af78aa00f125a7d34add97b9d50c14db48412211.

* Fix arguments-differ

* except for device_tracker

* Cleanup

* Fix test using positional argument

* Fix line too long

I forgot to run flake8 - shame on me... 🙃

* Fix bad-option-value for 1.6.5

* Fix arguments-differ for device_tracker

* Upgrade pylint to 1.8.2

* 👕 Fix missed no-member
2018-02-11 09:20:28 -08:00

264 lines
8.9 KiB

Support for Dutch Smart Meter (also known as Smartmeter or P1 port).
For more details about this platform, please refer to the documentation at
import asyncio
from datetime import timedelta
from functools import partial
import logging
import voluptuous as vol
from homeassistant.components.sensor import PLATFORM_SCHEMA
from homeassistant.const import (
from homeassistant.core import CoreState
import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv
from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
REQUIREMENTS = ['dsmr_parser==0.11']
CONF_DSMR_VERSION = 'dsmr_version'
CONF_RECONNECT_INTERVAL = 'reconnect_interval'
DEFAULT_PORT = '/dev/ttyUSB0'
DOMAIN = 'dsmr'
ICON_GAS = 'mdi:fire'
ICON_POWER = 'mdi:flash'
# Smart meter sends telegram every 10 seconds
MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_UPDATES = timedelta(seconds=10)
vol.Optional(CONF_PORT, default=DEFAULT_PORT): cv.string,
vol.Optional(CONF_HOST, default=None): cv.string,
vol.Optional(CONF_DSMR_VERSION, default=DEFAULT_DSMR_VERSION): vol.All(
cv.string, vol.In(['5', '4', '2.2'])),
vol.Optional(CONF_RECONNECT_INTERVAL, default=30): int,
def async_setup_platform(hass, config, async_add_devices, discovery_info=None):
"""Set up the DSMR sensor."""
# Suppress logging
from dsmr_parser import obis_references as obis_ref
from dsmr_parser.clients.protocol import (
create_dsmr_reader, create_tcp_dsmr_reader)
import serial
dsmr_version = config[CONF_DSMR_VERSION]
# Define list of name,obis mappings to generate entities
obis_mapping = [
['Power Consumption', obis_ref.CURRENT_ELECTRICITY_USAGE],
['Power Production', obis_ref.CURRENT_ELECTRICITY_DELIVERY],
['Power Tariff', obis_ref.ELECTRICITY_ACTIVE_TARIFF],
['Power Consumption (low)', obis_ref.ELECTRICITY_USED_TARIFF_1],
['Power Consumption (normal)', obis_ref.ELECTRICITY_USED_TARIFF_2],
['Power Production (low)', obis_ref.ELECTRICITY_DELIVERED_TARIFF_1],
['Power Production (normal)', obis_ref.ELECTRICITY_DELIVERED_TARIFF_2],
# Generate device entities
devices = [DSMREntity(name, obis) for name, obis in obis_mapping]
# Protocol version specific obis
if dsmr_version in ('4', '5'):
gas_obis = obis_ref.HOURLY_GAS_METER_READING
gas_obis = obis_ref.GAS_METER_READING
# Add gas meter reading and derivative for usage
devices += [
DSMREntity('Gas Consumption', gas_obis),
DerivativeDSMREntity('Hourly Gas Consumption', gas_obis),
def update_entities_telegram(telegram):
"""Update entities with latest telegram and trigger state update."""
# Make all device entities aware of new telegram
for device in devices:
device.telegram = telegram
# Creates an asyncio.Protocol factory for reading DSMR telegrams from
# serial and calls update_entities_telegram to update entities on arrival
if config[CONF_HOST]:
reader_factory = partial(
create_tcp_dsmr_reader, config[CONF_HOST], config[CONF_PORT],
config[CONF_DSMR_VERSION], update_entities_telegram,
reader_factory = partial(
create_dsmr_reader, config[CONF_PORT], config[CONF_DSMR_VERSION],
update_entities_telegram, loop=hass.loop)
def connect_and_reconnect():
"""Connect to DSMR and keep reconnecting until Home Assistant stops."""
while hass.state != CoreState.stopping:
# Start DSMR asyncio.Protocol reader
transport, protocol = yield from hass.loop.create_task(
except (serial.serialutil.SerialException, ConnectionRefusedError,
# Log any error while establishing connection and drop to retry
# connection wait
_LOGGER.exception("Error connecting to DSMR")
transport = None
if transport:
# Register listener to close transport on HA shutdown
stop_listener = hass.bus.async_listen_once(
# Wait for reader to close
yield from protocol.wait_closed()
if hass.state != CoreState.stopping:
# Unexpected disconnect
if transport:
# remove listener
# Reflect disconnect state in devices state by setting an
# empty telegram resulting in `unknown` states
# throttle reconnect attempts
yield from asyncio.sleep(config[CONF_RECONNECT_INTERVAL],
# Can't be hass.async_add_job because job runs forever
class DSMREntity(Entity):
"""Entity reading values from DSMR telegram."""
def __init__(self, name, obis):
"""Initialize entity."""
self._name = name
self._obis = obis
self.telegram = {}
def get_dsmr_object_attr(self, attribute):
"""Read attribute from last received telegram for this DSMR object."""
# Make sure telegram contains an object for this entities obis
if self._obis not in self.telegram:
return None
# Get the attribute value if the object has it
dsmr_object = self.telegram[self._obis]
return getattr(dsmr_object, attribute, None)
def name(self):
"""Return the name of the sensor."""
return self._name
def icon(self):
"""Icon to use in the frontend, if any."""
if 'Power' in self._name:
elif 'Gas' in self._name:
return ICON_GAS
def state(self):
"""Return the state of sensor, if available, translate if needed."""
from dsmr_parser import obis_references as obis
value = self.get_dsmr_object_attr('value')
if self._obis == obis.ELECTRICITY_ACTIVE_TARIFF:
return self.translate_tariff(value)
if value is not None:
return value
def unit_of_measurement(self):
"""Return the unit of measurement of this entity, if any."""
return self.get_dsmr_object_attr('unit')
def translate_tariff(value):
"""Convert 2/1 to normal/low."""
# DSMR V2.2: Note: Rate code 1 is used for low rate and rate code 2 is
# used for normal rate.
if value == '0002':
return 'normal'
elif value == '0001':
return 'low'
class DerivativeDSMREntity(DSMREntity):
"""Calculated derivative for values where the DSMR doesn't offer one.
Gas readings are only reported per hour and don't offer a rate only
the current meter reading. This entity converts subsequents readings
into a hourly rate.
_previous_reading = None
_previous_timestamp = None
def state(self):
"""Return the calculated current hourly rate."""
return self._state
def async_update(self):
"""Recalculate hourly rate if timestamp has changed.
DSMR updates gas meter reading every hour. Along with the new
value a timestamp is provided for the reading. Test if the last
known timestamp differs from the current one then calculate a
new rate for the previous hour.
# check if the timestamp for the object differs from the previous one
timestamp = self.get_dsmr_object_attr('datetime')
if timestamp and timestamp != self._previous_timestamp:
current_reading = self.get_dsmr_object_attr('value')
if self._previous_reading is None:
# Can't calculate rate without previous datapoint
# just store current point
# Recalculate the rate
diff = current_reading - self._previous_reading
self._state = diff
self._previous_reading = current_reading
self._previous_timestamp = timestamp
def unit_of_measurement(self):
"""Return the unit of measurement of this entity, per hour, if any."""
unit = self.get_dsmr_object_attr('unit')
if unit:
return unit + '/h'