* Speed up comparing State and Event objects Use default python implementation for State and Event __hash__ and __eq__ The default implementation compared based on the id() of the object which is effectively what we want here anyways. These overrides are left over from the days when these used to be attrs objects By avoiding implementing these ourselves all of the equality checks can happen in native code * tweak * adjust tests * write out some more * fix test to not compare objects * more test fixes * more test fixes * correct stats tests * fix more tests * fix more tests * update sensor recorder tests
563 lines
18 KiB
563 lines
18 KiB
"""The tests for the Home Assistant API component."""
from http import HTTPStatus
import json
from unittest.mock import patch
from aiohttp import web
import pytest
import voluptuous as vol
from homeassistant import const
from homeassistant.bootstrap import DATA_LOGGING
import homeassistant.core as ha
from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component
from tests.common import async_mock_service
def mock_api_client(hass, hass_client):
"""Start the Home Assistant HTTP component and return admin API client."""
hass.loop.run_until_complete(async_setup_component(hass, "api", {}))
return hass.loop.run_until_complete(hass_client())
async def test_api_list_state_entities(hass, mock_api_client):
"""Test if the debug interface allows us to list state entities."""
hass.states.async_set("test.entity", "hello")
resp = await mock_api_client.get(const.URL_API_STATES)
assert resp.status == HTTPStatus.OK
json = await resp.json()
remote_data = [ha.State.from_dict(item).as_dict() for item in json]
local_data = [state.as_dict() for state in hass.states.async_all()]
assert remote_data == local_data
async def test_api_get_state(hass, mock_api_client):
"""Test if the debug interface allows us to get a state."""
hass.states.async_set("hello.world", "nice", {"attr": 1})
resp = await mock_api_client.get("/api/states/hello.world")
assert resp.status == HTTPStatus.OK
json = await resp.json()
data = ha.State.from_dict(json)
state = hass.states.get("hello.world")
assert data.state == state.state
assert data.last_changed == state.last_changed
assert data.attributes == state.attributes
async def test_api_get_non_existing_state(hass, mock_api_client):
"""Test if the debug interface allows us to get a state."""
resp = await mock_api_client.get("/api/states/does_not_exist")
assert resp.status == HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND
async def test_api_state_change(hass, mock_api_client):
"""Test if we can change the state of an entity that exists."""
hass.states.async_set("test.test", "not_to_be_set")
await mock_api_client.post(
"/api/states/test.test", json={"state": "debug_state_change2"}
assert hass.states.get("test.test").state == "debug_state_change2"
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
async def test_api_state_change_of_non_existing_entity(hass, mock_api_client):
"""Test if changing a state of a non existing entity is possible."""
new_state = "debug_state_change"
resp = await mock_api_client.post(
"/api/states/test_entity.that_does_not_exist", json={"state": new_state}
assert resp.status == HTTPStatus.CREATED
assert hass.states.get("test_entity.that_does_not_exist").state == new_state
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
async def test_api_state_change_with_bad_data(hass, mock_api_client):
"""Test if API sends appropriate error if we omit state."""
resp = await mock_api_client.post(
"/api/states/test_entity.that_does_not_exist", json={}
assert resp.status == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
async def test_api_state_change_to_zero_value(hass, mock_api_client):
"""Test if changing a state to a zero value is possible."""
resp = await mock_api_client.post(
"/api/states/test_entity.with_zero_state", json={"state": 0}
assert resp.status == HTTPStatus.CREATED
resp = await mock_api_client.post(
"/api/states/test_entity.with_zero_state", json={"state": 0.0}
assert resp.status == HTTPStatus.OK
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
async def test_api_state_change_push(hass, mock_api_client):
"""Test if we can push a change the state of an entity."""
hass.states.async_set("test.test", "not_to_be_set")
events = []
def event_listener(event):
"""Track events."""
hass.bus.async_listen(const.EVENT_STATE_CHANGED, event_listener)
await mock_api_client.post("/api/states/test.test", json={"state": "not_to_be_set"})
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert len(events) == 0
await mock_api_client.post(
"/api/states/test.test", json={"state": "not_to_be_set", "force_update": True}
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert len(events) == 1
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
async def test_api_fire_event_with_no_data(hass, mock_api_client):
"""Test if the API allows us to fire an event."""
test_value = []
def listener(event):
"""Record that our event got called."""
hass.bus.async_listen_once("test.event_no_data", listener)
await mock_api_client.post("/api/events/test.event_no_data")
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert len(test_value) == 1
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
async def test_api_fire_event_with_data(hass, mock_api_client):
"""Test if the API allows us to fire an event."""
test_value = []
def listener(event):
"""Record that our event got called.
Also test if our data came through.
if "test" in event.data:
hass.bus.async_listen_once("test_event_with_data", listener)
await mock_api_client.post("/api/events/test_event_with_data", json={"test": 1})
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert len(test_value) == 1
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
async def test_api_fire_event_with_invalid_json(hass, mock_api_client):
"""Test if the API allows us to fire an event."""
test_value = []
def listener(event):
"""Record that our event got called."""
hass.bus.async_listen_once("test_event_bad_data", listener)
resp = await mock_api_client.post(
"/api/events/test_event_bad_data", data=json.dumps("not an object")
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert resp.status == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
assert len(test_value) == 0
# Try now with valid but unusable JSON
resp = await mock_api_client.post(
"/api/events/test_event_bad_data", data=json.dumps([1, 2, 3])
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert resp.status == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
assert len(test_value) == 0
async def test_api_get_config(hass, mock_api_client):
"""Test the return of the configuration."""
resp = await mock_api_client.get(const.URL_API_CONFIG)
result = await resp.json()
if "components" in result:
result["components"] = set(result["components"])
if "whitelist_external_dirs" in result:
result["whitelist_external_dirs"] = set(result["whitelist_external_dirs"])
if "allowlist_external_dirs" in result:
result["allowlist_external_dirs"] = set(result["allowlist_external_dirs"])
if "allowlist_external_urls" in result:
result["allowlist_external_urls"] = set(result["allowlist_external_urls"])
assert hass.config.as_dict() == result
async def test_api_get_components(hass, mock_api_client):
"""Test the return of the components."""
resp = await mock_api_client.get(const.URL_API_COMPONENTS)
result = await resp.json()
assert set(result) == hass.config.components
async def test_api_get_event_listeners(hass, mock_api_client):
"""Test if we can get the list of events being listened for."""
resp = await mock_api_client.get(const.URL_API_EVENTS)
data = await resp.json()
local = hass.bus.async_listeners()
for event in data:
assert local.pop(event["event"]) == event["listener_count"]
assert len(local) == 0
async def test_api_get_services(hass, mock_api_client):
"""Test if we can get a dict describing current services."""
resp = await mock_api_client.get(const.URL_API_SERVICES)
data = await resp.json()
local_services = hass.services.async_services()
for serv_domain in data:
local = local_services.pop(serv_domain["domain"])
assert serv_domain["services"] == local
async def test_api_call_service_no_data(hass, mock_api_client):
"""Test if the API allows us to call a service."""
test_value = []
def listener(service_call):
"""Record that our service got called."""
hass.services.async_register("test_domain", "test_service", listener)
await mock_api_client.post("/api/services/test_domain/test_service")
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert len(test_value) == 1
async def test_api_call_service_with_data(hass, mock_api_client):
"""Test if the API allows us to call a service."""
def listener(service_call):
"""Record that our service got called.
Also test if our data came through.
{"data": service_call.data["test"]},
hass.services.async_register("test_domain", "test_service", listener)
resp = await mock_api_client.post(
"/api/services/test_domain/test_service", json={"test": 1}
data = await resp.json()
assert len(data) == 1
state = data[0]
assert state["entity_id"] == "test.data"
assert state["state"] == "on"
assert state["attributes"] == {"data": 1}
async def test_api_template(hass, mock_api_client):
"""Test the template API."""
hass.states.async_set("sensor.temperature", 10)
resp = await mock_api_client.post(
json={"template": "{{ states.sensor.temperature.state }}"},
body = await resp.text()
assert body == "10"
async def test_api_template_error(hass, mock_api_client):
"""Test the template API."""
hass.states.async_set("sensor.temperature", 10)
resp = await mock_api_client.post(
const.URL_API_TEMPLATE, json={"template": "{{ states.sensor.temperature.state"}
assert resp.status == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
async def test_stream(hass, mock_api_client):
"""Test the stream."""
listen_count = _listen_count(hass)
async with mock_api_client.get(const.URL_API_STREAM) as resp:
assert resp.status == HTTPStatus.OK
assert listen_count + 1 == _listen_count(hass)
data = await _stream_next_event(resp.content)
assert data["event_type"] == "test_event"
async def test_stream_with_restricted(hass, mock_api_client):
"""Test the stream with restrictions."""
listen_count = _listen_count(hass)
async with mock_api_client.get(
) as resp:
assert resp.status == HTTPStatus.OK
assert listen_count + 1 == _listen_count(hass)
data = await _stream_next_event(resp.content)
assert data["event_type"] == "test_event1"
data = await _stream_next_event(resp.content)
assert data["event_type"] == "test_event3"
async def _stream_next_event(stream):
"""Read the stream for next event while ignoring ping."""
while True:
last_new_line = False
data = b""
while True:
dat = await stream.read(1)
if dat == b"\n" and last_new_line:
data += dat
last_new_line = dat == b"\n"
conv = data.decode("utf-8").strip()[6:]
if conv != "ping":
return json.loads(conv)
def _listen_count(hass):
"""Return number of event listeners."""
return sum(hass.bus.async_listeners().values())
async def test_api_error_log(
hass, hass_client_no_auth, hass_access_token, hass_admin_user
"""Test if we can fetch the error log."""
hass.data[DATA_LOGGING] = "/some/path"
await async_setup_component(hass, "api", {})
client = await hass_client_no_auth()
resp = await client.get(const.URL_API_ERROR_LOG)
# Verify auth required
assert resp.status == HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED
with patch(
"aiohttp.web.FileResponse", return_value=web.Response(text="Hello")
) as mock_file:
resp = await client.get(
headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {hass_access_token}"},
assert len(mock_file.mock_calls) == 1
assert mock_file.mock_calls[0][1][0] == hass.data[DATA_LOGGING]
assert resp.status == HTTPStatus.OK
assert await resp.text() == "Hello"
# Verify we require admin user
hass_admin_user.groups = []
resp = await client.get(
headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {hass_access_token}"},
assert resp.status == HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED
async def test_api_fire_event_context(hass, mock_api_client, hass_access_token):
"""Test if the API sets right context if we fire an event."""
test_value = []
def listener(event):
"""Record that our event got called."""
hass.bus.async_listen("test.event", listener)
await mock_api_client.post(
headers={"authorization": f"Bearer {hass_access_token}"},
await hass.async_block_till_done()
refresh_token = await hass.auth.async_validate_access_token(hass_access_token)
assert len(test_value) == 1
assert test_value[0].context.user_id == refresh_token.user.id
async def test_api_call_service_context(hass, mock_api_client, hass_access_token):
"""Test if the API sets right context if we call a service."""
calls = async_mock_service(hass, "test_domain", "test_service")
await mock_api_client.post(
headers={"authorization": f"Bearer {hass_access_token}"},
await hass.async_block_till_done()
refresh_token = await hass.auth.async_validate_access_token(hass_access_token)
assert len(calls) == 1
assert calls[0].context.user_id == refresh_token.user.id
async def test_api_set_state_context(hass, mock_api_client, hass_access_token):
"""Test if the API sets right context if we set state."""
await mock_api_client.post(
json={"state": "on"},
headers={"authorization": f"Bearer {hass_access_token}"},
refresh_token = await hass.auth.async_validate_access_token(hass_access_token)
state = hass.states.get("light.kitchen")
assert state.context.user_id == refresh_token.user.id
async def test_event_stream_requires_admin(hass, mock_api_client, hass_admin_user):
"""Test user needs to be admin to access event stream."""
hass_admin_user.groups = []
resp = await mock_api_client.get("/api/stream")
assert resp.status == HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED
async def test_states_view_filters(hass, mock_api_client, hass_admin_user):
"""Test filtering only visible states."""
hass_admin_user.mock_policy({"entities": {"entity_ids": {"test.entity": True}}})
hass.states.async_set("test.entity", "hello")
hass.states.async_set("test.not_visible_entity", "invisible")
resp = await mock_api_client.get(const.URL_API_STATES)
assert resp.status == HTTPStatus.OK
json = await resp.json()
assert len(json) == 1
assert json[0]["entity_id"] == "test.entity"
async def test_get_entity_state_read_perm(hass, mock_api_client, hass_admin_user):
"""Test getting a state requires read permission."""
resp = await mock_api_client.get("/api/states/light.test")
assert resp.status == HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED
async def test_post_entity_state_admin(hass, mock_api_client, hass_admin_user):
"""Test updating state requires admin."""
hass_admin_user.groups = []
resp = await mock_api_client.post("/api/states/light.test")
assert resp.status == HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED
async def test_delete_entity_state_admin(hass, mock_api_client, hass_admin_user):
"""Test deleting entity requires admin."""
hass_admin_user.groups = []
resp = await mock_api_client.delete("/api/states/light.test")
assert resp.status == HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED
async def test_post_event_admin(hass, mock_api_client, hass_admin_user):
"""Test sending event requires admin."""
hass_admin_user.groups = []
resp = await mock_api_client.post("/api/events/state_changed")
assert resp.status == HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED
async def test_rendering_template_admin(hass, mock_api_client, hass_admin_user):
"""Test rendering a template requires admin."""
hass_admin_user.groups = []
resp = await mock_api_client.post(const.URL_API_TEMPLATE)
assert resp.status == HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED
async def test_rendering_template_legacy_user(
hass, mock_api_client, aiohttp_client, legacy_auth
"""Test rendering a template with legacy API password."""
hass.states.async_set("sensor.temperature", 10)
client = await aiohttp_client(hass.http.app)
resp = await client.post(
json={"template": "{{ states.sensor.temperature.state }}"},
assert resp.status == HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED
async def test_api_call_service_not_found(hass, mock_api_client):
"""Test if the API fails 400 if unknown service."""
resp = await mock_api_client.post("/api/services/test_domain/test_service")
assert resp.status == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
async def test_api_call_service_bad_data(hass, mock_api_client):
"""Test if the API fails 400 if unknown service."""
test_value = []
def listener(service_call):
"""Record that our service got called."""
"test_domain", "test_service", listener, schema=vol.Schema({"hello": str})
resp = await mock_api_client.post(
"/api/services/test_domain/test_service", json={"hello": 5}
assert resp.status == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST