* Add support for new select selector properties * fix mode option * Apply suggestions from code review * Correct validation for empty options, update tests Co-authored-by: Erik Montnemery <erik@montnemery.com>
593 lines
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593 lines
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"""Selectors for Home Assistant."""
from __future__ import annotations
from collections.abc import Callable
from typing import Any, cast
import voluptuous as vol
from homeassistant.const import CONF_MODE, CONF_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT
from homeassistant.core import split_entity_id, valid_entity_id
from homeassistant.util import decorator
from . import config_validation as cv
SELECTORS: decorator.Registry[str, type[Selector]] = decorator.Registry()
def _get_selector_class(config: Any) -> type[Selector]:
"""Get selector class type."""
if not isinstance(config, dict):
raise vol.Invalid("Expected a dictionary")
if len(config) != 1:
raise vol.Invalid(f"Only one type can be specified. Found {', '.join(config)}")
selector_type: str = list(config)[0]
if (selector_class := SELECTORS.get(selector_type)) is None:
raise vol.Invalid(f"Unknown selector type {selector_type} found")
return selector_class
def selector(config: Any) -> Selector:
"""Instantiate a selector."""
selector_class = _get_selector_class(config)
selector_type = list(config)[0]
# Selectors can be empty
if config[selector_type] is None:
return selector_class({selector_type: {}})
return selector_class(config)
def validate_selector(config: Any) -> dict:
"""Validate a selector."""
selector_class = _get_selector_class(config)
selector_type = list(config)[0]
# Selectors can be empty
if config[selector_type] is None:
return {selector_type: {}}
return {
selector_type: cast(dict, selector_class.CONFIG_SCHEMA(config[selector_type]))
class Selector:
"""Base class for selectors."""
config: Any
selector_type: str
def __init__(self, config: Any) -> None:
"""Instantiate a selector."""
self.config = self.CONFIG_SCHEMA(config[self.selector_type])
def serialize(self) -> Any:
"""Serialize Selector for voluptuous_serialize."""
return {"selector": {self.selector_type: self.config}}
# Integration that provided the entity
vol.Optional("integration"): str,
# Domain the entity belongs to
vol.Optional("domain"): vol.Any(str, [str]),
# Device class of the entity
vol.Optional("device_class"): str,
# Integration linked to it with a config entry
vol.Optional("integration"): str,
# Manufacturer of device
vol.Optional("manufacturer"): str,
# Model of device
vol.Optional("model"): str,
# Device has to contain entities matching this selector
class ActionSelector(Selector):
"""Selector of an action sequence (script syntax)."""
selector_type = "action"
CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({})
def __call__(self, data: Any) -> Any:
"""Validate the passed selection."""
return data
class AddonSelector(Selector):
"""Selector of a add-on."""
selector_type = "addon"
CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema(
vol.Optional("name"): str,
vol.Optional("slug"): str,
def __call__(self, data: Any) -> str:
"""Validate the passed selection."""
addon: str = vol.Schema(str)(data)
return addon
class AreaSelector(Selector):
"""Selector of a single or list of areas."""
selector_type = "area"
CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema(
vol.Optional("multiple", default=False): cv.boolean,
def __call__(self, data: Any) -> str | list[str]:
"""Validate the passed selection."""
if not self.config["multiple"]:
area_id: str = vol.Schema(str)(data)
return area_id
if not isinstance(data, list):
raise vol.Invalid("Value should be a list")
return [vol.Schema(str)(val) for val in data]
class AttributeSelector(Selector):
"""Selector for an entity attribute."""
selector_type = "attribute"
CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({vol.Required("entity_id"): cv.entity_id})
def __call__(self, data: Any) -> str:
"""Validate the passed selection."""
attribute: str = vol.Schema(str)(data)
return attribute
class BooleanSelector(Selector):
"""Selector of a boolean value."""
selector_type = "boolean"
CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({})
def __call__(self, data: Any) -> bool:
"""Validate the passed selection."""
value: bool = vol.Coerce(bool)(data)
return value
class ColorRGBSelector(Selector):
"""Selector of an RGB color value."""
selector_type = "color_rgb"
CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({})
def __call__(self, data: Any) -> list[int]:
"""Validate the passed selection."""
value: list[int] = vol.All(list, vol.ExactSequence((cv.byte,) * 3))(data)
return value
class ColorTempSelector(Selector):
"""Selector of an color temperature."""
selector_type = "color_temp"
CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema(
vol.Optional("max_mireds"): vol.Coerce(int),
vol.Optional("min_mireds"): vol.Coerce(int),
def __call__(self, data: Any) -> int:
"""Validate the passed selection."""
value: int = vol.All(
return value
class DateSelector(Selector):
"""Selector of a date."""
selector_type = "date"
CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({})
def __call__(self, data: Any) -> Any:
"""Validate the passed selection."""
return data
class DateTimeSelector(Selector):
"""Selector of a datetime."""
selector_type = "datetime"
CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({})
def __call__(self, data: Any) -> Any:
"""Validate the passed selection."""
return data
class DeviceSelector(Selector):
"""Selector of a single or list of devices."""
selector_type = "device"
{vol.Optional("multiple", default=False): cv.boolean}
def __call__(self, data: Any) -> str | list[str]:
"""Validate the passed selection."""
if not self.config["multiple"]:
device_id: str = vol.Schema(str)(data)
return device_id
if not isinstance(data, list):
raise vol.Invalid("Value should be a list")
return [vol.Schema(str)(val) for val in data]
class DurationSelector(Selector):
"""Selector for a duration."""
selector_type = "duration"
CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema(
# Enable day field in frontend. A selection with `days` set is allowed
# even if `enable_day` is not set
vol.Optional("enable_day"): cv.boolean,
def __call__(self, data: Any) -> dict[str, float]:
"""Validate the passed selection."""
return cast(dict[str, float], data)
class EntitySelector(Selector):
"""Selector of a single or list of entities."""
selector_type = "entity"
vol.Optional("exclude_entities"): [str],
vol.Optional("include_entities"): [str],
vol.Optional("multiple", default=False): cv.boolean,
def __call__(self, data: Any) -> str | list[str]:
"""Validate the passed selection."""
include_entities = self.config.get("include_entities")
exclude_entities = self.config.get("exclude_entities")
def validate(e_or_u: str) -> str:
e_or_u = cv.entity_id_or_uuid(e_or_u)
if not valid_entity_id(e_or_u):
return e_or_u
if allowed_domains := cv.ensure_list(self.config.get("domain")):
domain = split_entity_id(e_or_u)[0]
if domain not in allowed_domains:
raise vol.Invalid(
f"Entity {e_or_u} belongs to domain {domain}, "
f"expected {allowed_domains}"
if include_entities:
if exclude_entities:
return e_or_u
if not self.config["multiple"]:
return validate(data)
if not isinstance(data, list):
raise vol.Invalid("Value should be a list")
return cast(list, vol.Schema([validate])(data)) # Output is a list
class IconSelector(Selector):
"""Selector for an icon."""
selector_type = "icon"
CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema(
{vol.Optional("placeholder"): str}
# Frontend also has a fallbackPath option, this is not used by core
def __call__(self, data: Any) -> str:
"""Validate the passed selection."""
icon: str = vol.Schema(str)(data)
return icon
class LocationSelector(Selector):
"""Selector for a location."""
selector_type = "location"
CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema(
{vol.Optional("radius"): bool, vol.Optional("icon"): str}
DATA_SCHEMA = vol.Schema(
vol.Required("latitude"): float,
vol.Required("longitude"): float,
vol.Optional("radius"): float,
def __call__(self, data: Any) -> dict[str, float]:
"""Validate the passed selection."""
location: dict[str, float] = self.DATA_SCHEMA(data)
return location
class MediaSelector(Selector):
"""Selector for media."""
selector_type = "media"
CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({})
DATA_SCHEMA = vol.Schema(
# Although marked as optional in frontend, this field is required
vol.Required("entity_id"): cv.entity_id_or_uuid,
# Although marked as optional in frontend, this field is required
vol.Required("media_content_id"): str,
# Although marked as optional in frontend, this field is required
vol.Required("media_content_type"): str,
vol.Remove("metadata"): dict,
def __call__(self, data: Any) -> dict[str, float]:
"""Validate the passed selection."""
media: dict[str, float] = self.DATA_SCHEMA(data)
return media
def has_min_max_if_slider(data: Any) -> Any:
"""Validate configuration."""
if data["mode"] == "box":
return data
if "min" not in data or "max" not in data:
raise vol.Invalid("min and max are required in slider mode")
return data
class NumberSelector(Selector):
"""Selector of a numeric value."""
selector_type = "number"
vol.Optional("min"): vol.Coerce(float),
vol.Optional("max"): vol.Coerce(float),
# Controls slider steps, and up/down keyboard binding for the box
# user input is not rounded
vol.Optional("step", default=1): vol.All(
vol.Coerce(float), vol.Range(min=1e-3)
vol.Optional(CONF_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT): str,
vol.Optional(CONF_MODE, default="slider"): vol.In(["box", "slider"]),
def __call__(self, data: Any) -> float:
"""Validate the passed selection."""
value: float = vol.Coerce(float)(data)
if "min" in self.config and value < self.config["min"]:
raise vol.Invalid(f"Value {value} is too small")
if "max" in self.config and value > self.config["max"]:
raise vol.Invalid(f"Value {value} is too large")
return value
class ObjectSelector(Selector):
"""Selector for an arbitrary object."""
selector_type = "object"
CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({})
def __call__(self, data: Any) -> Any:
"""Validate the passed selection."""
return data
select_option = vol.All(
vol.Required("value"): str,
vol.Required("label"): str,
class SelectSelector(Selector):
"""Selector for an single or multi-choice input select."""
selector_type = "select"
CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema(
vol.Required("options"): vol.All(vol.Any([str], [select_option])),
vol.Optional("multiple", default=False): cv.boolean,
vol.Optional("custom_value", default=False): cv.boolean,
vol.Optional("mode"): vol.In(("list", "dropdown")),
def __call__(self, data: Any) -> Any:
"""Validate the passed selection."""
options = []
if self.config["options"]:
if isinstance(self.config["options"][0], str):
options = self.config["options"]
options = [option["value"] for option in self.config["options"]]
parent_schema = vol.In(options)
if self.config["custom_value"]:
parent_schema = vol.Any(parent_schema, str)
if not self.config["multiple"]:
return parent_schema(vol.Schema(str)(data))
if not isinstance(data, list):
raise vol.Invalid("Value should be a list")
return [parent_schema(vol.Schema(str)(val)) for val in data]
class StringSelector(Selector):
"""Selector for a multi-line text string."""
selector_type = "text"
CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema(
vol.Optional("multiline", default=False): bool,
vol.Optional("suffix"): str,
# The "type" controls the input field in the browser, the resulting
# data can be any string so we don't validate it.
vol.Optional("type"): vol.In(STRING_TYPES),
def __call__(self, data: Any) -> str:
"""Validate the passed selection."""
text: str = vol.Schema(str)(data)
return text
class TargetSelector(Selector):
"""Selector of a target value (area ID, device ID, entity ID etc).
Value should follow cv.TARGET_SERVICE_FIELDS format.
selector_type = "target"
CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema(
def __call__(self, data: Any) -> dict[str, list[str]]:
"""Validate the passed selection."""
target: dict[str, list[str]] = self.TARGET_SELECTION_SCHEMA(data)
return target
class ThemeSelector(Selector):
"""Selector for an theme."""
selector_type = "theme"
CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({})
def __call__(self, data: Any) -> str:
"""Validate the passed selection."""
theme: str = vol.Schema(str)(data)
return theme
class TimeSelector(Selector):
"""Selector of a time value."""
selector_type = "time"
CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({})
def __call__(self, data: Any) -> str:
"""Validate the passed selection."""
return cast(str, data)