Paulus Schoutsen 9b1a75a74b
Refactor Google Assistant ()
* Refactor Google Assistant

* Fix cloud test

* Fix supported features media player demo

* Fix query

* Fix execute

* Fix demo media player tests

* Add tests for traits

* Lint

* Lint

* Add integration tests

* Add more tests

* update logging

* Catch out of range temp errrors

* Fix cloud error

* Lint
2018-03-08 14:39:10 -08:00

363 lines
12 KiB

"""Test the cloud.iot module."""
import asyncio
from unittest.mock import patch, MagicMock, PropertyMock
from aiohttp import WSMsgType, client_exceptions
import pytest
from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component
from homeassistant.components.cloud import Cloud, iot, auth_api, MODE_DEV
from tests.components.alexa import test_smart_home as test_alexa
from tests.common import mock_coro
def mock_client():
"""Mock the IoT client."""
client = MagicMock()
type(client).closed = PropertyMock(side_effect=[False, True])
# Trigger cancelled error to avoid reconnect.
with patch('asyncio.sleep', side_effect=asyncio.CancelledError), \
'.async_get_clientsession') as session:
session().ws_connect.return_value = mock_coro(client)
yield client
def mock_handle_message():
"""Mock handle message."""
with patch('homeassistant.components.cloud.iot'
'.async_handle_message') as mock:
yield mock
def mock_cloud():
"""Mock cloud class."""
return MagicMock(subscription_expired=False)
def test_cloud_calling_handler(mock_client, mock_handle_message, mock_cloud):
"""Test we call handle message with correct info."""
conn = iot.CloudIoT(mock_cloud)
mock_client.receive.return_value = mock_coro(MagicMock(
'msgid': 'test-msg-id',
'handler': 'test-handler',
'payload': 'test-payload'
mock_handle_message.return_value = mock_coro('response')
mock_client.send_json.return_value = mock_coro(None)
yield from conn.connect()
# Check that we sent message to handler correctly
assert len(mock_handle_message.mock_calls) == 1
p_hass, p_cloud, handler_name, payload = \
assert p_hass is mock_cloud.hass
assert p_cloud is mock_cloud
assert handler_name == 'test-handler'
assert payload == 'test-payload'
# Check that we forwarded response from handler to cloud
assert len(mock_client.send_json.mock_calls) == 1
assert mock_client.send_json.mock_calls[0][1][0] == {
'msgid': 'test-msg-id',
'payload': 'response'
def test_connection_msg_for_unknown_handler(mock_client, mock_cloud):
"""Test a msg for an unknown handler."""
conn = iot.CloudIoT(mock_cloud)
mock_client.receive.return_value = mock_coro(MagicMock(
'msgid': 'test-msg-id',
'handler': 'non-existing-handler',
'payload': 'test-payload'
mock_client.send_json.return_value = mock_coro(None)
yield from conn.connect()
# Check that we sent the correct error
assert len(mock_client.send_json.mock_calls) == 1
assert mock_client.send_json.mock_calls[0][1][0] == {
'msgid': 'test-msg-id',
'error': 'unknown-handler',
def test_connection_msg_for_handler_raising(mock_client, mock_handle_message,
"""Test we sent error when handler raises exception."""
conn = iot.CloudIoT(mock_cloud)
mock_client.receive.return_value = mock_coro(MagicMock(
'msgid': 'test-msg-id',
'handler': 'test-handler',
'payload': 'test-payload'
mock_handle_message.side_effect = Exception('Broken')
mock_client.send_json.return_value = mock_coro(None)
yield from conn.connect()
# Check that we sent the correct error
assert len(mock_client.send_json.mock_calls) == 1
assert mock_client.send_json.mock_calls[0][1][0] == {
'msgid': 'test-msg-id',
'error': 'exception',
def test_handler_forwarding():
"""Test we forward messages to correct handler."""
handler = MagicMock()
handler.return_value = mock_coro()
hass = object()
cloud = object()
with patch.dict(iot.HANDLERS, {'test': handler}):
yield from iot.async_handle_message(
hass, cloud, 'test', 'payload')
assert len(handler.mock_calls) == 1
r_hass, r_cloud, payload = handler.mock_calls[0][1]
assert r_hass is hass
assert r_cloud is cloud
assert payload == 'payload'
def test_handling_core_messages(hass, mock_cloud):
"""Test handling core messages."""
mock_cloud.logout.return_value = mock_coro()
yield from iot.async_handle_cloud(hass, mock_cloud, {
'action': 'logout',
'reason': 'Logged in at two places.'
assert len(mock_cloud.logout.mock_calls) == 1
def test_cloud_getting_disconnected_by_server(mock_client, caplog, mock_cloud):
"""Test server disconnecting instance."""
conn = iot.CloudIoT(mock_cloud)
mock_client.receive.return_value = mock_coro(MagicMock(
with patch('asyncio.sleep', side_effect=[None, asyncio.CancelledError]):
yield from conn.connect()
assert 'Connection closed' in caplog.text
def test_cloud_receiving_bytes(mock_client, caplog, mock_cloud):
"""Test server disconnecting instance."""
conn = iot.CloudIoT(mock_cloud)
mock_client.receive.return_value = mock_coro(MagicMock(
yield from conn.connect()
assert 'Connection closed: Received non-Text message' in caplog.text
def test_cloud_sending_invalid_json(mock_client, caplog, mock_cloud):
"""Test cloud sending invalid JSON."""
conn = iot.CloudIoT(mock_cloud)
mock_client.receive.return_value = mock_coro(MagicMock(
yield from conn.connect()
assert 'Connection closed: Received invalid JSON.' in caplog.text
def test_cloud_check_token_raising(mock_client, caplog, mock_cloud):
"""Test cloud unable to check token."""
conn = iot.CloudIoT(mock_cloud)
mock_cloud.hass.async_add_job.side_effect = auth_api.CloudError("BLA")
yield from conn.connect()
assert 'Unable to refresh token: BLA' in caplog.text
def test_cloud_connect_invalid_auth(mock_client, caplog, mock_cloud):
"""Test invalid auth detected by server."""
conn = iot.CloudIoT(mock_cloud)
mock_client.receive.side_effect = \
client_exceptions.WSServerHandshakeError(None, None, code=401)
yield from conn.connect()
assert 'Connection closed: Invalid auth.' in caplog.text
def test_cloud_unable_to_connect(mock_client, caplog, mock_cloud):
"""Test unable to connect error."""
conn = iot.CloudIoT(mock_cloud)
mock_client.receive.side_effect = client_exceptions.ClientError(None, None)
yield from conn.connect()
assert 'Unable to connect:' in caplog.text
def test_cloud_random_exception(mock_client, caplog, mock_cloud):
"""Test random exception."""
conn = iot.CloudIoT(mock_cloud)
mock_client.receive.side_effect = Exception
yield from conn.connect()
assert 'Unexpected error' in caplog.text
def test_refresh_token_before_expiration_fails(hass, mock_cloud):
"""Test that we don't connect if token is expired."""
mock_cloud.subscription_expired = True
mock_cloud.hass = hass
conn = iot.CloudIoT(mock_cloud)
with patch('homeassistant.components.cloud.auth_api.check_token',
return_value=mock_coro()) as mock_check_token, \
'async_create') as mock_create:
yield from conn.connect()
assert len(mock_check_token.mock_calls) == 1
assert len(mock_create.mock_calls) == 1
def test_handler_alexa(hass):
"""Test handler Alexa."""
'switch.test', 'on', {'friendly_name': "Test switch"})
'switch.test2', 'on', {'friendly_name': "Test switch 2"})
with patch('homeassistant.components.cloud.Cloud.async_start',
setup = yield from async_setup_component(hass, 'cloud', {
'cloud': {
'alexa': {
'filter': {
'exclude_entities': 'switch.test2'
'entity_config': {
'switch.test': {
'name': 'Config name',
'description': 'Config description',
'display_categories': 'LIGHT'
assert setup
resp = yield from iot.async_handle_alexa(
hass, hass.data['cloud'],
test_alexa.get_new_request('Alexa.Discovery', 'Discover'))
endpoints = resp['event']['payload']['endpoints']
assert len(endpoints) == 1
device = endpoints[0]
assert device['description'] == 'Config description'
assert device['friendlyName'] == 'Config name'
assert device['displayCategories'] == ['LIGHT']
assert device['manufacturerName'] == 'Home Assistant'
def test_handler_google_actions(hass):
"""Test handler Google Actions."""
'switch.test', 'on', {'friendly_name': "Test switch"})
'switch.test2', 'on', {'friendly_name': "Test switch 2"})
with patch('homeassistant.components.cloud.Cloud.async_start',
setup = yield from async_setup_component(hass, 'cloud', {
'cloud': {
'google_actions': {
'filter': {
'exclude_entities': 'switch.test2'
'entity_config': {
'switch.test': {
'name': 'Config name',
'aliases': 'Config alias'
assert setup
reqid = '5711642932632160983'
data = {'requestId': reqid, 'inputs': [{'intent': 'action.devices.SYNC'}]}
with patch('homeassistant.components.cloud.Cloud._decode_claims',
return_value={'cognito:username': 'myUserName'}):
resp = yield from iot.async_handle_google_actions(
hass, hass.data['cloud'], data)
assert resp['requestId'] == reqid
payload = resp['payload']
assert payload['agentUserId'] == 'myUserName'
devices = payload['devices']
assert len(devices) == 1
device = devices[0]
assert device['id'] == 'switch.test'
assert device['name']['name'] == 'Config name'
assert device['name']['nicknames'] == ['Config alias']
assert device['type'] == 'action.devices.types.SWITCH'
async def test_refresh_token_expired(hass):
"""Test handling Unauthenticated error raised if refresh token expired."""
cloud = Cloud(hass, MODE_DEV, None, None)
with patch('homeassistant.components.cloud.auth_api.check_token',
side_effect=auth_api.Unauthenticated) as mock_check_token, \
'async_create') as mock_create:
await cloud.iot.connect()
assert len(mock_check_token.mock_calls) == 1
assert len(mock_create.mock_calls) == 1