
114 lines
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Connect two Home Assistant instances via mqtt.
To use the mqtt_eventstream component you will need to add the following to
your configuration.yaml file.
If you do not specify a publish_topic you will not forward events to the queue.
If you do not specify a subscribe_topic then you will not receive events from
the remote server.
publish_topic: MyServerName
subscribe_topic: OtherHaServerName
import json
from homeassistant.core import EventOrigin, State
from homeassistant.components.mqtt import DOMAIN as MQTT_DOMAIN
from homeassistant.components.mqtt import SERVICE_PUBLISH as MQTT_SVC_PUBLISH
from homeassistant.const import (
import homeassistant.loader as loader
from homeassistant.remote import JSONEncoder
# The domain of your component. Should be equal to the name of your component
DOMAIN = "mqtt_eventstream"
# List of component names (string) your component depends upon
def setup(hass, config):
""" Setup our mqtt_eventstream component. """
mqtt = loader.get_component('mqtt')
pub_topic = config[DOMAIN].get('publish_topic', None)
sub_topic = config[DOMAIN].get('subscribe_topic', None)
def _event_publisher(event):
""" Handle events by publishing them on the mqtt queue. """
if event.origin != EventOrigin.local:
if event.event_type == EVENT_TIME_CHANGED:
# Filter out the events that were triggered by publishing
# to the MQTT topic, or you will end up in an infinite loop.
if event.event_type == EVENT_CALL_SERVICE:
if (
event.data.get('domain') == MQTT_DOMAIN and
event.data.get('service') == MQTT_SVC_PUBLISH and
event.data.get('topic') == pub_topic
# Filter out all the "event service executed" events because they
# are only used internally by core as callbacks for blocking
# during the interval while a service is being executed.
# They will serve no purpose to the external system,
# and thus are unnecessary traffic.
# And at any rate it would cause an infinite loop to publish them
# because publishing to an MQTT topic itself triggers one.
if event.event_type == EVENT_SERVICE_EXECUTED:
event_info = {'event_type': event.event_type, 'event_data': event.data}
msg = json.dumps(event_info, cls=JSONEncoder)
mqtt.publish(hass, pub_topic, msg)
# Only listen for local events if you are going to publish them
if pub_topic:
hass.bus.listen(MATCH_ALL, _event_publisher)
# Process events from a remote server that are received on a queue
def _event_receiver(topic, payload, qos):
Receive events published by the other HA instance and fire
them on this hass instance.
event = json.loads(payload)
event_type = event.get('event_type')
event_data = event.get('event_data')
# Special case handling for event STATE_CHANGED
# We will try to convert state dicts back to State objects
# Copied over from the _handle_api_post_events_event method
# of the api component.
if event_type == EVENT_STATE_CHANGED and event_data:
for key in ('old_state', 'new_state'):
state = State.from_dict(event_data.get(key))
if state:
event_data[key] = state
# Only subscribe if you specified a topic
if sub_topic:
mqtt.subscribe(hass, sub_topic, _event_receiver)
hass.states.set('{domain}.initialized'.format(domain=DOMAIN), True)
# return boolean to indicate that initialization was successful
return True