250 lines
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250 lines
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Provides functionality to keep track of the sun.
import logging
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import homeassistant as ha
from homeassistant.const import CONF_LATITUDE, CONF_LONGITUDE
from homeassistant.helpers import validate_config
from homeassistant.util import str_to_datetime, datetime_to_str
from homeassistant.components.scheduler import ServiceEventListener
DOMAIN = "sun"
ENTITY_ID = "sun.sun"
STATE_ABOVE_HORIZON = "above_horizon"
STATE_BELOW_HORIZON = "below_horizon"
STATE_ATTR_NEXT_RISING = "next_rising"
STATE_ATTR_NEXT_SETTING = "next_setting"
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def is_on(hass, entity_id=None):
""" Returns if the sun is currently up based on the statemachine. """
entity_id = entity_id or ENTITY_ID
return hass.states.is_state(entity_id, STATE_ABOVE_HORIZON)
def next_setting(hass, entity_id=None):
""" Returns the datetime object representing the next sun setting. """
entity_id = entity_id or ENTITY_ID
state = hass.states.get(ENTITY_ID)
return str_to_datetime(state.attributes[STATE_ATTR_NEXT_SETTING])
except (AttributeError, KeyError):
# AttributeError if state is None
# KeyError if STATE_ATTR_NEXT_SETTING does not exist
return None
def next_rising(hass, entity_id=None):
""" Returns the datetime object representing the next sun rising. """
entity_id = entity_id or ENTITY_ID
state = hass.states.get(ENTITY_ID)
return str_to_datetime(state.attributes[STATE_ATTR_NEXT_RISING])
except (AttributeError, KeyError):
# AttributeError if state is None
# KeyError if STATE_ATTR_NEXT_RISING does not exist
return None
def setup(hass, config):
""" Tracks the state of the sun. """
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
if not validate_config(config,
return False
import ephem
except ImportError:
logger.exception("Error while importing dependency ephem.")
return False
sun = ephem.Sun() # pylint: disable=no-member
latitude = config[ha.DOMAIN][CONF_LATITUDE]
longitude = config[ha.DOMAIN][CONF_LONGITUDE]
# Validate latitude and longitude
observer = ephem.Observer()
errors = []
observer.lat = latitude # pylint: disable=assigning-non-slot
except ValueError:
errors.append("invalid value for latitude given: {}".format(latitude))
observer.long = longitude # pylint: disable=assigning-non-slot
except ValueError:
errors.append("invalid value for latitude given: {}".format(latitude))
if errors:
logger.error("Error setting up: %s", ", ".join(errors))
return False
def update_sun_state(now):
""" Method to update the current state of the sun and
set time of next setting and rising. """
utc_offset = datetime.utcnow() - datetime.now()
utc_now = now + utc_offset
observer = ephem.Observer()
observer.lat = latitude # pylint: disable=assigning-non-slot
observer.long = longitude # pylint: disable=assigning-non-slot
next_rising_dt = ephem.localtime(
observer.next_rising(sun, start=utc_now))
next_setting_dt = ephem.localtime(
observer.next_setting(sun, start=utc_now))
if next_rising_dt > next_setting_dt:
next_change = next_setting_dt
next_change = next_rising_dt
logger.info("%s. Next change: %s",
new_state, next_change.strftime("%H:%M"))
state_attributes = {
STATE_ATTR_NEXT_RISING: datetime_to_str(next_rising_dt),
STATE_ATTR_NEXT_SETTING: datetime_to_str(next_setting_dt)
hass.states.set(ENTITY_ID, new_state, state_attributes)
# +1 second so Ephem will report it has set
next_change + timedelta(seconds=1))
return True
An event in the scheduler component that will call the service
when the sun rises or sets with an offset.
The sun evnt need to have the type 'sun', which service to call,
which event (sunset or sunrise) and the offset.
"type": "sun",
"service": "switch.turn_on",
"event": "sunset",
"offset": "-01:00:00"
def create_event_listener(schedule, event_listener_data):
""" Create a sun event listener based on the description. """
negative_offset = False
service = event_listener_data['service']
offset_str = event_listener_data['offset']
event = event_listener_data['event']
if offset_str.startswith('-'):
negative_offset = True
offset_str = offset_str[1:]
(hour, minute, second) = [int(x) for x in offset_str.split(':')]
offset = timedelta(hours=hour, minutes=minute, seconds=second)
if event == 'sunset':
return SunsetEventListener(schedule, service, offset, negative_offset)
return SunriseEventListener(schedule, service, offset, negative_offset)
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
class SunEventListener(ServiceEventListener):
""" This is the base class for sun event listeners. """
def __init__(self, schedule, service, offset, negative_offset):
ServiceEventListener.__init__(self, schedule, service)
self.offset = offset
self.negative_offset = negative_offset
def __get_next_time(self, next_event):
Returns when the next time the service should be called.
Taking into account the offset and which days the event should execute.
if self.negative_offset:
next_time = next_event - self.offset
next_time = next_event + self.offset
while next_time < datetime.now() or \
next_time.weekday() not in self.my_schedule.days:
next_time = next_time + timedelta(days=1)
return next_time
def schedule_next_event(self, hass, next_event):
""" Schedule the event """
next_time = self.__get_next_time(next_event)
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
def execute(now):
""" Call the execute method """
hass.track_point_in_time(execute, next_time)
return next_time
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
class SunsetEventListener(SunEventListener):
""" This class is used the call a service when the sun sets. """
def schedule(self, hass):
""" Schedule the event """
next_setting_dt = next_setting(hass)
next_time_dt = self.schedule_next_event(hass, next_setting_dt)
'SunsetEventListener scheduled for %s, will call service %s.%s',
next_time_dt, self.domain, self.service)
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
class SunriseEventListener(SunEventListener):
""" This class is used the call a service when the sun rises. """
def schedule(self, hass):
""" Schedule the event """
next_rising_dt = next_rising(hass)
next_time_dt = self.schedule_next_event(hass, next_rising_dt)
'SunriseEventListener scheduled for %s, will call service %s.%s',
next_time_dt, self.domain, self.service)