pbalogh77 0a68cae507 Fibaro ubs (#18889)
* Fibaro HC connection, initial commit

Very first steps working, connects, fetches devices, represents sensors, binary_sensors and lights towards HA.

* Cover, switch, bugfixes

Initial support for covers
Initial support for switches

* Some cleanup and improved lights

pylint based cleanup
light switches handled properly
light features reported correctly

* Added status updates and actions

Lights, Blinds, Switches are mostly working now

* Code cleanup, fiblary3 req

Fiblary3 is now in pypi, set it as req
Cleanup based on pylint

* Included in .coveragerc and added how to use guide

Included the fibaro component in coveragerc
Added usage instructions to file header

* PyLint inspired fixes

Fixed pylint warnings

* PyLint inspired fixes

PyLint inspired fixes

* updated to fiblary3 0.1.5

* Minor fixes to finally pass pull req

Fixed fiblary3 to work with python 3.5
Updated fiblary3 to 0.1.6
(added energy and batteryLevel dummies)

* module import and flake8 fixes

Finally (hopefully) figured out what lint is complaining about

* Fixed color support for lights, simplified callback

Fixed color support for lights
Simplified callback for updates
Uses updated fiblary3 for color light handling

* Lean and mean refactor

While waiting for a brave reviewer, I've been making the code smaller and easier to understand.

* Minor fixes to please HoundCI

* Removed unused component

Scenes are not implemented yet

* Nicer comments.

* DEVICE_CLASS, ignore plugins, improved mapping

Added support for device class and icons in sensors and binary_sensors
Improved mapping of sensors and added heuristic matching
Added support for hidden devices
Fixed conversion to float in sensors

* Fixed dimming

Fibaro apparently does not need, nor like the extra turnOn commands for dimmers

* flake8

* Cleanup, Light fixes, switch power

Cleanup of the component to separate init from connect, handle connection error better
Improved light handling, especially for RGBW strips and working around Fibaro quirks
Added energy and power reporting to switches

* Missing comment added

Missing comment added to please flake8

* Removed everything but bin.sensors

Stripdown, hoping for a review

* better aligned comments


* Fixes based on code review

Fixes based on code review

* Implemented stopping

Implemented stopping of StateHandler thread
Cleanup for clarity

* Minor fix

Removed unnecessary list copying

* Nicer wording on shutdown

* Minor changes based on code review

* minor fixes based on code review

* removed extra line break

* Added Fibaro omcponents

Added cover, light, sensor and switch components

* Improved support for Fibaro UBS

Improved support for Fibaro Universal Binary Sensor, when configured to flood sensor or motion sensor.
2018-12-02 10:52:37 +01:00

76 lines
2.4 KiB

Support for Fibaro binary sensors.
For more details about this platform, please refer to the documentation at
import logging
from homeassistant.components.binary_sensor import (
BinarySensorDevice, ENTITY_ID_FORMAT)
from homeassistant.components.fibaro import (
DEPENDENCIES = ['fibaro']
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
'com.fibaro.floodSensor': ['Flood', 'mdi:water', 'flood'],
'com.fibaro.motionSensor': ['Motion', 'mdi:run', 'motion'],
'com.fibaro.doorSensor': ['Door', 'mdi:window-open', 'door'],
'com.fibaro.windowSensor': ['Window', 'mdi:window-open', 'window'],
'com.fibaro.smokeSensor': ['Smoke', 'mdi:smoking', 'smoke'],
'com.fibaro.FGMS001': ['Motion', 'mdi:run', 'motion'],
'com.fibaro.heatDetector': ['Heat', 'mdi:fire', 'heat'],
def setup_platform(hass, config, add_entities, discovery_info=None):
"""Perform the setup for Fibaro controller devices."""
if discovery_info is None:
[FibaroBinarySensor(device, hass.data[FIBARO_CONTROLLER])
for device in hass.data[FIBARO_DEVICES]['binary_sensor']], True)
class FibaroBinarySensor(FibaroDevice, BinarySensorDevice):
"""Representation of a Fibaro Binary Sensor."""
def __init__(self, fibaro_device, controller):
"""Initialize the binary_sensor."""
self._state = None
super().__init__(fibaro_device, controller)
self.entity_id = ENTITY_ID_FORMAT.format(self.ha_id)
stype = None
if fibaro_device.type in SENSOR_TYPES:
stype = fibaro_device.type
elif fibaro_device.baseType in SENSOR_TYPES:
stype = fibaro_device.baseType
if stype:
self._device_class = SENSOR_TYPES[stype][2]
self._icon = SENSOR_TYPES[stype][1]
self._device_class = None
self._icon = None
def icon(self):
"""Icon to use in the frontend, if any."""
return self._icon
def device_class(self):
"""Return the device class of the sensor."""
return self._device_class
def is_on(self):
"""Return true if sensor is on."""
return self._state
def update(self):
"""Get the latest data and update the state."""
self._state = self.current_binary_state