* make port mapping optional * dependencies + improvements * Added bytes and packets sensors from IGD * flake8 check * new sensor with upnp counters * checks * whitespaces in blank line * requirements update * added sensor.upnp to .coveragerc * downgrade miniupnpc Latest version of miniupnpc is 2.0, but pypi only has 1.9 Fortunately it is enough * revert to non async miniupnpc will do network calls, so this component can’t be moved to coroutine * hof hof forgot to remove import ot asyncio
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Will open a port in your router for Home Assistant and provide statistics.
For more details about this component, please refer to the documentation at
import logging
from urllib.parse import urlsplit
import voluptuous as vol
from homeassistant.const import (EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP)
from homeassistant.helpers import config_validation as cv
from homeassistant.helpers import discovery
REQUIREMENTS = ['miniupnpc==1.9']
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
DOMAIN = 'upnp'
CONF_UNITS = 'unit'
"Bytes": 1,
"KBytes": 1024,
"MBytes": 1024**2,
"GBytes": 1024**3,
CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({
DOMAIN: vol.Schema({
vol.Optional(CONF_ENABLE_PORT_MAPPING, default=True): cv.boolean,
vol.Optional(CONF_UNITS, default="MBytes"): vol.In(UNITS),
}, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA)
# pylint: disable=import-error, no-member, broad-except
def setup(hass, config):
"""Register a port mapping for Home Assistant via UPnP."""
import miniupnpc
upnp = miniupnpc.UPnP()
hass.data[DATA_UPNP] = upnp
upnp.discoverdelay = 200
except Exception:
_LOGGER.exception("Error when attempting to discover an UPnP IGD")
return False
unit = config[DOMAIN].get(CONF_UNITS)
discovery.load_platform(hass, 'sensor', DOMAIN, {'unit': unit}, config)
port_mapping = config[DOMAIN].get(CONF_ENABLE_PORT_MAPPING)
if not port_mapping:
return True
base_url = urlsplit(hass.config.api.base_url)
host = base_url.hostname
external_port = internal_port = base_url.port
external_port, 'TCP', host, internal_port, 'Home Assistant', '')
def deregister_port(event):
"""De-register the UPnP port mapping."""
upnp.deleteportmapping(hass.config.api.port, 'TCP')
hass.bus.listen_once(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, deregister_port)
return True