image_upload will always be setup because its a dep of person and since person is a dep of onboarding which is a dep of frontend its already a base requirement for homeassistant. Pillow is now listed as a requirement for homeassistant so we can be sure it installed by the time bootstrap is loaded image_upload loading is currently a bottleneck to get the frontend loaded because it has to load in the import executor when everything is busy early in startup
728 lines
31 KiB
728 lines
31 KiB
requires = ["setuptools==68.0.0", "wheel~=0.40.0"]
build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
name = "homeassistant"
version = "2024.4.0.dev0"
license = {text = "Apache-2.0"}
description = "Open-source home automation platform running on Python 3."
readme = "README.rst"
authors = [
{name = "The Home Assistant Authors", email = ""}
keywords = ["home", "automation"]
classifiers = [
"Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable",
"Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop",
"Intended Audience :: Developers",
"License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License",
"Operating System :: OS Independent",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11",
"Topic :: Home Automation",
requires-python = ">=3.11.0"
dependencies = [
# When bumping httpx, please check the version pins of
# httpcore, anyio, and h11 in gen_requirements_all
# PyJWT has loose dependency. We want the latest one.
# pyOpenSSL 23.2.0 is required to work with cryptography 41+
# Constrain urllib3 to ensure we deal with CVE-2020-26137 and CVE-2021-33503
# Temporary setting an upper bound, to prevent compat issues with urllib3>=2
"Homepage" = ""
"Source Code" = ""
"Bug Reports" = ""
"Docs: Dev" = ""
"Discord" = ""
"Forum" = ""
hass = "homeassistant.__main__:main"
platforms = ["any"]
zip-safe = false
include-package-data = true
include = ["homeassistant*"]
py-version = "3.11"
ignore = [
# Use a conservative default here; 2 should speed up most setups and not hurt
# any too bad. Override on command line as appropriate.
jobs = 2
init-hook = """\
from pathlib import Path; \
import sys; \
from pylint.config import find_default_config_files; \
sys.path.append( \
) \
load-plugins = [
persistent = false
extension-pkg-allow-list = [
fail-on = [
class-const-naming-style = "any"
[tool.pylint."MESSAGES CONTROL"]
# Reasons disabled:
# format - handled by ruff
# locally-disabled - it spams too much
# duplicate-code - unavoidable
# cyclic-import - doesn't test if both import on load
# abstract-class-little-used - prevents from setting right foundation
# unused-argument - generic callbacks and setup methods create a lot of warnings
# too-many-* - are not enforced for the sake of readability
# too-few-* - same as too-many-*
# abstract-method - with intro of async there are always methods missing
# inconsistent-return-statements - doesn't handle raise
# too-many-ancestors - it's too strict.
# wrong-import-order - isort guards this
# consider-using-f-string - str.format sometimes more readable
# ---
# Pylint CodeStyle plugin
# consider-using-namedtuple-or-dataclass - too opinionated
# consider-using-assignment-expr - decision to use := better left to devs
disable = [
# Handled by ruff
# Ref: <>
"await-outside-async", # PLE1142
"bad-str-strip-call", # PLE1310
"bad-string-format-type", # PLE1307
"bidirectional-unicode", # PLE2502
"continue-in-finally", # PLE0116
"duplicate-bases", # PLE0241
"format-needs-mapping", # F502
"function-redefined", # F811
# Needed because ruff does not understand type of __all__ generated by a function
# "invalid-all-format", # PLE0605
"invalid-all-object", # PLE0604
"invalid-character-backspace", # PLE2510
"invalid-character-esc", # PLE2513
"invalid-character-nul", # PLE2514
"invalid-character-sub", # PLE2512
"invalid-character-zero-width-space", # PLE2515
"logging-too-few-args", # PLE1206
"logging-too-many-args", # PLE1205
"missing-format-string-key", # F524
"mixed-format-string", # F506
"no-method-argument", # N805
"no-self-argument", # N805
"nonexistent-operator", # B002
"nonlocal-without-binding", # PLE0117
"not-in-loop", # F701, F702
"notimplemented-raised", # F901
"return-in-init", # PLE0101
"return-outside-function", # F706
"syntax-error", # E999
"too-few-format-args", # F524
"too-many-format-args", # F522
"too-many-star-expressions", # F622
"truncated-format-string", # F501
"undefined-all-variable", # F822
"undefined-variable", # F821
"used-prior-global-declaration", # PLE0118
"yield-inside-async-function", # PLE1700
"yield-outside-function", # F704
"anomalous-backslash-in-string", # W605
"assert-on-string-literal", # PLW0129
"assert-on-tuple", # F631
"bad-format-string", # W1302, F
"bad-format-string-key", # W1300, F
"bare-except", # E722
"binary-op-exception", # PLW0711
"cell-var-from-loop", # B023
# "dangerous-default-value", # B006, ruff catches new occurrences, needs more work
"duplicate-except", # B014
"duplicate-key", # F601
"duplicate-string-formatting-argument", # F
"duplicate-value", # F
"eval-used", # S307
"exec-used", # S102
# "expression-not-assigned", # B018, ruff catches new occurrences, needs more work
"f-string-without-interpolation", # F541
"forgotten-debug-statement", # T100
"format-string-without-interpolation", # F
# "global-statement", # PLW0603, ruff catches new occurrences, needs more work
"global-variable-not-assigned", # PLW0602
"implicit-str-concat", # ISC001
"import-self", # PLW0406
"inconsistent-quotes", # Q000
"invalid-envvar-default", # PLW1508
"keyword-arg-before-vararg", # B026
"logging-format-interpolation", # G
"logging-fstring-interpolation", # G
"logging-not-lazy", # G
"misplaced-future", # F404
"named-expr-without-context", # PLW0131
"nested-min-max", # PLW3301
# "pointless-statement", # B018, ruff catches new occurrences, needs more work
"raise-missing-from", # B904
# "redefined-builtin", # A001, ruff is way more stricter, needs work
"try-except-raise", # TRY302
"unused-argument", # ARG001, we don't use it
"unused-format-string-argument", #F507
"unused-format-string-key", # F504
"unused-import", # F401
"unused-variable", # F841
"useless-else-on-loop", # PLW0120
"wildcard-import", # F403
"bad-classmethod-argument", # N804
"consider-iterating-dictionary", # SIM118
"empty-docstring", # D419
"invalid-name", # N815
"line-too-long", # E501, disabled globally
"missing-class-docstring", # D101
"missing-final-newline", # W292
"missing-function-docstring", # D103
"missing-module-docstring", # D100
"multiple-imports", #E401
"singleton-comparison", # E711, E712
"subprocess-run-check", # PLW1510
"superfluous-parens", # UP034
"ungrouped-imports", # I001
"unidiomatic-typecheck", # E721
"unnecessary-direct-lambda-call", # PLC3002
"unnecessary-lambda-assignment", # PLC3001
"unneeded-not", # SIM208
"useless-import-alias", # PLC0414
"wrong-import-order", # I001
"wrong-import-position", # E402
"comparison-of-constants", # PLR0133
"comparison-with-itself", # PLR0124
"consider-alternative-union-syntax", # UP007
"consider-merging-isinstance", # PLR1701
"consider-using-alias", # UP006
"consider-using-dict-comprehension", # C402
"consider-using-generator", # C417
"consider-using-get", # SIM401
"consider-using-set-comprehension", # C401
"consider-using-sys-exit", # PLR1722
"consider-using-ternary", # SIM108
"literal-comparison", # F632
"property-with-parameters", # PLR0206
"super-with-arguments", # UP008
"too-many-branches", # PLR0912
"too-many-return-statements", # PLR0911
"too-many-statements", # PLR0915
"trailing-comma-tuple", # COM818
"unnecessary-comprehension", # C416
"use-a-generator", # C417
"use-dict-literal", # C406
"use-list-literal", # C405
"useless-object-inheritance", # UP004
"useless-return", # PLR1711
# "no-self-use", # PLR6301 # Optional plugin, not enabled
# Handled by mypy
# Ref: <>
enable = [
#"useless-suppression", # temporarily every now and then to clean them up
per-file-ignores = [
# hass-component-root-import: Tests test non-public APIs
# protected-access: Tests do often test internals a lot
# redefined-outer-name: Tests reference fixtures in the test function
score = false
ignored-classes = [
"_CountingAttr", # for attrs
mixin-class-rgx = ".*[Mm]ix[Ii]n"
expected-line-ending-format = "LF"
overgeneral-exceptions = [
# "homeassistant.exceptions.HomeAssistantError", # too many issues
runtime-typing = false
max-line-length-suggestions = 72
testpaths = [
norecursedirs = [
log_format = "%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(levelname)-8s %(threadName)s %(name)s:%(filename)s:%(lineno)s %(message)s"
log_date_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
asyncio_mode = "auto"
filterwarnings = [
# -- HomeAssistant - aiohttp
# Overwrite web.Application to pass a custom default argument to _make_request
"ignore:Inheritance class HomeAssistantApplication from web.Application is discouraged:DeprecationWarning",
# Hass wraps `ClientSession.close` to emit a warning if the session is closed accidentally
"ignore:Setting custom ClientSession.close attribute is discouraged:DeprecationWarning:homeassistant.helpers.aiohttp_client",
# Modify app state for testing
"ignore:Changing state of started or joined application is deprecated:DeprecationWarning:tests.components.http.test_ban",
# -- Tests
# Ignore custom pytest marks
"ignore:Unknown pytest.mark.disable_autouse_fixture:pytest.PytestUnknownMarkWarning:tests.components.met",
# -- design choice 3rd party
"ignore:ssl.TLSVersion.TLSv1 is deprecated:DeprecationWarning:elkm1_lib.util",
"ignore:Inheritance class CacheClientSession from ClientSession is discouraged:DeprecationWarning:env_canada.ec_cache",
"ignore:datetime.*utcnow\\(\\) is deprecated and scheduled for removal:DeprecationWarning:ical.util",
"ignore:ssl.TLSVersion.SSLv3 is deprecated:DeprecationWarning:regenmaschine.client",
# -- Setuptools DeprecationWarnings
"ignore:Deprecated call to `pkg_resources.declare_namespace\\(('google.*'|'pywinusb'|'repoze'|'xbox'|'zope')\\)`:DeprecationWarning:pkg_resources",
# -- tracked upstream / open PRs
# - v2.8.0
"ignore:X509Extension support in pyOpenSSL is deprecated. You should use the APIs in cryptography:DeprecationWarning:acme.crypto_util",
# - v0.2.88
"ignore:pkg_resources is deprecated as an API:DeprecationWarning:boschshcpy.api",
# - v1.37.0
"ignore:datetime.*utcfromtimestamp\\(\\) is deprecated and scheduled for removal:DeprecationWarning:influxdb_client.client.write.point",
# - v0.12.0
"ignore:'imghdr' is deprecated and slated for removal in Python 3.13:DeprecationWarning:mediafile",
# - v0.18.3
"ignore:the imp module is deprecated in favour of importlib and slated for removal in Python 3.12:DeprecationWarning:future.standard_library",
# - v0.1.3
"ignore:'telnetlib' is deprecated and slated for removal in Python 3.13:DeprecationWarning:ndms2_client.connection",
# - v4.1.0
# Should resolve itself once pytest-xdist 4.0 is released and the option is removed
"ignore:The --rsyncdir command line argument and rsyncdirs config variable are deprecated:DeprecationWarning:xdist.plugin",
# -- fixed, waiting for release / update
# - >0.1.58
"ignore:module 'sre_constants' is deprecated:DeprecationWarning:AIOAladdinConnect",
# - >=23.9.0
"ignore:datetime.*utcnow\\(\\) is deprecated and scheduled for",
# - >=2023.10.0
"ignore:datetime.*utcfromtimestamp\\(\\) is deprecated and scheduled for removal:DeprecationWarning:aiopurpleair.helpers.validators",
# - >=2.0.0
"ignore:datetime.*utcfromtimestamp\\(\\) is deprecated and scheduled for removal:DeprecationWarning:croniter.croniter",
# - >1.4.5
"ignore:datetime.*utcnow\\(\\) is deprecated and scheduled for removal:DeprecationWarning:devialet.devialet_api",
# - update jaraco.abode to >=5.1.0
"ignore:`jaraco.functools.call_aside` is deprecated, use `jaraco.functools.invoke` instead:DeprecationWarning:jaraco.abode.helpers.timeline",
# - >2.6.1
"ignore:pkg_resources is deprecated as an API:DeprecationWarning:nextcord.health_check",
# - >=2.0.0
"ignore:ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS is deprecated:DeprecationWarning:paho.mqtt.client",
# - >=2023.10.0
"ignore:datetime.*utcfromtimestamp\\(\\) is deprecated and scheduled for removal:DeprecationWarning:pytile.tile",
# - >0.5.12
"ignore:datetime.*utcnow\\(\\) is deprecated and scheduled for removal:DeprecationWarning:miio.protocol",
"ignore:datetime.*utcnow\\(\\) is deprecated and scheduled for removal:DeprecationWarning:miio.miioprotocol",
# - >3.1.12
"ignore:datetime.*utcnow\\(\\) is deprecated and scheduled for removal:DeprecationWarning:onvif.client",
# Fixed upstream in python-telegram-bot - >=20.0
"ignore:python-telegram-bot is using upstream urllib3:UserWarning:telegram.utils.request",
# - >0.0.7
"ignore:with timeout\\(\\) is deprecated, use async with timeout\\(\\) instead:DeprecationWarning:romy.utils",
# - >0.5.3
"ignore:ssl.OP_NO_SSL\\*/ssl.OP_NO_TLS\\* options are deprecated:DeprecationWarning:smart_meter_texas",
# - >4.2.1
"ignore:'cgi' is deprecated and slated for removal in Python 3.13:DeprecationWarning:zeep.utils",
# -- other
# Locale changes might take some time to resolve upstream
"ignore:'locale.getdefaultlocale' is deprecated and slated for removal in Python 3.15:DeprecationWarning:micloud.micloud",
# - v4.25.1
"ignore:Type google._upb._message.(Message|Scalar)MapContainer uses PyType_Spec with a metaclass that has custom tp_new. .* Python 3.14:DeprecationWarning",
# - v0.3.7.1
"ignore:datetime.*utcnow\\(\\) is deprecated and scheduled for removal:DeprecationWarning:pyatag.gateway",
"ignore:The 'default' argument to fields is deprecated. Use 'dump_default'",
# - v0.2.1
"ignore:loop argument is deprecated:DeprecationWarning:emulated_roku",
# - v0.2.10
"ignore:setDaemon\\(\\) is deprecated, set the daemon attribute instead:DeprecationWarning:pylutron",
# Fixed for Python 3.12
"ignore:The asyncore module is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.12:DeprecationWarning:pysnmp.carrier.asyncore.base",
# Wrong stacklevel
"ignore:It looks like you're parsing an XML document using an HTML parser:UserWarning:bs4.builder",
# New in aiohttp - v3.9.0
"ignore:It is recommended to use web.AppKey instances for keys:UserWarning:(homeassistant|tests|aiohttp_cors)",
# -- unmaintained projects, last release about 2+ years
# - v0.0.23 - 2020-06-04
"ignore:with timeout\\(\\) is deprecated:DeprecationWarning:agent.a",
# - v0.1.8 - 2021-06-27
"ignore:with timeout\\(\\) is deprecated:DeprecationWarning:aiomodernforms.modernforms",
# - v0.4.0 - 2020-09-12
"ignore:with timeout\\(\\) is deprecated:DeprecationWarning:directv.directv",
"ignore:datetime.*utcnow\\(\\) is deprecated and scheduled for removal:DeprecationWarning:directv.models",
# - v0.2.1 - 2020-01-23 (archived)
"ignore:loop argument is deprecated:DeprecationWarning:emulated_roku",
# - v1.0.0 - 2020-11-24
"ignore:with timeout\\(\\) is deprecated:DeprecationWarning:foobot_async",
# - v5.3.1 - 2020-11-11 (archived)
"ignore:datetime.*utcfromtimestamp\\(\\) is deprecated and scheduled for removal:DeprecationWarning:influxdb.line_protocol",
# - v0.12.0 - 2021-08-30 -> moved to `lark`
# - v0.9.0 - 2020-10-05
# Fixed upstream, commentjson depends on old version and seems to be unmaintained
"ignore:module '(sre_parse|sre_constants)' is deprecate:DeprecationWarning:lark.utils",
# - v0.3.3 - 2018-09-21
"ignore:ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS is deprecated:DeprecationWarning:lomond.session",
# - v4.1.3 - 2018-09-07 (archived)
"ignore:datetime.*utcnow\\(\\) is deprecated and scheduled for removal:DeprecationWarning:oauth2client.client",
# - v1.7.4 - 2020-10-08
"ignore:'crypt' is deprecated and slated for removal in Python 3.13:DeprecationWarning:passlib.utils",
# - v2021.8.0 - 2021-08-16
"ignore:datetime.*utcnow\\(\\) is deprecated and scheduled for removal:DeprecationWarning:meteireann",
# - v0.94 - 2019-08-19
"ignore:client.loop property is deprecated:DeprecationWarning:pyqwikswitch.async_",
"ignore:with timeout\\(\\) is deprecated:DeprecationWarning:pyqwikswitch.async_",
# - v3.2.0 - 2021-04-25
"ignore:datetime.*utcfromtimestamp\\(\\) is deprecated and scheduled for removal:DeprecationWarning:rx.internal.constants",
# - v0.7.0 - 2021-10-10
"ignore:defusedxml.cElementTree is deprecated, import from defusedxml.ElementTree instead:DeprecationWarning:rxv.ssdp",
# - v0.4.1 - 2021-11-06
"ignore:Function '' is deprecated. Deprecated since version 3.0.0:PendingDeprecationWarning:.*vilfo.client",
# - v2.0.10 - 2017-01-08
"ignore:pkg_resources is deprecated as an API:DeprecationWarning:webrtcvad",
select = [
"B002", # Python does not support the unary prefix increment
"B007", # Loop control variable {name} not used within loop body
"B014", # Exception handler with duplicate exception
"B023", # Function definition does not bind loop variable {name}
"B026", # Star-arg unpacking after a keyword argument is strongly discouraged
"B904", # Use raise from to specify exception cause
"C", # complexity
"COM818", # Trailing comma on bare tuple prohibited
"D", # docstrings
"DTZ003", # Use instead of datetime.utcnow()
"DTZ004", # Use datetime.fromtimestamp(ts, tz=) instead of datetime.utcfromtimestamp(ts)
"E", # pycodestyle
"F", # pyflakes/autoflake
"G", # flake8-logging-format
"I", # isort
"ICN001", # import concentions; {name} should be imported as {asname}
"N804", # First argument of a class method should be named cls
"N805", # First argument of a method should be named self
"N815", # Variable {name} in class scope should not be mixedCase
"PGH004", # Use specific rule codes when using noqa
"PLC0414", # Useless import alias. Import alias does not rename original package.
"PLC", # pylint
"PLE", # pylint
"PLR", # pylint
"PLW", # pylint
"Q000", # Double quotes found but single quotes preferred
"RUF006", # Store a reference to the return value of asyncio.create_task
"S102", # Use of exec detected
"S103", # bad-file-permissions
"S108", # hardcoded-temp-file
"S306", # suspicious-mktemp-usage
"S307", # suspicious-eval-usage
"S313", # suspicious-xmlc-element-tree-usage
"S314", # suspicious-xml-element-tree-usage
"S315", # suspicious-xml-expat-reader-usage
"S316", # suspicious-xml-expat-builder-usage
"S317", # suspicious-xml-sax-usage
"S318", # suspicious-xml-mini-dom-usage
"S319", # suspicious-xml-pull-dom-usage
"S320", # suspicious-xmle-tree-usage
"S601", # paramiko-call
"S602", # subprocess-popen-with-shell-equals-true
"S604", # call-with-shell-equals-true
"S608", # hardcoded-sql-expression
"S609", # unix-command-wildcard-injection
"SIM105", # Use contextlib.suppress({exception}) instead of try-except-pass
"SIM114", # Combine if branches using logical or operator
"SIM117", # Merge with-statements that use the same scope
"SIM118", # Use {key} in {dict} instead of {key} in {dict}.keys()
"SIM201", # Use {left} != {right} instead of not {left} == {right}
"SIM208", # Use {expr} instead of not (not {expr})
"SIM212", # Use {a} if {a} else {b} instead of {b} if not {a} else {a}
"SIM300", # Yoda conditions. Use 'age == 42' instead of '42 == age'.
"SIM401", # Use get from dict with default instead of an if block
"T100", # Trace found: {name} used
"T20", # flake8-print
"TID251", # Banned imports
"TRY004", # Prefer TypeError exception for invalid type
"TRY302", # Remove exception handler; error is immediately re-raised
"UP", # pyupgrade
"W", # pycodestyle
ignore = [
"D202", # No blank lines allowed after function docstring
"D203", # 1 blank line required before class docstring
"D213", # Multi-line docstring summary should start at the second line
"D406", # Section name should end with a newline
"D407", # Section name underlining
"E501", # line too long
"E731", # do not assign a lambda expression, use a def
# Ignore ignored, as the rule is now back in preview/nursery, which cannot
# be ignored anymore without warnings.
# "PLC1901", # Lots of false positives
# False positives
"PLC0208", # Use a sequence type instead of a `set` when iterating over values
"PLR0911", # Too many return statements ({returns} > {max_returns})
"PLR0912", # Too many branches ({branches} > {max_branches})
"PLR0913", # Too many arguments to function call ({c_args} > {max_args})
"PLR0915", # Too many statements ({statements} > {max_statements})
"PLR2004", # Magic value used in comparison, consider replacing {value} with a constant variable
"PLW2901", # Outer {outer_kind} variable {name} overwritten by inner {inner_kind} target
"UP006", # keep type annotation style as is
"UP007", # keep type annotation style as is
# Ignored due to performance:
"UP038", # Use `X | Y` in `isinstance` call instead of `(X, Y)`
# May conflict with the formatter,
# Disabled because ruff does not understand type of __all__ generated by a function
voluptuous = "vol"
"homeassistant.helpers.area_registry" = "ar"
"homeassistant.helpers.config_validation" = "cv"
"homeassistant.helpers.device_registry" = "dr"
"homeassistant.helpers.entity_registry" = "er"
"homeassistant.helpers.floor_registry" = "fr"
"homeassistant.helpers.issue_registry" = "ir"
"homeassistant.helpers.label_registry" = "lr"
"homeassistant.util.dt" = "dt_util"
fixture-parentheses = false
"async_timeout".msg = "use asyncio.timeout instead"
"pytz".msg = "use zoneinfo instead"
force-sort-within-sections = true
known-first-party = [
combine-as-imports = true
split-on-trailing-comma = false
# Allow for main entry & scripts to write to stdout
"homeassistant/" = ["T201"]
"homeassistant/scripts/*" = ["T201"]
"script/*" = ["T20"]
max-complexity = 25