* Fix typos found by codespell * Fix typos found by codespell * codespell: Furture ==> Future * Update test_config_flow.py * Update __init__.py * Spellcheck: successfull ==> successful * Codespell: unsuccesful ==> unsuccessful * Codespell: cant ==> can't * Codespell: firware ==> firmware * Codespell: mimick ==> mimic
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"""Test for the smhi weather entity."""
import asyncio
from datetime import datetime
import logging
from unittest.mock import Mock, patch
from homeassistant.components.smhi import weather as weather_smhi
from homeassistant.components.smhi.const import ATTR_SMHI_CLOUDINESS
from homeassistant.components.weather import (
from homeassistant.const import TEMP_CELSIUS
from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant
from tests.common import MockConfigEntry, load_fixture
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
TEST_CONFIG = {"name": "test", "longitude": "17.84197", "latitude": "59.32624"}
async def test_setup_hass(hass: HomeAssistant, aioclient_mock) -> None:
"""Test for successfully setting up the smhi platform.
This test are deeper integrated with the core. Since only
config_flow is used the component are setup with
"async_forward_entry_setup". The actual result are tested
with the entity state rather than "per function" unity tests
from smhi.smhi_lib import APIURL_TEMPLATE
uri = APIURL_TEMPLATE.format(TEST_CONFIG["longitude"], TEST_CONFIG["latitude"])
api_response = load_fixture("smhi.json")
aioclient_mock.get(uri, text=api_response)
entry = MockConfigEntry(domain="smhi", data=TEST_CONFIG)
await hass.config_entries.async_forward_entry_setup(entry, WEATHER_DOMAIN)
assert aioclient_mock.call_count == 1
# Testing the actual entity state for
# deeper testing than normal unity test
state = hass.states.get("weather.smhi_test")
assert state.state == "sunny"
assert state.attributes[ATTR_SMHI_CLOUDINESS] == 50
assert state.attributes[ATTR_WEATHER_ATTRIBUTION].find("SMHI") >= 0
assert state.attributes[ATTR_WEATHER_HUMIDITY] == 55
assert state.attributes[ATTR_WEATHER_PRESSURE] == 1024
assert state.attributes[ATTR_WEATHER_TEMPERATURE] == 17
assert state.attributes[ATTR_WEATHER_VISIBILITY] == 50
assert state.attributes[ATTR_WEATHER_WIND_SPEED] == 7
assert state.attributes[ATTR_WEATHER_WIND_BEARING] == 134
assert len(state.attributes["forecast"]) == 4
forecast = state.attributes["forecast"][1]
assert forecast[ATTR_FORECAST_TIME] == "2018-09-02T12:00:00"
assert forecast[ATTR_FORECAST_TEMP] == 21
assert forecast[ATTR_FORECAST_TEMP_LOW] == 6
assert forecast[ATTR_FORECAST_CONDITION] == "partlycloudy"
async def test_setup_plattform(hass):
"""Test that setup platform does nothing."""
assert await weather_smhi.async_setup_platform(hass, None, None) is None
def test_properties_no_data(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None:
"""Test properties when no API data available."""
weather = weather_smhi.SmhiWeather("name", "10", "10")
weather.hass = hass
assert weather.name == "name"
assert weather.should_poll is True
assert weather.temperature is None
assert weather.humidity is None
assert weather.wind_speed is None
assert weather.wind_bearing is None
assert weather.visibility is None
assert weather.pressure is None
assert weather.cloudiness is None
assert weather.condition is None
assert weather.forecast is None
assert weather.temperature_unit == TEMP_CELSIUS
# pylint: disable=protected-access
def test_properties_unknown_symbol() -> None:
"""Test behaviour when unknown symbol from API."""
hass = Mock()
data = Mock()
data.temperature = 5
data.mean_precipitation = 0.5
data.total_precipitation = 1
data.humidity = 5
data.wind_speed = 10
data.wind_direction = 180
data.horizontal_visibility = 6
data.pressure = 1008
data.cloudiness = 52
data.symbol = 100 # Faulty symbol
data.valid_time = datetime(2018, 1, 1, 0, 1, 2)
data2 = Mock()
data2.temperature = 5
data2.mean_precipitation = 0.5
data2.total_precipitation = 1
data2.humidity = 5
data2.wind_speed = 10
data2.wind_direction = 180
data2.horizontal_visibility = 6
data2.pressure = 1008
data2.cloudiness = 52
data2.symbol = 100 # Faulty symbol
data2.valid_time = datetime(2018, 1, 1, 12, 1, 2)
data3 = Mock()
data3.temperature = 5
data3.mean_precipitation = 0.5
data3.total_precipitation = 1
data3.humidity = 5
data3.wind_speed = 10
data3.wind_direction = 180
data3.horizontal_visibility = 6
data3.pressure = 1008
data3.cloudiness = 52
data3.symbol = 100 # Faulty symbol
data3.valid_time = datetime(2018, 1, 2, 12, 1, 2)
testdata = [data, data2, data3]
weather = weather_smhi.SmhiWeather("name", "10", "10")
weather.hass = hass
weather._forecasts = testdata
assert weather.condition is None
forecast = weather.forecast[0]
assert forecast[ATTR_FORECAST_CONDITION] is None
# pylint: disable=protected-access
async def test_refresh_weather_forecast_exceeds_retries(hass) -> None:
"""Test the refresh weather forecast function."""
from smhi.smhi_lib import SmhiForecastException
with patch.object(
hass.helpers.event, "async_call_later"
) as call_later, patch.object(
weather = weather_smhi.SmhiWeather("name", "17.0022", "62.0022")
weather.hass = hass
weather._fail_count = 2
await weather.async_update()
assert weather._forecasts is None
assert not call_later.mock_calls
async def test_refresh_weather_forecast_timeout(hass) -> None:
"""Test timeout exception."""
weather = weather_smhi.SmhiWeather("name", "17.0022", "62.0022")
weather.hass = hass
with patch.object(
hass.helpers.event, "async_call_later"
) as call_later, patch.object(
weather_smhi.SmhiWeather, "retry_update"
), patch.object(
await weather.async_update()
assert len(call_later.mock_calls) == 1
# Assert we are going to wait RETRY_TIMEOUT seconds
assert call_later.mock_calls[0][1][0] == weather_smhi.RETRY_TIMEOUT
async def test_refresh_weather_forecast_exception() -> None:
"""Test any exception."""
from smhi.smhi_lib import SmhiForecastException
hass = Mock()
weather = weather_smhi.SmhiWeather("name", "17.0022", "62.0022")
weather.hass = hass
with patch.object(
hass.helpers.event, "async_call_later"
) as call_later, patch.object(weather_smhi, "async_timeout"), patch.object(
weather_smhi.SmhiWeather, "retry_update"
), patch.object(
hass.async_add_job = Mock()
call_later = hass.helpers.event.async_call_later
await weather.async_update()
assert len(call_later.mock_calls) == 1
# Assert we are going to wait RETRY_TIMEOUT seconds
assert call_later.mock_calls[0][1][0] == weather_smhi.RETRY_TIMEOUT
async def test_retry_update():
"""Test retry function of refresh forecast."""
hass = Mock()
weather = weather_smhi.SmhiWeather("name", "17.0022", "62.0022")
weather.hass = hass
with patch.object(weather_smhi.SmhiWeather, "async_update") as update:
await weather.retry_update()
assert len(update.mock_calls) == 1
def test_condition_class():
"""Test condition class."""
def get_condition(index: int) -> str:
"""Return condition given index."""
return [k for k, v in weather_smhi.CONDITION_CLASSES.items() if index in v][0]
# SMHI definitions as follows, see
# http://opendata.smhi.se/apidocs/metfcst/parameters.html
# 1. Clear sky
assert get_condition(1) == "sunny"
# 2. Nearly clear sky
assert get_condition(2) == "sunny"
# 3. Variable cloudiness
assert get_condition(3) == "partlycloudy"
# 4. Halfclear sky
assert get_condition(4) == "partlycloudy"
# 5. Cloudy sky
assert get_condition(5) == "cloudy"
# 6. Overcast
assert get_condition(6) == "cloudy"
# 7. Fog
assert get_condition(7) == "fog"
# 8. Light rain showers
assert get_condition(8) == "rainy"
# 9. Moderate rain showers
assert get_condition(9) == "rainy"
# 18. Light rain
assert get_condition(18) == "rainy"
# 19. Moderate rain
assert get_condition(19) == "rainy"
# 10. Heavy rain showers
assert get_condition(10) == "pouring"
# 20. Heavy rain
assert get_condition(20) == "pouring"
# 21. Thunder
assert get_condition(21) == "lightning"
# 11. Thunderstorm
assert get_condition(11) == "lightning-rainy"
# 15. Light snow showers
assert get_condition(15) == "snowy"
# 16. Moderate snow showers
assert get_condition(16) == "snowy"
# 17. Heavy snow showers
assert get_condition(17) == "snowy"
# 25. Light snowfall
assert get_condition(25) == "snowy"
# 26. Moderate snowfall
assert get_condition(26) == "snowy"
# 27. Heavy snowfall
assert get_condition(27) == "snowy"
# 12. Light sleet showers
assert get_condition(12) == "snowy-rainy"
# 13. Moderate sleet showers
assert get_condition(13) == "snowy-rainy"
# 14. Heavy sleet showers
assert get_condition(14) == "snowy-rainy"
# 22. Light sleet
assert get_condition(22) == "snowy-rainy"
# 23. Moderate sleet
assert get_condition(23) == "snowy-rainy"
# 24. Heavy sleet
assert get_condition(24) == "snowy-rainy"