* rewrite hangouts to use intents instead of commands * small fixes * remove configured_hangouts check and CONFIG_SCHEMA * Lint * add import from .config_flow
340 lines
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340 lines
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"""The tests for the Conversation component."""
# pylint: disable=protected-access
import pytest
from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component
from homeassistant.components import conversation
import homeassistant.components as component
from homeassistant.components.cover import (SERVICE_OPEN_COVER)
from homeassistant.helpers import intent
from tests.common import async_mock_intent, async_mock_service
async def test_calling_intent(hass):
"""Test calling an intent from a conversation."""
intents = async_mock_intent(hass, 'OrderBeer')
result = await component.async_setup(hass, {})
assert result
result = await async_setup_component(hass, 'conversation', {
'conversation': {
'intents': {
'OrderBeer': [
'I would like the {type} beer'
assert result
await hass.services.async_call(
'conversation', 'process', {
conversation.ATTR_TEXT: 'I would like the Grolsch beer'
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert len(intents) == 1
intent = intents[0]
assert intent.platform == 'conversation'
assert intent.intent_type == 'OrderBeer'
assert intent.slots == {'type': {'value': 'Grolsch'}}
assert intent.text_input == 'I would like the Grolsch beer'
async def test_register_before_setup(hass):
"""Test calling an intent from a conversation."""
intents = async_mock_intent(hass, 'OrderBeer')
hass.components.conversation.async_register('OrderBeer', [
'A {type} beer, please'
result = await async_setup_component(hass, 'conversation', {
'conversation': {
'intents': {
'OrderBeer': [
'I would like the {type} beer'
assert result
await hass.services.async_call(
'conversation', 'process', {
conversation.ATTR_TEXT: 'A Grolsch beer, please'
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert len(intents) == 1
intent = intents[0]
assert intent.platform == 'conversation'
assert intent.intent_type == 'OrderBeer'
assert intent.slots == {'type': {'value': 'Grolsch'}}
assert intent.text_input == 'A Grolsch beer, please'
await hass.services.async_call(
'conversation', 'process', {
conversation.ATTR_TEXT: 'I would like the Grolsch beer'
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert len(intents) == 2
intent = intents[1]
assert intent.platform == 'conversation'
assert intent.intent_type == 'OrderBeer'
assert intent.slots == {'type': {'value': 'Grolsch'}}
assert intent.text_input == 'I would like the Grolsch beer'
async def test_http_processing_intent(hass, aiohttp_client):
"""Test processing intent via HTTP API."""
class TestIntentHandler(intent.IntentHandler):
"""Test Intent Handler."""
intent_type = 'OrderBeer'
async def async_handle(self, intent):
"""Handle the intent."""
response = intent.create_response()
"I've ordered a {}!".format(intent.slots['type']['value']))
"Beer ordered",
"You chose a {}.".format(intent.slots['type']['value']))
return response
intent.async_register(hass, TestIntentHandler())
result = await async_setup_component(hass, 'conversation', {
'conversation': {
'intents': {
'OrderBeer': [
'I would like the {type} beer'
assert result
client = await aiohttp_client(hass.http.app)
resp = await client.post('/api/conversation/process', json={
'text': 'I would like the Grolsch beer'
assert resp.status == 200
data = await resp.json()
assert data == {
'card': {
'simple': {
'content': 'You chose a Grolsch.',
'title': 'Beer ordered'
'speech': {
'plain': {
'extra_data': None,
'speech': "I've ordered a Grolsch!"
@pytest.mark.parametrize('sentence', ('turn on kitchen', 'turn kitchen on'))
async def test_turn_on_intent(hass, sentence):
"""Test calling the turn on intent."""
result = await component.async_setup(hass, {})
assert result
result = await async_setup_component(hass, 'conversation', {})
assert result
hass.states.async_set('light.kitchen', 'off')
calls = async_mock_service(hass, 'homeassistant', 'turn_on')
await hass.services.async_call(
'conversation', 'process', {
conversation.ATTR_TEXT: sentence
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert len(calls) == 1
call = calls[0]
assert call.domain == 'homeassistant'
assert call.service == 'turn_on'
assert call.data == {'entity_id': 'light.kitchen'}
async def test_cover_intents_loading(hass):
"""Test Cover Intents Loading."""
with pytest.raises(intent.UnknownIntent):
await intent.async_handle(
hass, 'test', 'HassOpenCover', {'name': {'value': 'garage door'}}
result = await async_setup_component(hass, 'cover', {})
assert result
hass.states.async_set('cover.garage_door', 'closed')
calls = async_mock_service(hass, 'cover', SERVICE_OPEN_COVER)
response = await intent.async_handle(
hass, 'test', 'HassOpenCover', {'name': {'value': 'garage door'}}
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert response.speech['plain']['speech'] == 'Opened garage door'
assert len(calls) == 1
call = calls[0]
assert call.domain == 'cover'
assert call.service == 'open_cover'
assert call.data == {'entity_id': 'cover.garage_door'}
@pytest.mark.parametrize('sentence', ('turn off kitchen', 'turn kitchen off'))
async def test_turn_off_intent(hass, sentence):
"""Test calling the turn on intent."""
result = await component.async_setup(hass, {})
assert result
result = await async_setup_component(hass, 'conversation', {})
assert result
hass.states.async_set('light.kitchen', 'on')
calls = async_mock_service(hass, 'homeassistant', 'turn_off')
await hass.services.async_call(
'conversation', 'process', {
conversation.ATTR_TEXT: sentence
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert len(calls) == 1
call = calls[0]
assert call.domain == 'homeassistant'
assert call.service == 'turn_off'
assert call.data == {'entity_id': 'light.kitchen'}
@pytest.mark.parametrize('sentence', ('toggle kitchen', 'kitchen toggle'))
async def test_toggle_intent(hass, sentence):
"""Test calling the turn on intent."""
result = await component.async_setup(hass, {})
assert result
result = await async_setup_component(hass, 'conversation', {})
assert result
hass.states.async_set('light.kitchen', 'on')
calls = async_mock_service(hass, 'homeassistant', 'toggle')
await hass.services.async_call(
'conversation', 'process', {
conversation.ATTR_TEXT: sentence
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert len(calls) == 1
call = calls[0]
assert call.domain == 'homeassistant'
assert call.service == 'toggle'
assert call.data == {'entity_id': 'light.kitchen'}
async def test_http_api(hass, aiohttp_client):
"""Test the HTTP conversation API."""
result = await component.async_setup(hass, {})
assert result
result = await async_setup_component(hass, 'conversation', {})
assert result
client = await aiohttp_client(hass.http.app)
hass.states.async_set('light.kitchen', 'off')
calls = async_mock_service(hass, 'homeassistant', 'turn_on')
resp = await client.post('/api/conversation/process', json={
'text': 'Turn the kitchen on'
assert resp.status == 200
assert len(calls) == 1
call = calls[0]
assert call.domain == 'homeassistant'
assert call.service == 'turn_on'
assert call.data == {'entity_id': 'light.kitchen'}
async def test_http_api_wrong_data(hass, aiohttp_client):
"""Test the HTTP conversation API."""
result = await component.async_setup(hass, {})
assert result
result = await async_setup_component(hass, 'conversation', {})
assert result
client = await aiohttp_client(hass.http.app)
resp = await client.post('/api/conversation/process', json={
'text': 123
assert resp.status == 400
resp = await client.post('/api/conversation/process', json={
assert resp.status == 400
def test_create_matcher():
"""Test the create matcher method."""
# Basic sentence
pattern = conversation.create_matcher('Hello world')
assert pattern.match('Hello world') is not None
# Match a part
pattern = conversation.create_matcher('Hello {name}')
match = pattern.match('hello world')
assert match is not None
assert match.groupdict()['name'] == 'world'
no_match = pattern.match('Hello world, how are you?')
assert no_match is None
# Optional and matching part
pattern = conversation.create_matcher('Turn on [the] {name}')
match = pattern.match('turn on the kitchen lights')
assert match is not None
assert match.groupdict()['name'] == 'kitchen lights'
match = pattern.match('turn on kitchen lights')
assert match is not None
assert match.groupdict()['name'] == 'kitchen lights'
match = pattern.match('turn off kitchen lights')
assert match is None
# Two different optional parts, 1 matching part
pattern = conversation.create_matcher('Turn on [the] [a] {name}')
match = pattern.match('turn on the kitchen lights')
assert match is not None
assert match.groupdict()['name'] == 'kitchen lights'
match = pattern.match('turn on kitchen lights')
assert match is not None
assert match.groupdict()['name'] == 'kitchen lights'
match = pattern.match('turn on a kitchen light')
assert match is not None
assert match.groupdict()['name'] == 'kitchen light'
# Strip plural
pattern = conversation.create_matcher('Turn {name}[s] on')
match = pattern.match('turn kitchen lights on')
assert match is not None
assert match.groupdict()['name'] == 'kitchen light'
# Optional 2 words
pattern = conversation.create_matcher('Turn [the great] {name} on')
match = pattern.match('turn the great kitchen lights on')
assert match is not None
assert match.groupdict()['name'] == 'kitchen lights'
match = pattern.match('turn kitchen lights on')
assert match is not None
assert match.groupdict()['name'] == 'kitchen lights'