A major change to the bootstrapping of Home Assistant decoupling the knowledge in bootstrap for a more dynamic approach. This refactoring also prepares the code for different configuration backends and the loading components from different places.
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175 lines
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Provides methods to bootstrap a home assistant instance.
Each method will return a tuple (bus, statemachine).
After bootstrapping you can add your own components or
start by calling homeassistant.start_home_assistant(bus)
import configparser
import logging
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import chain
import homeassistant
import homeassistant.components as core_components
import homeassistant.components.group as group
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
def from_config_dict(config, hass=None):
Tries to configure Home Assistant from a config dict.
Dynamically loads required components and its dependencies.
if hass is None:
hass = homeassistant.HomeAssistant()
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Make a copy because we are mutating it.
# Convert it to defaultdict so components can always have config dict
config = defaultdict(dict, config)
# List of loaded components
components = {}
# List of components to validate
to_validate = []
# List of validated components
validated = []
# List of components we are going to load
to_load = [key for key in config.keys() if key != homeassistant.DOMAIN]
# Load required components
while to_load:
domain = to_load.pop()
component = core_components.get_component(domain, logger)
# if None it does not exist, error already thrown by get_component
if component is not None:
components[domain] = component
# Special treatment for GROUP, we want to load it as late as
# possible. We do this by loading it if all other to be loaded
# modules depend on it.
if component.DOMAIN == group.DOMAIN:
# Components with no dependencies are valid
elif not component.DEPENDENCIES:
# If dependencies we'll validate it later
# Make sure to load all dependencies that are not being loaded
for dependency in component.DEPENDENCIES:
if dependency not in chain(components.keys(), to_load):
# Validate dependencies
group_added = False
while to_validate:
newly_validated = []
for domain in to_validate:
if all(domain in validated for domain
in components[domain].DEPENDENCIES):
# We validated new domains this iteration, add them to validated
if newly_validated:
# Add newly validated domains to validated
# remove domains from to_validate
for domain in newly_validated:
# Nothing validated this iteration. Add group dependency and try again.
elif not group_added:
group_added = True
# Group has already been added and we still can't validate all.
# Report missing deps as error and skip loading of these domains
for domain in to_validate:
missing_deps = [dep for dep in components[domain].DEPENDENCIES
if dep not in validated]
"Could not validate all dependencies for {}: {}".format(
domain, ", ".join(missing_deps)))
# Setup the components
if core_components.setup(hass, config):
logger.info("Home Assistant core initialized")
for domain in validated:
component = components[domain]
if component.setup(hass, config):
logger.info("component {} initialized".format(domain))
"component {} failed to initialize".format(domain))
except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
"Error during setup of component {}".format(domain))
logger.error(("Home Assistant core failed to initialize. "
"Further initialization aborted."))
return hass
def from_config_file(config_path, hass=None, enable_logging=True):
Reads the configuration file and tries to start all the required
functionality. Will add functionality to 'hass' parameter if given,
instantiates a new Home Assistant object if 'hass' is not given.
if enable_logging:
# Setup the logging for home assistant.
# Log errors to a file
err_handler = logging.FileHandler("home-assistant.log",
mode='w', delay=True)
logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(name)s: %(message)s',
datefmt='%H:%M %d-%m-%y'))
# Read config
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
config_dict = {}
for section in config.sections():
config_dict[section] = {}
for key, val in config.items(section):
config_dict[section][key] = val
return from_config_dict(config_dict, hass)