* Capture nest still images from events Use python google-nest-sdm API for fetching images. Update home assistant to use the google-nest-sdm API for fetching the image contents generated by the server. This uses the existing websession object for server fetches, reducing the amount of new code and facilites unit testing using the existing mechanism. Simplify tests using the image fetch API rather than a snapshot API
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Test for Nest cameras platform for the Smart Device Management API.
These tests fake out the subscriber/devicemanager, and are not using a real
pubsub subscriber.
import datetime
from unittest.mock import patch
import aiohttp
from google_nest_sdm.device import Device
from google_nest_sdm.event import EventMessage
import pytest
from homeassistant.components import camera
from homeassistant.components.camera import STATE_IDLE
from homeassistant.exceptions import HomeAssistantError
from homeassistant.util.dt import utcnow
from .common import async_setup_sdm_platform
from tests.common import async_fire_time_changed
PLATFORM = "camera"
CAMERA_DEVICE_TYPE = "sdm.devices.types.CAMERA"
DEVICE_ID = "some-device-id"
"sdm.devices.traits.Info": {
"customName": "My Camera",
"sdm.devices.traits.CameraLiveStream": {
"maxVideoResolution": {
"width": 640,
"height": 480,
"videoCodecs": ["H264"],
"audioCodecs": ["AAC"],
"sdm.devices.traits.CameraEventImage": {},
"sdm.devices.traits.CameraMotion": {},
DOMAIN = "nest"
# Tests can assert that image bytes came from an event or was decoded
# from the live stream.
IMAGE_BYTES_FROM_EVENT = b"test url image bytes"
IMAGE_BYTES_FROM_STREAM = b"test stream image bytes"
TEST_IMAGE_URL = "https://domain/sdm_event_snapshot/dGTZwR3o4Y1..."
"results": {
"token": "g.0.eventToken",
IMAGE_AUTHORIZATION_HEADERS = {"Authorization": "Basic g.0.eventToken"}
def make_motion_event(timestamp: datetime.datetime = None) -> EventMessage:
"""Create an EventMessage for a motion event."""
if not timestamp:
timestamp = utcnow()
return EventMessage(
"eventId": "some-event-id",
"timestamp": timestamp.isoformat(timespec="seconds"),
"resourceUpdate": {
"name": DEVICE_ID,
"events": {
"sdm.devices.events.CameraMotion.Motion": {
"eventSessionId": "CjY5Y3VKaTZwR3o4Y19YbTVfMF...",
def make_stream_url_response(
expiration: datetime.datetime = None, token_num: int = 0
) -> aiohttp.web.Response:
"""Make response for the API that generates a streaming url."""
if not expiration:
# Default to an arbitrary time in the future
expiration = utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=100)
return aiohttp.web.json_response(
"results": {
"streamUrls": {
"rtspUrl": f"rtsp://some/url?auth=g.{token_num}.streamingToken"
"streamExtensionToken": f"g.{token_num}.extensionToken",
"streamToken": f"g.{token_num}.streamingToken",
"expiresAt": expiration.isoformat(timespec="seconds"),
async def async_setup_camera(hass, traits={}, auth=None):
"""Set up the platform and prerequisites."""
devices = {}
if traits:
devices[DEVICE_ID] = Device.MakeDevice(
"name": DEVICE_ID,
"traits": traits,
return await async_setup_sdm_platform(hass, PLATFORM, devices)
async def fire_alarm(hass, point_in_time):
"""Fire an alarm and wait for callbacks to run."""
with patch("homeassistant.util.dt.utcnow", return_value=point_in_time):
async_fire_time_changed(hass, point_in_time)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
async def async_get_image(hass):
"""Get image from the camera, a wrapper around camera.async_get_image."""
# Note: this patches ImageFrame to simulate decoding an image from a live
# stream, however the test may not use it. Tests assert on the image
# contents to determine if the image came from the live stream or event.
with patch(
return await camera.async_get_image(hass, "camera.my_camera")
async def test_no_devices(hass):
"""Test configuration that returns no devices."""
await async_setup_camera(hass)
assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 0
async def test_ineligible_device(hass):
"""Test configuration with devices that do not support cameras."""
await async_setup_camera(
"sdm.devices.traits.Info": {
"customName": "My Camera",
assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 0
async def test_camera_device(hass):
"""Test a basic camera with a live stream."""
await async_setup_camera(hass, DEVICE_TRAITS)
assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 1
camera = hass.states.get("camera.my_camera")
assert camera is not None
assert camera.state == STATE_IDLE
registry = await hass.helpers.entity_registry.async_get_registry()
entry = registry.async_get("camera.my_camera")
assert entry.unique_id == "some-device-id-camera"
assert entry.original_name == "My Camera"
assert entry.domain == "camera"
device_registry = await hass.helpers.device_registry.async_get_registry()
device = device_registry.async_get(entry.device_id)
assert device.name == "My Camera"
assert device.model == "Camera"
assert device.identifiers == {("nest", DEVICE_ID)}
async def test_camera_stream(hass, auth):
"""Test a basic camera and fetch its live stream."""
auth.responses = [make_stream_url_response()]
await async_setup_camera(hass, DEVICE_TRAITS, auth=auth)
assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 1
cam = hass.states.get("camera.my_camera")
assert cam is not None
assert cam.state == STATE_IDLE
stream_source = await camera.async_get_stream_source(hass, "camera.my_camera")
assert stream_source == "rtsp://some/url?auth=g.0.streamingToken"
image = await async_get_image(hass)
assert image.content == IMAGE_BYTES_FROM_STREAM
async def test_camera_stream_missing_trait(hass, auth):
"""Test fetching a video stream when not supported by the API."""
traits = {
"sdm.devices.traits.Info": {
"customName": "My Camera",
"sdm.devices.traits.CameraImage": {
"maxImageResolution": {
"width": 800,
"height": 600,
await async_setup_camera(hass, traits, auth=auth)
assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 1
cam = hass.states.get("camera.my_camera")
assert cam is not None
assert cam.state == STATE_IDLE
stream_source = await camera.async_get_stream_source(hass, "camera.my_camera")
assert stream_source is None
# Unable to get an image from the live stream
with pytest.raises(HomeAssistantError):
await async_get_image(hass)
async def test_refresh_expired_stream_token(hass, auth):
"""Test a camera stream expiration and refresh."""
now = utcnow()
stream_1_expiration = now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=90)
stream_2_expiration = now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=180)
stream_3_expiration = now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=360)
auth.responses = [
# Stream URL #1
make_stream_url_response(stream_1_expiration, token_num=1),
# Stream URL #2
make_stream_url_response(stream_2_expiration, token_num=2),
# Stream URL #3
make_stream_url_response(stream_3_expiration, token_num=3),
await async_setup_camera(
assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 1
cam = hass.states.get("camera.my_camera")
assert cam is not None
assert cam.state == STATE_IDLE
stream_source = await camera.async_get_stream_source(hass, "camera.my_camera")
assert stream_source == "rtsp://some/url?auth=g.1.streamingToken"
# Fire alarm before stream_1_expiration. The stream url is not refreshed
next_update = now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=25)
await fire_alarm(hass, next_update)
stream_source = await camera.async_get_stream_source(hass, "camera.my_camera")
assert stream_source == "rtsp://some/url?auth=g.1.streamingToken"
# Alarm is near stream_1_expiration which causes the stream extension
next_update = now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=65)
await fire_alarm(hass, next_update)
stream_source = await camera.async_get_stream_source(hass, "camera.my_camera")
assert stream_source == "rtsp://some/url?auth=g.2.streamingToken"
# Next alarm is well before stream_2_expiration, no change
next_update = now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=100)
await fire_alarm(hass, next_update)
stream_source = await camera.async_get_stream_source(hass, "camera.my_camera")
assert stream_source == "rtsp://some/url?auth=g.2.streamingToken"
# Alarm is near stream_2_expiration, causing it to be extended
next_update = now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=155)
await fire_alarm(hass, next_update)
stream_source = await camera.async_get_stream_source(hass, "camera.my_camera")
assert stream_source == "rtsp://some/url?auth=g.3.streamingToken"
async def test_stream_response_already_expired(hass, auth):
"""Test a API response returning an expired stream url."""
now = utcnow()
stream_1_expiration = now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=-90)
stream_2_expiration = now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=+90)
auth.responses = [
make_stream_url_response(stream_1_expiration, token_num=1),
make_stream_url_response(stream_2_expiration, token_num=2),
await async_setup_camera(hass, DEVICE_TRAITS, auth=auth)
assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 1
cam = hass.states.get("camera.my_camera")
assert cam is not None
assert cam.state == STATE_IDLE
# The stream is expired, but we return it anyway
stream_source = await camera.async_get_stream_source(hass, "camera.my_camera")
assert stream_source == "rtsp://some/url?auth=g.1.streamingToken"
await fire_alarm(hass, now)
# Second attempt sees that the stream is expired and refreshes
stream_source = await camera.async_get_stream_source(hass, "camera.my_camera")
assert stream_source == "rtsp://some/url?auth=g.2.streamingToken"
async def test_camera_removed(hass, auth):
"""Test case where entities are removed and stream tokens expired."""
auth.responses = [
aiohttp.web.json_response({"results": {}}),
await async_setup_camera(
assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 1
cam = hass.states.get("camera.my_camera")
assert cam is not None
assert cam.state == STATE_IDLE
stream_source = await camera.async_get_stream_source(hass, "camera.my_camera")
assert stream_source == "rtsp://some/url?auth=g.0.streamingToken"
for config_entry in hass.config_entries.async_entries(DOMAIN):
await hass.config_entries.async_remove(config_entry.entry_id)
assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 0
async def test_refresh_expired_stream_failure(hass, auth):
"""Tests a failure when refreshing the stream."""
now = utcnow()
stream_1_expiration = now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=90)
stream_2_expiration = now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=180)
auth.responses = [
make_stream_url_response(expiration=stream_1_expiration, token_num=1),
# Extending the stream fails with arbitrary error
# Next attempt to get a stream fetches a new url
make_stream_url_response(expiration=stream_2_expiration, token_num=2),
await async_setup_camera(hass, DEVICE_TRAITS, auth=auth)
assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 1
cam = hass.states.get("camera.my_camera")
assert cam is not None
assert cam.state == STATE_IDLE
stream_source = await camera.async_get_stream_source(hass, "camera.my_camera")
assert stream_source == "rtsp://some/url?auth=g.1.streamingToken"
# Fire alarm when stream is nearing expiration, causing it to be extended.
# The stream expires.
next_update = now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=65)
await fire_alarm(hass, next_update)
# The stream is entirely refreshed
stream_source = await camera.async_get_stream_source(hass, "camera.my_camera")
assert stream_source == "rtsp://some/url?auth=g.2.streamingToken"
async def test_camera_image_from_last_event(hass, auth):
"""Test an image generated from an event."""
# The subscriber receives a message related to an image event. The camera
# holds on to the event message. When the test asks for a capera snapshot
# it exchanges the event id for an image url and fetches the image.
subscriber = await async_setup_camera(hass, DEVICE_TRAITS, auth=auth)
assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 1
assert hass.states.get("camera.my_camera")
# Simulate a pubsub message received by the subscriber with a motion event.
await subscriber.async_receive_event(make_motion_event())
await hass.async_block_till_done()
auth.responses = [
# Fake response from API that returns url image
# Fake response for the image content fetch
image = await async_get_image(hass)
assert image.content == IMAGE_BYTES_FROM_EVENT
# Verify expected image fetch request was captured
assert auth.url == TEST_IMAGE_URL
assert auth.headers == IMAGE_AUTHORIZATION_HEADERS
# An additional fetch uses the cache and does not send another RPC
image = await async_get_image(hass)
assert image.content == IMAGE_BYTES_FROM_EVENT
# Verify expected image fetch request was captured
assert auth.url == TEST_IMAGE_URL
assert auth.headers == IMAGE_AUTHORIZATION_HEADERS
async def test_camera_image_from_event_not_supported(hass, auth):
"""Test fallback to stream image when event images are not supported."""
# Create a device that does not support the CameraEventImgae trait
traits = DEVICE_TRAITS.copy()
del traits["sdm.devices.traits.CameraEventImage"]
subscriber = await async_setup_camera(hass, traits, auth=auth)
assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 1
assert hass.states.get("camera.my_camera")
await subscriber.async_receive_event(make_motion_event())
await hass.async_block_till_done()
# Camera fetches a stream url since CameraEventImage is not supported
auth.responses = [make_stream_url_response()]
image = await async_get_image(hass)
assert image.content == IMAGE_BYTES_FROM_STREAM
async def test_generate_event_image_url_failure(hass, auth):
"""Test fallback to stream on failure to create an image url."""
subscriber = await async_setup_camera(hass, DEVICE_TRAITS, auth=auth)
assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 1
assert hass.states.get("camera.my_camera")
await subscriber.async_receive_event(make_motion_event())
await hass.async_block_till_done()
auth.responses = [
# Fail to generate the image url
# Camera fetches a stream url as a fallback
image = await async_get_image(hass)
assert image.content == IMAGE_BYTES_FROM_STREAM
async def test_fetch_event_image_failure(hass, auth):
"""Test fallback to a stream on image download failure."""
subscriber = await async_setup_camera(hass, DEVICE_TRAITS, auth=auth)
assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 1
assert hass.states.get("camera.my_camera")
await subscriber.async_receive_event(make_motion_event())
await hass.async_block_till_done()
auth.responses = [
# Fake response from API that returns url image
# Fail to download the image
# Camera fetches a stream url as a fallback
image = await async_get_image(hass)
assert image.content == IMAGE_BYTES_FROM_STREAM
async def test_event_image_expired(hass, auth):
"""Test fallback for an event event image that has expired."""
subscriber = await async_setup_camera(hass, DEVICE_TRAITS, auth=auth)
assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 1
assert hass.states.get("camera.my_camera")
# Simulate a pubsub message has already expired
event_timestamp = utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(seconds=40)
await subscriber.async_receive_event(make_motion_event(event_timestamp))
await hass.async_block_till_done()
# Fallback to a stream url since the event message is expired.
auth.responses = [make_stream_url_response()]
image = await async_get_image(hass)
assert image.content == IMAGE_BYTES_FROM_STREAM