2021-10-25 09:37:37 +02:00

249 lines
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"""Representation of ISYEntity Types."""
from __future__ import annotations
from pyisy.constants import (
from pyisy.helpers import NodeProperty
from homeassistant.const import (
from homeassistant.core import callback
from homeassistant.exceptions import HomeAssistantError
from homeassistant.helpers.entity import DeviceInfo, Entity
from . import _async_isy_to_configuration_url
from .const import DOMAIN
class ISYEntity(Entity):
"""Representation of an ISY994 device."""
_name: str = None
def __init__(self, node) -> None:
"""Initialize the insteon device."""
self._node = node
self._attrs = {}
self._change_handler = None
self._control_handler = None
async def async_added_to_hass(self) -> None:
"""Subscribe to the node change events."""
self._change_handler = self._node.status_events.subscribe(self.async_on_update)
if hasattr(self._node, "control_events"):
self._control_handler = self._node.control_events.subscribe(
def async_on_update(self, event: object) -> None:
"""Handle the update event from the ISY994 Node."""
def async_on_control(self, event: NodeProperty) -> None:
"""Handle a control event from the ISY994 Node."""
event_data = {
"entity_id": self.entity_id,
"control": event.control,
"value": event.value,
"formatted": event.formatted,
"uom": event.uom,
"precision": event.prec,
if event.control not in EVENT_PROPS_IGNORED:
# New state attributes may be available, update the state.
self.hass.bus.fire("isy994_control", event_data)
def device_info(self) -> DeviceInfo:
"""Return the device_info of the device."""
if hasattr(self._node, "protocol") and self._node.protocol == PROTO_GROUP:
# not a device
return None
isy = self._node.isy
uuid = isy.configuration["uuid"]
node = self._node
url = _async_isy_to_configuration_url(isy)
basename = self.name
if hasattr(self._node, "parent_node") and self._node.parent_node is not None:
# This is not the parent node, get the parent node.
node = self._node.parent_node
basename = node.name
device_info = DeviceInfo(
via_device=(DOMAIN, uuid),
if hasattr(node, "address"):
device_info[ATTR_NAME] += f" ({node.address})"
if hasattr(node, "primary_node"):
device_info[ATTR_IDENTIFIERS] = {(DOMAIN, f"{uuid}_{node.address}")}
# ISYv5 Device Types
if hasattr(node, "node_def_id") and node.node_def_id is not None:
device_info[ATTR_MODEL] = node.node_def_id
# Numerical Device Type
if hasattr(node, "type") and node.type is not None:
device_info[ATTR_MODEL] += f" {node.type}"
if hasattr(node, "protocol"):
device_info[ATTR_MANUFACTURER] = node.protocol
if node.protocol == PROTO_ZWAVE:
# Get extra information for Z-Wave Devices
device_info[ATTR_MANUFACTURER] += f" MfrID:{node.zwave_props.mfr_id}"
device_info[ATTR_MODEL] += (
f" Type:{node.zwave_props.devtype_gen} "
f"ProductTypeID:{node.zwave_props.prod_type_id} "
if hasattr(node, "folder") and node.folder is not None:
device_info[ATTR_SUGGESTED_AREA] = node.folder
# Note: sw_version is not exposed by the ISY for the individual devices.
return device_info
def unique_id(self) -> str:
"""Get the unique identifier of the device."""
if hasattr(self._node, "address"):
return f"{self._node.isy.configuration['uuid']}_{self._node.address}"
return None
def old_unique_id(self) -> str:
"""Get the old unique identifier of the device."""
if hasattr(self._node, "address"):
return self._node.address
return None
def name(self) -> str:
"""Get the name of the device."""
return self._name or str(self._node.name)
def should_poll(self) -> bool:
"""No polling required since we're using the subscription."""
return False
class ISYNodeEntity(ISYEntity):
"""Representation of a ISY Nodebase (Node/Group) entity."""
def extra_state_attributes(self) -> dict:
"""Get the state attributes for the device.
The 'aux_properties' in the pyisy Node class are combined with the
other attributes which have been picked up from the event stream and
the combined result are returned as the device state attributes.
attr = {}
if hasattr(self._node, "aux_properties"):
# Cast as list due to RuntimeError if a new property is added while running.
for name, value in list(self._node.aux_properties.items()):
attr_name = COMMAND_FRIENDLY_NAME.get(name, name)
attr[attr_name] = str(value.formatted).lower()
# If a Group/Scene, set a property if the entire scene is on/off
if hasattr(self._node, "group_all_on"):
attr["group_all_on"] = STATE_ON if self._node.group_all_on else STATE_OFF
return self._attrs
async def async_send_node_command(self, command):
"""Respond to an entity service command call."""
if not hasattr(self._node, command):
raise HomeAssistantError(
f"Invalid service call: {command} for device {self.entity_id}"
await getattr(self._node, command)()
async def async_send_raw_node_command(
self, command, value=None, unit_of_measurement=None, parameters=None
"""Respond to an entity service raw command call."""
if not hasattr(self._node, "send_cmd"):
raise HomeAssistantError(
f"Invalid service call: {command} for device {self.entity_id}"
await self._node.send_cmd(command, value, unit_of_measurement, parameters)
async def async_get_zwave_parameter(self, parameter):
"""Respond to an entity service command to request a Z-Wave device parameter from the ISY."""
if not hasattr(self._node, "protocol") or self._node.protocol != PROTO_ZWAVE:
raise HomeAssistantError(
f"Invalid service call: cannot request Z-Wave Parameter for non-Z-Wave device {self.entity_id}"
await self._node.get_zwave_parameter(parameter)
async def async_set_zwave_parameter(self, parameter, value, size):
"""Respond to an entity service command to set a Z-Wave device parameter via the ISY."""
if not hasattr(self._node, "protocol") or self._node.protocol != PROTO_ZWAVE:
raise HomeAssistantError(
f"Invalid service call: cannot set Z-Wave Parameter for non-Z-Wave device {self.entity_id}"
await self._node.set_zwave_parameter(parameter, value, size)
await self._node.get_zwave_parameter(parameter)
async def async_rename_node(self, name):
"""Respond to an entity service command to rename a node on the ISY."""
await self._node.rename(name)
class ISYProgramEntity(ISYEntity):
"""Representation of an ISY994 program base."""
def __init__(self, name: str, status, actions=None) -> None:
"""Initialize the ISY994 program-based entity."""
self._name = name
self._actions = actions
def extra_state_attributes(self) -> dict:
"""Get the state attributes for the device."""
attr = {}
if self._actions:
attr["actions_enabled"] = self._actions.enabled
if self._actions.last_finished != EMPTY_TIME:
attr["actions_last_finished"] = self._actions.last_finished
if self._actions.last_run != EMPTY_TIME:
attr["actions_last_run"] = self._actions.last_run
if self._actions.last_update != EMPTY_TIME:
attr["actions_last_update"] = self._actions.last_update
attr["ran_else"] = self._actions.ran_else
attr["ran_then"] = self._actions.ran_then
attr["run_at_startup"] = self._actions.run_at_startup
attr["running"] = self._actions.running
attr["status_enabled"] = self._node.enabled
if self._node.last_finished != EMPTY_TIME:
attr["status_last_finished"] = self._node.last_finished
if self._node.last_run != EMPTY_TIME:
attr["status_last_run"] = self._node.last_run
if self._node.last_update != EMPTY_TIME:
attr["status_last_update"] = self._node.last_update
return attr