Erik Montnemery 6a60ebdb30
Rename MockToggleDevice to MockToggleEntity (#26644)
* Rename MockToggleDevice to MockToggleEntity

* Fix tests
2019-09-15 09:50:17 +02:00

1211 lines
39 KiB

"""The tests for the generic_thermostat."""
import datetime
from asynctest import mock
import pytest
import pytz
import voluptuous as vol
from homeassistant.components import input_boolean, switch
from homeassistant.components.climate.const import (
from homeassistant.const import (
import homeassistant.core as ha
from homeassistant.core import DOMAIN as HASS_DOMAIN, CoreState, State, callback
from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component
from homeassistant.util.unit_system import METRIC_SYSTEM
from tests.common import assert_setup_component, mock_restore_cache
from tests.components.climate import common
ENTITY = "climate.test"
ENT_SENSOR = "sensor.test"
ENT_SWITCH = "switch.test"
HEAT_ENTITY = "climate.test_heat"
COOL_ENTITY = "climate.test_cool"
ATTR_AWAY_MODE = "away_mode"
MIN_TEMP = 3.0
MAX_TEMP = 65.0
async def test_setup_missing_conf(hass):
"""Test set up heat_control with missing config values."""
config = {
"platform": "generic_thermostat",
"name": "test",
"target_sensor": ENT_SENSOR,
with assert_setup_component(0):
await async_setup_component(hass, "climate", {"climate": config})
async def test_valid_conf(hass):
"""Test set up generic_thermostat with valid config values."""
assert await async_setup_component(
"climate": {
"platform": "generic_thermostat",
"name": "test",
"heater": ENT_SWITCH,
"target_sensor": ENT_SENSOR,
def setup_comp_1(hass):
"""Initialize components."""
hass.config.units = METRIC_SYSTEM
assert hass.loop.run_until_complete(
async_setup_component(hass, "homeassistant", {})
async def test_heater_input_boolean(hass, setup_comp_1):
"""Test heater switching input_boolean."""
heater_switch = "input_boolean.test"
assert await async_setup_component(
hass, input_boolean.DOMAIN, {"input_boolean": {"test": None}}
assert await async_setup_component(
"climate": {
"platform": "generic_thermostat",
"name": "test",
"heater": heater_switch,
"target_sensor": ENT_SENSOR,
"initial_hvac_mode": HVAC_MODE_HEAT,
assert STATE_OFF == hass.states.get(heater_switch).state
_setup_sensor(hass, 18)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
await common.async_set_temperature(hass, 23)
assert STATE_ON == hass.states.get(heater_switch).state
async def test_heater_switch(hass, setup_comp_1):
"""Test heater switching test switch."""
platform = getattr(hass.components, "test.switch")
switch_1 = platform.ENTITIES[1]
assert await async_setup_component(
hass, switch.DOMAIN, {"switch": {"platform": "test"}}
heater_switch = switch_1.entity_id
assert await async_setup_component(
"climate": {
"platform": "generic_thermostat",
"name": "test",
"heater": heater_switch,
"target_sensor": ENT_SENSOR,
"initial_hvac_mode": HVAC_MODE_HEAT,
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert STATE_OFF == hass.states.get(heater_switch).state
_setup_sensor(hass, 18)
await common.async_set_temperature(hass, 23)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert STATE_ON == hass.states.get(heater_switch).state
def _setup_sensor(hass, temp):
"""Set up the test sensor."""
hass.states.async_set(ENT_SENSOR, temp)
def setup_comp_2(hass):
"""Initialize components."""
hass.config.units = METRIC_SYSTEM
assert hass.loop.run_until_complete(
"climate": {
"platform": "generic_thermostat",
"name": "test",
"cold_tolerance": 2,
"hot_tolerance": 4,
"heater": ENT_SWITCH,
"target_sensor": ENT_SENSOR,
"away_temp": 16,
"initial_hvac_mode": HVAC_MODE_HEAT,
async def test_setup_defaults_to_unknown(hass):
"""Test the setting of defaults to unknown."""
hass.config.units = METRIC_SYSTEM
await async_setup_component(
"climate": {
"platform": "generic_thermostat",
"name": "test",
"cold_tolerance": 2,
"hot_tolerance": 4,
"heater": ENT_SWITCH,
"target_sensor": ENT_SENSOR,
"away_temp": 16,
assert HVAC_MODE_OFF == hass.states.get(ENTITY).state
async def test_default_setup_params(hass, setup_comp_2):
"""Test the setup with default parameters."""
state = hass.states.get(ENTITY)
assert 7 == state.attributes.get("min_temp")
assert 35 == state.attributes.get("max_temp")
assert 7 == state.attributes.get("temperature")
async def test_get_hvac_modes(hass, setup_comp_2):
"""Test that the operation list returns the correct modes."""
state = hass.states.get(ENTITY)
modes = state.attributes.get("hvac_modes")
assert [HVAC_MODE_HEAT, HVAC_MODE_OFF] == modes
async def test_set_target_temp(hass, setup_comp_2):
"""Test the setting of the target temperature."""
await common.async_set_temperature(hass, 30)
state = hass.states.get(ENTITY)
assert 30.0 == state.attributes.get("temperature")
with pytest.raises(vol.Invalid):
await common.async_set_temperature(hass, None)
state = hass.states.get(ENTITY)
assert 30.0 == state.attributes.get("temperature")
async def test_set_away_mode(hass, setup_comp_2):
"""Test the setting away mode."""
await common.async_set_temperature(hass, 23)
await common.async_set_preset_mode(hass, PRESET_AWAY)
state = hass.states.get(ENTITY)
assert 16 == state.attributes.get("temperature")
async def test_set_away_mode_and_restore_prev_temp(hass, setup_comp_2):
"""Test the setting and removing away mode.
Verify original temperature is restored.
await common.async_set_temperature(hass, 23)
await common.async_set_preset_mode(hass, PRESET_AWAY)
state = hass.states.get(ENTITY)
assert 16 == state.attributes.get("temperature")
await common.async_set_preset_mode(hass, PRESET_NONE)
state = hass.states.get(ENTITY)
assert 23 == state.attributes.get("temperature")
async def test_set_away_mode_twice_and_restore_prev_temp(hass, setup_comp_2):
"""Test the setting away mode twice in a row.
Verify original temperature is restored.
await common.async_set_temperature(hass, 23)
await common.async_set_preset_mode(hass, PRESET_AWAY)
await common.async_set_preset_mode(hass, PRESET_AWAY)
state = hass.states.get(ENTITY)
assert 16 == state.attributes.get("temperature")
await common.async_set_preset_mode(hass, PRESET_NONE)
state = hass.states.get(ENTITY)
assert 23 == state.attributes.get("temperature")
async def test_sensor_bad_value(hass, setup_comp_2):
"""Test sensor that have None as state."""
state = hass.states.get(ENTITY)
temp = state.attributes.get("current_temperature")
_setup_sensor(hass, None)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
state = hass.states.get(ENTITY)
assert temp == state.attributes.get("current_temperature")
async def test_set_target_temp_heater_on(hass, setup_comp_2):
"""Test if target temperature turn heater on."""
calls = _setup_switch(hass, False)
_setup_sensor(hass, 25)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
await common.async_set_temperature(hass, 30)
assert 1 == len(calls)
call = calls[0]
assert HASS_DOMAIN == call.domain
assert SERVICE_TURN_ON == call.service
assert ENT_SWITCH == call.data["entity_id"]
async def test_set_target_temp_heater_off(hass, setup_comp_2):
"""Test if target temperature turn heater off."""
calls = _setup_switch(hass, True)
_setup_sensor(hass, 30)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
await common.async_set_temperature(hass, 25)
assert 2 == len(calls)
call = calls[0]
assert HASS_DOMAIN == call.domain
assert SERVICE_TURN_OFF == call.service
assert ENT_SWITCH == call.data["entity_id"]
async def test_temp_change_heater_on_within_tolerance(hass, setup_comp_2):
"""Test if temperature change doesn't turn on within tolerance."""
calls = _setup_switch(hass, False)
await common.async_set_temperature(hass, 30)
_setup_sensor(hass, 29)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert 0 == len(calls)
async def test_temp_change_heater_on_outside_tolerance(hass, setup_comp_2):
"""Test if temperature change turn heater on outside cold tolerance."""
calls = _setup_switch(hass, False)
await common.async_set_temperature(hass, 30)
_setup_sensor(hass, 27)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert 1 == len(calls)
call = calls[0]
assert HASS_DOMAIN == call.domain
assert SERVICE_TURN_ON == call.service
assert ENT_SWITCH == call.data["entity_id"]
async def test_temp_change_heater_off_within_tolerance(hass, setup_comp_2):
"""Test if temperature change doesn't turn off within tolerance."""
calls = _setup_switch(hass, True)
await common.async_set_temperature(hass, 30)
_setup_sensor(hass, 33)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert 0 == len(calls)
async def test_temp_change_heater_off_outside_tolerance(hass, setup_comp_2):
"""Test if temperature change turn heater off outside hot tolerance."""
calls = _setup_switch(hass, True)
await common.async_set_temperature(hass, 30)
_setup_sensor(hass, 35)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert 1 == len(calls)
call = calls[0]
assert HASS_DOMAIN == call.domain
assert SERVICE_TURN_OFF == call.service
assert ENT_SWITCH == call.data["entity_id"]
async def test_running_when_hvac_mode_is_off(hass, setup_comp_2):
"""Test that the switch turns off when enabled is set False."""
calls = _setup_switch(hass, True)
await common.async_set_temperature(hass, 30)
await common.async_set_hvac_mode(hass, HVAC_MODE_OFF)
assert 1 == len(calls)
call = calls[0]
assert HASS_DOMAIN == call.domain
assert SERVICE_TURN_OFF == call.service
assert ENT_SWITCH == call.data["entity_id"]
async def test_no_state_change_when_hvac_mode_off(hass, setup_comp_2):
"""Test that the switch doesn't turn on when enabled is False."""
calls = _setup_switch(hass, False)
await common.async_set_temperature(hass, 30)
await common.async_set_hvac_mode(hass, HVAC_MODE_OFF)
_setup_sensor(hass, 25)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert 0 == len(calls)
async def test_hvac_mode_heat(hass, setup_comp_2):
"""Test change mode from OFF to HEAT.
Switch turns on when temp below setpoint and mode changes.
await common.async_set_hvac_mode(hass, HVAC_MODE_OFF)
await common.async_set_temperature(hass, 30)
_setup_sensor(hass, 25)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
calls = _setup_switch(hass, False)
await common.async_set_hvac_mode(hass, HVAC_MODE_HEAT)
assert 1 == len(calls)
call = calls[0]
assert HASS_DOMAIN == call.domain
assert SERVICE_TURN_ON == call.service
assert ENT_SWITCH == call.data["entity_id"]
def _setup_switch(hass, is_on):
"""Set up the test switch."""
hass.states.async_set(ENT_SWITCH, STATE_ON if is_on else STATE_OFF)
calls = []
def log_call(call):
"""Log service calls."""
hass.services.async_register(ha.DOMAIN, SERVICE_TURN_ON, log_call)
hass.services.async_register(ha.DOMAIN, SERVICE_TURN_OFF, log_call)
return calls
def setup_comp_3(hass):
"""Initialize components."""
hass.config.temperature_unit = TEMP_CELSIUS
assert hass.loop.run_until_complete(
"climate": {
"platform": "generic_thermostat",
"name": "test",
"cold_tolerance": 2,
"hot_tolerance": 4,
"away_temp": 30,
"heater": ENT_SWITCH,
"target_sensor": ENT_SENSOR,
"ac_mode": True,
"initial_hvac_mode": HVAC_MODE_COOL,
async def test_set_target_temp_ac_off(hass, setup_comp_3):
"""Test if target temperature turn ac off."""
calls = _setup_switch(hass, True)
_setup_sensor(hass, 25)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
await common.async_set_temperature(hass, 30)
assert 2 == len(calls)
call = calls[0]
assert HASS_DOMAIN == call.domain
assert SERVICE_TURN_OFF == call.service
assert ENT_SWITCH == call.data["entity_id"]
async def test_turn_away_mode_on_cooling(hass, setup_comp_3):
"""Test the setting away mode when cooling."""
_setup_switch(hass, True)
_setup_sensor(hass, 25)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
await common.async_set_temperature(hass, 19)
await common.async_set_preset_mode(hass, PRESET_AWAY)
state = hass.states.get(ENTITY)
assert 30 == state.attributes.get("temperature")
async def test_hvac_mode_cool(hass, setup_comp_3):
"""Test change mode from OFF to COOL.
Switch turns on when temp below setpoint and mode changes.
await common.async_set_hvac_mode(hass, HVAC_MODE_OFF)
await common.async_set_temperature(hass, 25)
_setup_sensor(hass, 30)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
calls = _setup_switch(hass, False)
await common.async_set_hvac_mode(hass, HVAC_MODE_COOL)
assert 1 == len(calls)
call = calls[0]
assert HASS_DOMAIN == call.domain
assert SERVICE_TURN_ON == call.service
assert ENT_SWITCH == call.data["entity_id"]
async def test_set_target_temp_ac_on(hass, setup_comp_3):
"""Test if target temperature turn ac on."""
calls = _setup_switch(hass, False)
_setup_sensor(hass, 30)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
await common.async_set_temperature(hass, 25)
assert 1 == len(calls)
call = calls[0]
assert HASS_DOMAIN == call.domain
assert SERVICE_TURN_ON == call.service
assert ENT_SWITCH == call.data["entity_id"]
async def test_temp_change_ac_off_within_tolerance(hass, setup_comp_3):
"""Test if temperature change doesn't turn ac off within tolerance."""
calls = _setup_switch(hass, True)
await common.async_set_temperature(hass, 30)
_setup_sensor(hass, 29.8)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert 0 == len(calls)
async def test_set_temp_change_ac_off_outside_tolerance(hass, setup_comp_3):
"""Test if temperature change turn ac off."""
calls = _setup_switch(hass, True)
await common.async_set_temperature(hass, 30)
_setup_sensor(hass, 27)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert 1 == len(calls)
call = calls[0]
assert HASS_DOMAIN == call.domain
assert SERVICE_TURN_OFF == call.service
assert ENT_SWITCH == call.data["entity_id"]
async def test_temp_change_ac_on_within_tolerance(hass, setup_comp_3):
"""Test if temperature change doesn't turn ac on within tolerance."""
calls = _setup_switch(hass, False)
await common.async_set_temperature(hass, 25)
_setup_sensor(hass, 25.2)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert 0 == len(calls)
async def test_temp_change_ac_on_outside_tolerance(hass, setup_comp_3):
"""Test if temperature change turn ac on."""
calls = _setup_switch(hass, False)
await common.async_set_temperature(hass, 25)
_setup_sensor(hass, 30)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert 1 == len(calls)
call = calls[0]
assert HASS_DOMAIN == call.domain
assert SERVICE_TURN_ON == call.service
assert ENT_SWITCH == call.data["entity_id"]
async def test_running_when_operating_mode_is_off_2(hass, setup_comp_3):
"""Test that the switch turns off when enabled is set False."""
calls = _setup_switch(hass, True)
await common.async_set_temperature(hass, 30)
await common.async_set_hvac_mode(hass, HVAC_MODE_OFF)
assert 1 == len(calls)
call = calls[0]
assert HASS_DOMAIN == call.domain
assert SERVICE_TURN_OFF == call.service
assert ENT_SWITCH == call.data["entity_id"]
async def test_no_state_change_when_operation_mode_off_2(hass, setup_comp_3):
"""Test that the switch doesn't turn on when enabled is False."""
calls = _setup_switch(hass, False)
await common.async_set_temperature(hass, 30)
await common.async_set_hvac_mode(hass, HVAC_MODE_OFF)
_setup_sensor(hass, 35)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert 0 == len(calls)
def setup_comp_4(hass):
"""Initialize components."""
hass.config.temperature_unit = TEMP_CELSIUS
assert hass.loop.run_until_complete(
"climate": {
"platform": "generic_thermostat",
"name": "test",
"cold_tolerance": 0.3,
"hot_tolerance": 0.3,
"heater": ENT_SWITCH,
"target_sensor": ENT_SENSOR,
"ac_mode": True,
"min_cycle_duration": datetime.timedelta(minutes=10),
"initial_hvac_mode": HVAC_MODE_COOL,
async def test_temp_change_ac_trigger_on_not_long_enough(hass, setup_comp_4):
"""Test if temperature change turn ac on."""
calls = _setup_switch(hass, False)
await common.async_set_temperature(hass, 25)
_setup_sensor(hass, 30)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert 0 == len(calls)
async def test_temp_change_ac_trigger_on_long_enough(hass, setup_comp_4):
"""Test if temperature change turn ac on."""
fake_changed = datetime.datetime(
1918, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc
with mock.patch(
"homeassistant.helpers.condition.dt_util.utcnow", return_value=fake_changed
calls = _setup_switch(hass, False)
await common.async_set_temperature(hass, 25)
_setup_sensor(hass, 30)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert 1 == len(calls)
call = calls[0]
assert HASS_DOMAIN == call.domain
assert SERVICE_TURN_ON == call.service
assert ENT_SWITCH == call.data["entity_id"]
async def test_temp_change_ac_trigger_off_not_long_enough(hass, setup_comp_4):
"""Test if temperature change turn ac on."""
calls = _setup_switch(hass, True)
await common.async_set_temperature(hass, 30)
_setup_sensor(hass, 25)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert 0 == len(calls)
async def test_temp_change_ac_trigger_off_long_enough(hass, setup_comp_4):
"""Test if temperature change turn ac on."""
fake_changed = datetime.datetime(
1918, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc
with mock.patch(
"homeassistant.helpers.condition.dt_util.utcnow", return_value=fake_changed
calls = _setup_switch(hass, True)
await common.async_set_temperature(hass, 30)
_setup_sensor(hass, 25)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert 1 == len(calls)
call = calls[0]
assert HASS_DOMAIN == call.domain
assert SERVICE_TURN_OFF == call.service
assert ENT_SWITCH == call.data["entity_id"]
async def test_mode_change_ac_trigger_off_not_long_enough(hass, setup_comp_4):
"""Test if mode change turns ac off despite minimum cycle."""
calls = _setup_switch(hass, True)
await common.async_set_temperature(hass, 30)
_setup_sensor(hass, 25)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert 0 == len(calls)
await common.async_set_hvac_mode(hass, HVAC_MODE_OFF)
assert 1 == len(calls)
call = calls[0]
assert "homeassistant" == call.domain
assert SERVICE_TURN_OFF == call.service
assert ENT_SWITCH == call.data["entity_id"]
async def test_mode_change_ac_trigger_on_not_long_enough(hass, setup_comp_4):
"""Test if mode change turns ac on despite minimum cycle."""
calls = _setup_switch(hass, False)
await common.async_set_temperature(hass, 25)
_setup_sensor(hass, 30)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert 0 == len(calls)
await common.async_set_hvac_mode(hass, HVAC_MODE_HEAT)
assert 1 == len(calls)
call = calls[0]
assert "homeassistant" == call.domain
assert SERVICE_TURN_ON == call.service
assert ENT_SWITCH == call.data["entity_id"]
def setup_comp_5(hass):
"""Initialize components."""
hass.config.temperature_unit = TEMP_CELSIUS
assert hass.loop.run_until_complete(
"climate": {
"platform": "generic_thermostat",
"name": "test",
"cold_tolerance": 0.3,
"hot_tolerance": 0.3,
"heater": ENT_SWITCH,
"target_sensor": ENT_SENSOR,
"ac_mode": True,
"min_cycle_duration": datetime.timedelta(minutes=10),
"initial_hvac_mode": HVAC_MODE_COOL,
async def test_temp_change_ac_trigger_on_not_long_enough_2(hass, setup_comp_5):
"""Test if temperature change turn ac on."""
calls = _setup_switch(hass, False)
await common.async_set_temperature(hass, 25)
_setup_sensor(hass, 30)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert 0 == len(calls)
async def test_temp_change_ac_trigger_on_long_enough_2(hass, setup_comp_5):
"""Test if temperature change turn ac on."""
fake_changed = datetime.datetime(
1918, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc
with mock.patch(
"homeassistant.helpers.condition.dt_util.utcnow", return_value=fake_changed
calls = _setup_switch(hass, False)
await common.async_set_temperature(hass, 25)
_setup_sensor(hass, 30)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert 1 == len(calls)
call = calls[0]
assert HASS_DOMAIN == call.domain
assert SERVICE_TURN_ON == call.service
assert ENT_SWITCH == call.data["entity_id"]
async def test_temp_change_ac_trigger_off_not_long_enough_2(hass, setup_comp_5):
"""Test if temperature change turn ac on."""
calls = _setup_switch(hass, True)
await common.async_set_temperature(hass, 30)
_setup_sensor(hass, 25)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert 0 == len(calls)
async def test_temp_change_ac_trigger_off_long_enough_2(hass, setup_comp_5):
"""Test if temperature change turn ac on."""
fake_changed = datetime.datetime(
1918, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc
with mock.patch(
"homeassistant.helpers.condition.dt_util.utcnow", return_value=fake_changed
calls = _setup_switch(hass, True)
await common.async_set_temperature(hass, 30)
_setup_sensor(hass, 25)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert 1 == len(calls)
call = calls[0]
assert HASS_DOMAIN == call.domain
assert SERVICE_TURN_OFF == call.service
assert ENT_SWITCH == call.data["entity_id"]
async def test_mode_change_ac_trigger_off_not_long_enough_2(hass, setup_comp_5):
"""Test if mode change turns ac off despite minimum cycle."""
calls = _setup_switch(hass, True)
await common.async_set_temperature(hass, 30)
_setup_sensor(hass, 25)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert 0 == len(calls)
await common.async_set_hvac_mode(hass, HVAC_MODE_OFF)
assert 1 == len(calls)
call = calls[0]
assert "homeassistant" == call.domain
assert SERVICE_TURN_OFF == call.service
assert ENT_SWITCH == call.data["entity_id"]
async def test_mode_change_ac_trigger_on_not_long_enough_2(hass, setup_comp_5):
"""Test if mode change turns ac on despite minimum cycle."""
calls = _setup_switch(hass, False)
await common.async_set_temperature(hass, 25)
_setup_sensor(hass, 30)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert 0 == len(calls)
await common.async_set_hvac_mode(hass, HVAC_MODE_HEAT)
assert 1 == len(calls)
call = calls[0]
assert "homeassistant" == call.domain
assert SERVICE_TURN_ON == call.service
assert ENT_SWITCH == call.data["entity_id"]
def setup_comp_6(hass):
"""Initialize components."""
hass.config.temperature_unit = TEMP_CELSIUS
assert hass.loop.run_until_complete(
"climate": {
"platform": "generic_thermostat",
"name": "test",
"cold_tolerance": 0.3,
"hot_tolerance": 0.3,
"heater": ENT_SWITCH,
"target_sensor": ENT_SENSOR,
"min_cycle_duration": datetime.timedelta(minutes=10),
"initial_hvac_mode": HVAC_MODE_HEAT,
async def test_temp_change_heater_trigger_off_not_long_enough(hass, setup_comp_6):
"""Test if temp change doesn't turn heater off because of time."""
calls = _setup_switch(hass, True)
await common.async_set_temperature(hass, 25)
_setup_sensor(hass, 30)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert 0 == len(calls)
async def test_temp_change_heater_trigger_on_not_long_enough(hass, setup_comp_6):
"""Test if temp change doesn't turn heater on because of time."""
calls = _setup_switch(hass, False)
await common.async_set_temperature(hass, 30)
_setup_sensor(hass, 25)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert 0 == len(calls)
async def test_temp_change_heater_trigger_on_long_enough(hass, setup_comp_6):
"""Test if temperature change turn heater on after min cycle."""
fake_changed = datetime.datetime(
1918, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc
with mock.patch(
"homeassistant.helpers.condition.dt_util.utcnow", return_value=fake_changed
calls = _setup_switch(hass, False)
await common.async_set_temperature(hass, 30)
_setup_sensor(hass, 25)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert 1 == len(calls)
call = calls[0]
assert HASS_DOMAIN == call.domain
assert SERVICE_TURN_ON == call.service
assert ENT_SWITCH == call.data["entity_id"]
async def test_temp_change_heater_trigger_off_long_enough(hass, setup_comp_6):
"""Test if temperature change turn heater off after min cycle."""
fake_changed = datetime.datetime(
1918, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc
with mock.patch(
"homeassistant.helpers.condition.dt_util.utcnow", return_value=fake_changed
calls = _setup_switch(hass, True)
await common.async_set_temperature(hass, 25)
_setup_sensor(hass, 30)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert 1 == len(calls)
call = calls[0]
assert HASS_DOMAIN == call.domain
assert SERVICE_TURN_OFF == call.service
assert ENT_SWITCH == call.data["entity_id"]
async def test_mode_change_heater_trigger_off_not_long_enough(hass, setup_comp_6):
"""Test if mode change turns heater off despite minimum cycle."""
calls = _setup_switch(hass, True)
await common.async_set_temperature(hass, 25)
_setup_sensor(hass, 30)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert 0 == len(calls)
await common.async_set_hvac_mode(hass, HVAC_MODE_OFF)
assert 1 == len(calls)
call = calls[0]
assert "homeassistant" == call.domain
assert SERVICE_TURN_OFF == call.service
assert ENT_SWITCH == call.data["entity_id"]
async def test_mode_change_heater_trigger_on_not_long_enough(hass, setup_comp_6):
"""Test if mode change turns heater on despite minimum cycle."""
calls = _setup_switch(hass, False)
await common.async_set_temperature(hass, 30)
_setup_sensor(hass, 25)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert 0 == len(calls)
await common.async_set_hvac_mode(hass, HVAC_MODE_HEAT)
assert 1 == len(calls)
call = calls[0]
assert "homeassistant" == call.domain
assert SERVICE_TURN_ON == call.service
assert ENT_SWITCH == call.data["entity_id"]
def setup_comp_7(hass):
"""Initialize components."""
hass.config.temperature_unit = TEMP_CELSIUS
assert hass.loop.run_until_complete(
"climate": {
"platform": "generic_thermostat",
"name": "test",
"cold_tolerance": 0.3,
"hot_tolerance": 0.3,
"heater": ENT_SWITCH,
"target_temp": 25,
"target_sensor": ENT_SENSOR,
"ac_mode": True,
"min_cycle_duration": datetime.timedelta(minutes=15),
"keep_alive": datetime.timedelta(minutes=10),
"initial_hvac_mode": HVAC_MODE_COOL,
async def test_temp_change_ac_trigger_on_long_enough_3(hass, setup_comp_7):
"""Test if turn on signal is sent at keep-alive intervals."""
calls = _setup_switch(hass, True)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
_setup_sensor(hass, 30)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
await common.async_set_temperature(hass, 25)
test_time = datetime.datetime.now(pytz.UTC)
_send_time_changed(hass, test_time)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert 0 == len(calls)
_send_time_changed(hass, test_time + datetime.timedelta(minutes=5))
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert 0 == len(calls)
_send_time_changed(hass, test_time + datetime.timedelta(minutes=10))
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert 1 == len(calls)
call = calls[0]
assert HASS_DOMAIN == call.domain
assert SERVICE_TURN_ON == call.service
assert ENT_SWITCH == call.data["entity_id"]
async def test_temp_change_ac_trigger_off_long_enough_3(hass, setup_comp_7):
"""Test if turn on signal is sent at keep-alive intervals."""
calls = _setup_switch(hass, False)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
_setup_sensor(hass, 20)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
await common.async_set_temperature(hass, 25)
test_time = datetime.datetime.now(pytz.UTC)
_send_time_changed(hass, test_time)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert 0 == len(calls)
_send_time_changed(hass, test_time + datetime.timedelta(minutes=5))
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert 0 == len(calls)
_send_time_changed(hass, test_time + datetime.timedelta(minutes=10))
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert 1 == len(calls)
call = calls[0]
assert HASS_DOMAIN == call.domain
assert SERVICE_TURN_OFF == call.service
assert ENT_SWITCH == call.data["entity_id"]
def _send_time_changed(hass, now):
"""Send a time changed event."""
hass.bus.async_fire(ha.EVENT_TIME_CHANGED, {ha.ATTR_NOW: now})
def setup_comp_8(hass):
"""Initialize components."""
hass.config.temperature_unit = TEMP_CELSIUS
assert hass.loop.run_until_complete(
"climate": {
"platform": "generic_thermostat",
"name": "test",
"cold_tolerance": 0.3,
"hot_tolerance": 0.3,
"target_temp": 25,
"heater": ENT_SWITCH,
"target_sensor": ENT_SENSOR,
"min_cycle_duration": datetime.timedelta(minutes=15),
"keep_alive": datetime.timedelta(minutes=10),
"initial_hvac_mode": HVAC_MODE_HEAT,
async def test_temp_change_heater_trigger_on_long_enough_2(hass, setup_comp_8):
"""Test if turn on signal is sent at keep-alive intervals."""
calls = _setup_switch(hass, True)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
_setup_sensor(hass, 20)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
await common.async_set_temperature(hass, 25)
test_time = datetime.datetime.now(pytz.UTC)
_send_time_changed(hass, test_time)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert 0 == len(calls)
_send_time_changed(hass, test_time + datetime.timedelta(minutes=5))
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert 0 == len(calls)
_send_time_changed(hass, test_time + datetime.timedelta(minutes=10))
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert 1 == len(calls)
call = calls[0]
assert HASS_DOMAIN == call.domain
assert SERVICE_TURN_ON == call.service
assert ENT_SWITCH == call.data["entity_id"]
async def test_temp_change_heater_trigger_off_long_enough_2(hass, setup_comp_8):
"""Test if turn on signal is sent at keep-alive intervals."""
calls = _setup_switch(hass, False)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
_setup_sensor(hass, 30)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
await common.async_set_temperature(hass, 25)
test_time = datetime.datetime.now(pytz.UTC)
_send_time_changed(hass, test_time)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert 0 == len(calls)
_send_time_changed(hass, test_time + datetime.timedelta(minutes=5))
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert 0 == len(calls)
_send_time_changed(hass, test_time + datetime.timedelta(minutes=10))
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert 1 == len(calls)
call = calls[0]
assert HASS_DOMAIN == call.domain
assert SERVICE_TURN_OFF == call.service
assert ENT_SWITCH == call.data["entity_id"]
def setup_comp_9(hass):
"""Initialize components."""
hass.config.temperature_unit = TEMP_FAHRENHEIT
assert hass.loop.run_until_complete(
"climate": {
"platform": "generic_thermostat",
"name": "test",
"cold_tolerance": 0.3,
"hot_tolerance": 0.3,
"target_temp": 25,
"heater": ENT_SWITCH,
"target_sensor": ENT_SENSOR,
"min_cycle_duration": datetime.timedelta(minutes=15),
"keep_alive": datetime.timedelta(minutes=10),
"precision": 0.1,
async def test_precision(hass, setup_comp_9):
"""Test that setting precision to tenths works as intended."""
await common.async_set_temperature(hass, 23.27)
state = hass.states.get(ENTITY)
assert 23.3 == state.attributes.get("temperature")
async def test_custom_setup_params(hass):
"""Test the setup with custom parameters."""
result = await async_setup_component(
"climate": {
"platform": "generic_thermostat",
"name": "test",
"heater": ENT_SWITCH,
"target_sensor": ENT_SENSOR,
"min_temp": MIN_TEMP,
"max_temp": MAX_TEMP,
"target_temp": TARGET_TEMP,
assert result
state = hass.states.get(ENTITY)
assert state.attributes.get("min_temp") == MIN_TEMP
assert state.attributes.get("max_temp") == MAX_TEMP
assert state.attributes.get("temperature") == TARGET_TEMP
async def test_restore_state(hass):
"""Ensure states are restored on startup."""
hass.state = CoreState.starting
await async_setup_component(
"climate": {
"platform": "generic_thermostat",
"name": "test_thermostat",
"heater": ENT_SWITCH,
"target_sensor": ENT_SENSOR,
"away_temp": 14,
state = hass.states.get("climate.test_thermostat")
assert state.attributes[ATTR_TEMPERATURE] == 20
assert state.attributes[ATTR_PRESET_MODE] == PRESET_AWAY
assert state.state == HVAC_MODE_OFF
async def test_no_restore_state(hass):
"""Ensure states are restored on startup if they exist.
Allows for graceful reboot.
hass.state = CoreState.starting
await async_setup_component(
"climate": {
"platform": "generic_thermostat",
"name": "test_thermostat",
"heater": ENT_SWITCH,
"target_sensor": ENT_SENSOR,
"target_temp": 22,
state = hass.states.get("climate.test_thermostat")
assert state.attributes[ATTR_TEMPERATURE] == 22
assert state.state == HVAC_MODE_OFF
async def test_restore_state_uncoherence_case(hass):
Test restore from a strange state.
- Turn the generic thermostat off
- Restart HA and restore state from DB
_mock_restore_cache(hass, temperature=20)
calls = _setup_switch(hass, False)
_setup_sensor(hass, 15)
await _setup_climate(hass)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
state = hass.states.get(ENTITY)
assert 20 == state.attributes[ATTR_TEMPERATURE]
assert HVAC_MODE_OFF == state.state
assert 0 == len(calls)
calls = _setup_switch(hass, False)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
state = hass.states.get(ENTITY)
assert HVAC_MODE_OFF == state.state
async def _setup_climate(hass):
assert await async_setup_component(
"climate": {
"platform": "generic_thermostat",
"name": "test",
"cold_tolerance": 2,
"hot_tolerance": 4,
"away_temp": 30,
"heater": ENT_SWITCH,
"target_sensor": ENT_SENSOR,
"ac_mode": True,
def _mock_restore_cache(hass, temperature=20, hvac_mode=HVAC_MODE_OFF):