Paulus Schoutsen 84752b3b13 Hassio api v3 (#7323)
* HassIO rest API v3

* fix content type

* fix lint

* Update comment

* fix content type

* change proxy handling

* fix handling

* fix register

* fix addons

* fix routing

* Update hassio to just proxy

* Fix tests

* Lint
2017-04-27 09:02:43 -07:00

184 lines
6.3 KiB

"""The tests for the hassio component."""
import asyncio
import os
from unittest.mock import patch, Mock, MagicMock
import pytest
import homeassistant.components.hassio as ho
from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component
from tests.common import mock_coro, mock_http_component_app
def hassio_env():
"""Fixture to inject hassio env."""
with patch.dict(os.environ, {'HASSIO': ""}), \
def hassio_client(hassio_env, hass, test_client):
"""Create mock hassio http client."""
app = mock_http_component_app(hass)
hass.loop.run_until_complete(async_setup_component(hass, 'hassio', {}))
yield hass.loop.run_until_complete(test_client(app))
def test_fail_setup_without_environ_var(hass):
"""Fail setup if no environ variable set."""
with patch.dict(os.environ, {}, clear=True):
result = yield from async_setup_component(hass, 'hassio', {})
assert not result
def test_fail_setup_cannot_connect(hass):
"""Fail setup if cannot connect."""
with patch.dict(os.environ, {'HASSIO': ""}), \
result = yield from async_setup_component(hass, 'hassio', {})
assert not result
def test_invalid_path(hassio_client):
"""Test requesting invalid path."""
with patch.dict(ho.HASSIO_REST_COMMANDS, {}, clear=True):
resp = yield from hassio_client.post('/api/hassio/beer')
assert resp.status == 404
def test_invalid_method(hassio_client):
"""Test requesting path with invalid method."""
with patch.dict(ho.HASSIO_REST_COMMANDS, {'beer': ['POST']}):
resp = yield from hassio_client.get('/api/hassio/beer')
assert resp.status == 405
def test_forward_normal_path(hassio_client):
"""Test fetching normal path."""
response = MagicMock()
response.read.return_value = mock_coro('data')
with patch.dict(ho.HASSIO_REST_COMMANDS, {'beer': ['POST']}), \
Mock(return_value=mock_coro(response))), \
patch('homeassistant.components.hassio._create_response') as mresp:
mresp.return_value = 'response'
resp = yield from hassio_client.post('/api/hassio/beer')
# Check we got right response
assert resp.status == 200
body = yield from resp.text()
assert body == 'response'
# Check we forwarded command
assert len(mresp.mock_calls) == 1
assert mresp.mock_calls[0][1] == (response, 'data')
def test_forward_normal_log_path(hassio_client):
"""Test fetching normal log path."""
response = MagicMock()
response.read.return_value = mock_coro('data')
with patch.dict(ho.HASSIO_REST_COMMANDS, {'beer/logs': ['GET']}), \
Mock(return_value=mock_coro(response))), \
'_create_response_log') as mresp:
mresp.return_value = 'response'
resp = yield from hassio_client.get('/api/hassio/beer/logs')
# Check we got right response
assert resp.status == 200
body = yield from resp.text()
assert body == 'response'
# Check we forwarded command
assert len(mresp.mock_calls) == 1
assert mresp.mock_calls[0][1] == (response, 'data')
def test_forward_addon_path(hassio_client):
"""Test fetching addon path."""
response = MagicMock()
response.read.return_value = mock_coro('data')
with patch.dict(ho.ADDON_REST_COMMANDS, {'install': ['POST']}), \
'HassIO.command_proxy') as proxy_command, \
patch('homeassistant.components.hassio._create_response') as mresp:
proxy_command.return_value = mock_coro(response)
mresp.return_value = 'response'
resp = yield from hassio_client.post('/api/hassio/addons/beer/install')
# Check we got right response
assert resp.status == 200
body = yield from resp.text()
assert body == 'response'
assert proxy_command.mock_calls[0][1][0] == 'addons/beer/install'
# Check we forwarded command
assert len(mresp.mock_calls) == 1
assert mresp.mock_calls[0][1] == (response, 'data')
def test_forward_addon_log_path(hassio_client):
"""Test fetching addon log path."""
response = MagicMock()
response.read.return_value = mock_coro('data')
with patch.dict(ho.ADDON_REST_COMMANDS, {'logs': ['GET']}), \
'HassIO.command_proxy') as proxy_command, \
'_create_response_log') as mresp:
proxy_command.return_value = mock_coro(response)
mresp.return_value = 'response'
resp = yield from hassio_client.get('/api/hassio/addons/beer/logs')
# Check we got right response
assert resp.status == 200
body = yield from resp.text()
assert body == 'response'
assert proxy_command.mock_calls[0][1][0] == 'addons/beer/logs'
# Check we forwarded command
assert len(mresp.mock_calls) == 1
assert mresp.mock_calls[0][1] == (response, 'data')
def test_bad_request_when_wrong_addon_url(hassio_client):
"""Test we cannot mess with addon url."""
resp = yield from hassio_client.get('/api/hassio/addons/../../info')
assert resp.status == 404
resp = yield from hassio_client.get('/api/hassio/addons/info')
assert resp.status == 404
def test_bad_gateway_when_cannot_find_supervisor(hassio_client):
"""Test we get a bad gateway error if we can't find supervisor."""
with patch('homeassistant.components.hassio.async_timeout.timeout',
resp = yield from hassio_client.get('/api/hassio/addons/test/info')
assert resp.status == 502