Matt Snyder db87842335 Show persistent notification on Doorbird schedule failure (#20033)
* Remove unnecessary return.
Add persistent notification on failure to configure doorbird schedule.

* Update doorbirdpy to 2.0.5

* Fix bare except

* Bump version again

* Lint

* Return false
2019-01-13 18:47:50 +01:00

418 lines
14 KiB

Support for DoorBird device.
For more details about this component, please refer to the documentation at
import logging
from urllib.error import HTTPError
import voluptuous as vol
from homeassistant.components.http import HomeAssistantView
from homeassistant.const import CONF_HOST, CONF_USERNAME, \
import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv
from homeassistant.util import slugify, dt as dt_util
REQUIREMENTS = ['doorbirdpy==2.0.6']
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
DOMAIN = 'doorbird'
API_URL = '/api/{}'.format(DOMAIN)
CONF_CUSTOM_URL = 'hass_url_override'
CONF_DOORBELL_EVENTS = 'doorbell_events'
CONF_DOORBELL_NUMS = 'doorbell_numbers'
CONF_RELAY_NUMS = 'relay_numbers'
CONF_MOTION_EVENTS = 'motion_events'
CONF_TOKEN = 'token'
'doorbell': {
'name': 'Button',
'device_class': 'occupancy',
'motion': {
'name': 'Motion',
'device_class': 'motion',
'relay': {
'name': 'Relay',
'device_class': 'relay',
RESET_DEVICE_FAVORITES = 'doorbird_reset_favorites'
DEVICE_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({
vol.Required(CONF_HOST): cv.string,
vol.Required(CONF_USERNAME): cv.string,
vol.Required(CONF_PASSWORD): cv.string,
vol.Optional(CONF_DOORBELL_NUMS, default=[1]): vol.All(
cv.ensure_list, [cv.positive_int]),
vol.Optional(CONF_RELAY_NUMS, default=[1]): vol.All(
cv.ensure_list, [cv.positive_int]),
vol.Optional(CONF_CUSTOM_URL): cv.string,
vol.Optional(CONF_NAME): cv.string,
vol.Optional(CONF_MONITORED_CONDITIONS, default=[]):
vol.All(cv.ensure_list, [vol.In(SENSOR_TYPES)]),
CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({
DOMAIN: vol.Schema({
vol.Required(CONF_TOKEN): cv.string,
vol.Required(CONF_DEVICES): vol.All(cv.ensure_list, [DEVICE_SCHEMA])
}, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA)
def setup(hass, config):
"""Set up the DoorBird component."""
from doorbirdpy import DoorBird
token = config[DOMAIN].get(CONF_TOKEN)
# Provide an endpoint for the doorstations to call to trigger events
# Provide an endpoint for the user to call to clear device changes
doorstations = []
for index, doorstation_config in enumerate(config[DOMAIN][CONF_DEVICES]):
device_ip = doorstation_config.get(CONF_HOST)
username = doorstation_config.get(CONF_USERNAME)
password = doorstation_config.get(CONF_PASSWORD)
doorbell_nums = doorstation_config.get(CONF_DOORBELL_NUMS)
relay_nums = doorstation_config.get(CONF_RELAY_NUMS)
custom_url = doorstation_config.get(CONF_CUSTOM_URL)
events = doorstation_config.get(CONF_MONITORED_CONDITIONS)
name = (doorstation_config.get(CONF_NAME)
or 'DoorBird {}'.format(index + 1))
device = DoorBird(device_ip, username, password)
status = device.ready()
if status[0]:
doorstation = ConfiguredDoorBird(device, name, events, custom_url,
doorbell_nums, relay_nums, token)
_LOGGER.info('Connected to DoorBird "%s" as %s@%s',
doorstation.name, username, device_ip)
elif status[1] == 401:
_LOGGER.error("Authorization rejected by DoorBird for %s@%s",
username, device_ip)
return False
_LOGGER.error("Could not connect to DoorBird as %s@%s: Error %s",
username, device_ip, str(status[1]))
return False
# Subscribe to doorbell or motion events
if events:
except HTTPError:
'Doorbird configuration failed. Please verify that API '
'Operator permission is enabled for the Doorbird user. '
'A restart will be required once permissions have been '
title='Doorbird Configuration Failure',
return False
hass.data[DOMAIN] = doorstations
def _reset_device_favorites_handler(event):
"""Handle clearing favorites on device."""
slug = event.data.get('slug')
if slug is None:
doorstation = get_doorstation_by_slug(hass, slug)
if doorstation is None:
_LOGGER.error('Device not found %s', format(slug))
# Clear webhooks
favorites = doorstation.device.favorites()
for favorite_type in favorites:
for favorite_id in favorites[favorite_type]:
doorstation.device.delete_favorite(favorite_type, favorite_id)
hass.bus.listen(RESET_DEVICE_FAVORITES, _reset_device_favorites_handler)
return True
def get_doorstation_by_slug(hass, slug):
"""Get doorstation by slug."""
for doorstation in hass.data[DOMAIN]:
if slugify(doorstation.name) in slug:
return doorstation
def handle_event(event):
"""Handle dummy events."""
return None
class ConfiguredDoorBird():
"""Attach additional information to pass along with configured device."""
def __init__(self, device, name, events, custom_url, doorbell_nums,
relay_nums, token):
"""Initialize configured device."""
self._name = name
self._device = device
self._custom_url = custom_url
self._monitored_events = events
self._doorbell_nums = doorbell_nums
self._relay_nums = relay_nums
self._token = token
def name(self):
"""Get custom device name."""
return self._name
def device(self):
"""Get the configured device."""
return self._device
def custom_url(self):
"""Get custom url for device."""
return self._custom_url
def update_schedule(self, hass):
"""Register monitored sensors and deregister others."""
from doorbirdpy import DoorBirdScheduleEntrySchedule
# Create a new schedule (24/7)
schedule = DoorBirdScheduleEntrySchedule()
schedule.add_weekday(0, 604800) # seconds in a week
# Get the URL of this server
hass_url = hass.config.api.base_url
# Override url if another is specified in the configuration
if self.custom_url is not None:
hass_url = self.custom_url
# For all sensor types (enabled + disabled)
for sensor_type in SENSOR_TYPES:
name = '{} {}'.format(self.name, SENSOR_TYPES[sensor_type]['name'])
slug = slugify(name)
url = '{}{}/{}?token={}'.format(hass_url, API_URL, slug,
if sensor_type in self._monitored_events:
# Enabled -> register
self._register_event(url, sensor_type, schedule)
_LOGGER.info('Registered for %s pushes from DoorBird "%s". '
'Use the "%s_%s" event for automations.',
sensor_type, self.name, DOMAIN, slug)
# Register a dummy listener so event is listed in GUI
hass.bus.listen('{}_{}'.format(DOMAIN, slug), handle_event)
# Disabled -> deregister
self._deregister_event(url, sensor_type)
_LOGGER.info('Deregistered %s pushes from DoorBird "%s". '
'If any old favorites or schedules remain, '
'follow the instructions in the component '
'documentation to clear device registrations.',
sensor_type, self.name)
def _register_event(self, hass_url, event, schedule):
"""Add a schedule entry in the device for a sensor."""
from doorbirdpy import DoorBirdScheduleEntryOutput
# Register HA URL as webhook if not already, then get the ID
if not self.webhook_is_registered(hass_url):
self.device.change_favorite('http', 'Home Assistant ({} events)'
.format(event), hass_url)
fav_id = self.get_webhook_id(hass_url)
if not fav_id:
_LOGGER.warning('Could not find favorite for URL "%s". '
'Skipping sensor "%s".', hass_url, event)
# Add event handling to device schedule
output = DoorBirdScheduleEntryOutput(event='http',
if event == 'doorbell':
# Repeat edit for each monitored doorbell number
for doorbell in self._doorbell_nums:
entry = self.device.get_schedule_entry(event, str(doorbell))
elif event == 'relay':
# Repeat edit for each monitored doorbell number
for relay in self._relay_nums:
entry = self.device.get_schedule_entry(event, str(relay))
entry = self.device.get_schedule_entry(event)
def _deregister_event(self, hass_url, event):
"""Remove the schedule entry in the device for a sensor."""
# Find the right favorite and delete it
fav_id = self.get_webhook_id(hass_url)
if not fav_id:
self._device.delete_favorite('http', fav_id)
if event == 'doorbell':
# Delete the matching schedule for each doorbell number
for doorbell in self._doorbell_nums:
self._delete_schedule_action(event, fav_id, str(doorbell))
self._delete_schedule_action(event, fav_id)
def _delete_schedule_action(self, sensor, fav_id, param=""):
"""Remove the HA output from a schedule."""
entries = self._device.schedule()
for entry in entries:
if entry.input != sensor or entry.param != param:
for action in entry.output:
if action.event == 'http' and action.param == fav_id:
def webhook_is_registered(self, ha_url, favs=None) -> bool:
"""Return whether the given URL is registered as a device favorite."""
favs = favs if favs else self.device.favorites()
if 'http' not in favs:
return False
for fav in favs['http'].values():
if fav['value'] == ha_url:
return True
return False
def get_webhook_id(self, ha_url, favs=None) -> str or None:
Return the device favorite ID for the given URL.
The favorite must exist or there will be problems.
favs = favs if favs else self.device.favorites()
if 'http' not in favs:
return None
for fav_id in favs['http']:
if favs['http'][fav_id]['value'] == ha_url:
return fav_id
return None
def get_event_data(self):
"""Get data to pass along with HA event."""
return {
'timestamp': dt_util.utcnow().isoformat(),
'live_video_url': self._device.live_video_url,
'live_image_url': self._device.live_image_url,
'rtsp_live_video_url': self._device.rtsp_live_video_url,
'html5_viewer_url': self._device.html5_viewer_url
class DoorBirdRequestView(HomeAssistantView):
"""Provide a page for the device to call."""
requires_auth = False
url = API_URL
name = API_URL[1:].replace('/', ':')
extra_urls = [API_URL + '/{sensor}']
def __init__(self, token):
"""Initialize view."""
self._token = token
# pylint: disable=no-self-use
async def get(self, request, sensor):
"""Respond to requests from the device."""
from aiohttp import web
hass = request.app['hass']
request_token = request.query.get('token')
authenticated = request_token == self._token
if request_token == '' or not authenticated:
return web.Response(status=401, text='Unauthorized')
doorstation = get_doorstation_by_slug(hass, sensor)
if doorstation:
event_data = doorstation.get_event_data()
event_data = {}
hass.bus.async_fire('{}_{}'.format(DOMAIN, sensor), event_data)
return web.Response(status=200, text='OK')
class DoorBirdCleanupView(HomeAssistantView):
"""Provide a URL to call to delete ALL webhooks/schedules."""
requires_auth = False
url = API_URL + '/clear/{slug}'
name = 'DoorBird Cleanup'
def __init__(self, token):
"""Initialize view."""
self._token = token
# pylint: disable=no-self-use
async def get(self, request, slug):
"""Act on requests."""
from aiohttp import web
hass = request.app['hass']
request_token = request.query.get('token')
authenticated = request_token == self._token
if request_token == '' or not authenticated:
return web.Response(status=401, text='Unauthorized')
device = get_doorstation_by_slug(hass, slug)
# No matching device
if device is None:
return web.Response(status=404,
text='Device slug {} not found'.format(slug))
{'slug': slug})
message = 'Clearing schedule for {}'.format(slug)
return web.Response(status=200, text=message)