2021-01-01 22:31:56 +01:00

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Test for Nest cameras platform for the Smart Device Management API.
These tests fake out the subscriber/devicemanager, and are not using a real
pubsub subscriber.
import datetime
from unittest.mock import patch
import aiohttp
from google_nest_sdm.device import Device
import pytest
from homeassistant.components import camera
from homeassistant.components.camera import STATE_IDLE
from homeassistant.exceptions import HomeAssistantError
from homeassistant.util.dt import utcnow
from .common import async_setup_sdm_platform
from tests.common import async_fire_time_changed
PLATFORM = "camera"
CAMERA_DEVICE_TYPE = "sdm.devices.types.CAMERA"
DEVICE_ID = "some-device-id"
"sdm.devices.traits.Info": {
"customName": "My Camera",
"sdm.devices.traits.CameraLiveStream": {
"maxVideoResolution": {
"width": 640,
"height": 480,
"videoCodecs": ["H264"],
"audioCodecs": ["AAC"],
DOMAIN = "nest"
async def async_setup_camera(hass, traits={}, auth=None):
"""Set up the platform and prerequisites."""
devices = {}
if traits:
devices[DEVICE_ID] = Device.MakeDevice(
"name": DEVICE_ID,
"traits": traits,
return await async_setup_sdm_platform(hass, PLATFORM, devices)
async def fire_alarm(hass, point_in_time):
"""Fire an alarm and wait for callbacks to run."""
with patch("homeassistant.util.dt.utcnow", return_value=point_in_time):
async_fire_time_changed(hass, point_in_time)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
async def test_no_devices(hass):
"""Test configuration that returns no devices."""
await async_setup_camera(hass)
assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 0
async def test_ineligible_device(hass):
"""Test configuration with devices that do not support cameras."""
await async_setup_camera(
"sdm.devices.traits.Info": {
"customName": "My Camera",
assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 0
async def test_camera_device(hass):
"""Test a basic camera with a live stream."""
await async_setup_camera(hass, DEVICE_TRAITS)
assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 1
camera = hass.states.get("camera.my_camera")
assert camera is not None
assert camera.state == STATE_IDLE
registry = await hass.helpers.entity_registry.async_get_registry()
entry = registry.async_get("camera.my_camera")
assert entry.unique_id == "some-device-id-camera"
assert entry.original_name == "My Camera"
assert entry.domain == "camera"
device_registry = await hass.helpers.device_registry.async_get_registry()
device = device_registry.async_get(entry.device_id)
assert device.name == "My Camera"
assert device.model == "Camera"
assert device.identifiers == {("nest", DEVICE_ID)}
async def test_camera_stream(hass, auth):
"""Test a basic camera and fetch its live stream."""
now = utcnow()
expiration = now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=100)
auth.responses = [
"results": {
"streamUrls": {
"rtspUrl": "rtsp://some/url?auth=g.0.streamingToken"
"streamExtensionToken": "g.1.extensionToken",
"streamToken": "g.0.streamingToken",
"expiresAt": expiration.isoformat(timespec="seconds"),
await async_setup_camera(hass, DEVICE_TRAITS, auth=auth)
assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 1
cam = hass.states.get("camera.my_camera")
assert cam is not None
assert cam.state == STATE_IDLE
stream_source = await camera.async_get_stream_source(hass, "camera.my_camera")
assert stream_source == "rtsp://some/url?auth=g.0.streamingToken"
with patch(
return_value=b"image bytes",
image = await camera.async_get_image(hass, "camera.my_camera")
assert image.content == b"image bytes"
async def test_camera_stream_missing_trait(hass, auth):
"""Test fetching a video stream when not supported by the API."""
traits = {
"sdm.devices.traits.Info": {
"customName": "My Camera",
"sdm.devices.traits.CameraImage": {
"maxImageResolution": {
"width": 800,
"height": 600,
await async_setup_camera(hass, traits, auth=auth)
assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 1
cam = hass.states.get("camera.my_camera")
assert cam is not None
assert cam.state == STATE_IDLE
stream_source = await camera.async_get_stream_source(hass, "camera.my_camera")
assert stream_source is None
# Currently on support getting the image from a live stream
with pytest.raises(HomeAssistantError):
image = await camera.async_get_image(hass, "camera.my_camera")
assert image is None
async def test_refresh_expired_stream_token(hass, auth):
"""Test a camera stream expiration and refresh."""
now = utcnow()
stream_1_expiration = now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=90)
stream_2_expiration = now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=180)
stream_3_expiration = now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=360)
auth.responses = [
# Stream URL #1
"results": {
"streamUrls": {
"rtspUrl": "rtsp://some/url?auth=g.1.streamingToken"
"streamExtensionToken": "g.1.extensionToken",
"streamToken": "g.1.streamingToken",
"expiresAt": stream_1_expiration.isoformat(timespec="seconds"),
# Stream URL #2
"results": {
"streamExtensionToken": "g.2.extensionToken",
"streamToken": "g.2.streamingToken",
"expiresAt": stream_2_expiration.isoformat(timespec="seconds"),
# Stream URL #3
"results": {
"streamExtensionToken": "g.3.extensionToken",
"streamToken": "g.3.streamingToken",
"expiresAt": stream_3_expiration.isoformat(timespec="seconds"),
await async_setup_camera(
assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 1
cam = hass.states.get("camera.my_camera")
assert cam is not None
assert cam.state == STATE_IDLE
stream_source = await camera.async_get_stream_source(hass, "camera.my_camera")
assert stream_source == "rtsp://some/url?auth=g.1.streamingToken"
# Fire alarm before stream_1_expiration. The stream url is not refreshed
next_update = now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=25)
await fire_alarm(hass, next_update)
stream_source = await camera.async_get_stream_source(hass, "camera.my_camera")
assert stream_source == "rtsp://some/url?auth=g.1.streamingToken"
# Alarm is near stream_1_expiration which causes the stream extension
next_update = now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=65)
await fire_alarm(hass, next_update)
stream_source = await camera.async_get_stream_source(hass, "camera.my_camera")
assert stream_source == "rtsp://some/url?auth=g.2.streamingToken"
# Next alarm is well before stream_2_expiration, no change
next_update = now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=100)
await fire_alarm(hass, next_update)
stream_source = await camera.async_get_stream_source(hass, "camera.my_camera")
assert stream_source == "rtsp://some/url?auth=g.2.streamingToken"
# Alarm is near stream_2_expiration, causing it to be extended
next_update = now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=155)
await fire_alarm(hass, next_update)
stream_source = await camera.async_get_stream_source(hass, "camera.my_camera")
assert stream_source == "rtsp://some/url?auth=g.3.streamingToken"
async def test_stream_response_already_expired(hass, auth):
"""Test a API response returning an expired stream url."""
now = utcnow()
stream_1_expiration = now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=-90)
stream_2_expiration = now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=+90)
auth.responses = [
"results": {
"streamUrls": {
"rtspUrl": "rtsp://some/url?auth=g.1.streamingToken"
"streamExtensionToken": "g.1.extensionToken",
"streamToken": "g.1.streamingToken",
"expiresAt": stream_1_expiration.isoformat(timespec="seconds"),
"results": {
"streamUrls": {
"rtspUrl": "rtsp://some/url?auth=g.2.streamingToken"
"streamExtensionToken": "g.2.extensionToken",
"streamToken": "g.2.streamingToken",
"expiresAt": stream_2_expiration.isoformat(timespec="seconds"),
await async_setup_camera(
assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 1
cam = hass.states.get("camera.my_camera")
assert cam is not None
assert cam.state == STATE_IDLE
# The stream is expired, but we return it anyway
stream_source = await camera.async_get_stream_source(hass, "camera.my_camera")
assert stream_source == "rtsp://some/url?auth=g.1.streamingToken"
await fire_alarm(hass, now)
# Second attempt sees that the stream is expired and refreshes
stream_source = await camera.async_get_stream_source(hass, "camera.my_camera")
assert stream_source == "rtsp://some/url?auth=g.2.streamingToken"
async def test_camera_removed(hass, auth):
"""Test case where entities are removed and stream tokens expired."""
now = utcnow()
expiration = now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=100)
auth.responses = [
"results": {
"streamUrls": {
"rtspUrl": "rtsp://some/url?auth=g.0.streamingToken"
"streamExtensionToken": "g.1.extensionToken",
"streamToken": "g.0.streamingToken",
"expiresAt": expiration.isoformat(timespec="seconds"),
aiohttp.web.json_response({"results": {}}),
await async_setup_camera(
assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 1
cam = hass.states.get("camera.my_camera")
assert cam is not None
assert cam.state == STATE_IDLE
stream_source = await camera.async_get_stream_source(hass, "camera.my_camera")
assert stream_source == "rtsp://some/url?auth=g.0.streamingToken"
for config_entry in hass.config_entries.async_entries(DOMAIN):
await hass.config_entries.async_remove(config_entry.entry_id)
assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 0
async def test_refresh_expired_stream_failure(hass, auth):
"""Tests a failure when refreshing the stream."""
now = utcnow()
stream_1_expiration = now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=90)
stream_2_expiration = now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=180)
auth.responses = [
"results": {
"streamUrls": {
"rtspUrl": "rtsp://some/url?auth=g.1.streamingToken"
"streamExtensionToken": "g.1.extensionToken",
"streamToken": "g.1.streamingToken",
"expiresAt": stream_1_expiration.isoformat(timespec="seconds"),
# Extending the stream fails with arbitrary error
# Next attempt to get a stream fetches a new url
"results": {
"streamUrls": {
"rtspUrl": "rtsp://some/url?auth=g.2.streamingToken"
"streamExtensionToken": "g.2.extensionToken",
"streamToken": "g.2.streamingToken",
"expiresAt": stream_2_expiration.isoformat(timespec="seconds"),
await async_setup_camera(
assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 1
cam = hass.states.get("camera.my_camera")
assert cam is not None
assert cam.state == STATE_IDLE
stream_source = await camera.async_get_stream_source(hass, "camera.my_camera")
assert stream_source == "rtsp://some/url?auth=g.1.streamingToken"
# Fire alarm when stream is nearing expiration, causing it to be extended.
# The stream expires.
next_update = now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=65)
await fire_alarm(hass, next_update)
# The stream is entirely refreshed
stream_source = await camera.async_get_stream_source(hass, "camera.my_camera")
assert stream_source == "rtsp://some/url?auth=g.2.streamingToken"