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"""Helpers to deal with Cast devices."""
from __future__ import annotations
import asyncio
import configparser
from dataclasses import dataclass
import logging
from typing import Optional
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import aiohttp
import attr
import pychromecast
from pychromecast import dial
from pychromecast.const import CAST_TYPE_GROUP
from pychromecast.models import CastInfo
from homeassistant.helpers import aiohttp_client
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@attr.s(slots=True, frozen=True)
class ChromecastInfo:
"""Class to hold all data about a chromecast for creating connections.
This also has the same attributes as the mDNS fields by zeroconf.
cast_info: CastInfo = attr.ib()
is_dynamic_group = attr.ib(type=Optional[bool], default=None)
def friendly_name(self) -> str:
"""Return the UUID."""
return self.cast_info.friendly_name
def is_audio_group(self) -> bool:
"""Return if the cast is an audio group."""
return self.cast_info.cast_type == CAST_TYPE_GROUP
def uuid(self) -> bool:
"""Return the UUID."""
return self.cast_info.uuid
def fill_out_missing_chromecast_info(self) -> ChromecastInfo:
"""Return a new ChromecastInfo object with missing attributes filled in.
Uses blocking HTTP / HTTPS.
cast_info = self.cast_info
if self.cast_info.cast_type is None or self.cast_info.manufacturer is None:
# Manufacturer and cast type is not available in mDNS data, get it over http
cast_info = dial.get_cast_type(
if not self.is_audio_group or self.is_dynamic_group is not None:
# We have all information, no need to check HTTP API.
return ChromecastInfo(cast_info=cast_info)
# Fill out missing group information via HTTP API.
is_dynamic_group = False
http_group_status = None
http_group_status = dial.get_multizone_status(
if http_group_status is not None:
is_dynamic_group = any(
g.uuid == self.cast_info.uuid for g in http_group_status.dynamic_groups
return ChromecastInfo(
class ChromeCastZeroconf:
"""Class to hold a zeroconf instance."""
__zconf = None
def set_zeroconf(cls, zconf):
"""Set zeroconf."""
cls.__zconf = zconf
def get_zeroconf(cls):
"""Get zeroconf."""
return cls.__zconf
class CastStatusListener(
"""Helper class to handle pychromecast status callbacks.
Necessary because a CastDevice entity or dynamic group can create a new
socket client and therefore callbacks from multiple chromecast connections can
potentially arrive. This class allows invalidating past chromecast objects.
def __init__(self, cast_device, chromecast, mz_mgr, mz_only=False):
"""Initialize the status listener."""
self._cast_device = cast_device
self._uuid = chromecast.uuid
self._valid = True
self._mz_mgr = mz_mgr
if cast_device._cast_info.is_audio_group:
if mz_only:
if not cast_device._cast_info.is_audio_group:
self._mz_mgr.register_listener(chromecast.uuid, self)
def new_cast_status(self, status):
"""Handle reception of a new CastStatus."""
if self._valid:
def new_media_status(self, status):
"""Handle reception of a new MediaStatus."""
if self._valid:
def load_media_failed(self, item, error_code):
"""Handle reception of a new MediaStatus."""
if self._valid:
self._cast_device.load_media_failed(item, error_code)
def new_connection_status(self, status):
"""Handle reception of a new ConnectionStatus."""
if self._valid:
def added_to_multizone(self, group_uuid):
"""Handle the cast added to a group."""
def removed_from_multizone(self, group_uuid):
"""Handle the cast removed from a group."""
if self._valid:
self._cast_device.multizone_new_media_status(group_uuid, None)
def multizone_new_cast_status(self, group_uuid, cast_status):
"""Handle reception of a new CastStatus for a group."""
def multizone_new_media_status(self, group_uuid, media_status):
"""Handle reception of a new MediaStatus for a group."""
if self._valid:
self._cast_device.multizone_new_media_status(group_uuid, media_status)
def invalidate(self):
"""Invalidate this status listener.
All following callbacks won't be forwarded.
# pylint: disable=protected-access
if self._cast_device._cast_info.is_audio_group:
self._mz_mgr.deregister_listener(self._uuid, self)
self._valid = False
class PlaylistError(Exception):
"""Exception wrapper for pls and m3u helpers."""
class PlaylistSupported(PlaylistError):
"""The playlist is supported by cast devices and should not be parsed."""
class PlaylistItem:
"""Playlist item."""
length: str | None
title: str | None
url: str
def _is_url(url):
"""Validate the URL can be parsed and at least has scheme + netloc."""
result = urlparse(url)
return all([result.scheme, result.netloc])
async def _fetch_playlist(hass, url):
"""Fetch a playlist from the given url."""
session = aiohttp_client.async_get_clientsession(hass, verify_ssl=False)
async with session.get(url, timeout=5) as resp:
charset = resp.charset or "utf-8"
playlist_data = (await resp.content.read(64 * 1024)).decode(charset)
except ValueError as err:
raise PlaylistError(f"Could not decode playlist {url}") from err
except asyncio.TimeoutError as err:
raise PlaylistError(f"Timeout while fetching playlist {url}") from err
except aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientError as err:
raise PlaylistError(f"Error while fetching playlist {url}") from err
return playlist_data
async def parse_m3u(hass, url):
"""Very simple m3u parser.
Based on https://github.com/dvndrsn/M3uParser/blob/master/m3uparser.py
m3u_data = await _fetch_playlist(hass, url)
m3u_lines = m3u_data.splitlines()
playlist = []
length = None
title = None
for line in m3u_lines:
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith("#EXTINF:"):
# Get length and title from #EXTINF line
info = line.split("#EXTINF:")[1].split(",", 1)
if len(info) != 2:
_LOGGER.warning("Ignoring invalid extinf %s in playlist %s", line, url)
length = info[0].split(" ", 1)
title = info[1].strip()
elif line.startswith("#EXT-X-VERSION:"):
# HLS stream, supported by cast devices
raise PlaylistSupported("HLS")
elif line.startswith("#"):
# Ignore other extensions
elif len(line) != 0:
# Get song path from all other, non-blank lines
if not _is_url(line):
raise PlaylistError(f"Invalid item {line} in playlist {url}")
playlist.append(PlaylistItem(length=length, title=title, url=line))
# reset the song variables so it doesn't use the same EXTINF more than once
length = None
title = None
return playlist
async def parse_pls(hass, url):
"""Very simple pls parser.
Based on https://github.com/mariob/plsparser/blob/master/src/plsparser.py
pls_data = await _fetch_playlist(hass, url)
pls_parser = configparser.ConfigParser()
pls_parser.read_string(pls_data, url)
except configparser.Error as err:
raise PlaylistError(f"Can't parse playlist {url}") from err
if (
_PLS_SECTION_PLAYLIST not in pls_parser
or pls_parser[_PLS_SECTION_PLAYLIST].getint("Version") != 2
raise PlaylistError(f"Invalid playlist {url}")
num_entries = pls_parser.getint(_PLS_SECTION_PLAYLIST, "NumberOfEntries")
except (configparser.NoOptionError, ValueError) as err:
raise PlaylistError(f"Invalid NumberOfEntries in playlist {url}") from err
playlist_section = pls_parser[_PLS_SECTION_PLAYLIST]
playlist = []
for entry in range(1, num_entries + 1):
file_option = f"File{entry}"
if file_option not in playlist_section:
_LOGGER.warning("Missing %s in pls from %s", file_option, url)
item_url = playlist_section[file_option]
if not _is_url(item_url):
raise PlaylistError(f"Invalid item {item_url} in playlist {url}")
return playlist
async def parse_playlist(hass, url):
"""Parse an m3u or pls playlist."""
if url.endswith(".m3u") or url.endswith(".m3u8"):
playlist = await parse_m3u(hass, url)
playlist = await parse_pls(hass, url)
if not playlist:
raise PlaylistError(f"Empty playlist {url}")
return playlist