34 lines
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34 lines
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"""Util for Conversation."""
import re
def create_matcher(utterance):
"""Create a regex that matches the utterance."""
# Split utterance into parts that are type: NORMAL, GROUP or OPTIONAL
# Pattern matches (GROUP|OPTIONAL): Change light to [the color] {name}
parts = re.split(r"({\w+}|\[[\w\s]+\] *)", utterance)
# Pattern to extract name from GROUP part. Matches {name}
group_matcher = re.compile(r"{(\w+)}")
# Pattern to extract text from OPTIONAL part. Matches [the color]
optional_matcher = re.compile(r"\[([\w ]+)\] *")
pattern = ["^"]
for part in parts:
group_match = group_matcher.match(part)
optional_match = optional_matcher.match(part)
# Normal part
if group_match is None and optional_match is None:
# Group part
if group_match is not None:
pattern.append(rf"(?P<{group_match.groups()[0]}>[\w ]+?)\s*")
# Optional part
elif optional_match is not None:
pattern.append(rf"(?:{optional_match.groups()[0]} *)?")
return re.compile("".join(pattern), re.I)