Erik Montnemery 407e0c58f9 Migrate tests to pytest ()
* Migrate tests to pytest

* Fixup

* Use loop fixture in test_check_config

* Lint
2019-04-30 09:20:38 -07:00

1086 lines
34 KiB

"""Test Home Assistant template helper methods."""
from datetime import datetime
import random
import math
from unittest.mock import patch
import pytest
import pytz
from homeassistant.components import group
from homeassistant.exceptions import TemplateError
from homeassistant.helpers import template
from homeassistant.util.unit_system import UnitSystem
from homeassistant.const import (
import homeassistant.util.dt as dt_util
def _set_up_units(hass):
"""Set up the tests."""
hass.config.units = UnitSystem('custom', TEMP_CELSIUS,
def test_referring_states_by_entity_id(hass):
"""Test referring states by entity id."""
hass.states.async_set('test.object', 'happy')
assert template.Template(
'{{ states.test.object.state }}', hass).async_render() == 'happy'
def test_iterating_all_states(hass):
"""Test iterating all states."""
hass.states.async_set('test.object', 'happy')
hass.states.async_set('sensor.temperature', 10)
assert template.Template(
'{% for state in states %}{{ state.state }}{% endfor %}',
hass).async_render() == '10happy'
def test_iterating_domain_states(hass):
"""Test iterating domain states."""
hass.states.async_set('test.object', 'happy')
hass.states.async_set('sensor.back_door', 'open')
hass.states.async_set('sensor.temperature', 10)
assert template.Template("""
{% for state in states.sensor %}{{ state.state }}{% endfor %}
""", hass).async_render() == 'open10'
def test_float(hass):
"""Test float."""
hass.states.async_set('sensor.temperature', '12')
assert template.Template(
'{{ float(states.sensor.temperature.state) }}',
hass).async_render() == '12.0'
assert template.Template(
'{{ float(states.sensor.temperature.state) > 11 }}',
hass).async_render() == 'True'
def test_rounding_value(hass):
"""Test rounding value."""
hass.states.async_set('sensor.temperature', 12.78)
assert template.Template(
'{{ states.sensor.temperature.state | round(1) }}',
hass).async_render() == '12.8'
assert template.Template(
'{{ states.sensor.temperature.state | multiply(10) | round }}',
hass).async_render() == '128'
assert template.Template(
'{{ states.sensor.temperature.state | round(1, "floor") }}',
hass).async_render() == '12.7'
assert template.Template(
'{{ states.sensor.temperature.state | round(1, "ceil") }}',
hass).async_render() == '12.8'
def test_rounding_value_get_original_value_on_error(hass):
"""Test rounding value get original value on error."""
assert template.Template('{{ None | round }}', hass).async_render() == \
assert template.Template(
'{{ "no_number" | round }}', hass).async_render() == 'no_number'
def test_multiply(hass):
"""Test multiply."""
tests = {
None: 'None',
10: '100',
'"abcd"': 'abcd'
for inp, out in tests.items():
assert template.Template('{{ %s | multiply(10) | round }}' % inp,
hass).async_render() == out
def test_logarithm(hass):
"""Test logarithm."""
tests = [
(4, 2, '2.0'),
(1000, 10, '3.0'),
(math.e, '', '1.0'),
('"invalid"', '_', 'invalid'),
(10, '"invalid"', '10.0'),
for value, base, expected in tests:
assert template.Template(
'{{ %s | log(%s) | round(1) }}' % (value, base),
hass).async_render() == expected
assert template.Template(
'{{ log(%s, %s) | round(1) }}' % (value, base),
hass).async_render() == expected
def test_sine(hass):
"""Test sine."""
tests = [
(0, '0.0'),
(math.pi / 2, '1.0'),
(math.pi, '0.0'),
(math.pi * 1.5, '-1.0'),
(math.pi / 10, '0.309')
for value, expected in tests:
assert template.Template(
'{{ %s | sin | round(3) }}' % value,
hass).async_render() == expected
def test_cos(hass):
"""Test cosine."""
tests = [
(0, '1.0'),
(math.pi / 2, '0.0'),
(math.pi, '-1.0'),
(math.pi * 1.5, '-0.0'),
(math.pi / 10, '0.951')
for value, expected in tests:
assert template.Template(
'{{ %s | cos | round(3) }}' % value,
hass).async_render() == expected
def test_tan(hass):
"""Test tangent."""
tests = [
(0, '0.0'),
(math.pi, '-0.0'),
(math.pi / 180 * 45, '1.0'),
(math.pi / 180 * 90, '1.633123935319537e+16'),
(math.pi / 180 * 135, '-1.0')
for value, expected in tests:
assert template.Template(
'{{ %s | tan | round(3) }}' % value,
hass).async_render() == expected
def test_sqrt(hass):
"""Test square root."""
tests = [
(0, '0.0'),
(1, '1.0'),
(2, '1.414'),
(10, '3.162'),
(100, '10.0'),
for value, expected in tests:
assert template.Template(
'{{ %s | sqrt | round(3) }}' % value,
hass).async_render() == expected
def test_strptime(hass):
"""Test the parse timestamp method."""
tests = [
('2016-10-19 15:22:05.588122 UTC',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f %Z', None),
('2016-10-19 15:22:05.588122+0100',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f%z', None),
('2016-10-19 15:22:05.588122',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f', None),
('2016-10-19', '%Y-%m-%d', None),
('2016', '%Y', None),
('15:22:05', '%H:%M:%S', None),
('1469119144', '%Y', '1469119144'),
('invalid', '%Y', 'invalid')
for inp, fmt, expected in tests:
if expected is None:
expected = datetime.strptime(inp, fmt)
temp = '{{ strptime(\'%s\', \'%s\') }}' % (inp, fmt)
assert template.Template(temp, hass).async_render() == str(expected)
def test_timestamp_custom(hass):
"""Test the timestamps to custom filter."""
now = dt_util.utcnow()
tests = [
(None, None, None, 'None'),
(1469119144, None, True, '2016-07-21 16:39:04'),
(1469119144, '%Y', True, '2016'),
(1469119144, 'invalid', True, 'invalid'),
(dt_util.as_timestamp(now), None, False,
now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
for inp, fmt, local, out in tests:
if fmt:
fil = 'timestamp_custom(\'{}\')'.format(fmt)
elif fmt and local:
fil = 'timestamp_custom(\'{0}\', {1})'.format(fmt, local)
fil = 'timestamp_custom'
assert template.Template(
'{{ %s | %s }}' % (inp, fil), hass).async_render() == out
def test_timestamp_local(hass):
"""Test the timestamps to local filter."""
tests = {
None: 'None',
1469119144: '2016-07-21 16:39:04',
for inp, out in tests.items():
assert template.Template('{{ %s | timestamp_local }}' % inp,
hass).async_render() == out
def test_min(hass):
"""Test the min filter."""
assert template.Template('{{ [1, 2, 3] | min }}',
hass).async_render() == '1'
def test_max(hass):
"""Test the max filter."""
assert template.Template('{{ [1, 2, 3] | max }}',
hass).async_render() == '3'
def test_base64_encode(hass):
"""Test the base64_encode filter."""
assert template.Template('{{ "homeassistant" | base64_encode }}',
hass).async_render() == 'aG9tZWFzc2lzdGFudA=='
def test_base64_decode(hass):
"""Test the base64_decode filter."""
assert template.Template('{{ "aG9tZWFzc2lzdGFudA==" | base64_decode }}',
hass).async_render() == 'homeassistant'
def test_ordinal(hass):
"""Test the ordinal filter."""
tests = [
(1, '1st'),
(2, '2nd'),
(3, '3rd'),
(4, '4th'),
(5, '5th'),
for value, expected in tests:
assert template.Template(
'{{ %s | ordinal }}' % value,
hass).async_render() == expected
def test_timestamp_utc(hass):
"""Test the timestamps to local filter."""
now = dt_util.utcnow()
tests = {
None: 'None',
1469119144: '2016-07-21 16:39:04',
now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
for inp, out in tests.items():
assert template.Template('{{ %s | timestamp_utc }}' % inp,
hass).async_render() == out
def test_as_timestamp(hass):
"""Test the as_timestamp function."""
assert template.Template('{{ as_timestamp("invalid") }}',
hass).async_render() == "None"
hass.mock = None
assert template.Template('{{ as_timestamp(states.mock) }}',
hass).async_render() == "None"
tpl = '{{ as_timestamp(strptime("2024-02-03T09:10:24+0000", ' \
'"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z")) }}'
assert template.Template(tpl, hass).async_render() == "1706951424.0"
@patch.object(random, 'choice')
def test_random_every_time(test_choice, hass):
"""Ensure the random filter runs every time, not just once."""
tpl = template.Template('{{ [1,2] | random }}', hass)
test_choice.return_value = 'foo'
assert tpl.async_render() == 'foo'
test_choice.return_value = 'bar'
assert tpl.async_render() == 'bar'
def test_passing_vars_as_keywords(hass):
"""Test passing variables as keywords."""
assert template.Template(
'{{ hello }}', hass).async_render(hello=127) == '127'
def test_passing_vars_as_vars(hass):
"""Test passing variables as variables."""
assert template.Template(
'{{ hello }}', hass).async_render({'hello': 127}) == '127'
def test_passing_vars_as_list(hass):
"""Test passing variables as list."""
assert template.render_complex(
template.Template('{{ hello }}',
hass), {'hello': ['foo', 'bar']}) == "['foo', 'bar']"
def test_passing_vars_as_list_element(hass):
"""Test passing variables as list."""
assert template.render_complex(template.Template('{{ hello[1] }}',
{'hello': ['foo', 'bar']}) == 'bar'
def test_passing_vars_as_dict_element(hass):
"""Test passing variables as list."""
assert template.render_complex(template.Template('{{ hello.foo }}',
{'hello': {'foo': 'bar'}}) == 'bar'
def test_passing_vars_as_dict(hass):
"""Test passing variables as list."""
assert template.render_complex(
template.Template('{{ hello }}',
hass), {'hello': {'foo': 'bar'}}) == "{'foo': 'bar'}"
def test_render_with_possible_json_value_with_valid_json(hass):
"""Render with possible JSON value with valid JSON."""
tpl = template.Template('{{ value_json.hello }}', hass)
assert tpl.async_render_with_possible_json_value(
'{"hello": "world"}') == 'world'
def test_render_with_possible_json_value_with_invalid_json(hass):
"""Render with possible JSON value with invalid JSON."""
tpl = template.Template('{{ value_json }}', hass)
assert tpl.async_render_with_possible_json_value('{ I AM NOT JSON }') == ''
def test_render_with_possible_json_value_with_template_error_value(hass):
"""Render with possible JSON value with template error value."""
tpl = template.Template('{{ non_existing.variable }}', hass)
assert tpl.async_render_with_possible_json_value('hello', '-') == '-'
def test_render_with_possible_json_value_with_missing_json_value(hass):
"""Render with possible JSON value with unknown JSON object."""
tpl = template.Template('{{ value_json.goodbye }}', hass)
assert tpl.async_render_with_possible_json_value(
'{"hello": "world"}') == ''
def test_render_with_possible_json_value_valid_with_is_defined(hass):
"""Render with possible JSON value with known JSON object."""
tpl = template.Template('{{ value_json.hello|is_defined }}', hass)
assert tpl.async_render_with_possible_json_value(
'{"hello": "world"}') == 'world'
def test_render_with_possible_json_value_undefined_json(hass):
"""Render with possible JSON value with unknown JSON object."""
tpl = template.Template('{{ value_json.bye|is_defined }}', hass)
assert tpl.async_render_with_possible_json_value(
'{"hello": "world"}') == '{"hello": "world"}'
def test_render_with_possible_json_value_undefined_json_error_value(hass):
"""Render with possible JSON value with unknown JSON object."""
tpl = template.Template('{{ value_json.bye|is_defined }}', hass)
assert tpl.async_render_with_possible_json_value(
'{"hello": "world"}', '') == ''
def test_render_with_possible_json_value_non_string_value(hass):
"""Render with possible JSON value with non-string value."""
tpl = template.Template("""
{{ strptime(value~'+0000', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%z') }}
""", hass)
value = datetime(2019, 1, 18, 12, 13, 14)
expected = str(pytz.utc.localize(value))
assert tpl.async_render_with_possible_json_value(value) == expected
def test_raise_exception_on_error(hass):
"""Test raising an exception on error."""
with pytest.raises(TemplateError):
template.Template('{{ invalid_syntax').ensure_valid()
def test_if_state_exists(hass):
"""Test if state exists works."""
hass.states.async_set('test.object', 'available')
tpl = template.Template(
'{% if states.test.object %}exists{% else %}not exists{% endif %}',
assert tpl.async_render() == 'exists'
def test_is_state(hass):
"""Test is_state method."""
hass.states.async_set('test.object', 'available')
tpl = template.Template("""
{% if is_state("test.object", "available") %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}
""", hass)
assert tpl.async_render() == 'yes'
tpl = template.Template("""
{{ is_state("test.noobject", "available") }}
""", hass)
assert tpl.async_render() == 'False'
def test_is_state_attr(hass):
"""Test is_state_attr method."""
hass.states.async_set('test.object', 'available', {'mode': 'on'})
tpl = template.Template("""
{% if is_state_attr("test.object", "mode", "on") %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}
""", hass)
assert tpl.async_render() == 'yes'
tpl = template.Template("""
{{ is_state_attr("test.noobject", "mode", "on") }}
""", hass)
assert tpl.async_render() == 'False'
def test_state_attr(hass):
"""Test state_attr method."""
hass.states.async_set('test.object', 'available', {'mode': 'on'})
tpl = template.Template("""
{% if state_attr("test.object", "mode") == "on" %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}
""", hass)
assert tpl.async_render() == 'yes'
tpl = template.Template("""
{{ state_attr("test.noobject", "mode") == None }}
""", hass)
assert tpl.async_render() == 'True'
def test_states_function(hass):
"""Test using states as a function."""
hass.states.async_set('test.object', 'available')
tpl = template.Template('{{ states("test.object") }}', hass)
assert tpl.async_render() == 'available'
tpl2 = template.Template('{{ states("test.object2") }}', hass)
assert tpl2.async_render() == 'unknown'
'is_safe_callable', return_value=True)
def test_now(mock_is_safe, hass):
"""Test now method."""
now = dt_util.now()
with patch.dict(template.ENV.globals, {'now': lambda: now}):
assert now.isoformat() == \
template.Template('{{ now().isoformat() }}',
'is_safe_callable', return_value=True)
def test_utcnow(mock_is_safe, hass):
"""Test utcnow method."""
now = dt_util.utcnow()
with patch.dict(template.ENV.globals, {'utcnow': lambda: now}):
assert now.isoformat() == \
template.Template('{{ utcnow().isoformat() }}',
def test_regex_match(hass):
"""Test regex_match method."""
tpl = template.Template(r"""
{{ '123-456-7890' | regex_match('(\\d{3})-(\\d{3})-(\\d{4})') }}
""", hass)
assert tpl.async_render() == 'True'
tpl = template.Template("""
{{ 'home assistant test' | regex_match('Home', True) }}
""", hass)
assert tpl.async_render() == 'True'
tpl = template.Template("""
{{ 'Another home assistant test' | regex_match('home') }}
""", hass)
assert tpl.async_render() == 'False'
def test_regex_search(hass):
"""Test regex_search method."""
tpl = template.Template(r"""
{{ '123-456-7890' | regex_search('(\\d{3})-(\\d{3})-(\\d{4})') }}
""", hass)
assert tpl.async_render() == 'True'
tpl = template.Template("""
{{ 'home assistant test' | regex_search('Home', True) }}
""", hass)
assert tpl.async_render() == 'True'
tpl = template.Template("""
{{ 'Another home assistant test' | regex_search('home') }}
""", hass)
assert tpl.async_render() == 'True'
def test_regex_replace(hass):
"""Test regex_replace method."""
tpl = template.Template(r"""
{{ 'Hello World' | regex_replace('(Hello\\s)',) }}
""", hass)
assert tpl.async_render() == 'World'
def test_regex_findall_index(hass):
"""Test regex_findall_index method."""
tpl = template.Template("""
{{ 'Flight from JFK to LHR' | regex_findall_index('([A-Z]{3})', 0) }}
""", hass)
assert tpl.async_render() == 'JFK'
tpl = template.Template("""
{{ 'Flight from JFK to LHR' | regex_findall_index('([A-Z]{3})', 1) }}
""", hass)
assert tpl.async_render() == 'LHR'
def test_bitwise_and(hass):
"""Test bitwise_and method."""
tpl = template.Template("""
{{ 8 | bitwise_and(8) }}
""", hass)
assert tpl.async_render() == str(8 & 8)
tpl = template.Template("""
{{ 10 | bitwise_and(2) }}
""", hass)
assert tpl.async_render() == str(10 & 2)
tpl = template.Template("""
{{ 8 | bitwise_and(2) }}
""", hass)
assert tpl.async_render() == str(8 & 2)
def test_bitwise_or(hass):
"""Test bitwise_or method."""
tpl = template.Template("""
{{ 8 | bitwise_or(8) }}
""", hass)
assert tpl.async_render() == str(8 | 8)
tpl = template.Template("""
{{ 10 | bitwise_or(2) }}
""", hass)
assert tpl.async_render() == str(10 | 2)
tpl = template.Template("""
{{ 8 | bitwise_or(2) }}
""", hass)
assert tpl.async_render() == str(8 | 2)
def test_distance_function_with_1_state(hass):
"""Test distance function with 1 state."""
hass.states.async_set('test.object', 'happy', {
'latitude': 32.87336,
'longitude': -117.22943,
tpl = template.Template('{{ distance(states.test.object) | round }}',
assert tpl.async_render() == '187'
def test_distance_function_with_2_states(hass):
"""Test distance function with 2 states."""
hass.states.async_set('test.object', 'happy', {
'latitude': 32.87336,
'longitude': -117.22943,
hass.states.async_set('test.object_2', 'happy', {
'latitude': hass.config.latitude,
'longitude': hass.config.longitude,
tpl = template.Template(
'{{ distance(states.test.object, states.test.object_2) | round }}',
assert tpl.async_render() == '187'
def test_distance_function_with_1_coord(hass):
"""Test distance function with 1 coord."""
tpl = template.Template(
'{{ distance("32.87336", "-117.22943") | round }}', hass)
assert tpl.async_render() == '187'
def test_distance_function_with_2_coords(hass):
"""Test distance function with 2 coords."""
assert template.Template(
'{{ distance("32.87336", "-117.22943", %s, %s) | round }}'
% (hass.config.latitude, hass.config.longitude),
hass).async_render() == '187'
def test_distance_function_with_1_state_1_coord(hass):
"""Test distance function with 1 state 1 coord."""
hass.states.async_set('test.object_2', 'happy', {
'latitude': hass.config.latitude,
'longitude': hass.config.longitude,
tpl = template.Template(
'{{ distance("32.87336", "-117.22943", states.test.object_2) '
'| round }}', hass)
assert tpl.async_render() == '187'
tpl2 = template.Template(
'{{ distance(states.test.object_2, "32.87336", "-117.22943") '
'| round }}', hass)
assert tpl2.async_render() == '187'
def test_distance_function_return_none_if_invalid_state(hass):
"""Test distance function return None if invalid state."""
hass.states.async_set('test.object_2', 'happy', {
'latitude': 10,
tpl = template.Template('{{ distance(states.test.object_2) | round }}',
assert tpl.async_render() == 'None'
def test_distance_function_return_none_if_invalid_coord(hass):
"""Test distance function return None if invalid coord."""
assert template.Template(
'{{ distance("123", "abc") }}', hass).async_render() == 'None'
assert template.Template('{{ distance("123") }}', hass).async_render() == \
hass.states.async_set('test.object_2', 'happy', {
'latitude': hass.config.latitude,
'longitude': hass.config.longitude,
tpl = template.Template('{{ distance("123", states.test_object_2) }}',
assert tpl.async_render() == 'None'
def test_distance_function_with_2_entity_ids(hass):
"""Test distance function with 2 entity ids."""
hass.states.async_set('test.object', 'happy', {
'latitude': 32.87336,
'longitude': -117.22943,
hass.states.async_set('test.object_2', 'happy', {
'latitude': hass.config.latitude,
'longitude': hass.config.longitude,
tpl = template.Template(
'{{ distance("test.object", "test.object_2") | round }}',
assert tpl.async_render() == '187'
def test_distance_function_with_1_entity_1_coord(hass):
"""Test distance function with 1 entity_id and 1 coord."""
hass.states.async_set('test.object', 'happy', {
'latitude': hass.config.latitude,
'longitude': hass.config.longitude,
tpl = template.Template(
'{{ distance("test.object", "32.87336", "-117.22943") | round }}',
assert tpl.async_render() == '187'
def test_closest_function_home_vs_domain(hass):
"""Test closest function home vs domain."""
hass.states.async_set('test_domain.object', 'happy', {
'latitude': hass.config.latitude + 0.1,
'longitude': hass.config.longitude + 0.1,
hass.states.async_set('not_test_domain.but_closer', 'happy', {
'latitude': hass.config.latitude,
'longitude': hass.config.longitude,
assert template.Template('{{ closest(states.test_domain).entity_id }}',
hass).async_render() == 'test_domain.object'
def test_closest_function_home_vs_all_states(hass):
"""Test closest function home vs all states."""
hass.states.async_set('test_domain.object', 'happy', {
'latitude': hass.config.latitude + 0.1,
'longitude': hass.config.longitude + 0.1,
hass.states.async_set('test_domain_2.and_closer', 'happy', {
'latitude': hass.config.latitude,
'longitude': hass.config.longitude,
assert template.Template('{{ closest(states).entity_id }}',
hass).async_render() == 'test_domain_2.and_closer'
async def test_closest_function_home_vs_group_entity_id(hass):
"""Test closest function home vs group entity id."""
hass.states.async_set('test_domain.object', 'happy', {
'latitude': hass.config.latitude + 0.1,
'longitude': hass.config.longitude + 0.1,
hass.states.async_set('not_in_group.but_closer', 'happy', {
'latitude': hass.config.latitude,
'longitude': hass.config.longitude,
await group.Group.async_create_group(
hass, 'location group', ['test_domain.object'])
assert template.Template(
'{{ closest("group.location_group").entity_id }}',
hass).async_render() == 'test_domain.object'
async def test_closest_function_home_vs_group_state(hass):
"""Test closest function home vs group state."""
hass.states.async_set('test_domain.object', 'happy', {
'latitude': hass.config.latitude + 0.1,
'longitude': hass.config.longitude + 0.1,
hass.states.async_set('not_in_group.but_closer', 'happy', {
'latitude': hass.config.latitude,
'longitude': hass.config.longitude,
await group.Group.async_create_group(
hass, 'location group', ['test_domain.object'])
assert template.Template(
'{{ closest(states.group.location_group).entity_id }}',
hass).async_render() == 'test_domain.object'
def test_closest_function_to_coord(hass):
"""Test closest function to coord."""
hass.states.async_set('test_domain.closest_home', 'happy', {
'latitude': hass.config.latitude + 0.1,
'longitude': hass.config.longitude + 0.1,
hass.states.async_set('test_domain.closest_zone', 'happy', {
'latitude': hass.config.latitude + 0.2,
'longitude': hass.config.longitude + 0.2,
hass.states.async_set('zone.far_away', 'zoning', {
'latitude': hass.config.latitude + 0.3,
'longitude': hass.config.longitude + 0.3,
tpl = template.Template(
'{{ closest("%s", %s, states.test_domain).entity_id }}'
% (hass.config.latitude + 0.3,
hass.config.longitude + 0.3), hass)
assert tpl.async_render() == 'test_domain.closest_zone'
def test_closest_function_to_entity_id(hass):
"""Test closest function to entity id."""
hass.states.async_set('test_domain.closest_home', 'happy', {
'latitude': hass.config.latitude + 0.1,
'longitude': hass.config.longitude + 0.1,
hass.states.async_set('test_domain.closest_zone', 'happy', {
'latitude': hass.config.latitude + 0.2,
'longitude': hass.config.longitude + 0.2,
hass.states.async_set('zone.far_away', 'zoning', {
'latitude': hass.config.latitude + 0.3,
'longitude': hass.config.longitude + 0.3,
assert template.Template(
'{{ closest("zone.far_away", '
'states.test_domain).entity_id }}', hass).async_render() == \
def test_closest_function_to_state(hass):
"""Test closest function to state."""
hass.states.async_set('test_domain.closest_home', 'happy', {
'latitude': hass.config.latitude + 0.1,
'longitude': hass.config.longitude + 0.1,
hass.states.async_set('test_domain.closest_zone', 'happy', {
'latitude': hass.config.latitude + 0.2,
'longitude': hass.config.longitude + 0.2,
hass.states.async_set('zone.far_away', 'zoning', {
'latitude': hass.config.latitude + 0.3,
'longitude': hass.config.longitude + 0.3,
assert template.Template(
'{{ closest(states.zone.far_away, '
'states.test_domain).entity_id }}', hass).async_render() == \
def test_closest_function_invalid_state(hass):
"""Test closest function invalid state."""
hass.states.async_set('test_domain.closest_home', 'happy', {
'latitude': hass.config.latitude + 0.1,
'longitude': hass.config.longitude + 0.1,
for state in ('states.zone.non_existing', '"zone.non_existing"'):
assert template.Template('{{ closest(%s, states) }}' % state,
hass).async_render() == 'None'
def test_closest_function_state_with_invalid_location(hass):
"""Test closest function state with invalid location."""
hass.states.async_set('test_domain.closest_home', 'happy', {
'latitude': 'invalid latitude',
'longitude': hass.config.longitude + 0.1,
assert template.Template(
'{{ closest(states.test_domain.closest_home, '
'states) }}', hass).async_render() == 'None'
def test_closest_function_invalid_coordinates(hass):
"""Test closest function invalid coordinates."""
hass.states.async_set('test_domain.closest_home', 'happy', {
'latitude': hass.config.latitude + 0.1,
'longitude': hass.config.longitude + 0.1,
assert template.Template('{{ closest("invalid", "coord", states) }}',
hass).async_render() == 'None'
def test_closest_function_no_location_states(hass):
"""Test closest function without location states."""
assert template.Template('{{ closest(states).entity_id }}',
hass).async_render() == ''
def test_extract_entities_none_exclude_stuff(hass):
"""Test extract entities function with none or exclude stuff."""
assert template.extract_entities(None) == []
assert template.extract_entities("mdi:water") == []
assert template.extract_entities(
'{{ closest(states.zone.far_away, '
'states.test_domain).entity_id }}') == MATCH_ALL
assert template.extract_entities(
'{{ distance("123", states.test_object_2) }}') == MATCH_ALL
def test_extract_entities_no_match_entities(hass):
"""Test extract entities function with none entities stuff."""
assert template.extract_entities(
"{{ value_json.tst | timestamp_custom('%Y' True) }}") == MATCH_ALL
assert template.extract_entities("""
{% for state in states.sensor %}
{{ state.entity_id }}={{ state.state }},d
{% endfor %}
""") == MATCH_ALL
def test_extract_entities_match_entities(hass):
"""Test extract entities function with entities stuff."""
assert template.extract_entities("""
{% if is_state('device_tracker.phone_1', 'home') %}
Ha, Hercules is home!
{% else %}
Hercules is at {{ states('device_tracker.phone_1') }}.
{% endif %}
""") == ['device_tracker.phone_1']
assert template.extract_entities("""
{{ as_timestamp(states.binary_sensor.garage_door.last_changed) }}
""") == ['binary_sensor.garage_door']
assert template.extract_entities("""
{{ states("binary_sensor.garage_door") }}
""") == ['binary_sensor.garage_door']
assert template.extract_entities("""
{{ is_state_attr('device_tracker.phone_2', 'battery', 40) }}
""") == ['device_tracker.phone_2']
assert sorted([
]) == \
{% if is_state('device_tracker.phone_1', 'home') %}
Ha, Hercules is home!
{% elif states.device_tracker.phone_2.attributes.battery < 40 %}
Hercules you power goes done!.
{% endif %}
assert sorted([
]) == \
states.sensor.pick_temperature.state ~ „°C (“ ~
states.sensor.pick_humidity.state ~ „ %
assert sorted([
]) == \
"{% if (states('sensor.luftfeuchtigkeit_mean') | int)"
" > (states('input_number.luftfeuchtigkeit') | int +1.5)"
" %}true{% endif %}"
def test_extract_entities_with_variables(hass):
"""Test extract entities function with variables and entities stuff."""
assert template.extract_entities(
"{{ is_state('input_boolean.switch', 'off') }}", {}) == \
assert template.extract_entities(
"{{ is_state(trigger.entity_id, 'off') }}", {}) == \
assert template.extract_entities(
"{{ is_state(data, 'off') }}", {}) == MATCH_ALL
assert template.extract_entities(
"{{ is_state(data, 'off') }}",
{'data': 'input_boolean.switch'}) == \
assert template.extract_entities(
"{{ is_state(trigger.entity_id, 'off') }}",
{'trigger': {'entity_id': 'input_boolean.switch'}}) == \
assert template.extract_entities(
"{{ is_state('media_player.' ~ where , 'playing') }}",
{'where': 'livingroom'}) == MATCH_ALL
def test_jinja_namespace(hass):
"""Test Jinja's namespace command can be used."""
test_template = template.Template(
"{% set ns = namespace(a_key='') %}"
"{% set ns.a_key = states.sensor.dummy.state %}"
"{{ ns.a_key }}"
hass.states.async_set('sensor.dummy', 'a value')
assert test_template.async_render() == 'a value'
hass.states.async_set('sensor.dummy', 'another value')
assert test_template.async_render() == 'another value'
async def test_state_with_unit(hass):
"""Test the state_with_unit property helper."""
hass.states.async_set('sensor.test', '23', {
'unit_of_measurement': 'beers',
hass.states.async_set('sensor.test2', 'wow')
tpl = template.Template(
'{{ states.sensor.test.state_with_unit }}', hass)
assert tpl.async_render() == '23 beers'
tpl = template.Template(
'{{ states.sensor.test2.state_with_unit }}', hass)
assert tpl.async_render() == 'wow'
tpl = template.Template(
'{% for state in states %}{{ state.state_with_unit }} {% endfor %}',
assert tpl.async_render() == '23 beers wow'
tpl = template.Template('{{ states.sensor.non_existing.state_with_unit }}',
assert tpl.async_render() == ''
async def test_length_of_states(hass):
"""Test fetching the length of states."""
hass.states.async_set('sensor.test', '23')
hass.states.async_set('sensor.test2', 'wow')
hass.states.async_set('climate.test2', 'cooling')
tpl = template.Template('{{ states | length }}', hass)
assert tpl.async_render() == '3'
tpl = template.Template('{{ states.sensor | length }}', hass)
assert tpl.async_render() == '2'