332 lines
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332 lines
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"""Test system log component."""
import asyncio
from http import HTTPStatus
import logging
import queue
from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch
import pytest
from homeassistant.bootstrap import async_setup_component
from homeassistant.components import system_log
from homeassistant.core import callback
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger("test_logger")
BASIC_CONFIG = {"system_log": {"max_entries": 2}}
def simple_queue():
"""Fixture that get the queue."""
simple_queue_fixed = queue.SimpleQueue()
with patch(
yield simple_queue_fixed
async def _async_block_until_queue_empty(hass, sq):
# Unfortunately we are stuck with polling
await hass.async_block_till_done()
while not sq.empty():
await asyncio.sleep(0.01)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
async def get_error_log(hass, hass_client, expected_count):
"""Fetch all entries from system_log via the API."""
client = await hass_client()
resp = await client.get("/api/error/all")
assert resp.status == HTTPStatus.OK
data = await resp.json()
assert len(data) == expected_count
return data
def _generate_and_log_exception(exception, log):
raise Exception(exception)
except: # noqa: E722 pylint: disable=bare-except
def assert_log(log, exception, message, level):
"""Assert that specified values are in a specific log entry."""
if not isinstance(message, list):
message = [message]
assert log["name"] == "test_logger"
assert exception in log["exception"]
assert message == log["message"]
assert level == log["level"]
assert "timestamp" in log
def get_frame(name):
"""Get log stack frame."""
return (name, 5, None, None)
async def test_normal_logs(hass, simple_queue, hass_client):
"""Test that debug and info are not logged."""
await async_setup_component(hass, system_log.DOMAIN, BASIC_CONFIG)
await _async_block_until_queue_empty(hass, simple_queue)
# Assert done by get_error_log
await get_error_log(hass, hass_client, 0)
async def test_exception(hass, simple_queue, hass_client):
"""Test that exceptions are logged and retrieved correctly."""
await async_setup_component(hass, system_log.DOMAIN, BASIC_CONFIG)
_generate_and_log_exception("exception message", "log message")
await _async_block_until_queue_empty(hass, simple_queue)
log = (await get_error_log(hass, hass_client, 1))[0]
assert_log(log, "exception message", "log message", "ERROR")
async def test_warning(hass, simple_queue, hass_client):
"""Test that warning are logged and retrieved correctly."""
await async_setup_component(hass, system_log.DOMAIN, BASIC_CONFIG)
_LOGGER.warning("warning message")
await _async_block_until_queue_empty(hass, simple_queue)
log = (await get_error_log(hass, hass_client, 1))[0]
assert_log(log, "", "warning message", "WARNING")
async def test_error(hass, simple_queue, hass_client):
"""Test that errors are logged and retrieved correctly."""
await async_setup_component(hass, system_log.DOMAIN, BASIC_CONFIG)
_LOGGER.error("error message")
await _async_block_until_queue_empty(hass, simple_queue)
log = (await get_error_log(hass, hass_client, 1))[0]
assert_log(log, "", "error message", "ERROR")
async def test_config_not_fire_event(hass, simple_queue):
"""Test that errors are not posted as events with default config."""
await async_setup_component(hass, system_log.DOMAIN, BASIC_CONFIG)
events = []
def event_listener(event):
"""Listen to events of type system_log_event."""
hass.bus.async_listen(system_log.EVENT_SYSTEM_LOG, event_listener)
_LOGGER.error("error message")
await _async_block_until_queue_empty(hass, simple_queue)
assert len(events) == 0
async def test_error_posted_as_event(hass, simple_queue):
"""Test that error are posted as events."""
await async_setup_component(
hass, system_log.DOMAIN, {"system_log": {"max_entries": 2, "fire_event": True}}
events = []
def event_listener(event):
"""Listen to events of type system_log_event."""
hass.bus.async_listen(system_log.EVENT_SYSTEM_LOG, event_listener)
_LOGGER.error("error message")
await _async_block_until_queue_empty(hass, simple_queue)
assert len(events) == 1
assert_log(events[0].data, "", "error message", "ERROR")
async def test_critical(hass, simple_queue, hass_client):
"""Test that critical are logged and retrieved correctly."""
await async_setup_component(hass, system_log.DOMAIN, BASIC_CONFIG)
_LOGGER.critical("critical message")
await _async_block_until_queue_empty(hass, simple_queue)
log = (await get_error_log(hass, hass_client, 1))[0]
assert_log(log, "", "critical message", "CRITICAL")
async def test_remove_older_logs(hass, simple_queue, hass_client):
"""Test that older logs are rotated out."""
await async_setup_component(hass, system_log.DOMAIN, BASIC_CONFIG)
_LOGGER.error("error message 1")
_LOGGER.error("error message 2")
_LOGGER.error("error message 3")
await _async_block_until_queue_empty(hass, simple_queue)
log = await get_error_log(hass, hass_client, 2)
assert_log(log[0], "", "error message 3", "ERROR")
assert_log(log[1], "", "error message 2", "ERROR")
def log_msg(nr=2):
"""Log an error at same line."""
_LOGGER.error("error message %s", nr)
async def test_dedupe_logs(hass, simple_queue, hass_client):
"""Test that duplicate log entries are dedupe."""
await async_setup_component(hass, system_log.DOMAIN, {})
_LOGGER.error("error message 1")
_LOGGER.error("error message 3")
await _async_block_until_queue_empty(hass, simple_queue)
log = await get_error_log(hass, hass_client, 3)
assert_log(log[0], "", "error message 3", "ERROR")
assert log[1]["count"] == 2
assert_log(log[1], "", ["error message 2", "error message 2-2"], "ERROR")
await _async_block_until_queue_empty(hass, simple_queue)
log = await get_error_log(hass, hass_client, 3)
assert_log(log[0], "", ["error message 2", "error message 2-2"], "ERROR")
assert log[0]["timestamp"] > log[0]["first_occurred"]
await _async_block_until_queue_empty(hass, simple_queue)
log = await get_error_log(hass, hass_client, 3)
"error message 2-2",
"error message 2-3",
"error message 2-4",
"error message 2-5",
"error message 2-6",
async def test_clear_logs(hass, simple_queue, hass_client):
"""Test that the log can be cleared via a service call."""
await async_setup_component(hass, system_log.DOMAIN, BASIC_CONFIG)
_LOGGER.error("error message")
await _async_block_until_queue_empty(hass, simple_queue)
await hass.services.async_call(system_log.DOMAIN, system_log.SERVICE_CLEAR, {})
await _async_block_until_queue_empty(hass, simple_queue)
# Assert done by get_error_log
await get_error_log(hass, hass_client, 0)
async def test_write_log(hass):
"""Test that error propagates to logger."""
await async_setup_component(hass, system_log.DOMAIN, BASIC_CONFIG)
logger = MagicMock()
with patch("logging.getLogger", return_value=logger) as mock_logging:
await hass.services.async_call(
system_log.DOMAIN, system_log.SERVICE_WRITE, {"message": "test_message"}
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert logger.method_calls[0] == ("error", ("test_message",))
async def test_write_choose_logger(hass):
"""Test that correct logger is chosen."""
await async_setup_component(hass, system_log.DOMAIN, BASIC_CONFIG)
with patch("logging.getLogger") as mock_logging:
await hass.services.async_call(
{"message": "test_message", "logger": "myLogger"},
await hass.async_block_till_done()
async def test_write_choose_level(hass):
"""Test that correct logger is chosen."""
await async_setup_component(hass, system_log.DOMAIN, BASIC_CONFIG)
logger = MagicMock()
with patch("logging.getLogger", return_value=logger):
await hass.services.async_call(
{"message": "test_message", "level": "debug"},
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert logger.method_calls[0] == ("debug", ("test_message",))
async def test_unknown_path(hass, simple_queue, hass_client):
"""Test error logged from unknown path."""
await async_setup_component(hass, system_log.DOMAIN, BASIC_CONFIG)
_LOGGER.findCaller = MagicMock(return_value=("unknown_path", 0, None, None))
_LOGGER.error("error message")
await _async_block_until_queue_empty(hass, simple_queue)
log = (await get_error_log(hass, hass_client, 1))[0]
assert log["source"] == ["unknown_path", 0]
async def async_log_error_from_test_path(hass, path, sq):
"""Log error while mocking the path."""
call_path = "internal_path.py"
with patch.object(
_LOGGER, "findCaller", MagicMock(return_value=(call_path, 0, None, None))
), patch(
_LOGGER.error("error message")
await _async_block_until_queue_empty(hass, sq)
async def test_homeassistant_path(hass, simple_queue, hass_client):
"""Test error logged from Home Assistant path."""
await async_setup_component(hass, system_log.DOMAIN, BASIC_CONFIG)
with patch(
await async_log_error_from_test_path(
hass, "venv_path/homeassistant/component/component.py", simple_queue
log = (await get_error_log(hass, hass_client, 1))[0]
assert log["source"] == ["component/component.py", 5]
async def test_config_path(hass, simple_queue, hass_client):
"""Test error logged from config path."""
await async_setup_component(hass, system_log.DOMAIN, BASIC_CONFIG)
with patch.object(hass.config, "config_dir", new="config"):
await async_log_error_from_test_path(
hass, "config/custom_component/test.py", simple_queue
log = (await get_error_log(hass, hass_client, 1))[0]
assert log["source"] == ["custom_component/test.py", 5]