RJPoelstra 2c2e6171e2
Add integration for Vogel's MotionMount (#103498)
* Skeleton for Vogel's MotionMount support.

* Generated updates.

* Add validation of the discovered information.

* Add manual configuration

* Use a mac address as a unique id

* Add tests for config_flow

* Add a 'turn' sensor entity.

* Add all needed sensors.

* Add number and select entity for control of MotionMount

* Update based on development checklist

* Preset selector now updates when a preset is chosen

* Fix adding presets selector to device

* Remove irrelevant TODO

* Bump python-MotionMount requirement

* Invert direction of turn slider

* Prepare for PR

* Make sure entities have correct values when created

* Use device's mac address as unique id for entities.

* Fix missing files in .coveragerc

* Remove typing ignore from device library.

Improved typing also gave rise to the need to improve the callback mechanism

* Improve typing

* Convert property to shorthand form

* Remove unneeded CONF_NAME in ConfigEntry

* Add small comment

* Refresh coordinator on notification from MotionMount

* Use translation for entity

* Bump python-MotionMount

* Raise `ConfigEntryNotReady` when connect fails

* Use local variable

* Improve exception handling

* Reduce duplicate code

* Make better use of constants

* Remove unneeded callback

* Remove other occurrence of unneeded callback

* Improve removal of suffix

* Catch 'getaddrinfo' exception

* Add config flow tests for invalid hostname

* Abort if device with same hostname is already configured

* Make sure we connect to a device with the same unique id as configured

* Convert function names to snake_case

* Remove unneeded commented-out code

* Use tuple

* Make us of config_entry id when mac is missing

* Prevent update of entities when nothing changed

* Don't store data in `hass.data` until we know we will proceed

* Remove coordinator

* Handle situation where mac is EMPTY_MAC

* Disable polling

* Fix failing hassfest

* Avoid calling unique-id-less discovery handler for situations where we've an unique id
2023-12-22 12:04:58 +01:00

756 lines
15 KiB

"""Automatically generated file.
To update, run python3 -m script.hassfest
"3810X": {
"always_discover": True,
"domain": "roku",
"3820X": {
"always_discover": True,
"domain": "roku",
"4660X": {
"always_discover": True,
"domain": "roku",
"7820X": {
"always_discover": True,
"domain": "roku",
"AC02": {
"always_discover": True,
"domain": "tado",
"Abode": {
"always_discover": True,
"domain": "abode",
"BSB002": {
"always_discover": False,
"domain": "hue",
"C105X": {
"always_discover": True,
"domain": "roku",
"C135X": {
"always_discover": True,
"domain": "roku",
"EB": {
"always_discover": True,
"domain": "ecobee",
"Escea": {
"always_discover": False,
"domain": "escea",
"HHKBridge*": {
"always_discover": True,
"domain": "hive",
"Healthy Home Coach": {
"always_discover": True,
"domain": "netatmo",
"Iota": {
"always_discover": True,
"domain": "abode",
"LIFX A19": {
"always_discover": True,
"domain": "lifx",
"LIFX BR30": {
"always_discover": True,
"domain": "lifx",
"LIFX Beam": {
"always_discover": True,
"domain": "lifx",
"LIFX Candle": {
"always_discover": True,
"domain": "lifx",
"LIFX Clean": {
"always_discover": True,
"domain": "lifx",
"LIFX Color": {
"always_discover": True,
"domain": "lifx",
"always_discover": True,
"domain": "lifx",
"always_discover": True,
"domain": "lifx",
"LIFX Dlight": {
"always_discover": True,
"domain": "lifx",
"LIFX Downlight": {
"always_discover": True,
"domain": "lifx",
"LIFX Filament": {
"always_discover": True,
"domain": "lifx",
"LIFX GU10": {
"always_discover": True,
"domain": "lifx",
"LIFX Lightstrip": {
"always_discover": True,
"domain": "lifx",
"LIFX Mini": {
"always_discover": True,
"domain": "lifx",
"LIFX Neon": {
"always_discover": True,
"domain": "lifx",
"LIFX Nightvision": {
"always_discover": True,
"domain": "lifx",
"LIFX Pls": {
"always_discover": True,
"domain": "lifx",
"LIFX Plus": {
"always_discover": True,
"domain": "lifx",
"LIFX String": {
"always_discover": True,
"domain": "lifx",
"LIFX Tile": {
"always_discover": True,
"domain": "lifx",
"LIFX White": {
"always_discover": True,
"domain": "lifx",
"LIFX Z": {
"always_discover": True,
"domain": "lifx",
"NL29": {
"always_discover": False,
"domain": "nanoleaf",
"NL42": {
"always_discover": False,
"domain": "nanoleaf",
"NL47": {
"always_discover": False,
"domain": "nanoleaf",
"NL48": {
"always_discover": False,
"domain": "nanoleaf",
"NL52": {
"always_discover": False,
"domain": "nanoleaf",
"NL59": {
"always_discover": False,
"domain": "nanoleaf",
"Netatmo Relay": {
"always_discover": True,
"domain": "netatmo",
"PowerView": {
"always_discover": True,
"domain": "hunterdouglas_powerview",
"Presence": {
"always_discover": True,
"domain": "netatmo",
"Rachio": {
"always_discover": True,
"domain": "rachio",
"SPK5": {
"always_discover": True,
"domain": "rainmachine",
"Sensibo": {
"always_discover": True,
"domain": "sensibo",
"Smart Bridge": {
"always_discover": False,
"domain": "lutron_caseta",
"Socket": {
"always_discover": False,
"domain": "wemo",
"always_discover": True,
"domain": "tradfri",
"Touch HD": {
"always_discover": True,
"domain": "rainmachine",
"Welcome": {
"always_discover": True,
"domain": "netatmo",
"Wemo": {
"always_discover": False,
"domain": "wemo",
"YL*": {
"always_discover": False,
"domain": "yeelight",
"ecobee*": {
"always_discover": True,
"domain": "ecobee",
"iSmartGate": {
"always_discover": True,
"domain": "gogogate2",
"iZone": {
"always_discover": True,
"domain": "izone",
"tado": {
"always_discover": True,
"domain": "tado",
"_Volumio._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "volumio",
"_airplay._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "apple_tv",
"properties": {
"model": "appletv*",
"domain": "apple_tv",
"properties": {
"model": "audioaccessory*",
"domain": "apple_tv",
"properties": {
"am": "airport*",
"domain": "samsungtv",
"properties": {
"manufacturer": "samsung*",
"_airport._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "apple_tv",
"_amzn-alexa._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "roomba",
"name": "irobot-*",
"domain": "roomba",
"name": "roomba-*",
"_androidtvremote2._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "androidtv_remote",
"_api._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "baf",
"properties": {
"model": "haiku*",
"domain": "baf",
"properties": {
"model": "i6*",
"_api._udp.local.": [
"domain": "guardian",
"_appletv-v2._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "apple_tv",
"_axis-video._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "axis",
"properties": {
"macaddress": "00408c*",
"domain": "axis",
"properties": {
"macaddress": "accc8e*",
"domain": "axis",
"properties": {
"macaddress": "b8a44f*",
"domain": "doorbird",
"properties": {
"macaddress": "1ccae3*",
"_bbxsrv._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "blebox",
"_bond._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "bond",
"_companion-link._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "apple_tv",
"_daap._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "forked_daapd",
"_devialet-http._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "devialet",
"_dkapi._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "daikin",
"_dvl-deviceapi._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "devolo_home_control",
"domain": "devolo_home_network",
"properties": {
"MT": "*",
"_easylink._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "modern_forms",
"name": "wac*",
"_ecobee._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "ecobee",
"_elg._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "elgato",
"_enphase-envoy._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "enphase_envoy",
"_esphomelib._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "esphome",
"domain": "zha",
"name": "tube*",
"_fbx-api._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "freebox",
"_googlecast._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "cast",
"_hap._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "homekit_controller",
"domain": "zwave_me",
"name": "*z.wave-me*",
"_hap._udp.local.": [
"domain": "homekit_controller",
"_homekit._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "homekit",
"_hscp._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "apple_tv",
"_http._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "awair",
"name": "awair*",
"domain": "bosch_shc",
"name": "bosch shc*",
"domain": "loqed",
"name": "loqed*",
"domain": "nam",
"name": "nam-*",
"domain": "nam",
"properties": {
"manufacturer": "nettigo",
"domain": "pure_energie",
"name": "smartbridge*",
"domain": "rachio",
"name": "rachio*",
"domain": "rainmachine",
"name": "rainmachine*",
"domain": "shelly",
"name": "shelly*",
"domain": "synology_dsm",
"properties": {
"vendor": "synology*",
"domain": "tailwind",
"properties": {
"vendor": "tailwind",
"_hue._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "hue",
"_hwenergy._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "homewizard",
"_ipp._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "ipp",
"_ipps._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "ipp",
"_kizbox._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "overkiz",
"name": "gateway*",
"_kizboxdev._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "overkiz",
"name": "gateway*",
"_lookin._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "lookin",
"_lutron._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "lutron_caseta",
"properties": {
"SYSTYPE": "radiora3*",
"domain": "lutron_caseta",
"properties": {
"SYSTYPE": "smartbridge*",
"domain": "lutron_caseta",
"properties": {
"SYSTYPE": "ra2select*",
"_mediaremotetv._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "apple_tv",
"_meshcop._udp.local.": [
"domain": "thread",
"_miio._udp.local.": [
"domain": "xiaomi_aqara",
"domain": "xiaomi_miio",
"domain": "yeelight",
"name": "yeelink-*",
"_nanoleafapi._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "nanoleaf",
"_nanoleafms._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "nanoleaf",
"_nut._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "nut",
"_octoprint._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "octoprint",
"_plexmediasvr._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "plex",
"_plugwise._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "plugwise",
"_powerview._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "hunterdouglas_powerview",
"_printer._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "brother",
"name": "brother*",
"_raop._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "apple_tv",
"properties": {
"am": "appletv*",
"domain": "apple_tv",
"properties": {
"am": "audioaccessory*",
"domain": "apple_tv",
"properties": {
"am": "airport*",
"_sideplay._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "ecobee",
"properties": {
"mdl": "eb-*",
"domain": "ecobee",
"properties": {
"mdl": "ecobee*",
"_sleep-proxy._udp.local.": [
"domain": "apple_tv",
"_slzb-06._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "zha",
"name": "slzb-06*",
"_sonos._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "sonos",
"_soundtouch._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "soundtouch",
"_spotify-connect._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "spotify",
"_ssh._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "smappee",
"name": "smappee1*",
"domain": "smappee",
"name": "smappee2*",
"domain": "smappee",
"name": "smappee50*",
"_system-bridge._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "system_bridge",
"_touch-able._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "apple_tv",
"_tvm._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "motionmount",
"_uzg-01._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "zha",
"name": "uzg-01*",
"_viziocast._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "vizio",
"_wled._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "wled",
"_wyoming._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "wyoming",
"_xbmc-jsonrpc-h._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "kodi",
"_zigate-zigbee-gateway._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "zha",
"name": "*zigate*",
"_zigstar_gw._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "zha",
"name": "*zigstar*",
"_zwave-js-server._tcp.local.": [
"domain": "zwave_js",