Tom Harris 32166fd56a Upgrade insteonplm to 0.8.2 (required refactoring) (#12534)
* Merge from current dev

* Update for Sensor approach

* Update reference to state classes

* Reference stateKey correctly

* Reference stateKey

* Change deviceInfo to a dict

* Pass state to properties method

* Add state info to device_state_attributes

* Update entity name to include state name

* Update for on() off() vs light_on/off

* Flag newnames option

* Update configuration schema

* Update configuration schema

* Spell False correctly

* Rename state to statekey

* Rename statekey to stateKey

* Call new device with stateKey and newname

* Simplify use of newnames

* Add workdir to save devices

* Fix newnames config setup

* Propogate OnOffSensor to VariableSensor change

* Upgrade insteonplm version to 0.8.0

* Pass address rather than device object to platform

* Set inteon_plm data variable to PLM

* Consistant use of conn and plm

* Consistant use of conn and plm

* Proper reference to device and address

* Fixed platform setup issues

* Correct issue with missing _supported_features attr

* Properly reference self._state vs self.state

* Bump insteonplm version to 0.8.1

* Remove subplatform and map based on state name

* Correct refrence to State

* Correct reference to device.states

* Bump insteonplm to 0.8.2

* Fix format errors

* Fix format issues

* Fix trailing whitespace

* Correct format issues

* Fix format issues

* Fix format issues

* Fixed format issues

* Fixed format issues

* Move imports inside classes

* Simplify import of modules

* Correct reference to OnOffSwitch_OutletTop and bottom

* Remove unnessary references

* Fix format issues

* Code review adjustments

* Fix format issue

* Use new nameing format for groups that are not group 0x01

* Remove newname feature

* Fix binary_sensor type to default to None

* Fix device_class property to return the sensor type correctly.

* rename _device and _state to avoid conflicts with Entity

* Format long lines

* Pylint clean up

* Insteon_PLM

* lint cleanup

* Check device_override has address

* 3.4 lint clean up

* Changes per code review

* Change discovered from a list of dict to a dict

* Correct common_attributes usage

* Change discovered from a list of dict to a dict

* Add debugging message to confirm platform setup

* Debug messages

* Debug messages

* Debug async_added_to_hass

* Debug async_added_to_hass async_add_job

* Debug async_added_to_hass

* Debug devices not loading in hass

* Debug new entities not being added to hass

* Debug adding devices to hass

* Revert "3.4 lint clean up"

This reverts commit 0d8fb992b1.

* 3.4 lint clean up

* Revert "Debug adding devices to hass"

This reverts commit ec306773d4.

* Revert "Debug new entities not being added to hass"

This reverts commit 55fb724d06.

* Revert "Debug devices not loading in hass"

This reverts commit 07814b4f14.

* Revert "Debug async_added_to_hass"

This reverts commit 4963a255d8.

* Revert "Debug async_added_to_hass async_add_job"

This reverts commit 22cadff91f.

* Revert "Debug async_added_to_hass"

This reverts commit 12c5651fe4.

* Pylint clean up

* pylint cleanup

* Clean up naming

* Enhance config schema. Fix logging issue

* Reapply changes after squash
2018-02-25 20:13:39 +01:00

214 lines
7 KiB

Support for INSTEON PowerLinc Modem.
For more details about this component, please refer to the documentation at
import asyncio
import collections
import logging
import voluptuous as vol
from homeassistant.core import callback
from homeassistant.const import (CONF_PORT, EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP,
import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv
from homeassistant.helpers import discovery
from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity
REQUIREMENTS = ['insteonplm==0.8.2']
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
DOMAIN = 'insteon_plm'
CONF_OVERRIDE = 'device_override'
CONF_ADDRESS = 'address'
CONF_CAT = 'cat'
CONF_SUBCAT = 'subcat'
CONF_FIRMWARE = 'firmware'
CONF_PRODUCT_KEY = 'product_key'
cv.deprecated(CONF_PLATFORM), vol.Schema({
vol.Required(CONF_ADDRESS): cv.string,
vol.Optional(CONF_CAT): cv.byte,
vol.Optional(CONF_SUBCAT): cv.byte,
vol.Optional(CONF_FIRMWARE): cv.byte,
vol.Optional(CONF_PRODUCT_KEY): cv.byte,
vol.Optional(CONF_PLATFORM): cv.string,
CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({
DOMAIN: vol.Schema({
vol.Required(CONF_PORT): cv.string,
vol.Optional(CONF_OVERRIDE): vol.All(
cv.ensure_list_csv, [CONF_DEVICE_OVERRIDE_SCHEMA])
}, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA)
def async_setup(hass, config):
"""Set up the connection to the PLM."""
import insteonplm
ipdb = IPDB()
conf = config[DOMAIN]
port = conf.get(CONF_PORT)
overrides = conf.get(CONF_OVERRIDE, [])
def async_plm_new_device(device):
"""Detect device from transport to be delegated to platform."""
for state_key in device.states:
platform_info = ipdb[device.states[state_key]]
platform = platform_info.platform
if platform is not None:
_LOGGER.info("New INSTEON PLM device: %s (%s) %s",
hass, platform, DOMAIN,
discovered={'address': device.address.hex,
'state_key': state_key},
_LOGGER.info("Looking for PLM on %s", port)
conn = yield from insteonplm.Connection.create(
plm = conn.protocol
for device_override in overrides:
# Override the device default capabilities for a specific address
address = device_override.get('address')
for prop in device_override:
if prop in [CONF_CAT, CONF_SUBCAT]:
plm.devices.add_override(address, prop,
plm.devices.add_override(address, CONF_PRODUCT_KEY,
hass.data['insteon_plm'] = plm
hass.bus.async_listen_once(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, conn.close)
return True
State = collections.namedtuple('Product', 'stateType platform')
class IPDB(object):
"""Embodies the INSTEON Product Database static data and access methods."""
def __init__(self):
"""Create the INSTEON Product Database (IPDB)."""
from insteonplm.states.onOff import (OnOffSwitch,
from insteonplm.states.dimmable import (DimmableSwitch,
from insteonplm.states.sensor import (VariableSensor,
self.states = [State(OnOffSwitch_OutletTop, 'switch'),
State(OnOffSwitch_OutletBottom, 'switch'),
State(OpenClosedRelay, 'switch'),
State(OnOffSwitch, 'switch'),
State(IoLincSensor, 'binary_sensor'),
State(SmokeCO2Sensor, 'sensor'),
State(OnOffSensor, 'binary_sensor'),
State(VariableSensor, 'sensor'),
State(DimmableSwitch_Fan, 'fan'),
State(DimmableSwitch, 'light')]
def __len__(self):
"""Return the number of INSTEON state types mapped to HA platforms."""
return len(self.states)
def __iter__(self):
"""Itterate through the INSTEON state types to HA platforms."""
for product in self.states:
yield product
def __getitem__(self, key):
"""Return a Home Assistant platform from an INSTEON state type."""
for state in self.states:
if isinstance(key, state.stateType):
return state
return None
class InsteonPLMEntity(Entity):
"""INSTEON abstract base entity."""
def __init__(self, device, state_key):
"""Initialize the INSTEON PLM binary sensor."""
self._insteon_device_state = device.states[state_key]
self._insteon_device = device
def should_poll(self):
"""No polling needed."""
return False
def address(self):
"""Return the address of the node."""
return self._insteon_device.address.human
def group(self):
"""Return the INSTEON group that the entity responds to."""
return self._insteon_device_state.group
def name(self):
"""Return the name of the node (used for Entity_ID)."""
name = ''
if self._insteon_device_state.group == 0x01:
name = self._insteon_device.id
name = '{:s}_{:d}'.format(self._insteon_device.id,
return name
def device_state_attributes(self):
"""Provide attributes for display on device card."""
attributes = {
'INSTEON Address': self.address,
'INSTEON Group': self.group
return attributes
def async_entity_update(self, deviceid, statename, val):
"""Receive notification from transport that new data exists."""
def async_added_to_hass(self):
"""Register INSTEON update events."""