Otto Winter a4bf421044 Convert more files to async/await syntax (#14142)
* Move more files to async/await syntax

* Attempt Work around pylint bug

Using lazytox :P
2018-04-28 19:26:20 -04:00

148 lines
4.3 KiB

Support for Dialogflow webhook.
For more details about this component, please refer to the documentation at
import logging
import voluptuous as vol
from homeassistant.exceptions import HomeAssistantError
from homeassistant.helpers import intent, template
from homeassistant.components.http import HomeAssistantView
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
CONF_INTENTS = 'intents'
CONF_SPEECH = 'speech'
CONF_ACTION = 'action'
CONF_ASYNC_ACTION = 'async_action'
DOMAIN = 'dialogflow'
INTENTS_API_ENDPOINT = '/api/dialogflow'
SOURCE = "Home Assistant Dialogflow"
CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({
}, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA)
class DialogFlowError(HomeAssistantError):
"""Raised when a DialogFlow error happens."""
async def async_setup(hass, config):
"""Set up Dialogflow component."""
return True
class DialogflowIntentsView(HomeAssistantView):
"""Handle Dialogflow requests."""
name = 'api:dialogflow'
async def post(self, request):
"""Handle Dialogflow."""
hass = request.app['hass']
message = await request.json()
_LOGGER.debug("Received Dialogflow request: %s", message)
response = await async_handle_message(hass, message)
return b'' if response is None else self.json(response)
except DialogFlowError as err:
return self.json(dialogflow_error_response(
hass, message, str(err)))
except intent.UnknownIntent as err:
return self.json(dialogflow_error_response(
hass, message,
"This intent is not yet configured within Home Assistant."))
except intent.InvalidSlotInfo as err:
return self.json(dialogflow_error_response(
hass, message,
"Invalid slot information received for this intent."))
except intent.IntentError as err:
return self.json(dialogflow_error_response(
hass, message, "Error handling intent."))
def dialogflow_error_response(hass, message, error):
"""Return a response saying the error message."""
dialogflow_response = DialogflowResponse(message['result']['parameters'])
return dialogflow_response.as_dict()
async def async_handle_message(hass, message):
"""Handle a DialogFlow message."""
req = message.get('result')
action_incomplete = req['actionIncomplete']
if action_incomplete:
return None
action = req.get('action', '')
parameters = req.get('parameters')
dialogflow_response = DialogflowResponse(parameters)
if action == "":
raise DialogFlowError(
"You have not defined an action in your Dialogflow intent.")
intent_response = await intent.async_handle(
hass, DOMAIN, action,
{key: {'value': value} for key, value
in parameters.items()})
if 'plain' in intent_response.speech:
return dialogflow_response.as_dict()
class DialogflowResponse(object):
"""Help generating the response for Dialogflow."""
def __init__(self, parameters):
"""Initialize the Dialogflow response."""
self.speech = None
self.parameters = {}
# Parameter names replace '.' and '-' for '_'
for key, value in parameters.items():
underscored_key = key.replace('.', '_').replace('-', '_')
self.parameters[underscored_key] = value
def add_speech(self, text):
"""Add speech to the response."""
assert self.speech is None
if isinstance(text, template.Template):
text = text.async_render(self.parameters)
self.speech = text
def as_dict(self):
"""Return response in a Dialogflow valid dictionary."""
return {
'speech': self.speech,
'displayText': self.speech,
'source': SOURCE,