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188 lines
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"""The tests for the mFi sensor platform."""
import unittest
from mficlient.client import FailedToLogin
import requests
import homeassistant.components.mfi.sensor as mfi
import homeassistant.components.sensor as sensor
from homeassistant.const import TEMP_CELSIUS
from homeassistant.setup import setup_component
import tests.async_mock as mock
from tests.common import get_test_home_assistant
class TestMfiSensorSetup(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test the mFi sensor platform."""
COMPONENT = sensor
THING = "sensor"
"sensor": {
"platform": "mfi",
"host": "foo",
"port": 6123,
"username": "user",
"password": "pass",
"ssl": True,
"verify_ssl": True,
def setup_method(self, method):
"""Set up things to be run when tests are started."""
self.hass = get_test_home_assistant()
def teardown_method(self, method):
"""Stop everything that was started."""
def test_setup_missing_config(self, mock_client):
"""Test setup with missing configuration."""
config = {"sensor": {"platform": "mfi"}}
assert setup_component(self.hass, "sensor", config)
assert not mock_client.called
def test_setup_failed_login(self, mock_client):
"""Test setup with login failure."""
mock_client.side_effect = FailedToLogin
assert not self.PLATFORM.setup_platform(self.hass, dict(self.GOOD_CONFIG), None)
def test_setup_failed_connect(self, mock_client):
"""Test setup with connection failure."""
mock_client.side_effect = requests.exceptions.ConnectionError
assert not self.PLATFORM.setup_platform(self.hass, dict(self.GOOD_CONFIG), None)
def test_setup_minimum(self, mock_client):
"""Test setup with minimum configuration."""
config = dict(self.GOOD_CONFIG)
del config[self.THING]["port"]
assert setup_component(self.hass, self.COMPONENT.DOMAIN, config)
assert mock_client.call_count == 1
assert mock_client.call_args == mock.call(
"foo", "user", "pass", port=6443, use_tls=True, verify=True
def test_setup_with_port(self, mock_client):
"""Test setup with port."""
config = dict(self.GOOD_CONFIG)
config[self.THING]["port"] = 6123
assert setup_component(self.hass, self.COMPONENT.DOMAIN, config)
assert mock_client.call_count == 1
assert mock_client.call_args == mock.call(
"foo", "user", "pass", port=6123, use_tls=True, verify=True
def test_setup_with_tls_disabled(self, mock_client):
"""Test setup without TLS."""
config = dict(self.GOOD_CONFIG)
del config[self.THING]["port"]
config[self.THING]["ssl"] = False
config[self.THING]["verify_ssl"] = False
assert setup_component(self.hass, self.COMPONENT.DOMAIN, config)
assert mock_client.call_count == 1
assert mock_client.call_args == mock.call(
"foo", "user", "pass", port=6080, use_tls=False, verify=False
def test_setup_adds_proper_devices(self, mock_sensor, mock_client):
"""Test if setup adds devices."""
ports = {
i: mock.MagicMock(model=model) for i, model in enumerate(mfi.SENSOR_MODELS)
ports["bad"] = mock.MagicMock(model="notasensor")
mock_client.return_value.get_devices.return_value = [
assert setup_component(self.hass, sensor.DOMAIN, self.GOOD_CONFIG)
for ident, port in ports.items():
if ident != "bad":
mock_sensor.assert_any_call(port, self.hass)
assert mock.call(ports["bad"], self.hass) not in mock_sensor.mock_calls
class TestMfiSensor(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test for mFi sensor platform."""
def setup_method(self, method):
"""Set up things to be run when tests are started."""
self.hass = get_test_home_assistant()
self.port = mock.MagicMock()
self.sensor = mfi.MfiSensor(self.port, self.hass)
def teardown_method(self, method):
"""Stop everything that was started."""
def test_name(self):
"""Test the name."""
assert self.port.label == self.sensor.name
def test_uom_temp(self):
"""Test the UOM temperature."""
self.port.tag = "temperature"
assert TEMP_CELSIUS == self.sensor.unit_of_measurement
def test_uom_power(self):
"""Test the UOEM power."""
self.port.tag = "active_pwr"
assert "Watts" == self.sensor.unit_of_measurement
def test_uom_digital(self):
"""Test the UOM digital input."""
self.port.model = "Input Digital"
assert "State" == self.sensor.unit_of_measurement
def test_uom_unknown(self):
"""Test the UOM."""
self.port.tag = "balloons"
assert "balloons" == self.sensor.unit_of_measurement
def test_uom_uninitialized(self):
"""Test that the UOM defaults if not initialized."""
type(self.port).tag = mock.PropertyMock(side_effect=ValueError)
assert "State" == self.sensor.unit_of_measurement
def test_state_digital(self):
"""Test the digital input."""
self.port.model = "Input Digital"
self.port.value = 0
assert mfi.STATE_OFF == self.sensor.state
self.port.value = 1
assert mfi.STATE_ON == self.sensor.state
self.port.value = 2
assert mfi.STATE_ON == self.sensor.state
def test_state_digits(self):
"""Test the state of digits."""
self.port.tag = "didyoucheckthedict?"
self.port.value = 1.25
with mock.patch.dict(mfi.DIGITS, {"didyoucheckthedict?": 1}):
assert 1.2 == self.sensor.state
with mock.patch.dict(mfi.DIGITS, {}):
assert 1.0 == self.sensor.state
def test_state_uninitialized(self):
"""Test the state of uninitialized sensors."""
type(self.port).tag = mock.PropertyMock(side_effect=ValueError)
assert mfi.STATE_OFF == self.sensor.state
def test_update(self):
"""Test the update."""
assert self.port.refresh.call_count == 1
assert self.port.refresh.call_args == mock.call()