* Add support for locks in google assistant component
This is supported by the smarthome API, but there is no documentation
for it. This work is based on an article I found with screenshots of
documentation that was erroneously uploaded:
Google Assistant now supports unlocking certain locks - Nest and August
come to mind - via this API, and this commit allows Home Assistant to
do so as well.
Notably, I've added a config option `allow_unlock` that controls
whether we actually honor requests to unlock a lock via the google
assistant. It defaults to false.
Additionally, we add the functionNotSupported error, which makes a
little more sense when we're unable to execute the desired state
* Fix linter warnings
* Ensure that certain groups are never exposed to cloud entities
For example, the group.all_locks entity - we should probably never
expose this to third party cloud integrations. It's risky.
This is not configurable, but can be extended by adding to the
cloud.const.NEVER_EXPOSED_ENTITIES array.
It's implemented in a modestly hacky fashion, because we determine
whether or not a entity should be excluded/included in several ways.
Notably, we define this array in the top level const.py, to avoid
circular import problems between the cloud/alexa components.