* Handle statistics columns being unmigrated from previous downgrades If the user downgraded HA from 2023.3.x to an older version without restoring the database and they upgrade again with the same database they will have unmigrated statistics columns since we only migrate them once. As its expensive to check, we do not want to check every time at startup, so we will only do this one more time since the risk that someone will downgrade to an older version is very low at this point. * add guard to sqlite to prevent re-migrate * test * move test to insert with old schema * use helper * normalize timestamps * remove * add check * add fallback migration * add fallback migration * commit * remove useless logging * remove useless logging * do the other columns at the same time * coverage * dry * comment * Update tests/components/recorder/test_migration_from_schema_32.py
445 lines
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445 lines
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"""Common test utils for working with recorder."""
from __future__ import annotations
import asyncio
from collections.abc import Iterable, Iterator
from contextlib import contextmanager
from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from functools import partial
import importlib
import sys
import time
from typing import Any, Literal, cast
from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch, sentinel
from freezegun import freeze_time
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm.session import Session
from homeassistant import core as ha
from homeassistant.components import recorder
from homeassistant.components.recorder import Recorder, core, get_instance, statistics
from homeassistant.components.recorder.db_schema import (
from homeassistant.components.recorder.tasks import RecorderTask, StatisticsTask
from homeassistant.const import UnitOfTemperature
from homeassistant.core import Event, HomeAssistant, State
import homeassistant.util.dt as dt_util
from . import db_schema_0
CREATE_ENGINE_TARGET = "homeassistant.components.recorder.core.create_engine"
class BlockRecorderTask(RecorderTask):
"""A task to block the recorder for testing only."""
event: asyncio.Event
seconds: float
def run(self, instance: Recorder) -> None:
"""Block the recorders event loop."""
class ForceReturnConnectionToPool(RecorderTask):
"""Force return connection to pool."""
def run(self, instance: Recorder) -> None:
"""Handle the task."""
async def async_block_recorder(hass: HomeAssistant, seconds: float) -> None:
"""Block the recorders event loop for testing.
Returns as soon as the recorder has started the block.
Does not wait for the block to finish.
event = asyncio.Event()
get_instance(hass).queue_task(BlockRecorderTask(event, seconds))
await event.wait()
def do_adhoc_statistics(hass: HomeAssistant, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
"""Trigger an adhoc statistics run."""
if not (start := kwargs.get("start")):
start = statistics.get_start_time()
get_instance(hass).queue_task(StatisticsTask(start, False))
def wait_recording_done(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None:
"""Block till recording is done."""
def trigger_db_commit(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None:
"""Force the recorder to commit."""
async def async_wait_recording_done(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None:
"""Async wait until recording is done."""
await hass.async_block_till_done()
await hass.async_block_till_done()
await async_recorder_block_till_done(hass)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
async def async_wait_purge_done(hass: HomeAssistant, max: int = None) -> None:
"""Wait for max number of purge events.
Because a purge may insert another PurgeTask into
the queue after the WaitTask finishes, we need up to
a maximum number of WaitTasks that we will put into the
if not max:
for _ in range(max + 1):
await async_wait_recording_done(hass)
def async_trigger_db_commit(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None:
"""Force the recorder to commit. Async friendly."""
async def async_recorder_block_till_done(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None:
"""Non blocking version of recorder.block_till_done()."""
await hass.async_add_executor_job(recorder.get_instance(hass).block_till_done)
def corrupt_db_file(test_db_file):
"""Corrupt an sqlite3 database file."""
with open(test_db_file, "w+") as fhandle:
fhandle.write("I am a corrupt db" * 100)
def create_engine_test(*args, **kwargs):
"""Test version of create_engine that initializes with old schema.
This simulates an existing db with the old schema.
engine = create_engine(*args, **kwargs)
return engine
def run_information_with_session(
session: Session, point_in_time: datetime | None = None
) -> RecorderRuns | None:
"""Return information about current run from the database."""
recorder_runs = RecorderRuns
query = session.query(recorder_runs)
if point_in_time:
query = query.filter(
(recorder_runs.start < point_in_time) & (recorder_runs.end > point_in_time)
if (res := query.first()) is not None:
return cast(RecorderRuns, res)
return res
def statistics_during_period(
hass: HomeAssistant,
start_time: datetime,
end_time: datetime | None = None,
statistic_ids: set[str] | None = None,
period: Literal["5minute", "day", "hour", "week", "month"] = "hour",
units: dict[str, str] | None = None,
types: set[Literal["last_reset", "max", "mean", "min", "state", "sum"]]
| None = None,
) -> dict[str, list[dict[str, Any]]]:
"""Call statistics_during_period with defaults for simpler tests."""
if statistic_ids is not None and not isinstance(statistic_ids, set):
statistic_ids = set(statistic_ids)
if types is None:
types = {"last_reset", "max", "mean", "min", "state", "sum"}
return statistics.statistics_during_period(
hass, start_time, end_time, statistic_ids, period, units, types
def assert_states_equal_without_context(state: State, other: State) -> None:
"""Assert that two states are equal, ignoring context."""
assert_states_equal_without_context_and_last_changed(state, other)
assert state.last_changed == other.last_changed
def assert_states_equal_without_context_and_last_changed(
state: State, other: State
) -> None:
"""Assert that two states are equal, ignoring context and last_changed."""
assert state.state == other.state
assert state.attributes == other.attributes
assert state.last_updated == other.last_updated
def assert_multiple_states_equal_without_context_and_last_changed(
states: Iterable[State], others: Iterable[State]
) -> None:
"""Assert that multiple states are equal, ignoring context and last_changed."""
states_list = list(states)
others_list = list(others)
assert len(states_list) == len(others_list)
for i, state in enumerate(states_list):
assert_states_equal_without_context_and_last_changed(state, others_list[i])
def assert_multiple_states_equal_without_context(
states: Iterable[State], others: Iterable[State]
) -> None:
"""Assert that multiple states are equal, ignoring context."""
states_list = list(states)
others_list = list(others)
assert len(states_list) == len(others_list)
for i, state in enumerate(states_list):
assert_states_equal_without_context(state, others_list[i])
def assert_events_equal_without_context(event: Event, other: Event) -> None:
"""Assert that two events are equal, ignoring context."""
assert event.data == other.data
assert event.event_type == other.event_type
assert event.origin == other.origin
assert event.time_fired == other.time_fired
def assert_dict_of_states_equal_without_context(
states: dict[str, list[State]], others: dict[str, list[State]]
) -> None:
"""Assert that two dicts of states are equal, ignoring context."""
assert len(states) == len(others)
for entity_id, state in states.items():
assert_multiple_states_equal_without_context(state, others[entity_id])
def assert_dict_of_states_equal_without_context_and_last_changed(
states: dict[str, list[State]], others: dict[str, list[State]]
) -> None:
"""Assert that two dicts of states are equal, ignoring context and last_changed."""
assert len(states) == len(others)
for entity_id, state in states.items():
state, others[entity_id]
def record_states(hass):
"""Record some test states.
We inject a bunch of state updates temperature sensors.
mp = "media_player.test"
sns1 = "sensor.test1"
sns2 = "sensor.test2"
sns3 = "sensor.test3"
sns4 = "sensor.test4"
sns1_attr = {
"device_class": "temperature",
"state_class": "measurement",
"unit_of_measurement": UnitOfTemperature.CELSIUS,
sns2_attr = {
"device_class": "humidity",
"state_class": "measurement",
"unit_of_measurement": "%",
sns3_attr = {"device_class": "temperature"}
sns4_attr = {}
def set_state(entity_id, state, **kwargs):
"""Set the state."""
hass.states.set(entity_id, state, **kwargs)
return hass.states.get(entity_id)
zero = dt_util.utcnow()
one = zero + timedelta(seconds=1 * 5)
two = one + timedelta(seconds=15 * 5)
three = two + timedelta(seconds=30 * 5)
four = three + timedelta(seconds=15 * 5)
states = {mp: [], sns1: [], sns2: [], sns3: [], sns4: []}
with freeze_time(one) as freezer:
set_state(mp, "idle", attributes={"media_title": str(sentinel.mt1)})
states[sns1].append(set_state(sns1, "10", attributes=sns1_attr))
states[sns2].append(set_state(sns2, "10", attributes=sns2_attr))
states[sns3].append(set_state(sns3, "10", attributes=sns3_attr))
states[sns4].append(set_state(sns4, "10", attributes=sns4_attr))
freezer.move_to(one + timedelta(microseconds=1))
set_state(mp, "YouTube", attributes={"media_title": str(sentinel.mt2)})
states[sns1].append(set_state(sns1, "15", attributes=sns1_attr))
states[sns2].append(set_state(sns2, "15", attributes=sns2_attr))
states[sns3].append(set_state(sns3, "15", attributes=sns3_attr))
states[sns4].append(set_state(sns4, "15", attributes=sns4_attr))
states[sns1].append(set_state(sns1, "20", attributes=sns1_attr))
states[sns2].append(set_state(sns2, "20", attributes=sns2_attr))
states[sns3].append(set_state(sns3, "20", attributes=sns3_attr))
states[sns4].append(set_state(sns4, "20", attributes=sns4_attr))
return zero, four, states
def convert_pending_states_to_meta(instance: Recorder, session: Session) -> None:
"""Convert pending states to use states_metadata."""
entity_ids: set[str] = set()
states: set[States] = set()
states_meta_objects: dict[str, StatesMeta] = {}
for object in session:
if isinstance(object, States):
entity_id_to_metadata_ids = instance.states_meta_manager.get_many(
entity_ids, session, True
for state in states:
entity_id = state.entity_id
state.entity_id = None
state.attributes = None
state.event_id = None
if metadata_id := entity_id_to_metadata_ids.get(entity_id):
state.metadata_id = metadata_id
if entity_id not in states_meta_objects:
states_meta_objects[entity_id] = StatesMeta(entity_id=entity_id)
state.states_meta_rel = states_meta_objects[entity_id]
def convert_pending_events_to_event_types(instance: Recorder, session: Session) -> None:
"""Convert pending events to use event_type_ids."""
event_types: set[str] = set()
events: set[Events] = set()
event_types_objects: dict[str, EventTypes] = {}
for object in session:
if isinstance(object, Events):
event_type_to_event_type_ids = instance.event_type_manager.get_many(
event_types, session, True
manually_added_event_types: list[str] = []
for event in events:
event_type = event.event_type
event.event_type = None
event.event_data = None
event.origin = None
if event_type_id := event_type_to_event_type_ids.get(event_type):
event.event_type_id = event_type_id
if event_type not in event_types_objects:
event_types_objects[event_type] = EventTypes(event_type=event_type)
event.event_type_rel = event_types_objects[event_type]
for event_type in manually_added_event_types:
instance.event_type_manager._non_existent_event_types.pop(event_type, None)
def create_engine_test_for_schema_version_postfix(
*args, schema_version_postfix: str, **kwargs
"""Test version of create_engine that initializes with old schema.
This simulates an existing db with the old schema.
schema_module = get_schema_module_path(schema_version_postfix)
old_db_schema = sys.modules[schema_module]
engine = create_engine(*args, **kwargs)
with Session(engine) as session:
return engine
def get_schema_module_path(schema_version_postfix: str) -> str:
"""Return the path to the schema module."""
return f"tests.components.recorder.db_schema_{schema_version_postfix}"
def old_db_schema(schema_version_postfix: str) -> Iterator[None]:
"""Fixture to initialize the db with the old schema."""
schema_module = get_schema_module_path(schema_version_postfix)
old_db_schema = sys.modules[schema_module]
with patch.object(recorder, "db_schema", old_db_schema), patch.object(
recorder.migration, "SCHEMA_VERSION", old_db_schema.SCHEMA_VERSION
), patch.object(core, "StatesMeta", old_db_schema.StatesMeta), patch.object(
core, "EventTypes", old_db_schema.EventTypes
), patch.object(
core, "EventData", old_db_schema.EventData
), patch.object(
core, "States", old_db_schema.States
), patch.object(
core, "Events", old_db_schema.Events
), patch.object(
core, "StateAttributes", old_db_schema.StateAttributes
), patch.object(
core, "EntityIDMigrationTask", core.RecorderTask
), patch(
async def async_attach_db_engine(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None:
"""Attach a database engine to the recorder."""
instance = recorder.get_instance(hass)
def _mock_setup_recorder_connection():
with instance.engine.connect() as connection:
connection._dbapi_connection, MagicMock()
await instance.async_add_executor_job(_mock_setup_recorder_connection)