Teagan M. Glenn 26526ca57a Add unit system support
Add unit symbol constants

Initial unit system object

Import more constants

Pydoc for unit system file

Import constants for configuration validation

Unit system validation method

Typing for constants

Inches are valid lengths too


Change base class to dict - needed for remote api call serialization


Use dictionary keys

Defined unit systems

Update location util to use metric instead of us fahrenheit

Update constant imports

Import defined unit systems

Update configuration to use unit system

Update schema to use unit system

Update constants

Add imports to core for unit system and distance

Type for config

Default unit system

Convert distance from HASS instance

Update temperature conversion to use unit system

Update temperature conversion

Set unit system based on configuration

Set info unit system

Return unit system dictionary with config dictionary

Auto discover unit system

Update location test for use metric

Update forecast unit system

Update mold indicator unit system

Update thermostat unit system

Update thermostat demo test

Unit tests around unit system

Update test common hass configuration

Update configuration unit tests

There should always be a unit system!

Update core unit tests

Constants typing

Linting issues

Remove unused import

Update fitbit sensor to use application unit system

Update google travel time to use application unit system

Update configuration example

Update dht sensor

Update DHT temperature conversion to use the utility function

Update swagger config

Update my sensors metric flag

Update hvac component temperature conversion

HVAC conversion for temperature

Pull unit from sensor type map

Pull unit from sensor type map

Update the temper sensor unit

Update yWeather sensor unit

Update hvac demo unit test

Set unit test config unit system to metric

Use hass unit system length for default in proximity

Use the name of the system instead of temperature

Use constants from const

Unused import

Forecasted temperature

Fix calculation in case furthest distance is greater than 1000000 units

Remove unneeded constants

Set default length to km or miles

Use constants

Linting doesn't like importing just for typing

Fix reference

Test is expecting meters - set config to meters

Use constant

Use constant

PyDoc for unit test

Should be not in

Rename to units

Change unit system to be an object - not a dictionary

Return tuple in conversion

Move convert to temperature util

Temperature conversion is now in unit system

Update imports

Rename to units

Units is now an object

Use temperature util conversion

Unit system is now an object

Validate and convert unit system config

Return the scalar value in template distance

Test is expecting meters

Update unit tests around unit system

Distance util returns tuple

Fix location info test

Set units

Update unit tests

Convert distance


Pull out the scalar from the vector


I really hate python linting

Linting again


Unit test documentation

Unit test around is metric flag

Break ternary statement into if/else blocks

Don't use dictionary - use members

is metric flag

Rename constants

Use is metric flag

Move constants to CONST file

Move to const file

Raise error if unit is not expected


No need to return unit since only performing conversion if it can work

Use constants

Line wrapping

Raise error if invalid value

Remove subscripts from conversion as they are no longer returned as tuples

No longer tuples

No longer tuples

Check for numeric type

Fix string format to use correct variable


Assert errors raised

Remove subscript

Only convert temperature if we know the unit

If no unit of measurement set - default to HASS config

Convert only if we know the unit

Remove subscription

Fix not in clause

Linting fixes

Wants a boolean

Clearer if-block

Check if the key is in the config first

Missed a couple expecting tuples

Backwards compatibility

No like-y ternary!

Error handling around state setting

Pretty unit system configuration validation

More tuple crap

Use is metric flag

Error handling around min/max temp

Explode if no unit

Pull unit from config

Celsius has a decimal

Unused import

Check if it's a temperature before we try to convert it to a temperature

Linting says too many statements - combine lat/long in a fairly reasonable manner

Backwards compatibility unit test

Better doc
2016-08-04 22:02:19 -07:00

267 lines
8 KiB

"""An abstract class for entities."""
import logging
import re
from typing import Any, Optional, List, Dict
from homeassistant.const import (
from homeassistant.exceptions import NoEntitySpecifiedError
from homeassistant.util import ensure_unique_string, slugify
# pylint: disable=using-constant-test,unused-import
if False:
from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant # NOQA
# Entity attributes that we will overwrite
_OVERWRITE = {} # type: Dict[str, Any]
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Pattern for validating entity IDs (format: <domain>.<entity>)
ENTITY_ID_PATTERN = re.compile(r"^(\w+)\.(\w+)$")
def generate_entity_id(entity_id_format: str, name: Optional[str],
current_ids: Optional[List[str]]=None,
hass: 'Optional[HomeAssistant]'=None) -> str:
"""Generate a unique entity ID based on given entity IDs or used IDs."""
name = (name or DEVICE_DEFAULT_NAME).lower()
if current_ids is None:
if hass is None:
raise ValueError("Missing required parameter currentids or hass")
current_ids = hass.states.entity_ids()
return ensure_unique_string(
entity_id_format.format(slugify(name)), current_ids)
def set_customize(customize: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
"""Overwrite all current customize settings."""
_OVERWRITE = {key.lower(): val for key, val in customize.items()}
def split_entity_id(entity_id: str) -> List[str]:
"""Split a state entity_id into domain, object_id."""
return entity_id.split(".", 1)
def valid_entity_id(entity_id: str) -> bool:
"""Test if an entity ID is a valid format."""
return ENTITY_ID_PATTERN.match(entity_id) is not None
class Entity(object):
"""An abstract class for Home Assistant entities."""
# pylint: disable=no-self-use
# The properties and methods here are safe to overwrite when inheriting
# this class. These may be used to customize the behavior of the entity.
def should_poll(self) -> bool:
"""Return True if entity has to be polled for state.
False if entity pushes its state to HA.
return True
def unique_id(self) -> str:
"""Return an unique ID."""
return "{}.{}".format(self.__class__, id(self))
def name(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Return the name of the entity."""
return None
def state(self) -> str:
"""Return the state of the entity."""
def state_attributes(self):
"""Return the state attributes.
Implemented by component base class.
return None
def device_state_attributes(self):
"""Return device specific state attributes.
Implemented by platform classes.
return None
def unit_of_measurement(self):
"""Return the unit of measurement of this entity, if any."""
return None
def icon(self):
"""Return the icon to use in the frontend, if any."""
return None
def entity_picture(self):
"""Return the entity picture to use in the frontend, if any."""
return None
def hidden(self) -> bool:
"""Return True if the entity should be hidden from UIs."""
return False
def available(self) -> bool:
"""Return True if entity is available."""
return True
def assumed_state(self) -> bool:
"""Return True if unable to access real state of the entity."""
return False
def force_update(self) -> bool:
"""Return True if state updates should be forced.
If True, a state change will be triggered anytime the state property is
updated, not just when the value changes.
return False
def update(self):
"""Retrieve latest state."""
entity_id = None # type: str
# These properties and methods are either managed by Home Assistant or they
# are used to perform a very specific function. Overwriting these may
# produce undesirable effects in the entity's operation.
hass = None # type: Optional[HomeAssistant]
def update_ha_state(self, force_refresh=False):
"""Update Home Assistant with current state of entity.
If force_refresh == True will update entity before setting state.
if self.hass is None:
raise RuntimeError("Attribute hass is None for {}".format(self))
if self.entity_id is None:
raise NoEntitySpecifiedError(
"No entity id specified for entity {}".format(self.name))
if force_refresh:
state = STATE_UNKNOWN if self.state is None else str(self.state)
attr = self.state_attributes or {}
device_attr = self.device_state_attributes
if device_attr is not None:
self._attr_setter('unit_of_measurement', str, ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT,
if not self.available:
attr = {}
self._attr_setter('name', str, ATTR_FRIENDLY_NAME, attr)
self._attr_setter('icon', str, ATTR_ICON, attr)
self._attr_setter('entity_picture', str, ATTR_ENTITY_PICTURE, attr)
self._attr_setter('hidden', bool, ATTR_HIDDEN, attr)
self._attr_setter('assumed_state', bool, ATTR_ASSUMED_STATE, attr)
# Overwrite properties that have been set in the config file.
attr.update(_OVERWRITE.get(self.entity_id, {}))
# Remove hidden property if false so it won't show up.
if not attr.get(ATTR_HIDDEN, True):
# Convert temperature if we detect one
unit_of_measure = attr.get(ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT)
if unit_of_measure in (TEMP_CELSIUS, TEMP_FAHRENHEIT):
state = \
except ValueError:
# Could not convert state to float
return self.hass.states.set(
self.entity_id, state, attr, self.force_update)
def _attr_setter(self, name, typ, attr, attrs):
"""Helper method to populate attributes based on properties."""
if attr in attrs:
value = getattr(self, name)
if not value:
attrs[attr] = typ(value)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Return the comparison."""
return (isinstance(other, Entity) and
other.unique_id == self.unique_id)
def __repr__(self):
"""Return the representation."""
return "<Entity {}: {}>".format(self.name, self.state)
class ToggleEntity(Entity):
"""An abstract class for entities that can be turned on and off."""
# pylint: disable=no-self-use
def state(self) -> str:
"""Return the state."""
return STATE_ON if self.is_on else STATE_OFF
def is_on(self) -> bool:
"""Return True if entity is on."""
raise NotImplementedError()
def turn_on(self, **kwargs) -> None:
"""Turn the entity on."""
raise NotImplementedError()
def turn_off(self, **kwargs) -> None:
"""Turn the entity off."""
raise NotImplementedError()
def toggle(self, **kwargs) -> None:
"""Toggle the entity off."""
if self.is_on: