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82 lines
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Support for Ecobee sensors.
For more details about this platform, please refer to the documentation at
from homeassistant.components import ecobee
from homeassistant.const import TEMP_FAHRENHEIT
from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity
DEPENDENCIES = ['ecobee']
ECOBEE_CONFIG_FILE = 'ecobee.conf'
'temperature': ['Temperature', TEMP_FAHRENHEIT],
'humidity': ['Humidity', '%']
def setup_platform(hass, config, add_devices, discovery_info=None):
"""Set up the Ecobee sensors."""
if discovery_info is None:
data = ecobee.NETWORK
dev = list()
for index in range(len(data.ecobee.thermostats)):
for sensor in data.ecobee.get_remote_sensors(index):
for item in sensor['capability']:
if item['type'] not in ('temperature', 'humidity'):
dev.append(EcobeeSensor(sensor['name'], item['type'], index))
add_devices(dev, True)
class EcobeeSensor(Entity):
"""Representation of an Ecobee sensor."""
def __init__(self, sensor_name, sensor_type, sensor_index):
"""Initialize the sensor."""
self._name = '{} {}'.format(sensor_name, SENSOR_TYPES[sensor_type][0])
self.sensor_name = sensor_name
self.type = sensor_type
self.index = sensor_index
self._state = None
self._unit_of_measurement = SENSOR_TYPES[sensor_type][1]
def name(self):
"""Return the name of the Ecobee sensor."""
return self._name.rstrip()
def state(self):
"""Return the state of the sensor."""
return self._state
def unique_id(self):
"""Return the unique ID of this sensor."""
return "sensor_ecobee_{}_{}".format(self._name, self.index)
def unit_of_measurement(self):
"""Return the unit of measurement this sensor expresses itself in."""
return self._unit_of_measurement
def update(self):
"""Get the latest state of the sensor."""
data = ecobee.NETWORK
for sensor in data.ecobee.get_remote_sensors(self.index):
for item in sensor['capability']:
if (item['type'] == self.type and
self.sensor_name == sensor['name']):
if (self.type == 'temperature' and
item['value'] != 'unknown'):
self._state = float(item['value']) / 10
self._state = item['value']