332 lines
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332 lines
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"""Provide functionality to interact with the vlc telnet interface."""
from __future__ import annotations
from collections.abc import Awaitable, Callable, Coroutine
from datetime import datetime
from functools import wraps
from typing import Any, Concatenate, ParamSpec, TypeVar
from aiovlc.client import Client
from aiovlc.exceptions import AuthError, CommandError, ConnectError
from homeassistant.components import media_source
from homeassistant.components.media_player import (
from homeassistant.config_entries import SOURCE_HASSIO, ConfigEntry
from homeassistant.const import CONF_NAME
from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant
from homeassistant.helpers.device_registry import DeviceEntryType
from homeassistant.helpers.entity import DeviceInfo
from homeassistant.helpers.entity_platform import AddEntitiesCallback
import homeassistant.util.dt as dt_util
_VlcDeviceT = TypeVar("_VlcDeviceT", bound="VlcDevice")
_P = ParamSpec("_P")
async def async_setup_entry(
hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry, async_add_entities: AddEntitiesCallback
) -> None:
"""Set up the vlc platform."""
# CONF_NAME is only present in imported YAML.
name = entry.data.get(CONF_NAME) or DEFAULT_NAME
vlc = hass.data[DOMAIN][entry.entry_id][DATA_VLC]
available = hass.data[DOMAIN][entry.entry_id][DATA_AVAILABLE]
async_add_entities([VlcDevice(entry, vlc, name, available)], True)
def catch_vlc_errors(
func: Callable[Concatenate[_VlcDeviceT, _P], Awaitable[None]]
) -> Callable[Concatenate[_VlcDeviceT, _P], Coroutine[Any, Any, None]]:
"""Catch VLC errors."""
async def wrapper(self: _VlcDeviceT, *args: _P.args, **kwargs: _P.kwargs) -> None:
"""Catch VLC errors and modify availability."""
await func(self, *args, **kwargs)
except CommandError as err:
LOGGER.error("Command error: %s", err)
except ConnectError as err:
# pylint: disable=protected-access
if self._available:
LOGGER.error("Connection error: %s", err)
self._available = False
return wrapper
class VlcDevice(MediaPlayerEntity):
"""Representation of a vlc player."""
_attr_media_content_type = MediaType.MUSIC
_attr_supported_features = (
| MediaPlayerEntityFeature.NEXT_TRACK
| MediaPlayerEntityFeature.PAUSE
| MediaPlayerEntityFeature.PLAY
| MediaPlayerEntityFeature.PLAY_MEDIA
| MediaPlayerEntityFeature.PREVIOUS_TRACK
| MediaPlayerEntityFeature.SEEK
| MediaPlayerEntityFeature.SHUFFLE_SET
| MediaPlayerEntityFeature.STOP
| MediaPlayerEntityFeature.VOLUME_MUTE
| MediaPlayerEntityFeature.VOLUME_SET
| MediaPlayerEntityFeature.BROWSE_MEDIA
def __init__(
self, config_entry: ConfigEntry, vlc: Client, name: str, available: bool
) -> None:
"""Initialize the vlc device."""
self._config_entry = config_entry
self._name = name
self._volume: float | None = None
self._muted: bool | None = None
self._media_position_updated_at: datetime | None = None
self._media_position: int | None = None
self._media_duration: int | None = None
self._vlc = vlc
self._available = available
self._volume_bkp = 0.0
self._media_artist: str | None = None
self._media_title: str | None = None
config_entry_id = config_entry.entry_id
self._attr_unique_id = config_entry_id
self._attr_device_info = DeviceInfo(
identifiers={(DOMAIN, config_entry_id)},
self._using_addon = config_entry.source == SOURCE_HASSIO
async def async_update(self) -> None:
"""Get the latest details from the device."""
if not self._available:
await self._vlc.connect()
except ConnectError as err:
LOGGER.debug("Connection error: %s", err)
await self._vlc.login()
except AuthError:
LOGGER.debug("Failed to login to VLC")
self._attr_state = MediaPlayerState.IDLE
self._available = True
LOGGER.info("Connected to vlc host: %s", self._vlc.host)
status = await self._vlc.status()
LOGGER.debug("Status: %s", status)
self._volume = status.audio_volume / MAX_VOLUME
state = status.state
if state == "playing":
self._attr_state = MediaPlayerState.PLAYING
elif state == "paused":
self._attr_state = MediaPlayerState.PAUSED
self._attr_state = MediaPlayerState.IDLE
if self._attr_state != MediaPlayerState.IDLE:
self._media_duration = (await self._vlc.get_length()).length
time_output = await self._vlc.get_time()
vlc_position = time_output.time
# Check if current position is stale.
if vlc_position != self._media_position:
self._media_position_updated_at = dt_util.utcnow()
self._media_position = vlc_position
info = await self._vlc.info()
data = info.data
LOGGER.debug("Info data: %s", data)
self._attr_media_album_name = data.get("data", {}).get("album")
self._media_artist = data.get("data", {}).get("artist")
self._media_title = data.get("data", {}).get("title")
now_playing = data.get("data", {}).get("now_playing")
# Many radio streams put artist/title/album in now_playing and title is the station name.
if now_playing:
if not self._media_artist:
self._media_artist = self._media_title
self._media_title = now_playing
if self._media_title:
# Fall back to filename.
if data_info := data.get("data"):
self._media_title = data_info["filename"]
# Strip out auth signatures if streaming local media
if self._media_title and (pos := self._media_title.find("?authSig=")) != -1:
self._media_title = self._media_title[:pos]
def name(self) -> str:
"""Return the name of the device."""
return self._name
def available(self) -> bool:
"""Return True if entity is available."""
return self._available
def volume_level(self) -> float | None:
"""Volume level of the media player (0..1)."""
return self._volume
def is_volume_muted(self) -> bool | None:
"""Boolean if volume is currently muted."""
return self._muted
def media_duration(self) -> int | None:
"""Duration of current playing media in seconds."""
return self._media_duration
def media_position(self) -> int | None:
"""Position of current playing media in seconds."""
return self._media_position
def media_position_updated_at(self) -> datetime | None:
"""When was the position of the current playing media valid."""
return self._media_position_updated_at
def media_title(self) -> str | None:
"""Title of current playing media."""
return self._media_title
def media_artist(self) -> str | None:
"""Artist of current playing media, music track only."""
return self._media_artist
async def async_media_seek(self, position: float) -> None:
"""Seek the media to a specific location."""
await self._vlc.seek(round(position))
async def async_mute_volume(self, mute: bool) -> None:
"""Mute the volume."""
assert self._volume is not None
if mute:
self._volume_bkp = self._volume
await self.async_set_volume_level(0)
await self.async_set_volume_level(self._volume_bkp)
self._muted = mute
async def async_set_volume_level(self, volume: float) -> None:
"""Set volume level, range 0..1."""
await self._vlc.set_volume(round(volume * MAX_VOLUME))
self._volume = volume
if self._muted and self._volume > 0:
# This can happen if we were muted and then see a volume_up.
self._muted = False
async def async_media_play(self) -> None:
"""Send play command."""
status = await self._vlc.status()
if status.state == "paused":
# If already paused, play by toggling pause.
await self._vlc.pause()
await self._vlc.play()
self._attr_state = MediaPlayerState.PLAYING
async def async_media_pause(self) -> None:
"""Send pause command."""
status = await self._vlc.status()
if status.state != "paused":
# Make sure we're not already paused as pausing again will unpause.
await self._vlc.pause()
self._attr_state = MediaPlayerState.PAUSED
async def async_media_stop(self) -> None:
"""Send stop command."""
await self._vlc.stop()
self._attr_state = MediaPlayerState.IDLE
async def async_play_media(
self, media_type: MediaType | str, media_id: str, **kwargs: Any
) -> None:
"""Play media from a URL or file."""
# Handle media_source
if media_source.is_media_source_id(media_id):
sourced_media = await media_source.async_resolve_media(
self.hass, media_id, self.entity_id
media_id = sourced_media.url
# If media ID is a relative URL, we serve it from HA.
media_id = async_process_play_media_url(
self.hass, media_id, for_supervisor_network=self._using_addon
await self._vlc.add(media_id)
self._attr_state = MediaPlayerState.PLAYING
async def async_media_previous_track(self) -> None:
"""Send previous track command."""
await self._vlc.prev()
async def async_media_next_track(self) -> None:
"""Send next track command."""
await self._vlc.next()
async def async_clear_playlist(self) -> None:
"""Clear players playlist."""
await self._vlc.clear()
async def async_set_shuffle(self, shuffle: bool) -> None:
"""Enable/disable shuffle mode."""
shuffle_command = "on" if shuffle else "off"
await self._vlc.random(shuffle_command)
async def async_browse_media(
media_content_type: MediaType | str | None = None,
media_content_id: str | None = None,
) -> BrowseMedia:
"""Implement the websocket media browsing helper."""
return await media_source.async_browse_media(self.hass, media_content_id)