Franck Nijhof 487782a6d1
Code styling tweaks to Bluetooth (#85448)
Co-authored-by: J. Nick Koston <nick@koston.org>
2023-01-08 11:20:02 -10:00

437 lines
15 KiB

"""The bluetooth integration matchers."""
from __future__ import annotations
from dataclasses import dataclass
from fnmatch import translate
from functools import lru_cache
import re
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Final, Generic, TypedDict, TypeVar
from lru import LRU # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
from homeassistant.core import callback
from homeassistant.loader import BluetoothMatcher, BluetoothMatcherOptional
from .models import BluetoothCallback, BluetoothServiceInfoBleak
from collections.abc import MutableMapping
from bleak.backends.scanner import AdvertisementData
CALLBACK: Final = "callback"
DOMAIN: Final = "domain"
ADDRESS: Final = "address"
CONNECTABLE: Final = "connectable"
LOCAL_NAME: Final = "local_name"
SERVICE_UUID: Final = "service_uuid"
SERVICE_DATA_UUID: Final = "service_data_uuid"
MANUFACTURER_ID: Final = "manufacturer_id"
MANUFACTURER_DATA_START: Final = "manufacturer_data_start"
class BluetoothCallbackMatcherOptional(TypedDict, total=False):
"""Matcher for the bluetooth integration for callback optional fields."""
address: str
class BluetoothCallbackMatcher(
"""Callback matcher for the bluetooth integration."""
class _BluetoothCallbackMatcherWithCallback(TypedDict):
"""Callback for the bluetooth integration."""
callback: BluetoothCallback
class BluetoothCallbackMatcherWithCallback(
"""Callback matcher for the bluetooth integration that stores the callback."""
class IntegrationMatchHistory:
"""Track which fields have been seen."""
manufacturer_data: bool
service_data: set[str]
service_uuids: set[str]
def seen_all_fields(
previous_match: IntegrationMatchHistory, advertisement_data: AdvertisementData
) -> bool:
"""Return if we have seen all fields."""
if not previous_match.manufacturer_data and advertisement_data.manufacturer_data:
return False
if advertisement_data.service_data and (
not previous_match.service_data
or not previous_match.service_data.issuperset(advertisement_data.service_data)
return False
if advertisement_data.service_uuids and (
not previous_match.service_uuids
or not previous_match.service_uuids.issuperset(advertisement_data.service_uuids)
return False
return True
class IntegrationMatcher:
"""Integration matcher for the bluetooth integration."""
def __init__(self, integration_matchers: list[BluetoothMatcher]) -> None:
"""Initialize the matcher."""
self._integration_matchers = integration_matchers
# Some devices use a random address so we need to use
# an LRU to avoid memory issues.
self._matched: MutableMapping[str, IntegrationMatchHistory] = LRU(
self._matched_connectable: MutableMapping[str, IntegrationMatchHistory] = LRU(
self._index = BluetoothMatcherIndex()
def async_setup(self) -> None:
"""Set up the matcher."""
for matcher in self._integration_matchers:
def async_clear_address(self, address: str) -> None:
"""Clear the history matches for a set of domains."""
self._matched.pop(address, None)
self._matched_connectable.pop(address, None)
def match_domains(self, service_info: BluetoothServiceInfoBleak) -> set[str]:
"""Return the domains that are matched."""
device = service_info.device
advertisement_data = service_info.advertisement
connectable = service_info.connectable
matched = self._matched_connectable if connectable else self._matched
matched_domains: set[str] = set()
if (previous_match := matched.get(device.address)) and seen_all_fields(
previous_match, advertisement_data
# We have seen all fields so we can skip the rest of the matchers
return matched_domains
matched_domains = {
matcher[DOMAIN] for matcher in self._index.match(service_info)
if not matched_domains:
return matched_domains
if previous_match:
previous_match.manufacturer_data |= bool(
previous_match.service_data |= set(advertisement_data.service_data)
previous_match.service_uuids |= set(advertisement_data.service_uuids)
matched[device.address] = IntegrationMatchHistory(
return matched_domains
_T = TypeVar("_T", BluetoothMatcher, BluetoothCallbackMatcherWithCallback)
class BluetoothMatcherIndexBase(Generic[_T]):
"""Bluetooth matcher base for the bluetooth integration.
The indexer puts each matcher in the bucket that it is most
likely to match. This allows us to only check the service infos
against each bucket to see if we should match against the data.
This is optimized for cases when no service infos will be matched in
any bucket and we can quickly reject the service info as not matching.
def __init__(self) -> None:
"""Initialize the matcher index."""
self.local_name: dict[str, list[_T]] = {}
self.service_uuid: dict[str, list[_T]] = {}
self.service_data_uuid: dict[str, list[_T]] = {}
self.manufacturer_id: dict[int, list[_T]] = {}
self.service_uuid_set: set[str] = set()
self.service_data_uuid_set: set[str] = set()
self.manufacturer_id_set: set[int] = set()
def add(self, matcher: _T) -> bool:
"""Add a matcher to the index.
Matchers must end up only in one bucket.
We put them in the bucket that they are most likely to match.
# Local name is the cheapest to match since its just a dict lookup
if LOCAL_NAME in matcher:
_local_name_to_index_key(matcher[LOCAL_NAME]), []
return True
# Manufacturer data is 2nd cheapest since its all ints
if MANUFACTURER_ID in matcher:
self.manufacturer_id.setdefault(matcher[MANUFACTURER_ID], []).append(
return True
if SERVICE_UUID in matcher:
self.service_uuid.setdefault(matcher[SERVICE_UUID], []).append(matcher)
return True
if SERVICE_DATA_UUID in matcher:
self.service_data_uuid.setdefault(matcher[SERVICE_DATA_UUID], []).append(
return True
return False
def remove(self, matcher: _T) -> bool:
"""Remove a matcher from the index.
Matchers only end up in one bucket, so once we have
removed one, we are done.
if LOCAL_NAME in matcher:
return True
if MANUFACTURER_ID in matcher:
return True
if SERVICE_UUID in matcher:
return True
if SERVICE_DATA_UUID in matcher:
return True
return False
def build(self) -> None:
"""Rebuild the index sets."""
self.service_uuid_set = set(self.service_uuid)
self.service_data_uuid_set = set(self.service_data_uuid)
self.manufacturer_id_set = set(self.manufacturer_id)
def match(self, service_info: BluetoothServiceInfoBleak) -> list[_T]:
"""Check for a match."""
matches = []
if service_info.name and len(service_info.name) >= LOCAL_NAME_MIN_MATCH_LENGTH:
for matcher in self.local_name.get(
service_info.name[:LOCAL_NAME_MIN_MATCH_LENGTH], []
if ble_device_matches(matcher, service_info):
if self.service_data_uuid_set and service_info.service_data:
for service_data_uuid in self.service_data_uuid_set.intersection(
for matcher in self.service_data_uuid[service_data_uuid]:
if ble_device_matches(matcher, service_info):
if self.manufacturer_id_set and service_info.manufacturer_data:
for manufacturer_id in self.manufacturer_id_set.intersection(
for matcher in self.manufacturer_id[manufacturer_id]:
if ble_device_matches(matcher, service_info):
if self.service_uuid_set and service_info.service_uuids:
for service_uuid in self.service_uuid_set.intersection(
for matcher in self.service_uuid[service_uuid]:
if ble_device_matches(matcher, service_info):
return matches
class BluetoothMatcherIndex(BluetoothMatcherIndexBase[BluetoothMatcher]):
"""Bluetooth matcher for the bluetooth integration."""
class BluetoothCallbackMatcherIndex(
"""Bluetooth matcher for the bluetooth integration.
Supports matching on addresses.
def __init__(self) -> None:
"""Initialize the matcher index."""
self.address: dict[str, list[BluetoothCallbackMatcherWithCallback]] = {}
self.connectable: list[BluetoothCallbackMatcherWithCallback] = []
def add_callback_matcher(
self, matcher: BluetoothCallbackMatcherWithCallback
) -> None:
"""Add a matcher to the index.
Matchers must end up only in one bucket.
We put them in the bucket that they are most likely to match.
if ADDRESS in matcher:
self.address.setdefault(matcher[ADDRESS], []).append(matcher)
if super().add(matcher):
if CONNECTABLE in matcher:
def remove_callback_matcher(
self, matcher: BluetoothCallbackMatcherWithCallback
) -> None:
"""Remove a matcher from the index.
Matchers only end up in one bucket, so once we have
removed one, we are done.
if ADDRESS in matcher:
if super().remove(matcher):
if CONNECTABLE in matcher:
def match_callbacks(
self, service_info: BluetoothServiceInfoBleak
) -> list[BluetoothCallbackMatcherWithCallback]:
"""Check for a match."""
matches = self.match(service_info)
for matcher in self.address.get(service_info.address, []):
if ble_device_matches(matcher, service_info):
for matcher in self.connectable:
if ble_device_matches(matcher, service_info):
return matches
def _local_name_to_index_key(local_name: str) -> str:
"""Convert a local name to an index.
We check the local name matchers here and raise a ValueError
if they try to setup a matcher that will is overly broad
as would match too many devices and cause a performance hit.
if len(local_name) < LOCAL_NAME_MIN_MATCH_LENGTH:
raise ValueError(
"Local name matchers must be at least "
f"{LOCAL_NAME_MIN_MATCH_LENGTH} characters long ({local_name})"
match_part = local_name[:LOCAL_NAME_MIN_MATCH_LENGTH]
if "*" in match_part or "[" in match_part:
raise ValueError(
"Local name matchers may not have patterns in the first "
f"{LOCAL_NAME_MIN_MATCH_LENGTH} characters because they "
f"would match too broadly ({local_name})"
return match_part
def ble_device_matches(
matcher: BluetoothMatcherOptional,
service_info: BluetoothServiceInfoBleak,
) -> bool:
"""Check if a ble device and advertisement_data matches the matcher."""
# Don't check address here since all callers already
# check the address and we don't want to double check
# since it would result in an unreachable reject case.
if matcher.get(CONNECTABLE, True) and not service_info.connectable:
return False
advertisement_data = service_info.advertisement
if (
service_uuid := matcher.get(SERVICE_UUID)
) and service_uuid not in advertisement_data.service_uuids:
return False
if (
service_data_uuid := matcher.get(SERVICE_DATA_UUID)
) and service_data_uuid not in advertisement_data.service_data:
return False
if manfacturer_id := matcher.get(MANUFACTURER_ID):
if manfacturer_id not in advertisement_data.manufacturer_data:
return False
if manufacturer_data_start := matcher.get(MANUFACTURER_DATA_START):
manufacturer_data_start_bytes = bytearray(manufacturer_data_start)
if not any(
for manufacturer_data in advertisement_data.manufacturer_data.values()
return False
if (local_name := matcher.get(LOCAL_NAME)) and (
(device_name := advertisement_data.local_name or service_info.device.name)
is None
or not _memorized_fnmatch(
return False
return True
@lru_cache(maxsize=4096, typed=True)
def _compile_fnmatch(pattern: str) -> re.Pattern:
"""Compile a fnmatch pattern."""
return re.compile(translate(pattern))
@lru_cache(maxsize=1024, typed=True)
def _memorized_fnmatch(name: str, pattern: str) -> bool:
"""Memorized version of fnmatch that has a larger lru_cache.
The default version of fnmatch only has a lru_cache of 256 entries.
With many devices we quickly reach that limit and end up compiling
the same pattern over and over again.
Bluetooth has its own memorized fnmatch with its own lru_cache
since the data is going to be relatively the same
since the devices will not change frequently.
return bool(_compile_fnmatch(pattern).match(name))