208 lines
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208 lines
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Allows to setup simple automation rules via the config file.
For more details about this component, please refer to the documentation at
import logging
from homeassistant.bootstrap import prepare_setup_platform
from homeassistant.const import CONF_PLATFORM
from homeassistant.components import logbook
from homeassistant.helpers.service import call_from_config
DOMAIN = 'automation'
DEPENDENCIES = ['group']
CONF_ALIAS = 'alias'
CONF_SERVICE = 'service'
CONF_CONDITION = 'condition'
CONF_ACTION = 'action'
CONF_TRIGGER = 'trigger'
CONF_CONDITION_TYPE = 'condition_type'
CONDITION_USE_TRIGGER_VALUES = 'use_trigger_values'
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def setup(hass, config):
""" Sets up automation. """
config_key = DOMAIN
found = 1
while config_key in config:
# check for one block syntax
if isinstance(config[config_key], dict):
config_block = _migrate_old_config(config[config_key])
name = config_block.get(CONF_ALIAS, config_key)
_setup_automation(hass, config_block, name, config)
# check for multiple block syntax
elif isinstance(config[config_key], list):
for list_no, config_block in enumerate(config[config_key]):
name = config_block.get(CONF_ALIAS,
"{}, {}".format(config_key, list_no))
_setup_automation(hass, config_block, name, config)
# any scalar value is incorrect
_LOGGER.error('Error in config in section %s.', config_key)
found += 1
config_key = "{} {}".format(DOMAIN, found)
return True
def _setup_automation(hass, config_block, name, config):
""" Setup one instance of automation """
action = _get_action(hass, config_block.get(CONF_ACTION, {}), name)
if action is None:
return False
if CONF_CONDITION in config_block or CONF_CONDITION_TYPE in config_block:
action = _process_if(hass, config, config_block, action)
if action is None:
return False
_process_trigger(hass, config, config_block.get(CONF_TRIGGER, []), name,
return True
def _get_action(hass, config, name):
""" Return an action based on a config. """
if CONF_SERVICE not in config:
_LOGGER.error('Error setting up %s, no action specified.', name)
return None
def action():
""" Action to be executed. """
_LOGGER.info('Executing %s', name)
logbook.log_entry(hass, name, 'has been triggered', DOMAIN)
call_from_config(hass, config)
return action
def _migrate_old_config(config):
""" Migrate old config to new. """
if CONF_PLATFORM not in config:
return config
'You are using an old configuration format. Please upgrade: '
new_conf = {
CONF_TRIGGER: dict(config),
CONF_CONDITION: config.get('if', []),
CONF_ACTION: dict(config),
for cat, key, new_key in (('trigger', 'mqtt_topic', 'topic'),
('trigger', 'mqtt_payload', 'payload'),
('trigger', 'state_entity_id', 'entity_id'),
('trigger', 'state_before', 'before'),
('trigger', 'state_after', 'after'),
('trigger', 'state_to', 'to'),
('trigger', 'state_from', 'from'),
('trigger', 'state_hours', 'hours'),
('trigger', 'state_minutes', 'minutes'),
('trigger', 'state_seconds', 'seconds'),
('action', 'execute_service', 'service'),
('action', 'service_entity_id', 'entity_id'),
('action', 'service_data', 'data')):
if key in new_conf[cat]:
new_conf[cat][new_key] = new_conf[cat].pop(key)
return new_conf
def _process_if(hass, config, p_config, action):
""" Processes if checks. """
cond_type = p_config.get(CONF_CONDITION_TYPE,
if_configs = p_config.get(CONF_CONDITION)
use_trigger = if_configs == CONDITION_USE_TRIGGER_VALUES
if use_trigger:
if_configs = p_config[CONF_TRIGGER]
if isinstance(if_configs, dict):
if_configs = [if_configs]
checks = []
for if_config in if_configs:
platform = _resolve_platform('if_action', hass, config,
if platform is None:
check = platform.if_action(hass, if_config)
# Invalid conditions are allowed if we base it on trigger
if check is None and not use_trigger:
return None
if cond_type == CONDITION_TYPE_AND:
def if_action():
""" AND all conditions. """
if all(check() for check in checks):
def if_action():
""" OR all conditions. """
if any(check() for check in checks):
return if_action
def _process_trigger(hass, config, trigger_configs, name, action):
""" Setup triggers. """
if isinstance(trigger_configs, dict):
trigger_configs = [trigger_configs]
for conf in trigger_configs:
platform = _resolve_platform('trigger', hass, config,
if platform is None:
if platform.trigger(hass, conf, action):
_LOGGER.info("Initialized rule %s", name)
_LOGGER.error("Error setting up rule %s", name)
def _resolve_platform(method, hass, config, platform):
""" Find automation platform. """
if platform is None:
return None
platform = prepare_setup_platform(hass, config, DOMAIN, platform)
if platform is None or not hasattr(platform, method):
_LOGGER.error("Unknown automation platform specified for %s: %s",
method, platform)
return None
return platform