* Added Axis hub, binary sensors and camera * Added Axis logo to static images * Added Axis logo to configurator Added Axis mdns discovery * Fixed flake8 and pylint comments * Missed a change from list to function call V5 of axis py * Added dependencies to requirements_all.txt * Clean up * Added files to coveragerc * Guide lines says to import function when needed, this makes Tox pass * Removed storing hass in config until at the end where I send it to axisdevice * Don't call update in the constructor * Don't keep hass private * Unnecessary lint ignore, following Baloobs suggestion of using NotImplementedError * Axis package not in pypi yet * Do not catch bare excepts. Device schema validations raise vol.Invalid. * setup_device still adds hass object to the config, so the need to remove it prior to writing config file still remains * Don't expect axis.conf contains correct values * Improved configuration validation * Trigger time better explains functionality than scan interval * Forgot to remove this earlier * Guideline says double qoutes for sentences * Return false from discovery if config file contains bad data * Keys in AXIS_DEVICES are serialnumber * Ordered imports in alphabetical order * Moved requirement to pypi * Moved update callback that handles trigger time to axis binary sensor * Renamed configurator instance to request_id since that is what it really is * Removed unnecessary configurator steps * Changed link in configurator to platform documentation * Add not-context-manager (#7523) * Add not-context-manager * Add missing comma * Threadsafe configurator (#7536) * Make Configurator thread safe, get_instance timing issues breaking configurator working on multiple devices * No blank lines allowed after function docstring * Fix comment Tox * Added Axis hub, binary sensors and camera * Added Axis logo to static images * Added Axis logo to configurator Added Axis mdns discovery * Fixed flake8 and pylint comments * Missed a change from list to function call V5 of axis py * Added dependencies to requirements_all.txt * Clean up * Added files to coveragerc * Guide lines says to import function when needed, this makes Tox pass * Removed storing hass in config until at the end where I send it to axisdevice * Don't call update in the constructor * Don't keep hass private * Unnecessary lint ignore, following Baloobs suggestion of using NotImplementedError * Axis package not in pypi yet * Do not catch bare excepts. Device schema validations raise vol.Invalid. * setup_device still adds hass object to the config, so the need to remove it prior to writing config file still remains * Don't expect axis.conf contains correct values * Improved configuration validation * Trigger time better explains functionality than scan interval * Forgot to remove this earlier * Guideline says double qoutes for sentences * Return false from discovery if config file contains bad data * Keys in AXIS_DEVICES are serialnumber * Ordered imports in alphabetical order * Moved requirement to pypi * Moved update callback that handles trigger time to axis binary sensor * Renamed configurator instance to request_id since that is what it really is * Removed unnecessary configurator steps * Changed link in configurator to platform documentation * No blank lines allowed after function docstring * No blank lines allowed after function docstring * Changed discovery to use axis instead of axis_mdns * Travis CI requested rerun of script/gen_requirements_all.py
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Support for Axis devices.
For more details about this component, please refer to the documentation at
import json
import logging
import os
import voluptuous as vol
from homeassistant.const import (ATTR_LOCATION, ATTR_TRIPPED,
from homeassistant.components.discovery import SERVICE_AXIS
from homeassistant.helpers import config_validation as cv
from homeassistant.helpers import discovery
from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity
from homeassistant.loader import get_component
REQUIREMENTS = ['axis==7']
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
DOMAIN = 'axis'
CONFIG_FILE = 'axis.conf'
EVENT_TYPES = ['motion', 'vmd3', 'pir', 'sound',
'daynight', 'tampering', 'input']
PLATFORMS = ['camera']
DEVICE_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({
vol.All(cv.ensure_list, [vol.In(AXIS_INCLUDE)]),
vol.Optional(CONF_NAME): cv.string,
vol.Optional(CONF_HOST, default=AXIS_DEFAULT_HOST): cv.string,
vol.Optional(CONF_USERNAME, default=AXIS_DEFAULT_USERNAME): cv.string,
vol.Optional(CONF_PASSWORD, default=AXIS_DEFAULT_PASSWORD): cv.string,
vol.Optional(CONF_TRIGGER_TIME, default=0): cv.positive_int,
vol.Optional(ATTR_LOCATION, default=''): cv.string,
CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({
DOMAIN: vol.Schema({
}, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA)
def request_configuration(hass, name, host, serialnumber):
"""Request configuration steps from the user."""
configurator = get_component('configurator')
def configuration_callback(callback_data):
"""Called when config is submitted."""
if CONF_INCLUDE not in callback_data:
"Functionality mandatory.")
return False
callback_data[CONF_INCLUDE] = callback_data[CONF_INCLUDE].split()
callback_data[CONF_HOST] = host
if CONF_NAME not in callback_data:
callback_data[CONF_NAME] = name
config = DEVICE_SCHEMA(callback_data)
except vol.Invalid:
"Bad input, please check spelling.")
return False
if setup_device(hass, config):
config_file = _read_config(hass)
config_file[serialnumber] = dict(config)
del config_file[serialnumber]['hass']
_write_config(hass, config_file)
"Failed to register, please try again.")
return False
title = '{} ({})'.format(name, host)
request_id = configurator.request_config(
hass, title, configuration_callback,
description='Functionality: ' + str(AXIS_INCLUDE),
link_name='Axis platform documentation',
{'id': CONF_NAME,
'name': "Device name",
'type': 'text'},
'name': "User name",
'type': 'text'},
'name': 'Password',
'type': 'password'},
'name': "Device functionality (space separated list)",
'type': 'text'},
'name': "Physical location of device (optional)",
'type': 'text'},
'name': "Sensor update interval (optional)",
'type': 'number'},
def setup(hass, base_config):
"""Common setup for Axis devices."""
def _shutdown(call): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
"""Stop the metadatastream on shutdown."""
for serialnumber, device in AXIS_DEVICES.items():
_LOGGER.info("Stopping metadatastream for %s.", serialnumber)
hass.bus.listen_once(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, _shutdown)
def axis_device_discovered(service, discovery_info):
"""Called when axis devices has been found."""
host = discovery_info['host']
name = discovery_info['hostname']
serialnumber = discovery_info['properties']['macaddress']
if serialnumber not in AXIS_DEVICES:
config_file = _read_config(hass)
if serialnumber in config_file:
config = DEVICE_SCHEMA(config_file[serialnumber])
except vol.Invalid as err:
_LOGGER.error("Bad data from %s. %s", CONFIG_FILE, err)
return False
if not setup_device(hass, config):
_LOGGER.error("Couldn\'t set up %s", config['name'])
request_configuration(hass, name, host, serialnumber)
discovery.listen(hass, SERVICE_AXIS, axis_device_discovered)
if DOMAIN in base_config:
for device in base_config[DOMAIN]:
config = base_config[DOMAIN][device]
if CONF_NAME not in config:
config[CONF_NAME] = device
if not setup_device(hass, config):
_LOGGER.error("Couldn\'t set up %s", config['name'])
return True
def setup_device(hass, config):
"""Set up device."""
from axis import AxisDevice
config['hass'] = hass
device = AxisDevice(config) # Initialize device
enable_metadatastream = False
if device.serial_number is None:
# If there is no serial number a connection could not be made
_LOGGER.error("Couldn\'t connect to %s", config[CONF_HOST])
return False
for component in config[CONF_INCLUDE]:
if component in EVENT_TYPES:
# Sensors are created by device calling event_initialized
# when receiving initialize messages on metadatastream
device.add_event_topic(convert(component, 'type', 'subscribe'))
if not enable_metadatastream:
enable_metadatastream = True
discovery.load_platform(hass, component, DOMAIN, config)
if enable_metadatastream:
device.initialize_new_event = event_initialized
AXIS_DEVICES[device.serial_number] = device
return True
def _read_config(hass):
"""Read Axis config."""
path = hass.config.path(CONFIG_FILE)
if not os.path.isfile(path):
return {}
with open(path) as f_handle:
# Guard against empty file
return json.loads(f_handle.read() or '{}')
def _write_config(hass, config):
"""Write Axis config."""
data = json.dumps(config)
with open(hass.config.path(CONFIG_FILE), 'w', encoding='utf-8') as outfile:
def event_initialized(event):
"""Register event initialized on metadatastream here."""
hass = event.device_config('hass')
convert(event.topic, 'topic', 'platform'),
DOMAIN, {'axis_event': event})
class AxisDeviceEvent(Entity):
"""Representation of a Axis device event."""
def __init__(self, axis_event):
"""Initialize the event."""
self.axis_event = axis_event
self._event_class = convert(self.axis_event.topic, 'topic', 'class')
self._name = '{}_{}_{}'.format(self.axis_event.device_name,
'topic', 'type'),
self.axis_event.callback = self._update_callback
def _update_callback(self):
"""Update the sensor's state, if needed."""
def name(self):
"""Return the name of the event."""
return self._name
def device_class(self):
"""Return the class of the event."""
return self._event_class
def should_poll(self):
"""No polling needed."""
return False
def device_state_attributes(self):
"""Return the state attributes of the event."""
attr = {}
tripped = self.axis_event.is_tripped
attr[ATTR_TRIPPED] = 'True' if tripped else 'False'
location = self.axis_event.device_config(ATTR_LOCATION)
if location:
attr[ATTR_LOCATION] = location
return attr
def convert(item, from_key, to_key):
"""Translate between Axis and HASS syntax."""
for entry in REMAP:
if entry[from_key] == item:
return entry[to_key]
REMAP = [{'type': 'motion',
'class': 'motion',
'topic': 'tns1:VideoAnalytics/tnsaxis:MotionDetection',
'subscribe': 'onvif:VideoAnalytics/axis:MotionDetection',
'platform': 'binary_sensor'},
{'type': 'vmd3',
'class': 'motion',
'topic': 'tns1:RuleEngine/tnsaxis:VMD3/vmd3_video_1',
'subscribe': 'onvif:RuleEngine/axis:VMD3/vmd3_video_1',
'platform': 'binary_sensor'},
{'type': 'pir',
'class': 'motion',
'topic': 'tns1:Device/tnsaxis:Sensor/PIR',
'subscribe': 'onvif:Device/axis:Sensor/axis:PIR',
'platform': 'binary_sensor'},
{'type': 'sound',
'class': 'sound',
'topic': 'tns1:AudioSource/tnsaxis:TriggerLevel',
'subscribe': 'onvif:AudioSource/axis:TriggerLevel',
'platform': 'binary_sensor'},
{'type': 'daynight',
'class': 'light',
'topic': 'tns1:VideoSource/tnsaxis:DayNightVision',
'subscribe': 'onvif:VideoSource/axis:DayNightVision',
'platform': 'binary_sensor'},
{'type': 'tampering',
'class': 'safety',
'topic': 'tns1:VideoSource/tnsaxis:Tampering',
'subscribe': 'onvif:VideoSource/axis:Tampering',
'platform': 'binary_sensor'},
{'type': 'input',
'class': 'input',
'topic': 'tns1:Device/tnsaxis:IO/Port',
'subscribe': 'onvif:Device/axis:IO/Port',
'platform': 'sensor'}, ]