523 lines
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523 lines
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"""The tests for the Cast Media player platform."""
# pylint: disable=protected-access
from typing import Optional
from uuid import UUID
from asynctest import MagicMock, Mock, patch
import attr
import pytest
from homeassistant.components.cast import media_player as cast
from homeassistant.components.cast.media_player import ChromecastInfo
from homeassistant.const import EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP
from homeassistant.exceptions import PlatformNotReady
from homeassistant.helpers.typing import HomeAssistantType
from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component
from tests.common import MockConfigEntry
def cast_mock():
"""Mock pychromecast."""
pycast_mock = MagicMock()
pycast_mock.start_discovery.return_value = (None, Mock())
dial_mock = MagicMock(name="XXX")
dial_mock.get_device_status.return_value.uuid = "fake_uuid"
dial_mock.get_device_status.return_value.manufacturer = "fake_manufacturer"
dial_mock.get_device_status.return_value.model_name = "fake_model_name"
dial_mock.get_device_status.return_value.friendly_name = "fake_friendly_name"
with patch(
"homeassistant.components.cast.media_player.pychromecast", pycast_mock
), patch(
"homeassistant.components.cast.discovery.pychromecast", pycast_mock
), patch(
"homeassistant.components.cast.media_player.MultizoneManager", MagicMock()
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
FakeUUID = UUID("57355bce-9364-4aa6-ac1e-eb849dccf9e2")
FakeUUID2 = UUID("57355bce-9364-4aa6-ac1e-eb849dccf9e4")
FakeGroupUUID = UUID("57355bce-9364-4aa6-ac1e-eb849dccf9e3")
def get_fake_chromecast(info: ChromecastInfo):
"""Generate a Fake Chromecast object with the specified arguments."""
mock = MagicMock(host=info.host, port=info.port, uuid=info.uuid)
mock.media_controller.status = None
return mock
def get_fake_chromecast_info(
host="", port=8009, uuid: Optional[UUID] = FakeUUID
"""Generate a Fake ChromecastInfo with the specified arguments."""
return ChromecastInfo(
host=host, port=port, uuid=uuid, friendly_name="Speaker", service="the-service"
async def async_setup_cast(hass, config=None, discovery_info=None):
"""Set up the cast platform."""
if config is None:
config = {}
add_entities = Mock()
await cast.async_setup_platform(
hass, config, add_entities, discovery_info=discovery_info
await hass.async_block_till_done()
return add_entities
async def async_setup_cast_internal_discovery(hass, config=None, discovery_info=None):
"""Set up the cast platform and the discovery."""
listener = MagicMock(services={})
browser = MagicMock(zc={})
with patch(
return_value=(listener, browser),
) as start_discovery:
add_entities = await async_setup_cast(hass, config, discovery_info)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert start_discovery.call_count == 1
discovery_callback = start_discovery.call_args[0][0]
def discover_chromecast(service_name: str, info: ChromecastInfo) -> None:
"""Discover a chromecast device."""
listener.services[service_name] = (
return discover_chromecast, add_entities
async def async_setup_media_player_cast(hass: HomeAssistantType, info: ChromecastInfo):
"""Set up the cast platform with async_setup_component."""
listener = MagicMock(services={})
browser = MagicMock(zc={})
chromecast = get_fake_chromecast(info)
cast.CastStatusListener = MagicMock()
with patch(
) as get_chromecast, patch(
return_value=(listener, browser),
) as start_discovery:
await async_setup_component(
{"media_player": {"platform": "cast", "host": info.host}},
await hass.async_block_till_done()
discovery_callback = start_discovery.call_args[0][0]
def discover_chromecast(service_name: str, info: ChromecastInfo) -> None:
"""Discover a chromecast device."""
listener.services[service_name] = (
discover_chromecast("the-service", info)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert get_chromecast.call_count == 1
assert cast.CastStatusListener.call_count == 1
entity = cast.CastStatusListener.call_args[0][0]
return chromecast, entity
async def test_start_discovery_called_once(hass):
"""Test pychromecast.start_discovery called exactly once."""
with patch(
return_value=(None, Mock()),
) as start_discovery:
await async_setup_cast(hass)
assert start_discovery.call_count == 1
await async_setup_cast(hass)
assert start_discovery.call_count == 1
async def test_stop_discovery_called_on_stop(hass):
"""Test pychromecast.stop_discovery called on shutdown."""
browser = MagicMock(zc={})
with patch(
return_value=(None, browser),
) as start_discovery:
# start_discovery should be called with empty config
await async_setup_cast(hass, {})
assert start_discovery.call_count == 1
with patch(
) as stop_discovery:
# stop discovery should be called on shutdown
await hass.async_block_till_done()
with patch(
return_value=(None, browser),
) as start_discovery:
# start_discovery should be called again on re-startup
await async_setup_cast(hass)
assert start_discovery.call_count == 1
async def test_create_cast_device_without_uuid(hass):
"""Test create a cast device with no UUId does not create an entity."""
info = get_fake_chromecast_info(uuid=None)
cast_device = cast._async_create_cast_device(hass, info)
assert cast_device is None
async def test_create_cast_device_with_uuid(hass):
"""Test create cast devices with UUID creates entities."""
added_casts = hass.data[cast.ADDED_CAST_DEVICES_KEY] = set()
info = get_fake_chromecast_info()
cast_device = cast._async_create_cast_device(hass, info)
assert cast_device is not None
assert info.uuid in added_casts
# Sending second time should not create new entity
cast_device = cast._async_create_cast_device(hass, info)
assert cast_device is None
async def test_replay_past_chromecasts(hass):
"""Test cast platform re-playing past chromecasts when adding new one."""
cast_group1 = get_fake_chromecast_info(host="host1", port=42)
cast_group2 = get_fake_chromecast_info(
host="host2", port=42, uuid=UUID("9462202c-e747-4af5-a66b-7dce0e1ebc09")
discover_cast, add_dev1 = await async_setup_cast_internal_discovery(
hass, discovery_info={"host": "host1", "port": 42}
discover_cast("service2", cast_group2)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert add_dev1.call_count == 0
discover_cast("service1", cast_group1)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
await hass.async_block_till_done() # having tasks that add jobs
assert add_dev1.call_count == 1
add_dev2 = await async_setup_cast(
hass, discovery_info={"host": "host2", "port": 42}
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert add_dev2.call_count == 1
async def test_manual_cast_chromecasts(hass):
"""Test only wanted casts are added for manual configuration."""
cast_1 = get_fake_chromecast_info(host="configured_host")
cast_2 = get_fake_chromecast_info(host="other_host", uuid=FakeUUID2)
# Manual configuration of media player with host "configured_host"
discover_cast, add_dev1 = await async_setup_cast_internal_discovery(
hass, config={"host": "configured_host"}
discover_cast("service2", cast_2)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
await hass.async_block_till_done() # having tasks that add jobs
assert add_dev1.call_count == 0
discover_cast("service1", cast_1)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
await hass.async_block_till_done() # having tasks that add jobs
assert add_dev1.call_count == 1
async def test_auto_cast_chromecasts(hass):
"""Test all discovered casts are added for default configuration."""
cast_1 = get_fake_chromecast_info(host="some_host")
cast_2 = get_fake_chromecast_info(host="other_host", uuid=FakeUUID2)
# Manual configuration of media player with host "configured_host"
discover_cast, add_dev1 = await async_setup_cast_internal_discovery(hass)
discover_cast("service2", cast_2)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
await hass.async_block_till_done() # having tasks that add jobs
assert add_dev1.call_count == 1
discover_cast("service1", cast_1)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
await hass.async_block_till_done() # having tasks that add jobs
assert add_dev1.call_count == 2
async def test_update_cast_chromecasts(hass):
"""Test discovery of same UUID twice only adds one cast."""
cast_1 = get_fake_chromecast_info(host="old_host")
cast_2 = get_fake_chromecast_info(host="new_host")
# Manual configuration of media player with host "configured_host"
discover_cast, add_dev1 = await async_setup_cast_internal_discovery(hass)
discover_cast("service1", cast_1)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
await hass.async_block_till_done() # having tasks that add jobs
assert add_dev1.call_count == 1
discover_cast("service2", cast_2)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
await hass.async_block_till_done() # having tasks that add jobs
assert add_dev1.call_count == 1
async def test_entity_media_states(hass: HomeAssistantType):
"""Test various entity media states."""
info = get_fake_chromecast_info()
full_info = attr.evolve(
info, model_name="google home", friendly_name="Speaker", uuid=FakeUUID
chromecast, entity = await async_setup_media_player_cast(hass, info)
entity._available = True
await hass.async_block_till_done()
state = hass.states.get("media_player.speaker")
assert state is not None
assert state.name == "Speaker"
assert state.state == "unknown"
assert entity.unique_id == full_info.uuid
media_status = MagicMock(images=None)
media_status.player_is_playing = True
await hass.async_block_till_done()
state = hass.states.get("media_player.speaker")
assert state.state == "playing"
media_status.player_is_playing = False
media_status.player_is_paused = True
await hass.async_block_till_done()
state = hass.states.get("media_player.speaker")
assert state.state == "paused"
media_status.player_is_paused = False
media_status.player_is_idle = True
await hass.async_block_till_done()
state = hass.states.get("media_player.speaker")
assert state.state == "idle"
media_status.player_is_idle = False
chromecast.is_idle = True
await hass.async_block_till_done()
state = hass.states.get("media_player.speaker")
assert state.state == "off"
chromecast.is_idle = False
await hass.async_block_till_done()
state = hass.states.get("media_player.speaker")
assert state.state == "unknown"
async def test_group_media_states(hass: HomeAssistantType):
"""Test media states are read from group if entity has no state."""
info = get_fake_chromecast_info()
full_info = attr.evolve(
info, model_name="google home", friendly_name="Speaker", uuid=FakeUUID
chromecast, entity = await async_setup_media_player_cast(hass, info)
entity._available = True
await hass.async_block_till_done()
state = hass.states.get("media_player.speaker")
assert state is not None
assert state.name == "Speaker"
assert state.state == "unknown"
assert entity.unique_id == full_info.uuid
group_media_status = MagicMock(images=None)
player_media_status = MagicMock(images=None)
# Player has no state, group is playing -> Should report 'playing'
group_media_status.player_is_playing = True
entity.multizone_new_media_status(str(FakeGroupUUID), group_media_status)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
state = hass.states.get("media_player.speaker")
assert state.state == "playing"
# Player is paused, group is playing -> Should report 'paused'
player_media_status.player_is_playing = False
player_media_status.player_is_paused = True
await hass.async_block_till_done()
await hass.async_block_till_done()
state = hass.states.get("media_player.speaker")
assert state.state == "paused"
# Player is in unknown state, group is playing -> Should report 'playing'
player_media_status.player_state = "UNKNOWN"
await hass.async_block_till_done()
state = hass.states.get("media_player.speaker")
assert state.state == "playing"
async def test_group_media_control(hass: HomeAssistantType):
"""Test media states are read from group if entity has no state."""
info = get_fake_chromecast_info()
full_info = attr.evolve(
info, model_name="google home", friendly_name="Speaker", uuid=FakeUUID
chromecast, entity = await async_setup_media_player_cast(hass, info)
entity._available = True
state = hass.states.get("media_player.speaker")
assert state is not None
assert state.name == "Speaker"
assert state.state == "unknown"
assert entity.unique_id == full_info.uuid
group_media_status = MagicMock(images=None)
player_media_status = MagicMock(images=None)
# Player has no state, group is playing -> Should forward calls to group
group_media_status.player_is_playing = True
entity.multizone_new_media_status(str(FakeGroupUUID), group_media_status)
grp_media = entity.mz_mgr.get_multizone_mediacontroller(str(FakeGroupUUID))
assert grp_media.play.called
assert not chromecast.media_controller.play.called
# Player is paused, group is playing -> Should not forward
player_media_status.player_is_playing = False
player_media_status.player_is_paused = True
grp_media = entity.mz_mgr.get_multizone_mediacontroller(str(FakeGroupUUID))
assert not grp_media.pause.called
assert chromecast.media_controller.pause.called
# Player is in unknown state, group is playing -> Should forward to group
player_media_status.player_state = "UNKNOWN"
grp_media = entity.mz_mgr.get_multizone_mediacontroller(str(FakeGroupUUID))
assert grp_media.stop.called
assert not chromecast.media_controller.stop.called
# Verify play_media is not forwarded
entity.play_media(None, None)
assert not grp_media.play_media.called
assert chromecast.media_controller.play_media.called
async def test_disconnect_on_stop(hass: HomeAssistantType):
"""Test cast device disconnects socket on stop."""
info = get_fake_chromecast_info()
chromecast, _ = await async_setup_media_player_cast(hass, info)
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert chromecast.disconnect.call_count == 1
async def test_entry_setup_no_config(hass: HomeAssistantType):
"""Test setting up entry with no config.."""
await async_setup_component(hass, "cast", {})
with patch(
) as mock_setup:
await cast.async_setup_entry(hass, MockConfigEntry(), None)
assert len(mock_setup.mock_calls) == 1
assert mock_setup.mock_calls[0][1][1] == {}
async def test_entry_setup_single_config(hass: HomeAssistantType):
"""Test setting up entry and having a single config option."""
await async_setup_component(
hass, "cast", {"cast": {"media_player": {"host": "bla"}}}
with patch(
) as mock_setup:
await cast.async_setup_entry(hass, MockConfigEntry(), None)
assert len(mock_setup.mock_calls) == 1
assert mock_setup.mock_calls[0][1][1] == {"host": "bla"}
async def test_entry_setup_list_config(hass: HomeAssistantType):
"""Test setting up entry and having multiple config options."""
await async_setup_component(
hass, "cast", {"cast": {"media_player": [{"host": "bla"}, {"host": "blu"}]}}
with patch(
) as mock_setup:
await cast.async_setup_entry(hass, MockConfigEntry(), None)
assert len(mock_setup.mock_calls) == 2
assert mock_setup.mock_calls[0][1][1] == {"host": "bla"}
assert mock_setup.mock_calls[1][1][1] == {"host": "blu"}
async def test_entry_setup_platform_not_ready(hass: HomeAssistantType):
"""Test failed setting up entry will raise PlatformNotReady."""
await async_setup_component(
hass, "cast", {"cast": {"media_player": {"host": "bla"}}}
with patch(
) as mock_setup:
with pytest.raises(PlatformNotReady):
await cast.async_setup_entry(hass, MockConfigEntry(), None)
assert len(mock_setup.mock_calls) == 1
assert mock_setup.mock_calls[0][1][1] == {"host": "bla"}