Paulus Schoutsen 994b829cb4
add_devices -> add_entities ()
* add_devices -> add_entities

* Lint

* PyLint

* Revert external method in scsgate
2018-08-24 16:37:30 +02:00

212 lines
7.9 KiB

Support gathering system information of hosts which are running glances.
For more details about this platform, please refer to the documentation at
from datetime import timedelta
import logging
import voluptuous as vol
from homeassistant.components.sensor import PLATFORM_SCHEMA
from homeassistant.const import (
from homeassistant.exceptions import PlatformNotReady
from homeassistant.helpers.aiohttp_client import async_get_clientsession
import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv
from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity
from homeassistant.util import Throttle
REQUIREMENTS = ['glances_api==0.1.0']
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
CONF_VERSION = 'version'
DEFAULT_HOST = 'localhost'
DEFAULT_NAME = 'Glances'
DEFAULT_PORT = '61208'
MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_UPDATES = timedelta(minutes=1)
'disk_use_percent': ['Disk used', '%', 'mdi:harddisk'],
'disk_use': ['Disk used', 'GiB', 'mdi:harddisk'],
'disk_free': ['Disk free', 'GiB', 'mdi:harddisk'],
'memory_use_percent': ['RAM used', '%', 'mdi:memory'],
'memory_use': ['RAM used', 'MiB', 'mdi:memory'],
'memory_free': ['RAM free', 'MiB', 'mdi:memory'],
'swap_use_percent': ['Swap used', '%', 'mdi:memory'],
'swap_use': ['Swap used', 'GiB', 'mdi:memory'],
'swap_free': ['Swap free', 'GiB', 'mdi:memory'],
'processor_load': ['CPU load', '15 min', 'mdi:memory'],
'process_running': ['Running', 'Count', 'mdi:memory'],
'process_total': ['Total', 'Count', 'mdi:memory'],
'process_thread': ['Thread', 'Count', 'mdi:memory'],
'process_sleeping': ['Sleeping', 'Count', 'mdi:memory'],
'cpu_temp': ['CPU Temp', TEMP_CELSIUS, 'mdi:thermometer'],
'docker_active': ['Containers active', '', 'mdi:docker'],
'docker_cpu_use': ['Containers CPU used', '%', 'mdi:docker'],
'docker_memory_use': ['Containers RAM used', 'MiB', 'mdi:docker'],
vol.Required(CONF_HOST, default=DEFAULT_HOST): cv.string,
vol.Optional(CONF_NAME, default=DEFAULT_NAME): cv.string,
vol.Optional(CONF_PORT, default=DEFAULT_PORT): cv.port,
vol.Optional(CONF_RESOURCES, default=['disk_use']):
vol.All(cv.ensure_list, [vol.In(SENSOR_TYPES)]),
vol.Optional(CONF_VERSION, default=DEFAULT_VERSION): vol.In([2, 3]),
async def async_setup_platform(
hass, config, async_add_entities, discovery_info=None):
"""Set up the Glances sensors."""
from glances_api import Glances
name = config.get(CONF_NAME)
host = config.get(CONF_HOST)
port = config.get(CONF_PORT)
version = config.get(CONF_VERSION)
var_conf = config.get(CONF_RESOURCES)
session = async_get_clientsession(hass)
glances = GlancesData(
Glances(hass.loop, session, host=host, port=port, version=version))
await glances.async_update()
if glances.api.data is None:
raise PlatformNotReady
dev = []
for resource in var_conf:
dev.append(GlancesSensor(glances, name, resource))
async_add_entities(dev, True)
class GlancesSensor(Entity):
"""Implementation of a Glances sensor."""
def __init__(self, glances, name, sensor_type):
"""Initialize the sensor."""
self.glances = glances
self._name = name
self.type = sensor_type
self._state = None
self._unit_of_measurement = SENSOR_TYPES[sensor_type][1]
def name(self):
"""Return the name of the sensor."""
return '{} {}'.format(self._name, SENSOR_TYPES[self.type][0])
def icon(self):
"""Icon to use in the frontend, if any."""
return SENSOR_TYPES[self.type][2]
def unit_of_measurement(self):
"""Return the unit the value is expressed in."""
return self._unit_of_measurement
def available(self):
"""Could the device be accessed during the last update call."""
return self.glances.available
def state(self):
"""Return the state of the resources."""
return self._state
async def async_update(self):
"""Get the latest data from REST API."""
await self.glances.async_update()
value = self.glances.api.data
if value is not None:
if self.type == 'disk_use_percent':
self._state = value['fs'][0]['percent']
elif self.type == 'disk_use':
self._state = round(value['fs'][0]['used'] / 1024**3, 1)
elif self.type == 'disk_free':
self._state = round(value['fs'][0]['free'] / 1024**3, 1)
except KeyError:
self._state = round((value['fs'][0]['size'] -
value['fs'][0]['used']) / 1024**3, 1)
elif self.type == 'memory_use_percent':
self._state = value['mem']['percent']
elif self.type == 'memory_use':
self._state = round(value['mem']['used'] / 1024**2, 1)
elif self.type == 'memory_free':
self._state = round(value['mem']['free'] / 1024**2, 1)
elif self.type == 'swap_use_percent':
self._state = value['memswap']['percent']
elif self.type == 'swap_use':
self._state = round(value['memswap']['used'] / 1024**3, 1)
elif self.type == 'swap_free':
self._state = round(value['memswap']['free'] / 1024**3, 1)
elif self.type == 'processor_load':
# Windows systems don't provide load details
self._state = value['load']['min15']
except KeyError:
self._state = value['cpu']['total']
elif self.type == 'process_running':
self._state = value['processcount']['running']
elif self.type == 'process_total':
self._state = value['processcount']['total']
elif self.type == 'process_thread':
self._state = value['processcount']['thread']
elif self.type == 'process_sleeping':
self._state = value['processcount']['sleeping']
elif self.type == 'cpu_temp':
for sensor in value['sensors']:
if sensor['label'] in ['CPU', "Package id 0",
"Physical id 0"]:
self._state = sensor['value']
elif self.type == 'docker_active':
count = 0
for container in value['docker']['containers']:
if container['Status'] == 'running' or \
'Up' in container['Status']:
count += 1
self._state = count
elif self.type == 'docker_cpu_use':
use = 0.0
for container in value['docker']['containers']:
use += container['cpu']['total']
self._state = round(use, 1)
elif self.type == 'docker_memory_use':
use = 0.0
for container in value['docker']['containers']:
use += container['memory']['usage']
self._state = round(use / 1024**2, 1)
class GlancesData:
"""The class for handling the data retrieval."""
def __init__(self, api):
"""Initialize the data object."""
self.api = api
self.available = True
async def async_update(self):
"""Get the latest data from the Glances REST API."""
from glances_api.exceptions import GlancesApiError
await self.api.get_data()
self.available = True
except GlancesApiError:
_LOGGER.error("Unable to fetch data from Glances")
self.available = False