Ville Skyttä b92350fb55 Lint cleanup (#15103)
* Remove unneeded inline pylint disables

* Remove unneeded noqa's

* Use symbol names instead of message ids in inline pylint disables
2018-06-25 13:05:07 -04:00

484 lines
17 KiB

Support the ISY-994 controllers.
For configuration details please visit the documentation for this component at
import asyncio
from collections import namedtuple
import logging
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import voluptuous as vol
from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant
from homeassistant.const import (
from homeassistant.helpers import discovery, config_validation as cv
from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity
from homeassistant.helpers.typing import ConfigType, Dict
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
DOMAIN = 'isy994'
CONF_IGNORE_STRING = 'ignore_string'
CONF_SENSOR_STRING = 'sensor_string'
CONF_ENABLE_CLIMATE = 'enable_climate'
CONF_TLS_VER = 'tls'
KEY_ACTIONS = 'actions'
KEY_FOLDER = 'folder'
KEY_MY_PROGRAMS = 'My Programs'
KEY_STATUS = 'status'
CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({
DOMAIN: vol.Schema({
vol.Required(CONF_HOST): cv.url,
vol.Required(CONF_USERNAME): cv.string,
vol.Required(CONF_PASSWORD): cv.string,
vol.Optional(CONF_TLS_VER): vol.Coerce(float),
default=DEFAULT_IGNORE_STRING): cv.string,
default=DEFAULT_SENSOR_STRING): cv.string,
default=True): cv.boolean
}, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA)
# Do not use the Hass consts for the states here - we're matching exact API
# responses, not using them for Hass states
'binary_sensor': {
'uom': [],
'states': [],
'node_def_id': ['BinaryAlarm'],
'insteon_type': ['16.'] # Does a startswith() match; include the dot
'sensor': {
# This is just a more-readable way of including MOST uoms between 1-100
# (Remember that range() is non-inclusive of the stop value)
'uom': (['1'] +
list(map(str, range(3, 11))) +
list(map(str, range(12, 51))) +
list(map(str, range(52, 66))) +
list(map(str, range(69, 78))) +
['79'] +
list(map(str, range(82, 97)))),
'states': [],
'node_def_id': ['IMETER_SOLO'],
'insteon_type': ['9.0.', '9.7.']
'lock': {
'uom': ['11'],
'states': ['locked', 'unlocked'],
'node_def_id': ['DoorLock'],
'insteon_type': ['15.']
'fan': {
'uom': [],
'states': ['off', 'low', 'med', 'high'],
'node_def_id': ['FanLincMotor'],
'insteon_type': ['1.46.']
'cover': {
'uom': ['97'],
'states': ['open', 'closed', 'closing', 'opening', 'stopped'],
'node_def_id': [],
'insteon_type': []
'light': {
'uom': ['51'],
'states': ['on', 'off', '%'],
'node_def_id': ['DimmerLampSwitch', 'DimmerLampSwitch_ADV',
'DimmerSwitchOnly', 'DimmerSwitchOnly_ADV',
'DimmerLampOnly', 'BallastRelayLampSwitch',
'RemoteLinc2', 'RemoteLinc2_ADV'],
'insteon_type': ['1.']
'switch': {
'uom': ['2', '78'],
'states': ['on', 'off'],
'node_def_id': ['OnOffControl', 'RelayLampSwitch',
'RelayLampSwitch_ADV', 'RelaySwitchOnlyPlusQuery',
'RelaySwitchOnlyPlusQuery_ADV', 'RelayLampOnly',
'RelayLampOnly_ADV', 'KeypadButton',
'KeypadButton_ADV', 'EZRAIN_Input', 'EZRAIN_Output',
'EZIO2x4_Input', 'EZIO2x4_Input_ADV', 'BinaryControl',
'BinaryControl_ADV', 'AlertModuleSiren',
'AlertModuleSiren_ADV', 'AlertModuleArmed', 'Siren',
'insteon_type': ['2.', '9.10.', '9.11.']
SUPPORTED_DOMAINS = ['binary_sensor', 'sensor', 'lock', 'fan', 'cover',
'light', 'switch']
SUPPORTED_PROGRAM_DOMAINS = ['binary_sensor', 'lock', 'fan', 'cover', 'switch']
# ISY Scenes are more like Switches than Hass Scenes
# (they can turn off, and report their state)
SCENE_DOMAIN = 'switch'
ISY994_NODES = "isy994_nodes"
ISY994_WEATHER = "isy994_weather"
ISY994_PROGRAMS = "isy994_programs"
WeatherNode = namedtuple('WeatherNode', ('status', 'name', 'uom'))
def _check_for_node_def(hass: HomeAssistant, node,
single_domain: str = None) -> bool:
"""Check if the node matches the node_def_id for any domains.
This is only present on the 5.0 ISY firmware, and is the most reliable
way to determine a device's type.
if not hasattr(node, 'node_def_id') or node.node_def_id is None:
# Node doesn't have a node_def (pre 5.0 firmware most likely)
return False
node_def_id = node.node_def_id
domains = SUPPORTED_DOMAINS if not single_domain else [single_domain]
for domain in domains:
if node_def_id in NODE_FILTERS[domain]['node_def_id']:
return True
return False
def _check_for_insteon_type(hass: HomeAssistant, node,
single_domain: str = None) -> bool:
"""Check if the node matches the Insteon type for any domains.
This is for (presumably) every version of the ISY firmware, but only
works for Insteon device. "Node Server" (v5+) and Z-Wave and others will
not have a type.
if not hasattr(node, 'type') or node.type is None:
# Node doesn't have a type (non-Insteon device most likely)
return False
device_type = node.type
domains = SUPPORTED_DOMAINS if not single_domain else [single_domain]
for domain in domains:
if any([device_type.startswith(t) for t in
# Hacky special-case just for FanLinc, which has a light module
# as one of its nodes. Note that this special-case is not necessary
# on ISY 5.x firmware as it uses the superior NodeDefs method
if domain == 'fan' and int(node.nid[-1]) == 1:
return True
return True
return False
def _check_for_uom_id(hass: HomeAssistant, node,
single_domain: str = None,
uom_list: list = None) -> bool:
"""Check if a node's uom matches any of the domains uom filter.
This is used for versions of the ISY firmware that report uoms as a single
ID. We can often infer what type of device it is by that ID.
if not hasattr(node, 'uom') or node.uom is None:
# Node doesn't have a uom (Scenes for example)
return False
node_uom = set(map(str.lower, node.uom))
if uom_list:
if node_uom.intersection(uom_list):
return True
domains = SUPPORTED_DOMAINS if not single_domain else [single_domain]
for domain in domains:
if node_uom.intersection(NODE_FILTERS[domain]['uom']):
return True
return False
def _check_for_states_in_uom(hass: HomeAssistant, node,
single_domain: str = None,
states_list: list = None) -> bool:
"""Check if a list of uoms matches two possible filters.
This is for versions of the ISY firmware that report uoms as a list of all
possible "human readable" states. This filter passes if all of the possible
states fit inside the given filter.
if not hasattr(node, 'uom') or node.uom is None:
# Node doesn't have a uom (Scenes for example)
return False
node_uom = set(map(str.lower, node.uom))
if states_list:
if node_uom == set(states_list):
return True
domains = SUPPORTED_DOMAINS if not single_domain else [single_domain]
for domain in domains:
if node_uom == set(NODE_FILTERS[domain]['states']):
return True
return False
def _is_sensor_a_binary_sensor(hass: HomeAssistant, node) -> bool:
"""Determine if the given sensor node should be a binary_sensor."""
if _check_for_node_def(hass, node, single_domain='binary_sensor'):
return True
if _check_for_insteon_type(hass, node, single_domain='binary_sensor'):
return True
# For the next two checks, we're providing our own set of uoms that
# represent on/off devices. This is because we can only depend on these
# checks in the context of already knowing that this is definitely a
# sensor device.
if _check_for_uom_id(hass, node, single_domain='binary_sensor',
uom_list=['2', '78']):
return True
if _check_for_states_in_uom(hass, node, single_domain='binary_sensor',
states_list=['on', 'off']):
return True
return False
def _categorize_nodes(hass: HomeAssistant, nodes, ignore_identifier: str,
sensor_identifier: str)-> None:
"""Sort the nodes to their proper domains."""
for (path, node) in nodes:
ignored = ignore_identifier in path or ignore_identifier in node.name
if ignored:
# Don't import this node as a device at all
from PyISY.Nodes import Group
if isinstance(node, Group):
if sensor_identifier in path or sensor_identifier in node.name:
# User has specified to treat this as a sensor. First we need to
# determine if it should be a binary_sensor.
if _is_sensor_a_binary_sensor(hass, node):
# We have a bunch of different methods for determining the device type,
# each of which works with different ISY firmware versions or device
# family. The order here is important, from most reliable to least.
if _check_for_node_def(hass, node):
if _check_for_insteon_type(hass, node):
if _check_for_uom_id(hass, node):
if _check_for_states_in_uom(hass, node):
def _categorize_programs(hass: HomeAssistant, programs: dict) -> None:
"""Categorize the ISY994 programs."""
folder = programs[KEY_MY_PROGRAMS]['HA.{}'.format(domain)]
except KeyError:
for dtype, _, node_id in folder.children:
if dtype != KEY_FOLDER:
entity_folder = folder[node_id]
status = entity_folder[KEY_STATUS]
assert status.dtype == 'program', 'Not a program'
if domain != 'binary_sensor':
actions = entity_folder[KEY_ACTIONS]
assert actions.dtype == 'program', 'Not a program'
actions = None
except (AttributeError, KeyError, AssertionError):
_LOGGER.warning("Program entity '%s' not loaded due "
"to invalid folder structure.",
entity = (entity_folder.name, status, actions)
def _categorize_weather(hass: HomeAssistant, climate) -> None:
"""Categorize the ISY994 weather data."""
climate_attrs = dir(climate)
weather_nodes = [WeatherNode(getattr(climate, attr),
attr.replace('_', ' '),
getattr(climate, '{}_units'.format(attr)))
for attr in climate_attrs
if '{}_units'.format(attr) in climate_attrs]
def setup(hass: HomeAssistant, config: ConfigType) -> bool:
"""Set up the ISY 994 platform."""
hass.data[ISY994_NODES] = {}
for domain in SUPPORTED_DOMAINS:
hass.data[ISY994_NODES][domain] = []
hass.data[ISY994_WEATHER] = []
hass.data[ISY994_PROGRAMS] = {}
for domain in SUPPORTED_DOMAINS:
hass.data[ISY994_PROGRAMS][domain] = []
isy_config = config.get(DOMAIN)
user = isy_config.get(CONF_USERNAME)
password = isy_config.get(CONF_PASSWORD)
tls_version = isy_config.get(CONF_TLS_VER)
host = urlparse(isy_config.get(CONF_HOST))
ignore_identifier = isy_config.get(CONF_IGNORE_STRING)
sensor_identifier = isy_config.get(CONF_SENSOR_STRING)
enable_climate = isy_config.get(CONF_ENABLE_CLIMATE)
if host.scheme == 'http':
https = False
port = host.port or 80
elif host.scheme == 'https':
https = True
port = host.port or 443
_LOGGER.error("isy994 host value in configuration is invalid")
return False
import PyISY
# Connect to ISY controller.
isy = PyISY.ISY(host.hostname, port, username=user, password=password,
use_https=https, tls_ver=tls_version, log=_LOGGER)
if not isy.connected:
return False
_categorize_nodes(hass, isy.nodes, ignore_identifier, sensor_identifier)
_categorize_programs(hass, isy.programs)
if enable_climate and isy.configuration.get('Weather Information'):
_categorize_weather(hass, isy.climate)
def stop(event: object) -> None:
"""Stop ISY auto updates."""
isy.auto_update = False
# Listen for HA stop to disconnect.
hass.bus.listen_once(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, stop)
# Load platforms for the devices in the ISY controller that we support.
for component in SUPPORTED_DOMAINS:
discovery.load_platform(hass, component, DOMAIN, {}, config)
isy.auto_update = True
return True
class ISYDevice(Entity):
"""Representation of an ISY994 device."""
_attrs = {}
_name = None # type: str
def __init__(self, node) -> None:
"""Initialize the insteon device."""
self._node = node
self._change_handler = None
self._control_handler = None
def async_added_to_hass(self) -> None:
"""Subscribe to the node change events."""
self._change_handler = self._node.status.subscribe(
'changed', self.on_update)
if hasattr(self._node, 'controlEvents'):
self._control_handler = self._node.controlEvents.subscribe(
def on_update(self, event: object) -> None:
"""Handle the update event from the ISY994 Node."""
def on_control(self, event: object) -> None:
"""Handle a control event from the ISY994 Node."""
self.hass.bus.fire('isy994_control', {
'entity_id': self.entity_id,
'control': event
def unique_id(self) -> str:
"""Get the unique identifier of the device."""
# pylint: disable=protected-access
if hasattr(self._node, '_id'):
return self._node._id
return None
def name(self) -> str:
"""Get the name of the device."""
return self._name or str(self._node.name)
def should_poll(self) -> bool:
"""No polling required since we're using the subscription."""
return False
def value(self) -> int:
"""Get the current value of the device."""
# pylint: disable=protected-access
return self._node.status._val
def is_unknown(self) -> bool:
"""Get whether or not the value of this Entity's node is unknown.
PyISY reports unknown values as -inf
return self.value == -1 * float('inf')
def state(self):
"""Return the state of the ISY device."""
if self.is_unknown():
return None
return super().state
def device_state_attributes(self) -> Dict:
"""Get the state attributes for the device."""
attr = {}
if hasattr(self._node, 'aux_properties'):
for name, val in self._node.aux_properties.items():
attr[name] = '{} {}'.format(val.get('value'), val.get('uom'))
return attr