Paulus Schoutsen 7edf14e55f Add Intent component (#8434)
* Add intent component

* Add intent script component

* Add shopping list component

* Convert Snips to use intent component

* Convert Alexa to use intent component

* Lint

* Fix Alexa tests

* Update snips test

* Add intent support to conversation

* Add API to view shopping list contents

* Lint

* Fix demo test

* Lint

* lint

* Remove type from slot schema

* Add dependency to conversation

* Move intent to be a helper

* Fix conversation

* Clean up intent helper

* Fix Alexa

* Snips to use new hass.components

* Allow registering intents with conversation at any point in time

* Shopping list to register sentences

* Add HTTP endpoint to Conversation

* Add async action option to intent_script

* Update API.ai to use intents

* Cleanup Alexa

* Shopping list component to register built-in panel

* Rename shopping list intent to inlude Hass name
2017-07-21 21:38:53 -07:00

133 lines
3.8 KiB

Support for API.AI webhook.
For more details about this component, please refer to the documentation at
import asyncio
import logging
import voluptuous as vol
from homeassistant.const import PROJECT_NAME, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST
from homeassistant.helpers import intent, template
from homeassistant.components.http import HomeAssistantView
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
CONF_INTENTS = 'intents'
CONF_SPEECH = 'speech'
CONF_ACTION = 'action'
CONF_ASYNC_ACTION = 'async_action'
DOMAIN = 'apiai'
CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({
}, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA)
def async_setup(hass, config):
"""Activate API.AI component."""
return True
class ApiaiIntentsView(HomeAssistantView):
"""Handle API.AI requests."""
name = 'api:apiai'
def post(self, request):
"""Handle API.AI."""
hass = request.app['hass']
data = yield from request.json()
_LOGGER.debug("Received api.ai request: %s", data)
req = data.get('result')
if req is None:
_LOGGER.error("Received invalid data from api.ai: %s", data)
return self.json_message(
"Expected result value not received", HTTP_BAD_REQUEST)
action_incomplete = req['actionIncomplete']
if action_incomplete:
return None
action = req.get('action')
parameters = req.get('parameters')
apiai_response = ApiaiResponse(parameters)
if action == "":
_LOGGER.warning("Received intent with empty action")
"You have not defined an action in your api.ai intent.")
return self.json(apiai_response)
intent_response = yield from intent.async_handle(
hass, DOMAIN, action,
{key: {'value': value} for key, value
in parameters.items()})
except intent.UnknownIntent as err:
_LOGGER.warning('Received unknown intent %s', action)
"This intent is not yet configured within Home Assistant.")
return self.json(apiai_response)
except intent.InvalidSlotInfo as err:
_LOGGER.error('Received invalid slot data: %s', err)
return self.json_message('Invalid slot data received',
except intent.IntentError:
_LOGGER.exception('Error handling request for %s', action)
return self.json_message('Error handling intent', HTTP_BAD_REQUEST)
if 'plain' in intent_response.speech:
return self.json(apiai_response)
class ApiaiResponse(object):
"""Help generating the response for API.AI."""
def __init__(self, parameters):
"""Initialize the response."""
self.speech = None
self.parameters = {}
# Parameter names replace '.' and '-' for '_'
for key, value in parameters.items():
underscored_key = key.replace('.', '_').replace('-', '_')
self.parameters[underscored_key] = value
def add_speech(self, text):
"""Add speech to the response."""
assert self.speech is None
if isinstance(text, template.Template):
text = text.async_render(self.parameters)
self.speech = text
def as_dict(self):
"""Return response in an API.AI valid dict."""
return {
'speech': self.speech,
'displayText': self.speech,
'source': PROJECT_NAME,