
186 lines
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"""Gather info for scaffolding."""
import json
from homeassistant.util import slugify
from script.hassfest.manifest import SUPPORTED_IOT_CLASSES
from .const import COMPONENT_DIR
from .error import ExitApp
from .model import Info
CHECK_EMPTY = ["Cannot be empty", lambda value: value]
def gather_info(arguments) -> Info:
"""Gather info."""
if arguments.integration:
info = {"domain": arguments.integration}
elif arguments.develop:
print("Running in developer mode. Automatically filling in info.")
info = {"domain": "develop"}
info = _gather_info(
"domain": {
"prompt": "What is the domain?",
"validators": [
"Domains cannot contain spaces or special characters.",
lambda value: value == slugify(value),
info["is_new"] = not (COMPONENT_DIR / info["domain"] / "manifest.json").exists()
if not info["is_new"]:
return _load_existing_integration(info["domain"])
if arguments.develop:
"name": "Develop Hub",
"codeowner": "@developer",
"requirement": "aiodevelop==1.2.3",
"oauth2": True,
"iot_class": "local_polling",
info.update(gather_new_integration(arguments.template == "integration"))
return Info(**info)
YES_NO = {
"validators": [["Type either 'yes' or 'no'", lambda value: value in ("yes", "no")]],
"converter": lambda value: value == "yes",
def gather_new_integration(determine_auth: bool) -> Info:
"""Gather info about new integration from user."""
fields = {
"name": {
"prompt": "What is the name of your integration?",
"validators": [CHECK_EMPTY],
"codeowner": {
"prompt": "What is your GitHub handle?",
"validators": [
'GitHub handles need to start with an "@"',
lambda value: value.startswith("@"),
"requirement": {
"prompt": "What PyPI package and version do you depend on? Leave blank for none.",
"validators": [
"Versions should be pinned using '=='.",
lambda value: not value or "==" in value,
"iot_class": {
"prompt": (
f"""How will your integration gather data?
Valid values are {', '.join(SUPPORTED_IOT_CLASSES)}
More info @ https://developers.home-assistant.io/docs/creating_integration_manifest#iot-class
"validators": [
f"You need to pick one of {', '.join(SUPPORTED_IOT_CLASSES)}",
lambda value: value in SUPPORTED_IOT_CLASSES,
if determine_auth:
"authentication": {
"prompt": "Does Home Assistant need the user to authenticate to control the device/service? (yes/no)",
"default": "yes",
"discoverable": {
"prompt": "Is the device/service discoverable on the local network? (yes/no)",
"default": "no",
"helper": {
"prompt": "Is this a helper integration? (yes/no)",
"default": "no",
"oauth2": {
"prompt": "Can the user authenticate the device using OAuth2? (yes/no)",
"default": "no",
return _gather_info(fields)
def _load_existing_integration(domain) -> Info:
"""Load an existing integration."""
if not (COMPONENT_DIR / domain).exists():
raise ExitApp("Integration does not exist", 1)
manifest = json.loads((COMPONENT_DIR / domain / "manifest.json").read_text())
return Info(domain=domain, name=manifest["name"], is_new=False)
def _gather_info(fields) -> dict:
"""Gather info from user."""
answers = {}
for key, info in fields.items():
hint = None
while key not in answers:
if hint is not None:
print(f"Error: {hint}")
msg = info["prompt"]
if "default" in info:
msg += f" [{info['default']}]"
value = input(f"{msg}\n> ")
except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError) as err:
raise ExitApp("Interrupted!", 1) from err
value = value.strip()
if value == "" and "default" in info:
value = info["default"]
hint = None
for validator_hint, validator in info["validators"]:
if not validator(value):
hint = validator_hint
if hint is None:
if "converter" in info:
value = info["converter"](value)
answers[key] = value
return answers