2020-01-03 00:02:59 +01:00

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"""Axis switch platform tests."""
from unittest.mock import Mock, call as mock_call
from homeassistant.components import axis
import homeassistant.components.switch as switch
from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component
from .test_device import NAME, setup_axis_integration
"operation": "Initialized",
"topic": "tns1:Device/Trigger/Relay",
"source": "RelayToken",
"source_idx": "0",
"type": "LogicalState",
"value": "inactive",
"operation": "Initialized",
"topic": "tns1:Device/Trigger/Relay",
"source": "RelayToken",
"source_idx": "1",
"type": "LogicalState",
"value": "active",
async def test_platform_manually_configured(hass):
"""Test that nothing happens when platform is manually configured."""
assert await async_setup_component(
hass, switch.DOMAIN, {"switch": {"platform": axis.DOMAIN}}
assert axis.DOMAIN not in hass.data
async def test_no_switches(hass):
"""Test that no output events in Axis results in no switch entities."""
await setup_axis_integration(hass)
assert not hass.states.async_entity_ids("switch")
async def test_switches(hass):
"""Test that switches are loaded properly."""
device = await setup_axis_integration(hass)
device.api.vapix.ports = {"0": Mock(), "1": Mock()}
device.api.vapix.ports["0"].name = "Doorbell"
device.api.vapix.ports["1"].name = ""
for event in EVENTS:
await hass.async_block_till_done()
assert len(hass.states.async_entity_ids("switch")) == 2
relay_0 = hass.states.get(f"switch.{NAME}_doorbell")
assert relay_0.state == "off"
assert relay_0.name == f"{NAME} Doorbell"
relay_1 = hass.states.get(f"switch.{NAME}_relay_1")
assert relay_1.state == "on"
assert relay_1.name == f"{NAME} Relay 1"
device.api.vapix.ports["0"].action = Mock()
await hass.services.async_call(
"switch", "turn_on", {"entity_id": f"switch.{NAME}_doorbell"}, blocking=True
await hass.services.async_call(
"switch", "turn_off", {"entity_id": f"switch.{NAME}_doorbell"}, blocking=True
assert device.api.vapix.ports["0"].action.call_args_list == [