"""Support for Todoist task management (https://todoist.com).""" from __future__ import annotations import asyncio from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta from itertools import chain import logging from typing import Any import uuid from todoist_api_python.api_async import TodoistAPIAsync from todoist_api_python.endpoints import get_sync_url from todoist_api_python.headers import create_headers from todoist_api_python.models import Label, Task import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.calendar import ( PLATFORM_SCHEMA, CalendarEntity, CalendarEvent, ) from homeassistant.const import CONF_ID, CONF_NAME, CONF_TOKEN from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, ServiceCall from homeassistant.helpers.aiohttp_client import async_get_clientsession import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.helpers.entity_platform import AddEntitiesCallback from homeassistant.helpers.typing import ConfigType, DiscoveryInfoType from homeassistant.util import dt from .const import ( ALL_DAY, ALL_TASKS, ASSIGNEE, COMPLETED, CONF_EXTRA_PROJECTS, CONF_PROJECT_DUE_DATE, CONF_PROJECT_LABEL_WHITELIST, CONF_PROJECT_WHITELIST, CONTENT, DESCRIPTION, DOMAIN, DUE_DATE, DUE_DATE_LANG, DUE_DATE_STRING, DUE_DATE_VALID_LANGS, DUE_TODAY, END, LABELS, OVERDUE, PRIORITY, PROJECT_NAME, REMINDER_DATE, REMINDER_DATE_LANG, REMINDER_DATE_STRING, SERVICE_NEW_TASK, START, SUMMARY, ) from .types import CalData, CustomProject, ProjectData, TodoistEvent _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) NEW_TASK_SERVICE_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( { vol.Required(CONTENT): cv.string, vol.Optional(PROJECT_NAME, default="inbox"): vol.All(cv.string, vol.Lower), vol.Optional(LABELS): cv.ensure_list_csv, vol.Optional(ASSIGNEE): cv.string, vol.Optional(PRIORITY): vol.All(vol.Coerce(int), vol.Range(min=1, max=4)), vol.Exclusive(DUE_DATE_STRING, "due_date"): cv.string, vol.Optional(DUE_DATE_LANG): vol.All(cv.string, vol.In(DUE_DATE_VALID_LANGS)), vol.Exclusive(DUE_DATE, "due_date"): cv.string, vol.Exclusive(REMINDER_DATE_STRING, "reminder_date"): cv.string, vol.Optional(REMINDER_DATE_LANG): vol.All( cv.string, vol.In(DUE_DATE_VALID_LANGS) ), vol.Exclusive(REMINDER_DATE, "reminder_date"): cv.string, } ) PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend( { vol.Required(CONF_TOKEN): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_EXTRA_PROJECTS, default=[]): vol.All( cv.ensure_list, vol.Schema( [ vol.Schema( { vol.Required(CONF_NAME): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_PROJECT_DUE_DATE): vol.Coerce(int), vol.Optional(CONF_PROJECT_WHITELIST, default=[]): vol.All( cv.ensure_list, [vol.All(cv.string, vol.Lower)] ), vol.Optional( CONF_PROJECT_LABEL_WHITELIST, default=[] ): vol.All(cv.ensure_list, [vol.All(cv.string)]), } ) ] ), ), } ) SCAN_INTERVAL = timedelta(minutes=1) async def async_setup_platform( hass: HomeAssistant, config: ConfigType, async_add_entities: AddEntitiesCallback, discovery_info: DiscoveryInfoType | None = None, ) -> None: """Set up the Todoist platform.""" token = config[CONF_TOKEN] # Look up IDs based on (lowercase) names. project_id_lookup = {} label_id_lookup = {} collaborator_id_lookup = {} api = TodoistAPIAsync(token) # Setup devices: # Grab all projects. projects = await api.get_projects() collaborator_tasks = (api.get_collaborators(project.id) for project in projects) collaborators = list(chain.from_iterable(await asyncio.gather(*collaborator_tasks))) # Grab all labels labels = await api.get_labels() # Add all Todoist-defined projects. project_devices = [] for project in projects: # Project is an object, not a dict! # Because of that, we convert what we need to a dict. project_data: ProjectData = {CONF_NAME: project.name, CONF_ID: project.id} project_devices.append(TodoistProjectEntity(project_data, labels, api)) # Cache the names so we can easily look up name->ID. project_id_lookup[project.name.lower()] = project.id # Cache all label names label_id_lookup = {label.name.lower(): label.id for label in labels} collaborator_id_lookup = { collab.name.lower(): collab.id for collab in collaborators } # Check config for more projects. extra_projects: list[CustomProject] = config[CONF_EXTRA_PROJECTS] for extra_project in extra_projects: # Special filter: By date project_due_date = extra_project.get(CONF_PROJECT_DUE_DATE) # Special filter: By label project_label_filter = extra_project[CONF_PROJECT_LABEL_WHITELIST] # Special filter: By name # Names must be converted into IDs. project_name_filter = extra_project[CONF_PROJECT_WHITELIST] project_id_filter: list[str] | None = None if project_name_filter is not None: project_id_filter = [ project_id_lookup[project_name.lower()] for project_name in project_name_filter ] # Create the custom project and add it to the devices array. project_devices.append( TodoistProjectEntity( {"id": None, "name": extra_project["name"]}, labels, api, due_date_days=project_due_date, whitelisted_labels=project_label_filter, whitelisted_projects=project_id_filter, ) ) async_add_entities(project_devices) session = async_get_clientsession(hass) async def handle_new_task(call: ServiceCall) -> None: """Call when a user creates a new Todoist Task from Home Assistant.""" project_name = call.data[PROJECT_NAME] project_id = project_id_lookup[project_name] # Create the task content = call.data[CONTENT] data: dict[str, Any] = {"project_id": project_id} if task_labels := call.data.get(LABELS): data["label_ids"] = [ label_id_lookup[label.lower()] for label in task_labels ] if ASSIGNEE in call.data: task_assignee = call.data[ASSIGNEE].lower() if task_assignee in collaborator_id_lookup: data["assignee"] = collaborator_id_lookup[task_assignee] else: raise ValueError( f"User is not part of the shared project. user: {task_assignee}" ) if PRIORITY in call.data: data["priority"] = call.data[PRIORITY] if DUE_DATE_STRING in call.data: data["due_string"] = call.data[DUE_DATE_STRING] if DUE_DATE_LANG in call.data: data["due_lang"] = call.data[DUE_DATE_LANG] if DUE_DATE in call.data: due_date = dt.parse_datetime(call.data[DUE_DATE]) if due_date is None: due = dt.parse_date(call.data[DUE_DATE]) if due is None: raise ValueError(f"Invalid due_date: {call.data[DUE_DATE]}") due_date = datetime(due.year, due.month, due.day) # Format it in the manner Todoist expects due_date = dt.as_utc(due_date) date_format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S" data["due_datetime"] = datetime.strftime(due_date, date_format) api_task = await api.add_task(content, **data) # @NOTE: The rest-api doesn't support reminders, this works manually using # the sync api, in order to keep functional parity with the component. # https://developer.todoist.com/sync/v9/#reminders sync_url = get_sync_url("sync") _reminder_due: dict = {} if REMINDER_DATE_STRING in call.data: _reminder_due["string"] = call.data[REMINDER_DATE_STRING] if REMINDER_DATE_LANG in call.data: _reminder_due["lang"] = call.data[REMINDER_DATE_LANG] if REMINDER_DATE in call.data: due_date = dt.parse_datetime(call.data[REMINDER_DATE]) if due_date is None: due = dt.parse_date(call.data[REMINDER_DATE]) if due is None: raise ValueError( f"Invalid reminder_date: {call.data[REMINDER_DATE]}" ) due_date = datetime(due.year, due.month, due.day) # Format it in the manner Todoist expects due_date = dt.as_utc(due_date) date_format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S" _reminder_due["date"] = datetime.strftime(due_date, date_format) async def add_reminder(reminder_due: dict): reminder_data = { "commands": [ { "type": "reminder_add", "temp_id": str(uuid.uuid1()), "uuid": str(uuid.uuid1()), "args": {"item_id": api_task.id, "due": reminder_due}, } ] } headers = create_headers(token=token, with_content=True) return await session.post(sync_url, headers=headers, json=reminder_data) if _reminder_due: await add_reminder(_reminder_due) _LOGGER.debug("Created Todoist task: %s", call.data[CONTENT]) hass.services.async_register( DOMAIN, SERVICE_NEW_TASK, handle_new_task, schema=NEW_TASK_SERVICE_SCHEMA ) class TodoistProjectEntity(CalendarEntity): """A device for getting the next Task from a Todoist Project.""" def __init__( self, data: ProjectData, labels: list[Label], api: TodoistAPIAsync, due_date_days: int | None = None, whitelisted_labels: list[str] | None = None, whitelisted_projects: list[str] | None = None, ) -> None: """Create the Todoist Calendar Entity.""" self.data = TodoistProjectData( data, labels, api, due_date_days=due_date_days, whitelisted_labels=whitelisted_labels, whitelisted_projects=whitelisted_projects, ) self._cal_data: CalData = {} self._name = data[CONF_NAME] self._attr_unique_id = ( str(data[CONF_ID]) if data.get(CONF_ID) is not None else None ) @property def event(self) -> CalendarEvent | None: """Return the next upcoming event.""" return self.data.calendar_event @property def name(self) -> str: """Return the name of the entity.""" return self._name async def async_update(self) -> None: """Update all Todoist Calendars.""" await self.data.async_update() # Set Todoist-specific data that can't easily be grabbed self._cal_data["all_tasks"] = [ task[SUMMARY] for task in self.data.all_project_tasks ] async def async_get_events( self, hass: HomeAssistant, start_date: datetime, end_date: datetime, ) -> list[CalendarEvent]: """Get all events in a specific time frame.""" return await self.data.async_get_events(start_date, end_date) @property def extra_state_attributes(self) -> dict[str, Any] | None: """Return the device state attributes.""" if self.data.event is None: # No tasks, we don't REALLY need to show anything. return None return { DUE_TODAY: self.data.event[DUE_TODAY], OVERDUE: self.data.event[OVERDUE], ALL_TASKS: self._cal_data[ALL_TASKS], PRIORITY: self.data.event[PRIORITY], LABELS: self.data.event[LABELS], } class TodoistProjectData: """Class used by the Task Entity service object to hold all Todoist Tasks. This is analogous to the GoogleCalendarData found in the Google Calendar component. Takes an object with a 'name' field and optionally an 'id' field (either user-defined or from the Todoist API), a Todoist API token, and an optional integer specifying the latest number of days from now a task can be due (7 means everything due in the next week, 0 means today, etc.). This object has an exposed 'event' property (used by the Calendar platform to determine the next calendar event) and an exposed 'update' method (used by the Calendar platform to poll for new calendar events). The 'event' is a representation of a Todoist Task, with defined parameters of 'due_today' (is the task due today?), 'all_day' (does the task have a due date?), 'task_labels' (all labels assigned to the task), 'message' (the content of the task, e.g. 'Fetch Mail'), 'description' (a URL pointing to the task on the Todoist website), 'end_time' (what time the event is due), 'start_time' (what time this event was last updated), 'overdue' (is the task past its due date?), 'priority' (1-4, how important the task is, with 4 being the most important), and 'all_tasks' (all tasks in this project, sorted by how important they are). 'offset_reached', 'location', and 'friendly_name' are defined by the platform itself, but are not used by this component at all. The 'update' method polls the Todoist API for new projects/tasks, as well as any updates to current projects/tasks. This occurs every SCAN_INTERVAL minutes. """ def __init__( self, project_data: ProjectData, labels: list[Label], api: TodoistAPIAsync, due_date_days: int | None = None, whitelisted_labels: list[str] | None = None, whitelisted_projects: list[str] | None = None, ) -> None: """Initialize a Todoist Project.""" self.event: TodoistEvent | None = None self._api = api self._name = project_data[CONF_NAME] # If no ID is defined, fetch all tasks. self._id = project_data.get(CONF_ID) # All labels the user has defined, for easy lookup. self._labels = labels # Not tracked: order, indent, comment_count. self.all_project_tasks: list[TodoistEvent] = [] # The days a task can be due (for making lists of everything # due today, or everything due in the next week, for example). self._due_date_days: timedelta | None = None if due_date_days is not None: self._due_date_days = timedelta(days=due_date_days) # Only tasks with one of these labels will be included. self._label_whitelist: list[str] = [] if whitelisted_labels is not None: self._label_whitelist = whitelisted_labels # This project includes only projects with these names. self._project_id_whitelist: list[str] = [] if whitelisted_projects is not None: self._project_id_whitelist = whitelisted_projects @property def calendar_event(self) -> CalendarEvent | None: """Return the next upcoming calendar event.""" if not self.event: return None start = self.event[START] if self.event.get(ALL_DAY) or self.event[END] is None: return CalendarEvent( summary=self.event[SUMMARY], start=start.date(), end=start.date() + timedelta(days=1), ) return CalendarEvent( summary=self.event[SUMMARY], start=start, end=self.event[END] ) def create_todoist_task(self, data: Task): """Create a dictionary based on a Task passed from the Todoist API. Will return 'None' if the task is to be filtered out. """ task: TodoistEvent = { ALL_DAY: False, COMPLETED: data.is_completed, DESCRIPTION: f"https://todoist.com/showTask?id={data.id}", DUE_TODAY: False, END: None, LABELS: [], OVERDUE: False, PRIORITY: data.priority, START: dt.utcnow(), SUMMARY: data.content, } # All task Labels (optional parameter). task[LABELS] = [ label.name for label in self._labels if label.name in data.labels ] if self._label_whitelist and ( not any(label in task[LABELS] for label in self._label_whitelist) ): # We're not on the whitelist, return invalid task. return None # Due dates (optional parameter). # The due date is the END date -- the task cannot be completed # past this time. # That means that the START date is the earliest time one can # complete the task. # Generally speaking, that means right now. if data.due is not None: end = dt.parse_datetime( data.due.datetime if data.due.datetime else data.due.date ) task[END] = dt.as_utc(end) if end is not None else end if task[END] is not None: if self._due_date_days is not None and ( task[END] > dt.utcnow() + self._due_date_days ): # This task is out of range of our due date; # it shouldn't be counted. return None task[DUE_TODAY] = task[END].date() == dt.utcnow().date() # Special case: Task is overdue. if task[END] <= task[START]: task[OVERDUE] = True # Set end time to the current time plus 1 hour. # We're pretty much guaranteed to update within that 1 hour, # so it should be fine. task[END] = task[START] + timedelta(hours=1) else: task[OVERDUE] = False else: # If we ask for everything due before a certain date, don't count # things which have no due dates. if self._due_date_days is not None: return None # Define values for tasks without due dates task[END] = None task[ALL_DAY] = True task[DUE_TODAY] = False task[OVERDUE] = False # Not tracked: id, comments, project_id order, indent, recurring. return task @staticmethod def select_best_task(project_tasks: list[TodoistEvent]) -> TodoistEvent: """Search through a list of events for the "best" event to select. The "best" event is determined by the following criteria: * A proposed event must not be completed * A proposed event must have an end date (otherwise we go with the event at index 0, selected above) * A proposed event must be on the same day or earlier as our current event * If a proposed event is an earlier day than what we have so far, select it * If a proposed event is on the same day as our current event and the proposed event has a higher priority than our current event, select it * If a proposed event is on the same day as our current event, has the same priority as our current event, but is due earlier in the day, select it """ # Start at the end of the list, so if tasks don't have a due date # the newest ones are the most important. event = project_tasks[-1] for proposed_event in project_tasks: if event == proposed_event: continue if proposed_event[COMPLETED]: # Event is complete! continue if proposed_event[END] is None: # No end time: if event[END] is None and (proposed_event[PRIORITY] < event[PRIORITY]): # They also have no end time, # but we have a higher priority. event = proposed_event continue if event[END] is None: # We have an end time, they do not. event = proposed_event continue if proposed_event[END].date() > event[END].date(): # Event is too late. continue if proposed_event[END].date() < event[END].date(): # Event is earlier than current, select it. event = proposed_event continue if proposed_event[PRIORITY] > event[PRIORITY]: # Proposed event has a higher priority. event = proposed_event continue if proposed_event[PRIORITY] == event[PRIORITY] and ( event[END] is not None and proposed_event[END] < event[END] ): event = proposed_event continue return event async def async_get_events( self, start_date: datetime, end_date: datetime ) -> list[CalendarEvent]: """Get all tasks in a specific time frame.""" if self._id is None: tasks = await self._api.get_tasks() project_task_data = [ task for task in tasks if not self._project_id_whitelist or task.project_id in self._project_id_whitelist ] else: project_task_data = await self._api.get_tasks(project_id=self._id) events = [] for task in project_task_data: if task.due is None: continue due_date = dt.parse_datetime( task.due.datetime if task.due.datetime else task.due.date ) if not due_date: continue due_date = dt.as_utc(due_date) if start_date < due_date < end_date: due_date_value: datetime | date = due_date midnight = dt.start_of_local_day(due_date) if due_date == midnight: # If the due date has no time data, return just the date so that it # will render correctly as an all day event on a calendar. due_date_value = due_date.date() event = CalendarEvent( summary=task.content, start=due_date_value, end=due_date_value + timedelta(days=1), ) events.append(event) return events async def async_update(self) -> None: """Get the latest data.""" if self._id is None: tasks = await self._api.get_tasks() project_task_data = [ task for task in tasks if not self._project_id_whitelist or task.project_id in self._project_id_whitelist ] else: project_task_data = await self._api.get_tasks(project_id=self._id) # If we have no data, we can just return right away. if not project_task_data: _LOGGER.debug("No data for %s", self._name) self.event = None return # Keep an updated list of all tasks in this project. project_tasks = [] for task in project_task_data: todoist_task = self.create_todoist_task(task) if todoist_task is not None: # A None task means it is invalid for this project project_tasks.append(todoist_task) if not project_tasks: # We had no valid tasks _LOGGER.debug("No valid tasks for %s", self._name) self.event = None return # Make sure the task collection is reset to prevent an # infinite collection repeating the same tasks self.all_project_tasks.clear() # Organize the best tasks (so users can see all the tasks # they have, organized) while project_tasks: best_task = self.select_best_task(project_tasks) _LOGGER.debug("Found Todoist Task: %s", best_task[SUMMARY]) project_tasks.remove(best_task) self.all_project_tasks.append(best_task) event = self.all_project_tasks[0] if event is None or event[START] is None: _LOGGER.debug("No valid event or event start for %s", self._name) self.event = None return self.event = event _LOGGER.debug("Updated %s", self._name)